- Keras 2.0
- opencv for python
- Tensorflow
You need to download the pretrained VGG-16 weights trained on imagenet if you want to use VGG based models
mkdir data
cd data
wget "https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-models/releases/download/v0.1/vgg16_weights_th_dim_ordering_th_kernels.h5"
To train the model run the following command:
python train.py \
--save_weights_path=weights/ex1 \
--train_images="data/dataset1/images_prepped_train/" \
--train_annotations="data/dataset1/annotations_prepped_train/" \
Choose model_name from vgg_segnet vgg_unet, vgg_unet2, fcn8, fcn32
# Download pretrained weights from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AaczFcoXwvSBMNhn9dyR7kB5Iyen-Ut5/view?usp=sharing
unzip weights.zip
To get the predictions of a trained model
python predict.py \
--save_weights_path=weights/ex1 \
--epoch_number=0 \
--test_images="data/dataset1/images_prepped_test/" \
--output_path="data/predictions/" \