- Update Lavaplayer
- Using "dev.lavalink.youtube:v2:1.1.0" for handling youtube audio requests
- Fixes issues with playing youtube links
- Switched to JDA.
- Switched LavaPlayer forks.
- Removed commands: Lyrics, SoundCloud, Spotify, Delete, Echo, Help, and Prefix.
- Removed message command support, only leaving slash commands.
- Updated lavaplayer dependency to fix issues with music playback
- Changed directory structure. Now settings and guild settings are under config folder
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed an issue where music playback was not working
- Project reformatting
- Dependency changes
- Playing embeds didn't contain the track or playlist url in the title
- Only typing the prefix would be considered an attempt to execute a command
- Fixed an issue where application commands could not be registered
- Delete command no longer has a slash command
- At this point I've switched between typescript and Java too many times. I'll just do in C next.
- Support for old school chat commands and application commands.
- Better backend for music playback (Custom lavaplayer fork)
- Ability to add multiple tracks to queue in one command
- Removed the whole compiling into javascript thing
- Updated dependencies
- Changed from yarn to npm, this for some reason fixed distube
- Skipping while only one track was in queue resulted in a crash
- A presence was added.
- Added more comments
- Added auto roles (Automatically give roles on member join)
- Easier slash command debugging
- Updated dependencies
- Some previous entries in this file were fixed. (Missing version changes)
- Spotify links should now work
- Slash commands can now be reloaded with a config variable change
- Normal commands have been switched to slash commands
- Updated dependencies
- AutoClean has been removed
- NotifyVoiceConnection has been removed
- Prefix has been removed because its no longer needed
- Some previous entries in this file were fixed. (Missing version changes)
- Updated dependencies
- Changed file location
- Updated dependencies
- Playlist information in the "play embed" was wrong
- Remove command should now be working
- Playing a playlist didn't send an embed
- Updated packages
- Changed from youtube-dl to yt-dlp
- Looping should now work
- Fixed finding lyrics with a query didn't join query with spaces on the message
- Fixed auto leaving voice channel when left alone
- Finding lyrics with a query didn't join query with spaces when searching
- Dependency changes
- Change music and voice connection handling to distube
- Changed lavalink to distube
- Slash commands
- Queue command didn't respect the cap so its now limited to 40 tracks per message
- Automatically disconnect from voice channel if alone
- Config file now has an option to enable/disable slash commands
- Issue #1, GuildSettings json file would get corrupted when modified
- Issue #2, "Remove" command logic was completely wrong
- Automatic interations handling
- Log4Js to handle logging for debug purposes
- Delete command no longer has an interation
- Interaction with no arguments didn't work
- Interaction replies weren't handeled correctly
- SlashCommandInit send interactions too quick and resulted in a 429 error (Too many requests)
- Delete command is now able to delete more than 100 messages (discord limit)
- Queue looping and track looping - more info in README.md
- New Guild Settings: Notify Voice Connection - more info in README.md
- Added support for Slash Commands,
npm run loadSlashCommands
to activate them
- Pausing a track will now send a message of what its doing to the text channel
- Changed the visuals of help command to be an embed
- Every command is now contained in a class
- MessageCtx to replace commands execute arguments
- Changing settings didn't save or corrupted the file
- Lavalink would timeout node connection and disconnect from voice channel, while thinking it was still connected to a voice channel
- Help command had a typo
- Anyone could change the guild settings
- If error is thrown refer user to github
- Checking config.json file for missing variables
- Fixed a bug in queue command
- Guilds config directory will be created if it doesn't exist
- Small code modifications
- Swiched spotify plugin for erela.js ( SpotifyAPI credentials required )
- Swiched from java to typescript
- Dependency changes (Lavalink)
- Lavaplayer Unofficial fixed playlist errors
- Updated Discord4J to 3.1.5 from 3.1.3
- Lyric fetching works
- Lavaplayer Unofficial fixed playback errors (website cookies)
New queue commands
- Clear Queue: Clears the whole queue
- Remove: Remove from queue
Bot leaves voice channel if its left there alone
- Default embed colors were changed
- Queue command now handles the char cap that discord has
Added settings to manage guild
- Prefix: To change guild prefix
- AutoClean: To choose whether to delete the command message
Added Info command to give info about the current track
- Lyrics command now handles the char cap that discord has
- Lavaplayer Unofficial from 1.3.75 to 1.3.76
- Fixes the spotify authentication bug
- It should be pretty stable but not perfect.