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IntaSend Laravel Playground

How to install IntaSend

Use the command below to install the latest version of intasend-php plugin to your app.

composer require intasend/intasend-php

How to run Playground and examples

composer update

php artisan serve

How to collect payments

Example on how to generate payment secure URL and handle payment confirmation and redirection.

Navigate to routes/web.php for full code example

Include IntaSend Checkout and Customer class

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Checkout;
use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Customer;

Use it in route i.e where users can generate the check-out url

Route::get('/checkout', function () {
    $credentials = [
        'publishable_key' =>  env('INTASEND_PUBLISHABLE_KEY'),
        'token' =>  env('INTASEND_API_KEY')

    $customer = new Customer();
    $customer->first_name = "Joe";
    $customer->last_name = "Doe";
    $customer->email = "[email protected]";
    $customer->country = "KE";
    $customer->city = "Nairobi";
    $customer->address = "Apt 123, Westland road";
    $customer->zipcode = "0100";
    $customer->state = "Nairobi";

    $amount = 10;
    $currency = "KES";

    // Add your website and redirect url where the user will be redirected on success
    $host = "";
    $redirect_url = "";
    $ref_order_number = "test-order-10";

    $checkout = new Checkout();
    $resp = $checkout->create($amount = $amount, $currency = $currency, $customer = $customer, $host=$host, $redirect_url = $redirect_url, $api_ref = $ref_order_number, $comment = null, $method = null);

    return redirect($resp->url);

How to handle returned callback on success

Successful transactions will return a callback with extra parameters if a $redirect_url is specified during the checkout request. Below is an example of how to use the returned values to verify the transaction before updating your record.

Route::get('/callback', function (Request $request) {
    $signature = $request->input('signature');
    $checkout_id = $request->input('checkout_id');
    $tracking_id = $request->input('tracking_id');

    $checkout = new Checkout();
    $resp = $checkout->check_status($signature, $checkout_id, $tracking_id);

    // Check the returned api_ref, verify state, amount, currency etc, and update your records accordingly
    return $resp;

See the example in routes/web.php for more details.