diff --git a/src/OEBPS/AuthorNotes.xhtml b/src/OEBPS/AuthorNotes.xhtml index ac02888..2af294e 100644 --- a/src/OEBPS/AuthorNotes.xhtml +++ b/src/OEBPS/AuthorNotes.xhtml @@ -1,36 +1,42 @@ -
This could more accurately be described as a prologue. It's a bit grim, as you can probably guess from the story description, but essential to set things up.
Author’s Notes: The plot for this story came to me while I was working on another story — I started working on it so it would leave me alone. Kokopelli says that I don’t really need a disclaimer, as this story is non-profit writing exercise under the Fair Use Doctrine. If you recognize something in this story, it’s probably the property of J.K. Rowling and her licensees. Stuff you don’t recognize is mine.
You didn't really think the story would end with that, did you?
No notes
Yes, the title of this chapter is a nod toward Kokopelli, who has been pulling yeoman duty polishing up my grammar and occasional Americanism. (Though I could swear I heard the word 'gotten' used during a Monty Python skit...)
The ripples are starting to spread, and some things change for the worse...
No notes
Any questions and announcements will also be addressed on my blog, Viridian Dreams. The URL is in my author profile.
This marks the end of Year One, as defined by the events of Harry Potter and the Sorceror/Philosopher’s Stone. If you have questions, or want to join in on the discussions regarding this story, my other fanfics, or my original fiction, please visit my blog, Viridian Dreams. The URL is in my author profile.
If you have questions about the story or the NFP universe, feel free to visit my blog, Viridian Dreams, linked in my profile. I’m also distributing some of my original fiction to group members, starting with the novel Viridian Awakening.
I’d also like to take a moment to thank my Pre-Beta Runsamok, and my Final-Beta, Kokopelli. The final product would be much less polished without their efforts.
@@ -38,7 +44,7 @@-Matthew
Insert author’s note here — sing the praises of the venerable Kokopelli and include a pay-pal address for contributing to the buy-the-beta-a-better-laptop-fund — or to pay for his next weekend away with Mrs Kokopelli, whichever comes first.
The Real Author Notes:
@@ -46,7 +52,7 @@The original release of this chapter introduced a bit of controversy. Yes, Harry could have and should have stopped Vernon in his tracks. He miscalculated, quite badly, and is paying for his desire to avoid diverging the timelines too much. An easy win against Quirrel made him over-dependent on his foreknowledge, and this is one change that caught him completely off guard. Keep reading to get some hints as to why…
These last two chapters raised a few eyebrows, and led to some gruesome threats when they were first published. I address some of the concerns raised below, if anyone is interested…
Anyway, it should be clear now that Harry did, in fact, badly misread the situation. He has four main worries, and Voldemort is not the most immediate of those. In no particular order, they are:
@@ -61,7 +67,7 @@-Matthew
<< Insert high praise for the Venerable Kokopelli here, then random blathering about the story, along with a pitch for the Yahoo discussion group.>>
Okay, John! ‘Kokopelli = cool’, everyone understand? And my yahoo group, Viridian Dreams, is also highly entertaining… not to mention the only means by which you can get a chance to review the first original novel I ever (badly) wrote.
@@ -71,7 +77,7 @@If you’re curious, Stanhope is actually describing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Harry doesn’t know what form Fate really is taking. Does it exist? Is it a presence, or more of an impersonal force? Of course, that just means Harry is asking the same questions that started with the ancient Greek dudes.
I’m not always a huge fan of "Hollywood Endings" — which is one reason I like anime. On the other hand I’m not an angst-junkie either. Which means I’ve pretty much told you nothing about how all this will end…
@@ -79,27 +85,30 @@-Matthew
Disclaimer? We don’t need no stinkin’ disclaimer, and if we did, we already did it back in Chapter 1.
Yes, I know JKR said that Ollivander only makes wands with Dragon Heartstring, Unicorn Hair, or Phoenix Feather cores. Given the rarity of Phoenixes, and the number of combinations involved, it seems rather limited in terms of ‘every wizard needs to find the wand that fits them’. Two or Three, multiplied by a couple dozen varieties of wood, would hardly fill a shop. It wouldn’t be the first time that the numbers don’t seem to support the story.
However, if we posit the existence of other wandmakers, each making their foci using the available local ingredients, we return to the idea of the wand choosing the wizard, and Ollivander having a sufficiently varied inventory. All the various wandmakers do is ship their products to each other, for money or barter, to ensure that each member can always find something in their shop for that hard-to-suit eleven year old.
No notes
Beta’s Author Notes: Still looking for the disclaimer here? Nope, still not here, try Chapter 1.
Real Author’s Note: A bit of tension, a bit of future sadness, and now — a bit of fluff. Enjoy!
Insert stock beta comment — Disclaimer is in chapter one.
Space for mundane author muttering — Well, I’m finally getting into Chamber of Secrets territory for real now. Hope you enjoyed taking a look through Ginny’s eyes as well.
If you have questions or issues with the plot you’d like to debate (is Harry too vindictive with the Dursleys, or too hard on Dumbledore? Etc…) outside the reviews, please visit my blog, Viridian Dreams. Link is in my profile.
My Beta says that 17 USC 107 means never having to issue a disclaimer when I’m not getting paid for the writing — so there!
This is the end of the summer, next chapter starts with the trip back to Hoggy Warty Hogwarts!
@@ -107,7 +116,7 @@-Matthew
Hmmm… over ten thousand words to cover two days. But a lot did happen.
In case anyone was wondering, I’m not a Gilderoy Lockhart fan.
@@ -115,7 +124,7 @@-Matthew
Yes, I’m having fun with Luna… as I’m sure you all noticed.
I’m offering one (1) original character for the person who recognizes the homage I paid with Neville and Luna in this chapter.
@@ -124,7 +133,7 @@-Matthew
Still no disclaimer — if you’ve read this far, you know why.
Plot discussions and individual Q&A will be addressed on my blog, Viridian Dreams, see my author profile for the link. A lot of interesting discussions are taking place there as well.
@@ -132,21 +141,21 @@-Matthew
Plot discussions and individual Q&A will be addressed on my blog, Viridian Dreams. A lot of interesting discussions are taking place there as well.
Thanks for reading!
Plot discussions and individual Q&A will be addressed on my blog, Viridian Dreams. A lot of interesting discussions are taking place there as well.
Thanks for reading!
As discussed in my previous author notes, I am now working full time and my update pace has taken a serious hit. 50-55 hours a week I was spending on writing and editing are now being spent as a spreadsheet jockey and on my unpleasantly long commute.
Plot discussions and individual Q&A will be addressed on my blog, Viridian Dreams. A lot of interesting discussions are taking place there as well, as well as some looks at my original fiction.
@@ -154,7 +163,7 @@-Matthew
As discussed in my previous author notes, I am now working full time and my update pace has taken a serious hit. 50-55 hours a week I was spending on writing and editing are now being spent as a spreadsheet jockey and on my unpleasantly long commute.
That said, well thought out reviews do encourage me to devote more of what little time remains to writing. I find it a little curious that my Naruto story, Team 8, averages well over two hundred reviews per update, significantly more than NFP, despite the fact that more people read this story
@@ -163,7 +172,7 @@-Matthew
Yes, it’s a cliffhanger. Second year is heating up a bit as the law of unintended consequences smacks Harry in the head. Or is that a broken neck?
In any event, I’d like to thank my betas, Runsamok, Kokopelli, and Malkin for their work in helping polish this up.
@@ -172,7 +181,7 @@Enjoy and thanks for reading!
Well, that is the climax for year two. A lot of loose ends are wrapped up, and the original timeline is, shall we say, toast?
There will be another chapter to wrap up Harry’s second year. (You didn’t think I’d skip the Quidditch Championship, did you?). I was originally planning to do it all in 27, but this is already the longest chapter in Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past.
@@ -180,7 +189,7 @@Before we go, I’d like to thank my Betas, Runsamok, Kokopelli, the illustrious Kokopelli (beta correction) and Malkin. Without them, this would be messier, and no doubt read like it was written by one of those nasty Yanks. =)
This marks the end of Year 2.
The next chapter begins the Harry Potter and the Dementors of Azkaban story arc.
@@ -188,7 +197,7 @@Many thanks to my Betas: Runsamok and Kokopelli.
Welcome to Year 3: The Dementors of Azkaban.
Many thanks to my Betas, the comely Runsamok and the brilliant, if twisted Kokopelli! (Funny how my author notes seem to get edited, isn’t it?)
@@ -204,7 +213,7 @@And of course, that doesn’t mean that other parties might not make assumptions…
Welcome to Year 3: The Dementors of Azkaban.
Many thanks to my witty, diligent, and very personable Betas: Runsamok, Kokopelli, and Sherylyn!
@@ -213,7 +222,7 @@Note: When a dog has been running at top speed for extended periods of time, it will get little bits of foam around its muzzle. Sirius is not rabid.
Welcome to Year 3: The Dementors of Azkaban.
Many thanks to my Betas: the comely Runsamok, the brilliant, but twisted Kokopelli, and the ultimate Beta: Sherylyn! (Note to self: Stop letting Kokopelli edit the Author’s Notes.)
@@ -225,14 +234,14 @@-Matthew
Yes, it’s been a while. This story isn’t going away, but factors in the story, as well as outside situations have been holding it up a bit. I’m trying not to release any chapters smaller than 10,000 words, so it’s been a while. (My beta had a better idea for where to end this one, so I have a head start on chapter 33.) My blog has the progress meters for the chapters I’m currently working on, so you can check that if you are curious. The link is in my profile.
Regarding this chapter, I’ve been working on the pacing a bit. This chapter spans the time covered by chapters 4, 5, 6, & 7 of the Prisoner of Azkaban, with some groundwork laying, character development, and bit o’ magical action. Bit of a oops at the end there, eh?
And yes, I know magical trunks are a bit of a cliche, but really… Harry saw it used in book 4, he has a need for one and a lot of money… it would be stupid of him to ignore their existence, wouldn’t it? Sometimes a plot device becomes overused and cliched simply because it makes sense. Hermione hitting the books to research a solution to a problem is just as much a cliche, isn’t it?
Here’s the latest chapter. As always, a big thank you to my Betas: Runsamok, Kokopelli, and Siriusseeker!
On a side note: Some people have sent me objections regarding the presence of the American Expeditionary Force in the prologue. I’m sorry, but while I do live in the States, regarding their presence as some sort of jingoistic ethnocentrism displays an appalling ignorance of history. Or, to put it more poetically:
@@ -242,7 +251,7 @@Finally, if you want to know the progress on the next chapter, or to see excerpts and previews of coming chapters, please visit my blog, the address for which is posted in my profile. That’s the first place I update, so checking there is a lot faster than sending me an email or private message.
It’s been a while; for some reason the conversation in Dumbledore’s office wasn’t cooperating. DH is out, but it’s not going to be as hard to incorporate the new canon as I feared. The AU divergence point will be Voldemort’s decision to make the Hat a Horcrux right under Dumbledore’s nose. That means he had one more Horcrux when he went after the Potters, and his soul was even less stable.
In the first timeline, Voldemort discovered Snape’s treachery, earning the spy a shallow, unmarked grave. The Dark Lord’s even more tattered soul made him more violent and vicious, so he went for a more destructive conquest than was seen in Deathly Hallows.
@@ -252,7 +261,7 @@And as always, many thanks to my betas: the comely Runsamok, the somewhat scarce Kokopelli, and the always final Sherylyn.
And so we come to the end of another chapter. Tensions are rising in the Wizarding World and people are starting to point fingers. Harry has a plan, but as we’ve seen before, his plans don’t always go right.
Many thanks go out to Runsamok, Kokopelli, and SiriusSeeker for excellent beta work. Any mistakes in the final version are despite their heroic efforts to keep me on the straight and narrow.
@@ -263,7 +272,7 @@So yeah, Harry’s reasoning can be flawed and his reactions can be overly emotional. Despite everything, he still has some growing up to do. But aren’t perfect heroes kind of boring after a while?
Time moves on, and while Harry is making plans and forming tentative alliances, he has no real idea of the forces moving to oppose him. *cues sinister laughter*
For some reason the argument between the adults was difficult to write. There were no right or wrong parties there, so it was important to keep it balanced, both in my head and on paper.
@@ -271,20 +280,20 @@As always, there are news and progress updates available on the Viridian Dreams blog - the address is displayed in my profile, along with our new forums (there’s already a discussion thread set up for this chapter). Runsamok and I were recently interviewed about this story on the PotterFicWeekly podcast, and I’ll have a link to it posted on my blog when it goes live.
And with the end of the year comes the end of the chapter. Many thanks to Runsamok, Kokopelli, and Sherylyn, the betas that make this readable.
I’d also like to thank the people on the Viridian Dreams forums for commentary and encouragement. If you have questions regarding this or any of my other stories, you can get a lot of answers there, as well as preview new stuff before it is released. My blog also displays progress bars for whichever chapters I’m currently working on.
Many thanks to Runsamok, Kokopelli, and Sherylyn for awesome beta work.
As you can no doubt guess, the new job has sharply curtailed my writing time, but I’m still at it. You can find a progress bar for the latest chapter I’m working on at the Viridian Dreams website, as well as multiple tangential discussions on the forums.
I hope everyone has a happy and joyous holiday season.
A little short, but with a bit of excitement to cap off Year Three. As you can tell, this chapter fought harder than most, and I had some other issues limiting my productivity. Kudos to both Runsamok and Kokopelli for putting up with me and my irregular spelling!
Before anyone asks — no, this story is not abandoned. If had abandoned it, I would at the very least post my outline and all the snippets I've already worked out. (They currently reside at the bottom of my working file for easy reference.)
@@ -292,22 +301,25 @@Any questions you might have will probably get the quickest answers on the Viridian Dreams forums.
Yes, I am back on a semi-regular writing schedule again. An up-side to down-sizing? I’d like to thank Runsamok, Tempest, and Torbin for alpha-reads, and the illustrious Kokopelli for his beta-work! Some embarrassingly mis-used Brit-slang was avoided thanks to their efforts. I’d also like to thank the person who was cameo-ed in this chapter. Given what has been going on lately, your timing was simply amazing!
I’m off to work on Team 8 now. Yes, you could consider this a cliffhanger… but not when you think about it. Enjoy!
Hello, back again with another update to Year 4 of NoFP… Yes, I am bringing in one of the most detested characters in the Potterverse, and I’m doing it early!
I’d like to thank Runsamok, Tempest, and Torbin for alpha-reads, and the ever-awesome consistently outstanding Kokopelli for his beta work.
In other news, I’m posting some of my original fiction on Patreon.
Well now, history repeating itself. Fancy that.
As always, many kudos to Runsamok and Kokopelli for awesome beta work. Any delays in the production of this chapter rest solely on my shoulders (or rather my gimpy foot). I’d also like to thank my awesome Patreon supporters for helping make this continuation happen. They are also reading my original novel, Rhiyen’s Deal (which they helped rename). I’m listed on Patreon as Viridian Dreams. There’s even a real life picture of my face, so be warned…
As always, any questions can be addressed best on the Viridian Dreams forums because for every question you have, I bet ten fellow readers are asking the same thing. So feel free to register, wave hello to the captcha as it snares spam-bots, and say hello!
No notes
…and Harry James Potter, the Boy Who Lived, fell to the ground, dead.