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IntaSend Payments Gateway - PHP SDK

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Official documentation

PHP SDK for IntaSend Payment Gateway. IntaSend enables you to easily add payments to your application with a few lines of code.

Follow the instruction below to install and get started.

Visit our sandbox/developers test for your API Keys.

Checkout our API documentation for more details and for payload references.

How to install

composer require intasend/intasend-php

How to authenticate

IntaSend-php supports various IntaSend's payment features. Below are the credentials needed for authentication.

token - Is the API token and is required for status checks, chargeback request, send money, and wallet services. publishable_key - Also know as the public key is required during payment collections/checkout only.

How to pass your credentials

Add your credentials from the .env (recommended) in an array and include it in your requests. Example:

$credentials = [

$checkout = new Checkout();

How to receive payments using Checkout URL

With IntaSend, you can generate a secure checkout page where you redirect your users to complete payments.

Below is a basic example on how to set up. Check full example in your Laravel playground.

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Checkout;
use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Customer;

$credentials = [
'publishable_key' =>  env('INTASEND_PUBLISHABLE_KEY'),
'test' =>  env('INTASEND_TEST_ENVIRONMENT', true),

$customer = new Customer();
$customer->first_name = "Joe";
$customer->last_name = "Doe";
$customer->email = "[email protected]";
$customer->country = "KE";

$amount = 10;
$currency = "KES";

// Add your website and redirect url where the user will be redirected on success
$host = "";
$redirect_url = "";
$ref_order_number = "test-order-10";

$checkout = new Checkout();
$resp = $checkout->create($amount = $amount, $currency = $currency, $customer = $customer, $host=$host, $redirect_url = $redirect_url, $api_ref = $ref_order_number, $comment = null, $method = null);

// Redirect the user to the URL to complete payment

Send M-Pesa STK-Push

Checkout API generates a URL that enables you to do M-Pesa collection and other payment methods. In case you want to leverage only the M-Pesa STK-Push option, you might want to consider this the collection->mpesa_stk_push() option.

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Collection;
$credentials = [
'publishable_key' =>  env('INTASEND_PUBLISHABLE_KEY'),
'test' =>  env('INTASEND_TEST_ENVIRONMENT', true),

$collection = new Collection();

$response = $collection->create($amount=10, $phone_number="2547...", $currency="KES", $method="MPESA_STK_PUSH", $api_ref="Your API Ref", $name="", $email="[email protected]");

How to create Payment links

Payment links are free forms that you can share with your customers on email and social media. Unlike Checkout URL, payment links do not required/include customer details when creating them. The customer is expected to put all the details required.

Create a payment link

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\PaymentLink;

$credentials = [

$paymentLink = new PaymentLink();

$title = "Service 1";
$currency = "KES";
$amount = 100;

# Specify who should take care of the charges. Set to BUSINESS_PAYS for business to handle.

$mobile_tarrif =  "CUSTOMER_PAYS";
$card_tarrif =  "CUSTOMER_PAYS";
$is_active = "true";

$response = $paymentLink->create($title, $currency, $amount, $mobile_tarrif, $card_tarrif, $is_active);

List or retrive details of payment links by ID

$response = $paymentLink->retrieve()

$link_id = "AKSL1O1";
$response = $paymentLink->details($link_id);

How to Send Money to M-Pesa B2C

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Transfer;

$credentials = [

$transactions = [

$transfer = new Transfer();

$response=$transfer->mpesa("KES", $transactions);

//call approve method for approving last transaction
$response = $transfer->approve($response);

// How to check or track the transfer status
$response = $transfer->status($response->tracking_id);

How to Send Money to M-Pesa PayBill

To send money to M-Pesa PayBills, specify business number under account and an account reference as shown below.

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Transfer;

$credentials = [

$transactions = [
    ['account'=>'247247', 'account_type'=>'PayBill', 'account_reference'=>'1001200010',  'amount'=>'2000', 'narrative'=>'Trip']

$transfer = new Transfer();

$response=$transfer->mpesa("KES", $transactions);

//call approve method for approving last transaction
$response = $transfer->approve($response);

How to Send Money to M-Pesa Till Number or PayBill

To send money to Till Numbers, simply specify the account number. No account reference is requred.

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Transfer;

$credentials = [

$transactions = [
    ['name' => 'Business A','account'=>'524311','amount'=>'200', 'account_type'=>'PayBill', 'account_reference'=>'29822182', 'narrative'=> 'Bill Payment'],
    ['name' => 'Business B','account'=>'17626','amount'=>'150', 'account_type'=>'TillNumber', 'narrative'=> 'Purchase']

$transfer = new Transfer();

$response=$transfer->mpesa_b2b("KES", $transactions);

//call approve method for approving last transaction
$response = $transfer->approve($response);

How to Send to Bank

You'll need a bank code and account numbers to send bank payments. Here is a list of bank codes for your reference

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Transfer;

$credentials = [

$transactions = [
    ['name' => 'Joe Doe','account'=>'0129292920202','amount'=>'200', 'bank_code'=>'2', 'narrative'=> 'Bill Payment'],
    ['name' => 'Mary Doe','account'=>'525623632321','amount'=>'150', 'bank_code'=>'11', 'narrative'=> 'Purchase']

$transfer = new Transfer();

$response=$transfer->bank("KES", $transactions);

//call approve method for approving last transaction
$response = $transfer->approve($response);

How to Send Airtime

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Transfer;

$credentials = [

$transactions = [
    ['account'=>'254723890353','amount'=>'20', 'narrative'=>'Airtime'],
    ['account'=>'254723890260','amount'=>'15', 'narrative'=>'Airtime']

$transfer = new Transfer();

$response=$transfer->airtime("KES", $transactions);

//call approve method for approving last transaction
$response = $transfer->approve($response);

Working with Wallets

Example on how to create a new wallet, list wallets and other details

Create a new wallet

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Wallet;

$credentials = [

$wallet = new Wallet();

$response = $wallet->create($currency='KES', $label='MY-WALLET-ID', $can_disburse=true);

List all wallets in your account

$response = $wallet->retrieve();

View wallet details and its transactions

$response = $wallet->transactions('<wallet_id>');

$response = $wallet->transactions($wallet_id);

Direct deposit to wallet using M-Pesa STK Push

$response = $wallet->fund_mpesa_stk_push($wallet_id="<wallet_id>", $phone_number='2547...',$email='[email protected]', $amount=10, $api_ref="API Request");

Direct deposit to wallet with Checkout Method

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Customer;

$customer = new Customer();
$customer->first_name = "Joe";
$customer->last_name = "Doe";
$customer->email = "[email protected]";
$customer->country = "KE";

$host = "";
$redirect_url = "";

$ref_order_number = "fund-wallet-10";

$response = $wallet->fund_checkout($wallet_id="<wallet_id>", $phone_number='2547..', $currency='USD', $customer=$customer, $amount=10, $host=$host, $redirect_url=$redirect_url, $api_ref=$ref_order_number, $card_tarrif = "BUSINESS-PAYS", $mobile_tarrif = "BUSINESS-PAYS");

Wallet to wallet transfers (Intra-transfer)

Transfer funds between wallets in your account

$origin_wallet_id = "ABSKC10";
$destination_wallet_id = "DDS0911";
$amount = 100;
$narrative = "Commission deduction";

$response = $wallet->intra_transfer($origin_wallet_id, $destination_wallet_id, $amount, $narrative);

External Wallet Transfer to M-PESA

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Transfer;

$transactions = [

$response=$transfer->mpesa("KES", $transactions=$transactions, $callback_url=null,  $wallet_id='<wallet_id>');

Like all other Send Money APIs, the above request is also a two step. Please go through the send money examples on full implementation for M-Pesa B2C, M-Pesa B2B, Bank Payouts and IntaSend P2P.

Chargebacks Management

Examples on how to process refunds using the API

Raise new refund request

use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Chagebacks;

$credentials = [

$chagebacks = new Chagebacks();

$invoice_id = "INVOS012";
$amount = 100;
$reason = "Delayed delivery";

$response = $chagebacks->create($invoice_id, $amount, $reason);

Retrieve list of refunds/chargebacks in your account

$response = $chagebacks->retrieve();

Get details of a chargeback/refund request

$chagebacks_id = "CHSK102";

$response = $chagebacks->details($chagebacks_id);

Documentation and Resources

  1. Developers Documentation
  2. Test and sandbox environment
  3. Support
  4. Telegram