This library uses SDK-style project files, which means you are required to use Visual Studio 2019 or newer.
- Visual Studio 2019 Community (or better)
- Windows 10 (older versions work probably too, but the repository is not configured for those)
- .NET Core SDK 6.0
- git
(This should be everything, but it's possible i missed something. So please tell me if that's the case.)
The monstercat api has endpoints that are only available to you, if you have an account with an active gold membership. So if you don't have one, then these are expected to fail.
You can check coverage locally by running build.ps1.
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File build.ps1 -script ".\build.cake" -target "Default" -verbosity normal
# the workingdirectory should be the root of this repository for the command to work
Which will generate a coverage report that you can open in your browser. The report can be found here after successfully running the script.
Please follow the suggestions provided by .editorconfig. Otherwise try to follow the patterns provided by preexisting code. I will ask you to update your PR if you are introducing warnings or if you lower test coverage by significant margin.
Probably the smaller the better (within sensible bounds for the nature of your change); at least keep a single feature to a single branch/PR.