Custom Pin-Out Spreadsheets Created in Landscape Mode:
Portrait Mode results in malformed columns - CAD
- CAD drawings of component and connector locations
- Connectors
- Diodes
- How to isolate and block door triggers & sensors
- DTC Troubleshooting
- Electrical Connectors & Terminal Locations (OEM)
- How to identify and number Honda connectors and terminals
- Electrical Symbols (OEM)
- Electrical symbols used in Honda schematics
- FuseBox
- Fuse Lists, Relay Circuit Board info, UH & UD Fuse Boxes
- Junction Connector (Circuits)
- Junction connector circuit locations
- Junction Connectors
- Junction locations and pin-outs
- Relays
- Diagrams for 2nd Accessory, 2nd Ignition, Starter Kill, etc.
- Schematics
I have referenced source material from where it was collated (if known or easy to determine).
If coming across info I forgot to add source links to, please let me know so I can correct it with it's proper sources.