This browser extension is developed in Vanilla Javascript, and uses some NPM packages for both development and production. It uses ViteJS with a really good Plugin called CRXJS for development. It gives us a lot of useful features like HMR, which makes the development of an extension faster.
The following are a few technologies that you need to know in order to fully understand the code. You can learn them on the go (as I did the same):
- HTML, CSS & Javascript
- Chrome Extension Development
- NPM, Vite
- Git, GitHub & Basics of Open Source Contributions
If you haven't already, please install the extension in your browser by following these steps in the Readme.
The dist
folder generated by CRXJS is the code that runs in the browser, and it automatically reloads the extension on every save.
While it does reload the extension on every save, it doesn't work with the files that are not listed in manifest or imported by some other file that is listed in the manifest.
It is recommended to keep the code open while reading this to understand efficiently.
All the source code exists in src
folder, and the manifest.json
exists in the root directory. This file structure is created by Vite for a Vanilla JS project with the CRXJS plugin.
// The Values shown are the default ones
const completeDataMap = {
"websitesData": {
// Each Website Data
"websiteURL": {
settings: {
enabled: true,
shortcuts: {
"shortcut": {
name: "Shortcut Name Set by User",
enabled: true,
// Single Element or Multiple Elements or Location on View Screen
type: "singleElement", // Read the Readme
// In multiElements type, all the selected elements in the array will be clicked one by one from first to last
// Will be updated when other types are added
properties: {
todo: "click" // click, focus, highlight(add bright borders), scrollTo
// Data about the element to be selected
selected: {} // {elementJSON} OR [{elementJSON}, {elementJSON}...] OR " cssSelector.class[attribute='value'] " OR {x:20, y:20},
// Global Settings
globalSettings: {
extensionEnabled: true,
darkMode: true,