diff --git a/docs/articles/vignette_getting_started.html b/docs/articles/vignette_getting_started.html index 2e1f1ace..7f9b40e3 100644 --- a/docs/articles/vignette_getting_started.html +++ b/docs/articles/vignette_getting_started.html @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
Note that if Exist_Prebuilt is TRUE
for a dataset, it
diff --git a/docs/articles/vignette_processing_flow.html b/docs/articles/vignette_processing_flow.html
index 75bbb2ab..e8f83106 100644
--- a/docs/articles/vignette_processing_flow.html
+++ b/docs/articles/vignette_processing_flow.html
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
+# Download the latest TM (bilateral trade) from FAOSTAT
+# To the path specified in DIR_RAW_DATA_FAOSTAT (see constants.R)
+ OverWrite = TRUE)
+# We could use module_xfaostat_L101_RawDataPreProc6_TM to clean and process the data
+# But here we visualize the raw data directly for continence (TM data is huge)
+# and also because the updates will be included later
+# Load raw data
+# Date 10-31-2023
+FAOSTAT_load_raw_data(DATASETCODE = "TM",
+TM %>%
+ filter(year %in% c(2020:2021),
+ item_code == 15, # Wheat
+ element %in% c("Export Quantity")) %>%
+ select(source = reporter_countries,
+ area = partner_countries, item,
+ element, year, value, unit) ->
+ TM_Wheat
+TM_Wheat %>%
+ rm_accent("area", "source") %>%
+ mutate(value = value / 1000000) %>% #Mt
+ mutate(area = replace(area, area == "United States of America", "USA")) %>%
+ mutate(area = replace(area, area == "United Arab Emirates", "UAE")) %>%
+ mutate(area = replace(area, area == "Democratic Republic of the Congo", "DR Congo")) %>%
+ mutate(area = gsub(" Federation| of Great Britain and Northern Ireland| Province of| \\(Bolivarian Republic of\\)|United Republic of | \\(Islamic Republic of\\)|\\(Kingdom of the\\)", "", area)) %>%
+ mutate(source = replace(source, source == "United States of America", "USA")) %>%
+ mutate(source = replace(source, source == "United Arab Emirates", "UAE")) %>%
+ mutate(source = replace(source, source == "Democratic Republic of the Congo", "DR Congo")) %>%
+ mutate(source = gsub(" Federation| of Great Britain and Northern Ireland| Province of| \\(Bolivarian Republic of\\)|United Republic of | \\(Islamic Republic of\\)|\\(Kingdom of the\\)", "", source)) %>%
+ select(REG_ex = source, REG_im = area, flow = value, year) ->
+ TM_Wheat_1
+# focus on key players
+TM_Wheat_1 %>% filter(year == 2020) %>% top_n(35, flow) %>%
+ select(REG_ex, REG_im) %>% unlist %>%
+ unique() -> KeyPlayers
+TM_Wheat_1 %>%
+ mutate(REG_ex = replace(REG_ex, !REG_ex %in% KeyPlayers, "ROW")) %>%
+ mutate(REG_im = replace(REG_im, !REG_im %in% KeyPlayers, "ROW")) %>%
+ # aggregate small players
+ group_by(REG_ex, REG_im, year) %>%
+ summarise(flow = sum(flow), .groups = "drop") ->
+ dat_circular
+dat_circular %>% group_by(year) %>% summarise(flow = sum(flow))
+# A wrapper function
+chord_wrapper <- function(.DF,
+ .FigTitle = NULL,
+ .SaveDir = "../man/figures",
+ .SaveName,
+ .SaveScaler = 1){
+ # treemap save to a path
+ png(filename= file.path(.SaveDir, paste0(.SaveName,".png")), res = 600,
+ width= 7000 * .SaveScaler, height= 7000 * .SaveScaler )
+ chordDiagram(as.data.frame(.DF),
+ transparency = 0.5,
+ directional = 1,
+ direction.type = c("diffHeight", "arrows"),
+ diffHeight = -uh(2, "mm")
+ ,link.arr.type = "big.arrow"
+ ,annotationTrack = c("grid")
+ ,grid.col = .GRIDCOLOR
+ ,order = .ORDER
+ ,preAllocateTracks = list(list(track.height = c(0.3))
+ ,list(track.height = c(0.035))
+ ))
+ title(main = .FigTitle)
+ circos.track(track.index = 3, panel.fun = function(x, y) {
+ circos.axis(h = 1, labels.cex = 0.8)
+ }, bg.border = NA)
+ circos.track(track.index = 1, panel.fun = function(x, y) {
+ xlim = get.cell.meta.data("xlim")
+ xplot = get.cell.meta.data("xplot")
+ ylim = get.cell.meta.data("ylim")
+ sector.name = get.cell.meta.data("sector.index")
+ #make text label vertical when space is too small; cex to adjust font size
+ if(abs(xplot[2] - xplot[1]) < 20 | abs(xplot[2] - xplot[1]) > 340) {
+ circos.text(mean(xlim), ylim[1], sector.name, facing = "clockwise",
+ niceFacing = TRUE, adj = c(0, 0.5), col = "black",
+ cex = 1)
+ } else {
+ circos.text(mean(xlim), ylim[1], sector.name, facing = "inside",
+ niceFacing = TRUE, adj = c(0.5, 0), col= "black",
+ cex = 1)
+ } }, bg.border = NA)
+ dev.off() #dump
+ circos.clear()
+# Get color
+GridColor <- rand_color(length(KeyPlayers) + 1)
+# Plot
+chord_wrapper(.DF = dat_circular %>% filter(year == 2021) %>% select(-year)%>% arrange(REG_ex, REG_im),
+ .GRIDCOLOR = GridColor,
+ .FigTitle = "Wheat trade, 2021",
+ .ORDER = c(KeyPlayers, "ROW"),
+ .SaveDir = "../man/figures",
+ .SaveName = "Fig_WheatTrade2021")
+chord_wrapper(.DF = dat_circular %>% filter(year == 2020) %>% select(-year) %>% arrange(REG_ex, REG_im),
+ .GRIDCOLOR = GridColor,
+ .FigTitle = "Wheat trade, 2020",
+ .ORDER = c(KeyPlayers, "ROW"),
+ .SaveDir = "../man/figures",
+ .SaveName = "Fig_WheatTrade2020")
+See Cast +Study for details.