QB Core Script to use "headphones" to listen to music being played on GTA Radios stations anywhere in San Andreas!
- Install Latest Version
- Drag into the Resources Folder and Ensure
- QB Core > Shared > Items.lua add the following:
["headphone"] = {
["name"] = "headphone",
["label"] = "Headphones",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "headphones.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Listen to some of the best radio stations in San Andreas outside of your vehicle!"
- Qb-Core > Shops > config.lua add the following where you see fit:
{name = 'headphone', price = 2, amount = 50, info = {}, type = 'item'},
Enjoy, if there are issues problems, or anything like that join my discord and let me know so I can fix it! Discord: https://discord.gg/RQBhmWEzTx