- #200: Respect iox::column_type::field metadata when
mapping query results into values.
- iox::column_type::field::integer: => Long
- iox::column_type::field::uinteger: => Long
- iox::column_type::field::float: => Double
- iox::column_type::field::string: => String
- iox::column_type::field::boolean: => Boolean
- #202: Migrate from
- #158: Add InfluxDB Edge (OSS) authentication support.
- #163: Introduces
to facilitate write retries and error recovery.
- #144: user-agent header is updated for both REST and gRPC calls.
#107: Custom headers are also supported for the query (gRPC request)
ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig.Builder() .host("https://us-east-1-1.aws.cloud2.influxdata.com") .token("my-token".toCharArray()) .database("my-database") .headers(Map.of("X-Tracing-Id", "123")) .build(); try (InfluxDBClient client = InfluxDBClient.getInstance(config)) { // // your code here // } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
#108: Custom headers can be specified per request (query/write):
ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig.Builder() .host("https://us-east-1-1.aws.cloud2.influxdata.com") .token("my-token".toCharArray()) .database("my-database") .build(); try (InfluxDBClient client = InfluxDBClient.getInstance(config)) { // // Write with custom headers // WriteOptions writeOptions = new WriteOptions( Map.of("X-Tracing-Id", "852") ); client.writeRecord("mem,tag=one value=1.0", writeOptions); // // Query with custom headers // QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions( Map.of("X-Tracing-Id", "852") ); Stream<Object[]> rows = client.query("select * from cpu", queryOptions); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
- #94: Add support for named query parameters
Resync artifacts with Maven Central.
- #78: Default Tags can be used when writing points.
- #77: Serialize InfluxDB response to
- #41: Add structured query support
- #55: Iteration over more Arrow streams
- #40: Add client creation from connection string, environment variables or system properties.
- #31: Renamed config types and some options
- initial release of new client version