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Frequently Asked Questions

This document describes common questions about genqlient, and provides an index to how to represent common query structures. For a full list of configuration options, see genqlient.yaml and genqlient_directive.graphql.

How do I set up genqlient to …

… get started?

There's a doc for that!

… use GET requests instead of POST requests?

You can use graphql.NewClientUsingGet to create a client that will use query parameters to create the request. For example:

ctx := context.Background()
client := graphql.NewClientUsingGet("", http.DefaultClient)
resp, err := getUser(ctx, client, "benjaminjkraft")
fmt.Println(resp.User.Name, err)

This request will be sent via an HTTP GET request, with the query, operation name and variables encoded in the URL.

For example, if the query is defined as:

query getUser($login: String!) {
  user(login: $login) {

The URL requested will be:!)%20%7B%0A%20%20user(login%3A%20%24login)%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20name%0A%20%20%7D%0A%7D%0A%26variables%3D%7B%22login%22%3A%22benjaminjkraft%22%7D

The client does not support mutations, and will return an error if passed a request that attempts one.

… subscribe to an API subscription endpoint ?

You will need to use a different client calling graphql.NewClientUsingWebSocket, passing as parameter your own websocket client.

Here is how to configure your webSocket client to match the interfaces:

Example using

type MyDialer struct {

func (md *MyDialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, urlStr string, requestHeader http.Header) (graphql.WSConn, error) {
	conn, _, err := md.Dialer.DialContext(ctx, urlStr, requestHeader)
	return graphql.WSConn(conn), err

Example using

type MyDialer struct {
	dialer *net.Dialer

type MyConn struct {
	conn *websocket.Conn

func (c MyConn) ReadMessage() (messageType int, p []byte, err error) {
	if err := websocket.Message.Receive(c.conn, &p); err != nil {
		return websocket.UnknownFrame, nil, err
	return messageType, p, err

func (c MyConn) WriteMessage(_ int, data []byte) error {
	err := websocket.Message.Send(c.conn, data)
	return err

func (c MyConn) Close() error {
	return nil

func (md *MyDialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, urlStr string, requestHeader http.Header) (graphql.WSConn, error) {
	if md.dialer == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil dialer")
	config, err := websocket.NewConfig(urlStr, "http://localhost")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error creating WebSocket config:", err)
		return nil, err
	config.Dialer = md.dialer
	config.Protocol = append(config.Protocol, "graphql-transport-ws")

	// Connect to the WebSocket server
	conn, err := websocket.DialConfig(config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return graphql.WSConn(MyConn{conn: conn}), err

Once your webSocket client matches the interfaces, you can get your graphql.WebSocketClient and listen in a loop for incoming messages and errors:

  graphqlClient := graphql.NewClientUsingWebSocket(
		&MyDialer{Dialer: dialer},

	errChan, err := graphqlClient.Start(ctx)
	if err != nil {

	dataChan, subscriptionID, err := count(ctx, graphqlClient)
	if err != nil {

	defer graphqlClient.Close()
	for loop := true; loop; {
		select {
		case msg, more := <-dataChan:
			if !more {
				loop = false
			if msg.Data != nil {
			if msg.Errors != nil {
				fmt.Println("error:", msg.Errors)
				loop = false
		case err = <-errChan:
    case <-time.After(time.Minute):
      err = wsClient.Unsubscribe(subscriptionID)
      loop = false

To change the websocket protocol from its default value graphql-transport-ws, add the following header before calling graphql.NewClientUsingWebSocket():

  headers.Add("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", "graphql-ws")

… use an API that requires authentication?

When you call graphql.NewClient, pass in an HTTP client that adds whatever authentication headers you need (typically by wrapping the client's Transport). For example:

type authedTransport struct {
  wrapped http.RoundTripper

func (t *authedTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
  key := ...
  req.Header.Set("Authorization", "bearer "+key)
  return t.wrapped.RoundTrip(req)

func MakeQuery(...) {
  client := graphql.NewClient("",
    &http.Client{Transport: &authedTransport{wrapped: http.DefaultTransport}})

  resp, err := MyQuery(ctx, client, ...)

For more on wrapping HTTP clients, see this post.

… make requests against a mock server, for tests?

Testing code that uses genqlient typically involves passing in a special HTTP client that does what you want, similar to authentication. For example, you might write a client whose RoundTrip returns a fixed response, constructed with httptest. Or, you can use httptest to start up a temporary server, and point genqlient at that. Many third-party packages provide support for this sort of thing; genqlient should work with any HTTP-level mocking that can expose a regular http.Client.

… test my GraphQL APIs?

If you want, you can use genqlient to test your GraphQL APIs; as with mocking you can point genqlient at anything that exposes an ordinary HTTP endpoint or a custom http.Client. However, at Khan Academy we've found that genqlient usually isn't the best client for testing; we prefer to use a lightweight (and weakly-typed) client for that, and may separately open-source ours in the future.

… handle GraphQL errors?

Each genqlient-generated helper function returns two results, a pointer to a response-struct, and an error. The response-struct will always be initialized (never nil), even on error. If the request returns a valid GraphQL response containing errors, the returned error will be As-able as gqlerror.List, and the struct may be partly-populated (if one field failed but another was computed successfully). If the request fails entirely, the error will be another error (e.g. a *url.Error), and the response will be blank (but still non-nil).

For example, you might do one of the following:

// return both error and field:
resp, err := GetUser(...)
return resp.User.Name, err

// handle different errors differently:
resp, err := GetUser(...)
var errList *gqlerror.List
if errors.As(err, &errList) {
  for _, err := range errList {
    fmt.Printf("%v at %v\n", err.Message, err.Path)
  fmt.Printf("partial response: %v\n", resp)
} else if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("http/network error: %v\n", err)
} else {
  fmt.Printf("successful response: %v\n", resp)

… use custom scalars?

Just tell genqlient via the bindings option in genqlient.yaml:

    type: time.Time

Make sure the given type has whatever logic is needed to convert to/from JSON (e.g. MarshalJSON/UnmarshalJSON or JSON tags). See the genqlient.yaml documentation for the full syntax.

… require 32-bit integers?

The GraphQL spec officially defines the Int type to be a signed 32-bit integer. GraphQL clients and servers vary wildly in their enforcement of this; for example:

  • Apollo Server explicitly checks that integers are at most 32 bits
  • gqlgen by default allows any integer that fits in int (i.e. 64 bits on most platforms)
  • Apollo Client doesn't check (but implicitly is limited to 53 bits by JavaScript)
  • shurcooL/graphql requires integers be passed as a graphql.Int, defined to be an int32

By default, genqlient maps GraphQL Ints to Go's int, meaning that on 64 bit systems there's no client-side restriction. If you prefer to limit integers to int32, you can set a binding in your genqlient.yaml:

    type: int32

Or, you can bind it to any other type, perhaps one with size-checked constructors; see the genqlient.yaml documentation for more details.

… let me json-marshal my response objects?

This is supported by default! All genqlient-generated types support both JSON-marshaling and unmarshaling, which can be useful for putting them in a cache, inspecting them by hand, using them in mocks (although this is not recommended), or anything else you can do with JSON. It's not guaranteed that marshaling a genqlient type will produce the exact GraphQL input -- we try to get as close as we can but there are some limitations around Go zero values -- but unmarshaling again should produce the value genqlient returned. That is:

resp, err := MyQuery(...)
// not guaranteed to match what the server sent (but close):
b, err := json.Marshal(resp)
// guaranteed to match resp:
var respAgain MyQueryResponse
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &resp)

… let me use introspection to fetch my client schema?

This is currently not supported by default. You can however use a tool such as gqlfetch to build your client schema using introspection and then let genqlient continue from there. Moreover, you can define yourself what happens when go:generate is run via managing your own go runnable progam.

For example - suppose the file generate/main.go;

package main

import (


func main() {
	schema, err := gqlfetch.BuildClientSchema(context.Background(), "http://localhost:8080/query")
	if err != nil {

	if err = os.WriteFile("schema.graphql", []byte(schema), 0644); err != nil {


This can now be invoked upon go generate via //go:generate yourpkg/generate.

How do I make a query with …

… a specific name for a field?

genqlient supports GraphQL field-aliases, and uses them to determine the Go struct field name. For example, if you do

query MyQuery {
  myGreatName: myString

and genqlient will generate a Go field MyGreatName string. Note that the alias will always be uppercased, to ensure the field is visible to the Go JSON library.

… nullable fields?

There are two ways to handle nullable fields in genqlient. One way is to use the Go idiom, where null gets mapped to the zero value; this is the default in genqlient. So if you have a GraphQL field of type String, and you do:

query MyQuery(arg: String) {

then genqlient will generate a Go field MyString string, and set it to the empty string if the server returns null. This works even for structs: if an object type in GraphQL is null, genqlient will set the corresponding struct to its zero value. It can be helpful to request id in such cases, since that’s a field that should always be set, or __typename which is guaranteed to be set, so you can use its presence to decide whether to look at the other fields.

For input fields, you often want to tell genqlient to send null to the server if the argument is set to the zero value, similar to the JSON omitempty tag. In this case, you can do:

query MyQuery(
  # @genqlient(omitempty: true)
  arg: String,
) {

You can also put the # @genqlient(omitempty: true) on the first line, which will apply it to all arguments in the query, or # @genqlient(for: "MyInput.myField", omitempty: true) on the first line to apply it to a particular field of a particular input type used by the query (for which there would otherwise be no place to put the directive, as the field never appears explicitly in the query, but only in the schema).

If you need to distinguish null from the empty string (or generally from the Go zero value of your type), you can tell genqlient to use a pointer for the field or argument like this:

query MyQuery(
  # @genqlient(pointer: true)
  arg: String,
) {
  # @genqlient(pointer: true)

This will generate a Go field MyString *string, and set it to nil if the server returns null (and in reverse for arguments). Such fields can be harder to work with in Go, but allow a clear distinction between null and the Go zero value. Again, you can put the directive on the first line to apply it to everything in the query, although this usually gets cumbersome, or use for to apply it to a specific input-type field.

As an example of using all these options together:

# @genqlient(omitempty: true)
# @genqlient(for: "", omitempty: false, pointer: true)
# @genqlient(for: "", omitempty: false, pointer: true)
query MyQuery(
  arg1: MyInputType!,
  # @genqlient(pointer: true)
  arg2: String!,
  # @genqlient(omitempty: false)
  arg3: String!,
) {
  myString(arg1: $arg1, arg2: $arg2, arg3: $arg3)

This will generate:

func MyQuery(
  ctx context.Context,
  client graphql.Client,
  arg1 MyInputType,
  arg2 *string, // omitempty
  arg3 string,
) (*MyQueryResponse, error)

type MyInputType struct {
  Id    *string `json:"id"`
  Name  *string `json:"name"`
  Title string  `json:"title,omitempty"`
  Age   int     `json:"age,omitempty"`

See genqlient_directive.graphql for complete documentation on these options.

… GraphQL interfaces?

If you request an interface field, genqlient generates an interface type corresponding to the GraphQL interface, and several struct types corresponding to its implementations. For example, given a query:

query GetBooks {
  favorite {
    ... on Novel {
    ... on Dictionary {

genqlient will generate the following types (see below for more on the names):

type GetBooksFavoriteBook interface {
  GetTitle() string
type GetBooksFavoriteNovel struct {
  Title string
  Protagonist string
type GetBooksFavoriteDictionary struct {
  Title string
  Language string
// (similarly for any other types that implement Book)

These can be used in the ordinary Go ways: to access shared fields, use the interface methods; to access type-specific fields, use a type switch:

resp, err := GetBooks(...)
fmt.Println("Favorite book:", resp.Favorite.GetTitle())
if novel, ok := resp.Favorite.(*GetBooksFavoriteNovel); ok {
  fmt.Println("Protagonist:", novel.Protagonist)

The interface-type's GoDoc will include a list of its implementations, for your convenience.

If you only want to request shared fields of the interface (i.e. no fragments), this may seem like a lot of ceremony. If you prefer, you can instead add # @genqlient(struct: true) to the field, and genqlient will just generate a struct, like it does for GraphQL object types. For example, given:

query GetBooks {
  # @genqlient(struct: true)
  favorite {

genqlient will generate just:

type GetBooksFavoriteBook struct {
  Title string

Keep in mind that if you later want to add fragments to your selection, you won't be able to use struct anymore; when you remove it you may need to update your code to replace .Title with .GetTitle() and so on.

… shared types between different parts of the query?

Suppose you have a query which requests several different fields each of the same GraphQL type, e.g. User (or [User]):

query GetMonopolyPlayers {
  game {
    winner { id name }
    banker { id name }
    spectators { id name }

This will produce a Go type like:

type GetMonopolyPlayersGame struct {
  Winner     GetMonopolyPlayersGameWinnerUser
  Banker     GetMonopolyPlayersGameBankerUser
  Spectators []GetMonopolyPlayersGameSpectatorsUser

type GetMonopolyPlayersGameWinnerUser struct {
  Id   string
  Name string

// (others similarly)

But maybe you wanted to be able to pass all those users to a shared function (defined in your code), say FormatUser(user ???) string. That's no good; you need to put three different types as the ???. genqlient has several ways to deal with this.

Fragments: One option -- the GraphQL Way, perhaps -- is to use fragments. You'd write your query like:

fragment MonopolyUser on User {

query GetMonopolyPlayers {
  game {
    winner { ...MonopolyUser }
    banker { ...MonopolyUser }
    spectators { ...MonopolyUser }

genqlient will notice this, and generate a type corresponding to the fragment; GetMonopolyPlayersGame will look as before, but each of the field types will have a shared embed:

type MonopolyUser struct {
  Id   string
  Name string

type GetMonopolyPlayersGameWinnerUser struct {

// (others similarly)

Thus you can have FormatUser accept a MonopolyUser, and pass it game.Winner.MonopolyUser, game.Spectators[i].MonopolyUser, etc. This is convenient if you may later want to add other fields to some of the queries, because you can still do

fragment MonopolyUser on User {

query GetMonopolyPlayers {
  game {
    winner {
    banker {
    spectators { ...MonopolyUser }

and you can even spread the fragment into interface types. It also avoids having to list the fields several times.

Fragments, flattened: The Go field for winner, in the first query above, has type GetMonopolyPlayersGameWinnerUser which just wraps MonopolyUser. If we don't want to add any other fields, that's unnecessary! Instead, we could do

query GetMonopolyPlayers {
  game {
    # @genqlient(flatten: true)
    winner {
    # (etc.)

and genqlient will skip the indirection and give the field Winner type MonopolyUser directly. This is often much more convenient if you put all the fields in the fragment, like the first query did. See the options documentation for more details.

Interfaces: For each struct field it generates, genqlient also generates an interface method. If you want to share code between two types which to GraphQL are unrelated, you can define an interface containing that getter method, and genqlient's struct types will implement it. (Depending on your exact query, you may need to do a type-assertion from a genqlient-generated interface to yours.) For example, in the above query you could simply do:

type MonopolyUser interface {
    GetId() string
    GetName() string

func FormatUser(user MonopolyUser) { ... }


In general in such cases it's better to change the GraphQL schema to show how the types are related, and use one of the other mechanisms, but this option is useful for schemas where you can't do that, or in the meantime.

Type names: Finally, if you always want exactly the same fields on exactly the same types, and don't want to deal with interfaces at all, you can use the simpler but more restrictive genqlient option typename:

query GetMonopolyPlayers {
  game {
    # @genqlient(typename: "User")
    winner { id name }
    # @genqlient(typename: "User")
    banker { id name }
    # @genqlient(typename: "User")
    spectators { id name }

This will tell genqlient to use the same types for each field:

type GetMonopolyPlayersGame struct {
  Winner     User
  Banker     User
  Spectators []User

type User struct {
  Id   string
  Name string

In this case, genqlient will validate that each type given the name User has the exact same fields; see the full documentation for details.

Bindings: It's also possible to use the bindings option (see genqlient.yaml documentation) for a similar purpose, but this is not recommended as it typically requires more work for less gain.

… documentation on the output types?

For any GraphQL types or fields with documentation in the GraphQL schema, genqlient automatically includes that documentation in the generated code's GoDoc. To add additional information to genqlient entrypoints, you can put comments in the GraphQL source:

# This query gets the current user.
# If you also need to specify options on the query, you can put
# the @genqlient directive after the docuentation, like this:
# @genqlient(omitempty: true)
query GetUser { ... }

Why does…

… genqlient generate such complicated type-names?

The short answer is that GraphQL forces our hand. For example, consider a query

query GetFamilyNames {
  user {
    children {

which returns the following JSON:

  "user": {
    "name": "Ellis Marsalis Jr.",
    "children": [
      {"name": "Branford Marsalis"},
      {"name": "Delfeayo Marsalis"},
      {"name": "Jason Marsalis"},
      {"name": "Wynton Marsalis"}

We need two different User types to represent this: one with a Children field, and one without. (And there may be more in other queries!) Of course, we could name them User1 and User2, but that's both less descriptive and less stable as the query changes (perhaps to add parent), so we call them GetFamilyNamesUser and GetFamilyNamesUserChildrenUser.

For the long answer, see

If you find yourself needing to reference long generated names, you can always add type aliases for them, e.g.:

type User = GetFamilyNamesUser
type ChildUser = GetFamilyNamesUserChildrenUser

Alternately, you can use the typename option: if you query

query GetFamilyNames {
  # @genqlient(typename: "User")
  user {
    # @genqlient(typename: "ChildUser")
    children {

genqlient will instead generate types with the given names. (You'll need to avoid conflicts; see the full documentation for details.)

… my editor/IDE plugin not know about the code genqlient just generated?

If your tools are backed by gopls (which is most of them), they simply don't know it was updated. In most cases, keeping the generated file (typically generated.go) open in the background, and reloading it after each run of genqlient, will do the trick.

… genqlient fail after go mod tidy?

If genqlient fails with an error missing go.sum entry for module providing package, this is typically because go mod tidy removed its dependencies because they weren't imported by your Go module. You can read more about this in golang/go#45552; see in particular this comment. In short, if you want to be able to go run on newer Go you'll need to have a (blank) import of genqlient's entrypoint in a special tools.go file somewhere in your module so go mod tidy doesn't prune it:

//go:build tools
// +build tools

package client

import _ ""