It’s important (for both sides) to give feedback afterward
We need to check not only technical skills but also fit with a team. It can be done by brainstorming on current challenge, assessment center or interview with a couple of team members
Good assessment center needs those elements
- List of soft skills which we would like to check
- Decision on what to observe - preparing benchmark, which will allow to rate candidates
- Many/ diverse observers to prevent bias
What can be done during the interview to check soft skills:
- Giving constructive feedback and observing the reaction
- Inviting to open discussion
- Disagreeing with ideas and observing the reaction
- Giving time to prepare the design of the solution and then brainstorming (no code necessary)
- Asking about the greatest success/ failures from previous projects
Lots of information can be gathered before the interview - asking for opinions, checking online etc.
We can start each interview from small talk and easier questions to lower the stress level and allow people to use their full potential. When they are stressed it’s hard to tell if they lack skills, or they are just nervous at the moment.
Creating psychological safety is important especially for introverts / neurodivergent candidates. They are great team players, but it’s much harder for them to present the skills during the interview.
Psychological tests can be a good starting point, but cannot be the only source of truth.
Communication depends a lot on the project leadership.