description |
This API is for the merchants to initiate card payments charge-back and refunds from a third-party system. |
Before using this resource, please read carefully our article on how we handle Chargebacks and the Terms and Conditions statements on the same.
These endpoints require authentication.
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/chargebacks/" method="post" summary="Create Chargeback" %} {% swagger-description %} Create a new chargeback request. IntaSend will be notified for processing. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authentication" type="string" %} Bearer {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="invoice" type="number" %} Invoice id of the transaction. This ID is normally returned in the complete card transaction as tracking_id or invoice_id {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="amount" type="string" %} Amount to be refunded. Must be equal or less than the billed amount {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="reason" type="string" %} Reason for refund {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="reason_details" type="string" %} More details on the reason provided {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="A new chargeback entry details are returned" %}
"id": 1,
"transaction": 1,
"invoice": 1,
"amount": 200,
"reason": "Delayed shipping",
"status": "PENDING",
"resolution": "",
"staff_created": "false"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/chargebacks/" method="get" summary="List Chargeback" %} {% swagger-description %} List chargebacks made to the account {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authentication" type="string" %} Bearer {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="Returns array of results" %}
"id": 1,
"transaction": 1,
"invoice": 1,
"amount": 200,
"reason": "Delayed shipping",
"reason_details": "System malfunction, could not send item faster",
"status": "PENDING",
"resolution": "",
"staff_created": "false"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/chargebacks/:chargeback_id/" method="get" summary="Retrieve Chargeback" %} {% swagger-description %} Retrieve single chargeback record {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="chargeback_id" type="integer" %} Record id to retrieve {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authentication" type="string" %} Bearer {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="Chargeback record" %}
"id": 1,
"transaction": 1,
"invoice": 1,
"amount": 200,
"reason": "Delayed shipping",
"reason_details": "System malfunction, could not send item faster",
"status": "PENDING",
"resolution": "",
"staff_created": "false"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}