This project is actively looking for contributors! 🔥
If you're reading this, you're probably creating a Pull Request or planning to do so and that's great!🥳
In order to keep that process as pleasant as possible for all parties and to maintain a nice repository, please follow the steps below.
My Web Shortcuts is a beginner-friendly project, purely made using HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
I'm happy to welcome all meaningful contributions from anyone. Any contributions are accepted, from fixing grammatical mistakes to implementing complex scripts. Thank you for helping out and remember, no contribution is too small.
Welcome to My Web Shortcuts. Before sending your pull requests, make sure that you read the whole guidelines.
If you have any doubt on the contributing guide, feel free to contact the owner.
If an issue is already assigned, ask the assigned person before you start working on it.
This section guides you through submitting a bug report for My Web Shortcuts. Following these guidelines will help the maintainers, developers and the community understand your report 📝, reproduce the behavior, and find related reports 🔎.
Please include as much details as possible. If you find a Closed issue that seems like it is the same thing that you're experiencing, open a new issue and include a link to the original issue in the body of your new one.
This section guides you through submitting an enhancement suggestion for My Web Shortcuts, including completely new features and minor improvements to existing functionality. Following these guidelines helps maintainers and the community understand your suggestion 📝 and find related suggestions 🔎.
When you are filling in details for enhancements fill in as much details as possible.
My Web Shortcuts currently uses a "fork and pull" model for collaborative software development.
From the GitHub Help Page of Using Pull Requests:
"The fork & pull model lets anyone fork an existing repository and push changes to their personal fork without requiring access be granted to the source repository. The changes must then be pulled into the source repository by the project maintainer. This model reduces the amount of friction for new contributors and is popular with open source projects because it allows people to work independently without upfront coordination."
- Make sure you have a GitHub account.
- Create an issue in our issues tracker (if you are creating an issue, provide complete details of it), assuming one does not already exist.
- Fork the My Web Shortcuts project on GitHub. For general instructions on forking a GitHub project, see Forking a Repo and Syncing a fork.
- Familiarize yourself with the project.
Once you have forked the repo, you need to create your code contributions within a new branch of your forked repo. For general background on creating and managing branches within GitHub, see: Git Branching and Merging. Here are the steps to guide you:
Step 0: Clone the forked repo and cd into it<Your username>/my-web-shortcuts.git
cd my-web-shortcuts/
Step 1: To begin, create a new branch and give it a good branch name. You usually create a branch like so:
git checkout master
git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch]
Step 2: Now make your changes and then stage your files for commit.
git add [File name] --> To stage one particular files
git add . --> To stage all the modified files
Step 3: Commit all the changes. The commit message should be meaningful, short and to the point. How to write good commit message.
git commit -m "Write a meaningfull, small commit message"
Step 4: Now push the changes for the review
git push origin <name_of_your_new_branch>
Step 5: Once you have pushed your code, GitHub will detect the new branch and provide you with an option to create a pull request.
Step 6: The final step is to provide a detailed description and a short title for your pull request.
- Dont forget to link your PR with the issue using specific keywords.
- Provide a screenshot if necessary.
- Give a detailed description on what you changed.
You successfully made a pull request 🥳.
Once you've submitted your pull request, you want other members of the development community to review whether integrating your change will cause problems for any users or the maintainability of the software. If you know someone who might notice mistakes then mention them in the comments.
- During the review process, reviewers may request that you make changes or adjustments to your code.
- It is important to be responsive to these requests and to make any necessary changes before they are integrated.
- When making changes, it is important to commit them as new, separate changes.
- This allows reviewers to easily see what has changed since they last reviewed your code.
- It is also important to keep in mind that the review process can take time and that reviewers may have other priorities.
- Be patient and persistent, but respectful of the reviewers' time and workload.
Following these steps will help ensure that your changes are thoroughly reviewed and that any potential issues are identified and addressed before they are integrated into the main branch.
- When someone requests your review on a pull request, it is important to carefully read the title and description to understand the proposed changes.
- Assign any other collaborators who would want to know about the proposed change and if the reporter is interested then assign it to them as well.
- This will help ensure that everyone is informed and aware of the proposed changes.
- Decide whether you think your input is needed for the pull request to be merged.
- If you believe that the pull request should wait for your further review before being merged, let the reporter and other reviewers know that you will review the code.
- However, if you do not think that your input is needed, un-assign yourself as a reviewer and leave a comment explaining why you do not think your review is necessary.
To ensure the success of the project, it is crucial to approach pull request reviews with efficiency, clear communication, and a willingness to assist. This approach will aid in maintaining a steady development process and improve the overall quality of the project.