layout | title | parent |
default |
SNP calling script |
3. Scripts | is a bash
shell script that downloads FASTQ sequencing reads using fastq-dump, aligns them to a genome using bowtie2, and writes variants (SNPs and indels) to a variant call format (VCF) file. [-h|--help] [-1|--one -2|--two -r|--reference]
[-d|--demo] [-o|--output -l|--log -p|--processors n]
This script aligns sequencing reads to a reference genome, and finds genetic
variants (SNPs/indels) based on this alignment, which are written to a variant
call format (VCF) file.
Calling this script with the argument '-d' or '--demo' will run this script
using Saccharomyces cerevisiae FASTQ sequencing reads and a Saccharomyces
cerevisiae reference genome, which will be downloaded from NCBI.
This script should be called from the 'bioinfo-notebook/' directory.The
programs required for this script are in the 'bioinfo-notebook' conda
environment (bioinfo-notebook/envs/bioinfo-notebook.yml or
If the input files are not in the 'bioinfo-notebook/data/' directory, the full
file paths should be given.
-h | --help show this help text and exit
-1 | --one forward reads to align with reference sequence
(FASTQ: .fastq or .fastq.gz)
-2 | --two reverse reads to align with reference sequence
(FASTQ: .fastq or .fastq.gz)
-r | --reference reference sequence to align reads against
(FASTA nucleotide file: .fna)
-d | --demo run the script with demonstration inputs
optional arguments:
-o | --output optional: name of final output file
(default: 'reference_seq_vs_reads_var.vcf', or
'S_cere_DRR237290_var.vcf' if demo is used).
-l | --log redirect terminal output to a log file in the
directory bioinfo-notebook/results/
-p | --processors optional: set the number (n) of processors to
use (default: 1)