- rate-limiting: unreliable from the state
- summary page - api call
- logs/auth - refactor google/apple/authcontext, verify google sign out
- eas build -p ios --profile preview
- npx expo prebuild --clean
- npx expo run:android && npx expo run:ios
npx expo-modules-autolinking search
npx expo-modules-autolinking resolve --platform ios
npx expo-modules-autolinking verify
npm start -c eas build:clear-cache
git filter-branch --force --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch path/to/secret' HEAD
git revert HEAD git revert
git rebase -i HEAD~
pick abcdef1 Commit message 1 squash abcdef2 Commit message 2 squash abcdef3 Commit message 3
press Esc, then type :wq and press Enter for Vim, or Ctrl-X then Y for Nano.
./sentryclirc for sentry eas.json for eas build