- "SELECT gene_symbol FROM c2b2r_chembl_08_target_dictionary WHERE UPPER(pref_name) = UPPER('"+name+"')"
- "SELECT "Approved_Symbol" FROM "c2b2r_HGNC" WHERE UPPER("Approved_Name") = UPPER('"+name+"')" getGeneByGI(gi)
- "SELECT "geneSymbol" FROM "c2b2r_Gi2UNIPROT_new","c2b2r_GENE2UNIPROT" WHERE "c2b2r_GENE2UNIPROT".uniprot="c2b2r_Gi2UNIPROT_new".uniprot and gi ="+(gi) getGeneByUniprot(uniprot)
- "SELECT "geneSymbol" FROM "c2b2r_GENE2UNIPROT" WHERE UPPER(uniprot) = UPPER('"+uniprot+"')" retrieveCIDsByNameDrugbank(name)
- "select cid from c2b2r_drugbankdrug_042011 where cid is not null and (upper(brand) like upper('%"+str(name)+";%') or upper(name) =upper('"+str(name)+"'))" getCIDsbySMILES(SMILES)
- "SELECT cid FROM c2b2r_compound_new where md5(std_inchi)=md5('"+inchi+"')” getSMILESByCID(cid)
- 'SELECT openeye_can_smiles FROM pubchem_compound where cid=' + str(cid) getOMIMID(disease)
- "SELECT "Disease_ID" from c2b2r_omim_disease where "Name"='" + str(disease)+"'" getNeighbors(SMILES)
- SELECT cid, tanimoto(gfp, public166keys(keksmiles('" + SMILES + "')))FROM c2b2r_compound_new WHERE gfpbcnt" + " BETWEEN (nbits_set(public166keys(keksmiles('" + SMILES + "'))) * 0.85)::integer" + " AND (nbits_set(public166keys(keksmiles('" + SMILES + "'))) / 0.85)::integer" + " AND tanimoto(gfp, public166keys(keksmiles('" + SMILES + "'))) > 0.85 ORDER BY tanimoto DESC, cid" fetchTargetRelatedCompounds(gene)
- 'SELECT "CID" FROM c2b2r_chemogenomics where primary_source!=' CTD ' and med_interested=1 and "GENE" in '+targets+' limit 500' fetchTargetLigands(gene)
- 'SELECT "CID",openeye_can_smiles,primary_source FROM c2b2r_chemogenomics, c2b2r_compound_new where c2b2r_chemogenomics."CID"=c2b2r_compound_new.cid and primary_source!=' CTD ' and med_interested=1 and "GENE"=''+gene+''' cidNetworks(input,cids)
- 'SELECT "GENE" FROM c2b2r_chemogenomics where primary_source!=' CTD ' and med_interested=1 and "CID"=' + str(cid) cidNetwork(cid)
- 'SELECT "GENE" FROM c2b2r_chemogenomics where primary_source!=' CTD ' and med_interested=1 and "CID"=' + str(cid) cidNetwork(gene)
- 'SELECT "CID" FROM c2b2r_chemogenomics where primary_source!=' CTD ' and med_interested=1 and "GENE"=''+gene+'' limit 100'
- c2b2r_chembl_08_target_dictionary
- c2b2r_chemogenomics
- c2b2r_compound_new
- c2b2r_drugbankdrug_042011
- c2b2r_Gi2UNIPROT_new
- c2b2r_HGNC
- c2b2r_omim_disease
- pubchem_compound