From d747a29d3c20841835b9031e1bb73f194c637a69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jordan Millar Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 12:34:34 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Add revision to plutus-core- Add upper bound to nothunks --- _sources/plutus-core/ | 4 + .../plutus-core/ | 996 ++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 1000 insertions(+) create mode 100644 _sources/plutus-core/ diff --git a/_sources/plutus-core/ b/_sources/plutus-core/ index a10a255d9..94b39d414 100644 --- a/_sources/plutus-core/ +++ b/_sources/plutus-core/ @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ timestamp = 2023-09-06T16:09:08Z github = { repo = "input-output-hk/plutus", rev = "779ea8516351e13857199146c1a990e63fb86234" } subdir = 'plutus-core' + +[[revisions]] +number = 1 +timestamp = 2024-08-30T16:33:45Z diff --git a/_sources/plutus-core/ b/_sources/plutus-core/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2623925b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/plutus-core/ @@ -0,0 +1,996 @@ +cabal-version: 3.0 +name: plutus-core +version: +license: Apache-2.0 +license-files: + LICENSE + NOTICE + +maintainer: +author: Plutus Core Team +synopsis: Language library for Plutus Core +description: Pretty-printer, parser, and typechecker for Plutus Core. +category: Language, Plutus +build-type: Simple +extra-doc-files: + + + +extra-source-files: + cost-model/data/*.R + cost-model/data/benching.csv + cost-model/data/builtinCostModel.json + cost-model/data/cekMachineCosts.json + plutus-core/test/CostModelInterface/defaultCostModelParams.json + +source-repository head + type: git + location: + +-- inline-r is a problematic dependency. It doesn't build with newer +-- versions of R, so if we depend on it then people need to install +-- an old R. This is not so bad for people working on plutus itself +-- (use Nix or work it out), although we may want to eventually +-- purge it. However, due to a cabal bug (, +-- in some cases cabal will require R to be installed _at solving time_, +-- even though it never wants to build it. This means that the problem +-- leaks into our downstream dependencies. So our solution is to guard +-- the dependency behind a flag, off by default, and turn it on for +-- ourselves locally. +flag with-inline-r + description: Enable build of packages that use `inline-r`. + manual: True + default: False + +common lang + default-language: Haskell2010 + default-extensions: + DeriveFoldable + DeriveFunctor + DeriveGeneric + DeriveLift + DeriveTraversable + DerivingStrategies + DerivingVia + ExplicitForAll + FlexibleContexts + GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving + ImportQualifiedPost + ScopedTypeVariables + StandaloneDeriving + + ghc-options: + -Wall -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances -Wincomplete-uni-patterns + -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wredundant-constraints -Widentities + -Wunused-packages -Wmissing-deriving-strategies + +-- This contains UPLC+TPLC, PIR must be explicitly included by depending +-- on the public sub-library. +-- In due course UPLC and TPLC should be split, with the main library +-- containing UPLC. +library + import: lang + exposed-modules: + Data.Either.Extras + Data.List.Extras + Data.MultiSet.Lens + PlutusCore + PlutusCore.Analysis.Definitions + PlutusCore.Annotation + PlutusCore.Builtin + PlutusCore.Builtin.Debug + PlutusCore.Builtin.Elaborate + PlutusCore.Builtin.Emitter + PlutusCore.Check.Normal + PlutusCore.Check.Scoping + PlutusCore.Check.Uniques + PlutusCore.Check.Value + PlutusCore.Compiler + PlutusCore.Compiler.Erase + PlutusCore.Compiler.Types + PlutusCore.Core + PlutusCore.Crypto.BLS12_381.Error + PlutusCore.Crypto.BLS12_381.G1 + PlutusCore.Crypto.BLS12_381.G2 + PlutusCore.Crypto.BLS12_381.Pairing + PlutusCore.Crypto.Ed25519 + PlutusCore.Crypto.Hash + PlutusCore.Crypto.Secp256k1 + PlutusCore.Data + PlutusCore.DataFilePaths + PlutusCore.DeBruijn + PlutusCore.DeBruijn.Internal + PlutusCore.Default + PlutusCore.Error + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.BuiltinCostModel + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Ck + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.CostingFun.Core + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.CostingFun.JSON + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.CostModelInterface + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.CostStream + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExBudget + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExBudgetingDefaults + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExBudgetStream + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Exception + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExMemory + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExMemoryUsage + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.MachineParameters + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.MachineParameters.Default + PlutusCore.Evaluation.Result + PlutusCore.Examples.Builtins + PlutusCore.Examples.Data.Data + PlutusCore.Examples.Data.Function + PlutusCore.Examples.Data.InterList + PlutusCore.Examples.Data.List + PlutusCore.Examples.Data.Pair + PlutusCore.Examples.Data.Shad + PlutusCore.Examples.Data.TreeForest + PlutusCore.Examples.Data.Vec + PlutusCore.Examples.Everything + PlutusCore.Flat + PlutusCore.FsTree + PlutusCore.Mark + PlutusCore.MkPlc + PlutusCore.Name + PlutusCore.Normalize + PlutusCore.Normalize.Internal + PlutusCore.Parser + PlutusCore.Pretty + PlutusCore.Quote + PlutusCore.Rename + PlutusCore.Rename.Internal + PlutusCore.Rename.Monad + PlutusCore.Size + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.Bool + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.ChurchNat + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.Data + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.Function + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.Integer + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.List + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.Nat + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.Pair + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.ScottList + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.ScottUnit + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.Sum + PlutusCore.StdLib.Data.Unit + PlutusCore.StdLib.Everything + PlutusCore.StdLib.Meta + PlutusCore.StdLib.Meta.Data.Function + PlutusCore.StdLib.Meta.Data.Tuple + PlutusCore.StdLib.Type + PlutusCore.Subst + PlutusCore.TypeCheck + PlutusCore.TypeCheck.Internal + PlutusCore.Version + PlutusPrelude + Prettyprinter.Custom + Universe + UntypedPlutusCore + UntypedPlutusCore.Check.Scope + UntypedPlutusCore.Check.Uniques + UntypedPlutusCore.Core + UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Type + UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Zip + UntypedPlutusCore.DeBruijn + UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Cek + UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Cek.CekMachineCosts + UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Cek.Internal + UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Cek.StepCounter + UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.SteppableCek + UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.SteppableCek.DebugDriver + UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.SteppableCek.Internal + UntypedPlutusCore.MkUPlc + UntypedPlutusCore.Parser + UntypedPlutusCore.Rename + + other-modules: + Data.Aeson.Flatten + Data.Aeson.THReader + Data.Functor.Foldable.Monadic + PlutusCore.Builtin.HasConstant + PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownKind + PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType + PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst + PlutusCore.Builtin.Meaning + PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism + PlutusCore.Builtin.Runtime + PlutusCore.Builtin.TestKnown + PlutusCore.Builtin.TypeScheme + PlutusCore.Core.Instance + PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Eq + PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty + PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty.Classic + PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty.Default + PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty.Plc + PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty.Readable + PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Scoping + PlutusCore.Core.Plated + PlutusCore.Core.Type + PlutusCore.Crypto.Utils + PlutusCore.Default.Builtins + PlutusCore.Default.Universe + PlutusCore.Eq + PlutusCore.Parser.Builtin + PlutusCore.Parser.ParserCommon + PlutusCore.Parser.Type + PlutusCore.Pretty.Classic + PlutusCore.Pretty.ConfigName + PlutusCore.Pretty.Default + PlutusCore.Pretty.Extra + PlutusCore.Pretty.Plc + PlutusCore.Pretty.PrettyConst + PlutusCore.Pretty.Readable + PlutusCore.Pretty.Utils + Universe.Core + UntypedPlutusCore.Analysis.Definitions + UntypedPlutusCore.Analysis.Usages + UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Instance + UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Instance.Eq + UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Instance.Flat + UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty + UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty.Classic + UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty.Default + UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty.Plc + UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty.Readable + UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Plated + UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Cek.EmitterMode + UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Cek.ExBudgetMode + UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.CommonAPI + UntypedPlutusCore.Mark + UntypedPlutusCore.Rename.Internal + UntypedPlutusCore.Simplify + UntypedPlutusCore.Size + UntypedPlutusCore.Subst + UntypedPlutusCore.Transform.CaseOfCase + UntypedPlutusCore.Transform.CaseReduce + UntypedPlutusCore.Transform.FloatDelay + UntypedPlutusCore.Transform.ForceDelay + UntypedPlutusCore.Transform.Inline + + reexported-modules: Data.SatInt + hs-source-dirs: + plutus-core/src plutus-core/stdlib plutus-core/examples + untyped-plutus-core/src prelude + + -- Notes on dependencies: + -- * Bound on cardano-crypto-class for the fixed SECP primitives and 9.6 support + -- * The bound on 'dependent-sum' is needed to avoid + build-depends: + , aeson + , array + , barbies + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , base64-bytestring + , bimap + , bytestring + , cardano-crypto + , cardano-crypto-class ^>=2.1.2 + , cassava + , cborg + , composition-prelude >= + , containers + , cryptonite + , data-default-class + , deepseq + , dependent-sum >= + , dependent-sum-template <0.1.2 + , deriving-aeson >=0.2.3 + , deriving-compat + , dlist + , exceptions + , extra + , filepath + , flat ^>=0.6 + , free + , ghc-prim + , hashable >=1.4 + , hedgehog >=1.0 + , index-envs + , lens + , megaparsec + , mmorph + , mono-traversable + , monoidal-containers + , mtl + , multiset + , nothunks >=0.1.1 && >2.0 + , parser-combinators >=0.4.0 + , prettyprinter >= + , prettyprinter-configurable ^>=1.12 + , primitive + , profunctors + , recursion-schemes + , satint + , semigroups >=0.19.1 + , serialise + , some + , template-haskell + , text + , th-compat + , th-lift + , th-lift-instances + , th-utilities + , time + , transformers + , unordered-containers + , witherable + + if impl(ghc <9.0) + build-depends: integer-gmp + +test-suite plutus-core-test + import: lang + + -- needs linux 'diff' available + if os(windows) + buildable: False + + type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 + main-is: Spec.hs + hs-source-dirs: plutus-core/test + ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N + other-modules: + CBOR.DataStability + Check.Spec + CostModelInterface.Spec + Evaluation.Machines + Evaluation.Spec + Names.Spec + Normalization.Check + Normalization.Type + Parser.Spec + Pretty.Readable + TypeSynthesis.Spec + + default-language: Haskell2010 + build-depends: + , aeson + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , containers + , data-default-class + , filepath + , flat ^>=0.6 + , hedgehog + , hex-text + , mmorph + , mtl + , plutus-core:{plutus-core, plutus-core-testlib} ^>=1.12 + , prettyprinter + , serialise + , tasty + , tasty-golden + , tasty-hedgehog + , tasty-hunit + , template-haskell + , text + , th-lift-instances + , th-utilities + +test-suite untyped-plutus-core-test + import: lang + + -- needs linux 'diff' available + if os(windows) + buildable: False + + type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 + main-is: Spec.hs + hs-source-dirs: untyped-plutus-core/test + ghc-options: -O2 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N + other-modules: + DeBruijn.FlatNatWord + DeBruijn.Scope + DeBruijn.Spec + DeBruijn.UnDeBruijnify + Evaluation.Builtins + Evaluation.Builtins.BLS12_381 + Evaluation.Builtins.BLS12_381.TestClasses + Evaluation.Builtins.BLS12_381.Utils + Evaluation.Builtins.Common + Evaluation.Builtins.Costing + Evaluation.Builtins.Definition + Evaluation.Builtins.MakeRead + Evaluation.Builtins.SignatureVerification + Evaluation.Debug + Evaluation.FreeVars + Evaluation.Golden + Evaluation.Machines + Evaluation.Regressions + Flat.Spec + Generators + Transform.Simplify + + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , cardano-crypto-class + , dlist + , flat ^>=0.6 + , hedgehog + , lens + , mtl + , plutus-core:{plutus-core, plutus-core-testlib} ^>=1.12 + , pretty-show + , prettyprinter + , QuickCheck + , split + , tasty + , tasty-golden + , tasty-hedgehog + , tasty-hunit + , tasty-quickcheck + , text + +executable plc + import: lang + main-is: plc/Main.hs + hs-source-dirs: executables + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , deepseq + , flat ^>=0.6 + , optparse-applicative + , plutus-core ^>=1.12 + , plutus-core-execlib ^>=1.12 + , text + +executable uplc + import: lang + main-is: uplc/Main.hs + hs-source-dirs: executables + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , deepseq + , flat ^>=0.6 + , haskeline + , mtl + , optparse-applicative + , plutus-core ^>=1.12 + , plutus-core-execlib ^>=1.12 + , prettyprinter + , split + , text + +---------------------------------------------- +-- plutus-ir +---------------------------------------------- + +library plutus-ir + import: lang + visibility: public + exposed-modules: + PlutusIR + PlutusIR.Analysis.RetainedSize + PlutusIR.Check.Uniques + PlutusIR.Compiler + PlutusIR.Compiler.Datatype + PlutusIR.Compiler.Definitions + PlutusIR.Compiler.Names + PlutusIR.Compiler.Provenance + PlutusIR.Contexts + PlutusIR.Core + PlutusIR.Core.Instance + PlutusIR.Core.Instance.Flat + PlutusIR.Core.Instance.Pretty + PlutusIR.Core.Instance.Pretty.Readable + PlutusIR.Core.Instance.Scoping + PlutusIR.Core.Plated + PlutusIR.Core.Type + PlutusIR.Error + PlutusIR.Mark + PlutusIR.MkPir + PlutusIR.Parser + PlutusIR.Purity + PlutusIR.Subst + PlutusIR.Transform.Beta + PlutusIR.Transform.CaseReduce + PlutusIR.Transform.CommuteFnWithConst + PlutusIR.Transform.DeadCode + PlutusIR.Transform.EvaluateBuiltins + PlutusIR.Transform.Inline.CallSiteInline + PlutusIR.Transform.Inline.Inline + PlutusIR.Transform.Inline.Utils + PlutusIR.Transform.KnownCon + PlutusIR.Transform.LetFloatIn + PlutusIR.Transform.LetFloatOut + PlutusIR.Transform.LetMerge + PlutusIR.Transform.NonStrict + PlutusIR.Transform.RecSplit + PlutusIR.Transform.Rename + PlutusIR.Transform.StrictifyBindings + PlutusIR.Transform.Substitute + PlutusIR.Transform.ThunkRecursions + PlutusIR.Transform.Unwrap + PlutusIR.TypeCheck + PlutusIR.TypeCheck.Internal + + hs-source-dirs: plutus-ir/src + other-modules: + PlutusIR.Analysis.Definitions + PlutusIR.Analysis.Dependencies + PlutusIR.Analysis.Size + PlutusIR.Analysis.Usages + PlutusIR.Compiler.Error + PlutusIR.Compiler.Let + PlutusIR.Compiler.Lower + PlutusIR.Compiler.Recursion + PlutusIR.Compiler.Types + PlutusIR.Normalize + + build-depends: + , algebraic-graphs >=0.7 + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , containers + , dom-lt + , extra + , flat ^>=0.6 + , lens + , megaparsec + , mmorph + , monoidal-containers + , mtl + , multiset + , parser-combinators >=0.4.0 + , plutus-core ^>=1.12 + , prettyprinter >= + , profunctors + , semigroupoids + , semigroups >=0.19.1 + , text + , transformers + , witherable + + if impl(ghc <9.0) + build-depends: integer-gmp + +test-suite plutus-ir-test + import: lang + + -- needs linux 'diff' available + if os(windows) + buildable: False + + type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 + main-is: Spec.hs + hs-source-dirs: plutus-ir/test + other-modules: + Check.Spec + GeneratorSpec + GeneratorSpec.Builtin + GeneratorSpec.Substitution + GeneratorSpec.Terms + GeneratorSpec.Types + NamesSpec + ParserSpec + TransformSpec + TypeSpec + + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , containers + , flat ^>=0.6 + , hashable + , hedgehog + , lens + , mtl + , plutus-core:{plutus-core, plutus-core-testlib, plutus-ir} ^>=1.12 + , QuickCheck + , serialise + , tasty + , tasty-hedgehog + , tasty-hunit + , tasty-quickcheck + , text + , unordered-containers + +executable pir + import: lang + main-is: pir/Main.hs + hs-source-dirs: executables + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , cassava + , containers + , lens + , megaparsec + , optparse-applicative + , plutus-core-execlib ^>=1.12 + , plutus-core:{plutus-core, plutus-ir} ^>=1.12 + , text + , transformers + +---------------------------------------------- +-- support libs +---------------------------------------------- + +library plutus-core-execlib + import: lang + visibility: public + hs-source-dirs: executables/src + exposed-modules: + PlutusCore.Executable.AstIO + PlutusCore.Executable.Common + PlutusCore.Executable.Parsers + PlutusCore.Executable.Types + + build-depends: + , aeson + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , deepseq + , flat ^>=0.6 + , lens + , megaparsec + , monoidal-containers + , mtl + , optparse-applicative + , plutus-core:{plutus-core, plutus-core-testlib, plutus-ir} ^>=1.12 + , prettyprinter + , text + +-- could split this up if we split up the main library for UPLC/PLC/PIR +library plutus-core-testlib + import: lang + visibility: public + hs-source-dirs: testlib + exposed-modules: + PlutusCore.Generators.Hedgehog + PlutusCore.Generators.Hedgehog.AST + PlutusCore.Generators.Hedgehog.Builtin + PlutusCore.Generators.Hedgehog.Denotation + PlutusCore.Generators.Hedgehog.Entity + PlutusCore.Generators.Hedgehog.Interesting + PlutusCore.Generators.Hedgehog.Test + PlutusCore.Generators.Hedgehog.TypedBuiltinGen + PlutusCore.Generators.Hedgehog.TypeEvalCheck + PlutusCore.Generators.Hedgehog.Utils + PlutusCore.Generators.NEAT.Common + PlutusCore.Generators.NEAT.Spec + PlutusCore.Generators.NEAT.Term + PlutusCore.Generators.NEAT.Type + PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck + PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.Builtin + PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.Common + PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.GenerateKinds + PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.GenerateTypes + PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.GenTm + PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.ShrinkTypes + PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.Substitutions + PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.Unification + PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.Utils + PlutusCore.Test + PlutusIR.Generators.AST + PlutusIR.Generators.QuickCheck + PlutusIR.Generators.QuickCheck.Common + PlutusIR.Generators.QuickCheck.GenerateTerms + PlutusIR.Generators.QuickCheck.ShrinkTerms + PlutusIR.Test + Test.Tasty.Extras + UntypedPlutusCore.Test.DeBruijn.Bad + UntypedPlutusCore.Test.DeBruijn.Good + + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bifunctors + , bytestring + , containers + , data-default-class + , dependent-map >= + , filepath + , hedgehog >=1.0 + , lazy-search + , lens + , mmorph + , mtl + , multiset + , plutus-core:{plutus-core, plutus-ir} ^>=1.12 + , prettyprinter >= + , prettyprinter-configurable ^>=1.12 + , QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances + , quickcheck-transformer + , size-based + , Stream + , tagged + , tasty + , tasty-golden + , tasty-hedgehog + , tasty-hunit + , text + +---------------------------------------------- +-- debugger +---------------------------------------------- + +executable debugger + import: lang + main-is: Main.hs + + -- brick does not work on windows + if os(windows) + buildable: False + + hs-source-dirs: executables/debugger + other-modules: + Draw + Event + Types + + ghc-options: -O2 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , brick + , containers + , megaparsec + , microlens + , microlens-th ^>=0.4 + , mono-traversable + , mtl + , optparse-applicative + , plutus-core ^>=1.12 + , plutus-core-execlib ^>=1.12 + , prettyprinter + , text + , text-zipper + , vty + +---------------------------------------------- +-- profiling +---------------------------------------------- + +executable traceToStacks + import: lang + main-is: Main.hs + hs-source-dirs: executables/traceToStacks + other-modules: Common + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , cassava + , optparse-applicative + , text + , vector + +-- Tests for functions called by @traceToStacks@. +test-suite traceToStacks-test + import: lang + type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 + hs-source-dirs: executables/traceToStacks + default-language: Haskell2010 + main-is: TestGetStacks.hs + other-modules: Common + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , cassava + , tasty + , tasty-hunit + , text + , vector + +---------------------------------------------- +-- cost-model +---------------------------------------------- + +-- This runs the microbenchmarks used to generate the cost models for built-in +-- functions, saving the results in a CSV file which must be specified on the +-- commmand line. It will take several hours. +executable cost-model-budgeting-bench + import: lang + main-is: Main.hs + other-modules: + Benchmarks.Bool + Benchmarks.ByteStrings + Benchmarks.Crypto + Benchmarks.Data + Benchmarks.Integers + Benchmarks.Lists + Benchmarks.Misc + Benchmarks.Nops + Benchmarks.Pairs + Benchmarks.Strings + Benchmarks.Tracing + Benchmarks.Unit + Common + CriterionExtensions + Generators + + hs-source-dirs: cost-model/budgeting-bench + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , cardano-crypto-class + , criterion + , criterion-measurement + , deepseq + , directory + , filepath + , hedgehog + , mtl + , optparse-applicative + , plutus-core ^>=1.12 + , QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances + , random + , text + , time + +-- This reads CSV data generated by cost-model-budgeting-bench, uses R to build +-- the cost models for built-in functions, and saves them in a specified +-- JSON file (see the help). The 'official' cost model should be checked in +-- in plutus-core/cost-model/data/builtinCostModel.json. +executable generate-cost-model + import: lang + main-is: Main.hs + hs-source-dirs: cost-model/create-cost-model + ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N + + if !flag(with-inline-r) + buildable: False + + -- This fails on Darwin with strange errors and I don't know why + -- > Error: C stack usage 17556409549320 is too close to the limit + -- > Fatal error: unable to initialize the JI + if os(osx) + buildable: False + + build-depends: + , aeson-pretty + , barbies + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , cassava + , directory + , exceptions + , extra + , inline-r >=1.0.1 + , optparse-applicative + , plutus-core ^>=1.12 + , text + , vector + + other-modules: CreateBuiltinCostModel + +-- The cost models for builtins are generated using R and converted into a JSON +-- form that can later be used to construct Haskell functions. This tests that +-- the predictions of the Haskell version are (approximately) identical to the R +-- ones. This test is problematic in CI: pretending that it's a benchmark will +-- prevent it from being run automatically but will still allow us to run it +-- manually; `cabal bench` also sets the working directory to the root of the +-- relevant package, which makes it easier to find the cost model data files +-- (unlike `cabal run` for exectuables, which sets the working directory to the +-- current shell directory). +benchmark cost-model-test + import: lang + type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 + main-is: TestCostModels.hs + other-modules: TH + hs-source-dirs: cost-model/test cost-model/create-cost-model + + if !flag(with-inline-r) + buildable: False + + -- This fails on Darwin with strange errors and I don't know why + -- > Error: C stack usage 17556409549320 is too close to the limit + -- > Fatal error: unable to initialize the JI + if os(osx) + buildable: False + + build-depends: + , barbies + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , cassava + , exceptions + , extra + , hedgehog + , inline-r >=1.0.1 + , mmorph + , plutus-core ^>=1.12 + , template-haskell + , text + , vector + + other-modules: CreateBuiltinCostModel + +executable print-cost-model + import: lang + main-is: Main.hs + hs-source-dirs: cost-model/print-cost-model + other-modules: Paths_plutus_core + build-depends: + , aeson + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , bytestring + , text + +---------------------------------------------- +-- satint +---------------------------------------------- + +library satint + import: lang + exposed-modules: Data.SatInt + hs-source-dirs: satint/src + build-depends: + , aeson + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , cassava + , deepseq + , nothunks + , primitive + , serialise + , template-haskell + +test-suite satint-test + import: lang + type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 + main-is: TestSatInt.hs + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , HUnit + , QuickCheck + , satint + , test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + + default-language: Haskell2010 + hs-source-dirs: satint/test + +---------------------------------------------- +-- index-envs +---------------------------------------------- + +library index-envs + import: lang + hs-source-dirs: index-envs/src + default-language: Haskell2010 + exposed-modules: + Data.RandomAccessList.Class + Data.RandomAccessList.RelativizedMap + Data.RandomAccessList.SkewBinary + Data.RandomAccessList.SkewBinarySlab + + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , containers + , extra + , nonempty-vector + , ral ^>=0.2 + +-- broken for ral-0.2 conflicts with cardano-binary:recursion-schemes +benchmark index-envs-bench + import: lang + type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 + hs-source-dirs: index-envs/bench + default-language: Haskell2010 + main-is: Main.hs + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , criterion >= + , index-envs + , nonempty-vector + , ral ^>=0.2 + , random >=1.2.0 + +-- broken for ral-0.2 conflicts with cardano-binary:recursion-schemes +test-suite index-envs-test + import: lang + type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 + hs-source-dirs: index-envs/test + default-language: Haskell2010 + main-is: Spec.hs + other-modules: RAList.Spec + build-depends: + , base >=4.9 && <5 + , index-envs + , nonempty-vector + , QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances + , tasty + , tasty-quickcheck