Releases: IndicoDataSolutions/indico-client-python
Bugfix patch version
Fixes an issue with bytestream support feature
Bytestream support
This release adds support for passing in BufferedIOBase
derived objects to the WorkflowSubmission
query, enabling SDK users to manage how they get and manage files for upload by passing in just the streams instead of filepaths.
Document Reporting, Bugfixes
This release enables Document Reporting metrics and Submission Retry, supported on IPA v4.11+ as well as a bugfix for handling server side gzip compression.
4.11.1 - Workflow Metrics
This release adds support for workflow metrics data retrieval. See the example under the examples
folder for usage demonstration,
4.11.0 - User Metrics
This version brings two big changes:
User Metrics Reporting is now available! See docs for more info on this feature and examples.
The version number is now in sync with the minimum required IPA Platform version. The minimum required IPA version to access all features in this packages is 4.11.0.
Add Python3.9 Support
Release notes:
- Adds support for Python 3.9.
- Fixes RetrieveStorageObject deserialization issue with pdfs.
AddToWorkflow + versioneer
fixing an issue with versioneer in the pipeline