diff --git a/WebContent/js/cah.constants.js b/WebContent/js/cah.constants.js index 8f84c11e..8126bbaa 100644 --- a/WebContent/js/cah.constants.js +++ b/WebContent/js/cah.constants.js @@ -2,80 +2,101 @@ cah.$ = {}; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus = function() { - // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. -}; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.SPECTATOR = "sv"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.WINNER = "sw"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.IDLE = "si"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.HOST = "sh"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.JUDGING = "sjj"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.JUDGE = "sj"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.PLAYING = "sp"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg = {}; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sjj'] = "Selecting"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sv'] = "Spectator"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sw'] = "Winner!"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sh'] = "Host"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['si'] = ""; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sj'] = "Card Czar"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sp'] = "Playing"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2 = {}; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sjj'] = "Select a winning card."; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sv'] = "You are just spectating."; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sw'] = "You have won!"; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sh'] = "Wait for players then click Start Game."; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['si'] = "Waiting for players..."; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sj'] = "You are the Card Czar."; -cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sp'] = "Select a card to play."; - -cah.$.GamePlayerInfo = function() { +cah.$.AjaxOperation = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. }; -cah.$.GamePlayerInfo.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.GamePlayerInfo.STATUS = "st"; -cah.$.GamePlayerInfo.SCORE = "sc"; -cah.$.GamePlayerInfo.NAME = "N"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.NAMES = "gn"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.SCORE = "SC"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.LEAVE_GAME = "lg"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.JOIN_GAME = "jg"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.CHAT = "c"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.GAME_LIST = "ggl"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.CARDCAST_ADD_CARDSET = "cac"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.CARDCAST_LIST_CARDSETS = "clc"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.PLAY_CARD = "pc"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.CHANGE_GAME_OPTIONS = "cgo"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.GET_GAME_INFO = "ggi"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.GET_CARDS = "gc"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.ADMIN_SET_VERBOSE_LOG = "svl"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.REGISTER = "r"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.CARDCAST_REMOVE_CARDSET = "crc"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.WHOIS = "Wi"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.KICK = "K"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.FIRST_LOAD = "fl"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.START_GAME = "sg"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.LOG_OUT = "lo"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.BAN = "b"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.CREATE_GAME = "cg"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.STOP_GAME = "Sg"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.GAME_CHAT = "GC"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.SPECTATE_GAME = "vg"; +cah.$.AjaxOperation.JUDGE_SELECT = "js"; -cah.$.GameOptionData = function() { +cah.$.AjaxRequest = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. }; -cah.$.GameOptionData.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.GameOptionData.TIMER_MULTIPLIER = "tm"; -cah.$.GameOptionData.PASSWORD = "pw"; -cah.$.GameOptionData.SPECTATOR_LIMIT = "vL"; -cah.$.GameOptionData.SCORE_LIMIT = "sl"; -cah.$.GameOptionData.BLANKS_LIMIT = "bl"; -cah.$.GameOptionData.PLAYER_LIMIT = "pL"; -cah.$.GameOptionData.CARD_SETS = "css"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.SERIAL = "s"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.OP = "o"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.WALL = "wall"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.PERSISTENT_ID = "pid"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.EMOTE = "me"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.CARDCAST_ID = "cci"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.GAME_ID = "gid"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.GAME_OPTIONS = "go"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.MESSAGE = "m"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.NICKNAME = "n"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.PASSWORD = "pw"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.CARD_ID = "cid"; +cah.$.AjaxRequest.ID_CODE = "idc"; -cah.$.GameInfo = function() { +cah.$.AjaxResponse = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. }; -cah.$.GameInfo.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.GameInfo.GAME_OPTIONS = "go"; -cah.$.GameInfo.CREATED = "gca"; -cah.$.GameInfo.PLAYERS = "P"; -cah.$.GameInfo.SPECTATORS = "V"; -cah.$.GameInfo.HOST = "H"; -cah.$.GameInfo.STATE = "S"; -cah.$.GameInfo.ID = "gid"; -cah.$.GameInfo.HAS_PASSWORD = "hp"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.NAMES = "nl"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.CLIENT_NAME = "cn"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_CHAT_ENABLED = "Gce"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.PLAYER_INFO = "pi"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.CONNECTED_AT = "ca"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.WHITE_CARDS = "wc"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.HAND = "h"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.ERROR_CODE = "ec"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.GLOBAL_CHAT_ENABLED = "gce"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.SERVER_STARTED = "SS"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.NEXT = "next"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_INFO = "gi"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.ERROR = "e"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_STATE_DESCRIPTION = "gss"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.ID_CODE = "idc"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.CARD_SETS = "css"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.SERIAL = "s"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.PERSISTENT_ID = "pid"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.USER_PERMALINK = "up"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAMES = "gl"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.SIGIL = "?"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_ID = "gid"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.MAX_GAMES = "mg"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.IN_PROGRESS = "ip"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_OPTIONS = "go"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.NICKNAME = "n"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.BLACK_CARD = "bc"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_PERMALINK = "gp"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.IDLE = "idl"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.CARD_ID = "cid"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.IP_ADDRESS = "IP"; +cah.$.AjaxResponse.SESSION_PERMALINK = "sP"; -cah.$.GameState = function() { +cah.$.BlackCardData = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. }; -cah.$.GameState.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.GameState.ROUND_OVER = "ro"; -cah.$.GameState.LOBBY = "l"; -cah.$.GameState.JUDGING = "j"; -cah.$.GameState.PLAYING = "p"; -cah.$.GameState_msg = {}; -cah.$.GameState_msg['p'] = "In Progress"; -cah.$.GameState_msg['j'] = "In Progress"; -cah.$.GameState_msg['l'] = "Not Started"; -cah.$.GameState_msg['ro'] = "In Progress"; +cah.$.BlackCardData.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.BlackCardData.DRAW = "D"; +cah.$.BlackCardData.PICK = "PK"; +cah.$.BlackCardData.TEXT = "T"; +cah.$.BlackCardData.ID = "cid"; +cah.$.BlackCardData.WATERMARK = "W"; cah.$.CardSetData = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. @@ -89,96 +110,21 @@ cah.$.CardSetData.BASE_DECK = "bd"; cah.$.CardSetData.ID = "cid"; cah.$.CardSetData.WEIGHT = "w"; -cah.$.BlackCardData = function() { - // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. -}; -cah.$.BlackCardData.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.BlackCardData.DRAW = "D"; -cah.$.BlackCardData.PICK = "PK"; -cah.$.BlackCardData.TEXT = "T"; -cah.$.BlackCardData.ID = "cid"; -cah.$.BlackCardData.WATERMARK = "W"; - -cah.$.WhiteCardData = function() { - // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. -}; -cah.$.WhiteCardData.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.WhiteCardData.WRITE_IN = "wi"; -cah.$.WhiteCardData.TEXT = "T"; -cah.$.WhiteCardData.ID = "cid"; -cah.$.WhiteCardData.WATERMARK = "W"; - -cah.$.Sigil = function() { - // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. -}; -cah.$.Sigil.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.Sigil.NORMAL_USER = ""; -cah.$.Sigil.ADMIN = "@"; -cah.$.Sigil.ID_CODE = "+"; - -cah.$.LongPollResponse = function() { - // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. -}; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.PLAY_TIMER = "Pt"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.PLAYER_INFO = "pi"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.FROM = "f"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.WHITE_CARDS = "wc"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.EVENT = "E"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.HAND = "h"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.ERROR_CODE = "ec"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.MESSAGE = "m"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.WINNING_CARD = "WC"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.FROM_ADMIN = "fa"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.TIMESTAMP = "ts"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.GAME_INFO = "gi"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.ERROR = "e"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.ID_CODE = "idc"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.REASON = "qr"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.WALL = "wall"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.ROUND_WINNER = "rw"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.SIGIL = "?"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.EMOTE = "me"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.CARDCAST_DECK_INFO = "cdi"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.GAME_ID = "gid"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.ROUND_PERMALINK = "rP"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.NICKNAME = "n"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.BLACK_CARD = "bc"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.GAME_PERMALINK = "gp"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.GAME_STATE = "gs"; -cah.$.LongPollResponse.INTERMISSION = "i"; - -cah.$.LongPollEvent = function() { +cah.$.DisconnectReason = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. }; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_ROUND_COMPLETE = "grc"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.BANNED = "B&"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.NOOP = "_"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.CHAT = "c"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_PLAYER_INFO_CHANGE = "gpic"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.HAND_DEAL = "hd"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.CARDCAST_ADD_CARDSET = "cac"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.PLAYER_LEAVE = "pl"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_BLACK_RESHUFFLE = "gbr"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_JUDGE_SKIPPED = "gjs"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_LIST_REFRESH = "glr"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.NEW_PLAYER = "np"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_PLAYER_SKIPPED = "gps"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_PLAYER_JOIN = "gpj"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_WHITE_RESHUFFLE = "gwr"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.CARDCAST_REMOVE_CARDSET = "crc"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_OPTIONS_CHANGED = "goc"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_PLAYER_KICKED_IDLE = "gpki"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_SPECTATOR_LEAVE = "gvl"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_PLAYER_LEAVE = "gpl"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_SPECTATOR_JOIN = "gvj"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.HURRY_UP = "hu"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_JUDGE_LEFT = "gjl"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.KICKED = "k"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.KICKED_FROM_GAME_IDLE = "kfgi"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.FILTERED_CHAT = "FC"; -cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_STATE_CHANGE = "gsc"; +cah.$.DisconnectReason.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.DisconnectReason.PING_TIMEOUT = "pt"; +cah.$.DisconnectReason.BANNED = "B&"; +cah.$.DisconnectReason.IDLE_TIMEOUT = "it"; +cah.$.DisconnectReason.KICKED = "k"; +cah.$.DisconnectReason.MANUAL = "man"; +cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg = {}; +cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg['B&'] = "Banned"; +cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg['pt'] = "Ping timeout"; +cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg['it'] = "Kicked due to idle"; +cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg['k'] = "Kicked by server administrator"; +cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg['man'] = "Leaving"; cah.$.ErrorCode = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. @@ -263,7 +209,7 @@ cah.$.ErrorCode_msg['B&'] = "Banned."; cah.$.ErrorCode_msg['mtl'] = "Messages cannot be longer than 200 characters."; cah.$.ErrorCode_msg['in'] = "Nickname must contain only upper and lower case letters, numbers, or underscores, must be 3 to 30 characters long, and must not start with a number."; cah.$.ErrorCode_msg['rW'] = "You must use more unique words in your message."; -cah.$.ErrorCode_msg['serr'] = "An error occured on the server."; +cah.$.ErrorCode_msg['serr'] = "An error occurred on the server."; cah.$.ErrorCode_msg['CL'] = "Try turning caps lock off."; cah.$.ErrorCode_msg['dnhc'] = "You don't have that card."; cah.$.ErrorCode_msg['as'] = "The game has already started."; @@ -285,90 +231,144 @@ cah.$.ErrorInformation.WHITE_CARDS_REQUIRED = "wcr"; cah.$.ErrorInformation.BLACK_CARDS_REQUIRED = "bcr"; cah.$.ErrorInformation.BLACK_CARDS_PRESENT = "bcp"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse = function() { +cah.$.GameInfo = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. }; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.NAMES = "nl"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.CLIENT_NAME = "cn"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.PLAYER_INFO = "pi"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.CONNECTED_AT = "ca"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.WHITE_CARDS = "wc"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.HAND = "h"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.ERROR_CODE = "ec"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.GLOBAL_CHAT_ENABLED = "gce"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.SERVER_STARTED = "SS"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.NEXT = "next"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_INFO = "gi"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.ERROR = "e"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_STATE_DESCRIPTION = "gss"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.ID_CODE = "idc"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.CARD_SETS = "css"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.SERIAL = "s"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.PERSISTENT_ID = "pid"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.USER_PERMALINK = "up"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAMES = "gl"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.SIGIL = "?"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_ID = "gid"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.MAX_GAMES = "mg"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.IN_PROGRESS = "ip"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_OPTIONS = "go"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.NICKNAME = "n"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.BLACK_CARD = "bc"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_PERMALINK = "gp"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.IDLE = "idl"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.CARD_ID = "cid"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.IP_ADDRESS = "IP"; -cah.$.AjaxResponse.SESSION_PERMALINK = "sP"; +cah.$.GameInfo.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.GameInfo.GAME_OPTIONS = "go"; +cah.$.GameInfo.CREATED = "gca"; +cah.$.GameInfo.PLAYERS = "P"; +cah.$.GameInfo.SPECTATORS = "V"; +cah.$.GameInfo.HOST = "H"; +cah.$.GameInfo.STATE = "S"; +cah.$.GameInfo.ID = "gid"; +cah.$.GameInfo.HAS_PASSWORD = "hp"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest = function() { +cah.$.GameOptionData = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. }; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.SERIAL = "s"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.OP = "o"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.WALL = "wall"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.PERSISTENT_ID = "pid"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.EMOTE = "me"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.CARDCAST_ID = "cci"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.GAME_ID = "gid"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.GAME_OPTIONS = "go"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.MESSAGE = "m"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.NICKNAME = "n"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.PASSWORD = "pw"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.CARD_ID = "cid"; -cah.$.AjaxRequest.ID_CODE = "idc"; +cah.$.GameOptionData.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.GameOptionData.TIMER_MULTIPLIER = "tm"; +cah.$.GameOptionData.PASSWORD = "pw"; +cah.$.GameOptionData.SPECTATOR_LIMIT = "vL"; +cah.$.GameOptionData.SCORE_LIMIT = "sl"; +cah.$.GameOptionData.BLANKS_LIMIT = "bl"; +cah.$.GameOptionData.PLAYER_LIMIT = "pL"; +cah.$.GameOptionData.CARD_SETS = "css"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation = function() { +cah.$.GamePlayerInfo = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. }; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.NAMES = "gn"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.SCORE = "SC"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.LEAVE_GAME = "lg"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.JOIN_GAME = "jg"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.CHAT = "c"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.GAME_LIST = "ggl"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.CARDCAST_ADD_CARDSET = "cac"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.CARDCAST_LIST_CARDSETS = "clc"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.PLAY_CARD = "pc"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.CHANGE_GAME_OPTIONS = "cgo"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.GET_GAME_INFO = "ggi"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.GET_CARDS = "gc"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.ADMIN_SET_VERBOSE_LOG = "svl"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.REGISTER = "r"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.CARDCAST_REMOVE_CARDSET = "crc"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.WHOIS = "Wi"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.KICK = "K"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.FIRST_LOAD = "fl"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.START_GAME = "sg"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.LOG_OUT = "lo"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.BAN = "b"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.CREATE_GAME = "cg"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.STOP_GAME = "Sg"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.GAME_CHAT = "GC"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.SPECTATE_GAME = "vg"; -cah.$.AjaxOperation.JUDGE_SELECT = "js"; +cah.$.GamePlayerInfo.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.GamePlayerInfo.STATUS = "st"; +cah.$.GamePlayerInfo.SCORE = "sc"; +cah.$.GamePlayerInfo.NAME = "N"; + +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus = function() { + // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. +}; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.SPECTATOR = "sv"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.WINNER = "sw"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.IDLE = "si"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.HOST = "sh"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.JUDGING = "sjj"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.JUDGE = "sj"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.PLAYING = "sp"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg = {}; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sjj'] = "Selecting"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sv'] = "Spectator"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sw'] = "Winner!"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sh'] = "Host"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['si'] = ""; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sj'] = "Card Czar"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg['sp'] = "Playing"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2 = {}; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sjj'] = "Select a winning card."; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sv'] = "You are just spectating."; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sw'] = "You have won!"; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sh'] = "Wait for players then click Start Game."; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['si'] = "Waiting for players..."; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sj'] = "You are the Card Czar."; +cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2['sp'] = "Select a card to play."; + +cah.$.GameState = function() { + // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. +}; +cah.$.GameState.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.GameState.ROUND_OVER = "ro"; +cah.$.GameState.LOBBY = "l"; +cah.$.GameState.JUDGING = "j"; +cah.$.GameState.PLAYING = "p"; +cah.$.GameState_msg = {}; +cah.$.GameState_msg['p'] = "In Progress"; +cah.$.GameState_msg['j'] = "In Progress"; +cah.$.GameState_msg['l'] = "Not Started"; +cah.$.GameState_msg['ro'] = "In Progress"; + +cah.$.LongPollEvent = function() { + // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. +}; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_ROUND_COMPLETE = "grc"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.BANNED = "B&"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.NOOP = "_"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.CHAT = "c"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_PLAYER_INFO_CHANGE = "gpic"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.HAND_DEAL = "hd"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.CARDCAST_ADD_CARDSET = "cac"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.PLAYER_LEAVE = "pl"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_BLACK_RESHUFFLE = "gbr"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_JUDGE_SKIPPED = "gjs"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_LIST_REFRESH = "glr"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.NEW_PLAYER = "np"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_PLAYER_SKIPPED = "gps"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_PLAYER_JOIN = "gpj"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_WHITE_RESHUFFLE = "gwr"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.CARDCAST_REMOVE_CARDSET = "crc"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_OPTIONS_CHANGED = "goc"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_PLAYER_KICKED_IDLE = "gpki"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_SPECTATOR_LEAVE = "gvl"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_PLAYER_LEAVE = "gpl"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_SPECTATOR_JOIN = "gvj"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.HURRY_UP = "hu"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_JUDGE_LEFT = "gjl"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.KICKED = "k"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.KICKED_FROM_GAME_IDLE = "kfgi"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.FILTERED_CHAT = "FC"; +cah.$.LongPollEvent.GAME_STATE_CHANGE = "gsc"; + +cah.$.LongPollResponse = function() { + // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. +}; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.PLAY_TIMER = "Pt"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.PLAYER_INFO = "pi"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.FROM = "f"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.WHITE_CARDS = "wc"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.EVENT = "E"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.HAND = "h"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.ERROR_CODE = "ec"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.MESSAGE = "m"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.WINNING_CARD = "WC"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.FROM_ADMIN = "fa"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.TIMESTAMP = "ts"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.GAME_INFO = "gi"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.ERROR = "e"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.ID_CODE = "idc"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.REASON = "qr"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.WALL = "wall"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.ROUND_WINNER = "rw"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.SIGIL = "?"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.EMOTE = "me"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.CARDCAST_DECK_INFO = "cdi"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.GAME_ID = "gid"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.ROUND_PERMALINK = "rP"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.NICKNAME = "n"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.BLACK_CARD = "bc"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.GAME_PERMALINK = "gp"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.GAME_STATE = "gs"; +cah.$.LongPollResponse.INTERMISSION = "i"; cah.$.ReconnectNextAction = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. @@ -377,19 +377,20 @@ cah.$.ReconnectNextAction.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; cah.$.ReconnectNextAction.GAME = "game"; cah.$.ReconnectNextAction.NONE = "none"; -cah.$.DisconnectReason = function() { +cah.$.Sigil = function() { // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. }; -cah.$.DisconnectReason.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; -cah.$.DisconnectReason.PING_TIMEOUT = "pt"; -cah.$.DisconnectReason.BANNED = "B&"; -cah.$.DisconnectReason.IDLE_TIMEOUT = "it"; -cah.$.DisconnectReason.KICKED = "k"; -cah.$.DisconnectReason.MANUAL = "man"; -cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg = {}; -cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg['B&'] = "Banned"; -cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg['pt'] = "Ping timeout"; -cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg['it'] = "Kicked due to idle"; -cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg['k'] = "Kicked by server administrator"; -cah.$.DisconnectReason_msg['man'] = "Leaving"; +cah.$.Sigil.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.Sigil.NORMAL_USER = ""; +cah.$.Sigil.ADMIN = "@"; +cah.$.Sigil.ID_CODE = "+"; + +cah.$.WhiteCardData = function() { + // Dummy constructor to make Eclipse auto-complete. +}; +cah.$.WhiteCardData.prototype.dummyForAutocomplete = undefined; +cah.$.WhiteCardData.WRITE_IN = "wi"; +cah.$.WhiteCardData.TEXT = "T"; +cah.$.WhiteCardData.ID = "cid"; +cah.$.WhiteCardData.WATERMARK = "W"; diff --git a/WebContent/js/cah.game.js b/WebContent/js/cah.game.js index 05898c79..90571c22 100644 --- a/WebContent/js/cah.game.js +++ b/WebContent/js/cah.game.js @@ -335,6 +335,9 @@ cah.Game.joinGame = function(gameId, data) { game.showGamePermalink_(data); cah.updateHash('game=' + gameId); + if (!cah.GAME_CHAT_ENABLED) { + cah.log.status_with_game(game, "IMPORTANT: Game chat has been disabled.", "error"); + } }; /** diff --git a/build.properties.example b/build.properties.example index a577f5cf..2f77ca44 100644 --- a/build.properties.example +++ b/build.properties.example @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ pyx.max_games=25 pyx.include_inactive_cardsets=true pyx.broadcast_connects_and_disconnects=true pyx.global_chat_enabled=true +pyx.game_chat_enabled=true # allow fill-in-the-blank cards at all. Limits are set via constants in GameOptions. pyx.allow_blank_cards=true # allow identification codes to be used without HTTPS diff --git a/constants.go b/constants.go index 8e9454a4..125373a6 100644 --- a/constants.go +++ b/constants.go @@ -4,111 +4,158 @@ package pyx import () -// GamePlayerStatus -const ( - GamePlayerStatus_SPECTATOR = "sv" - GamePlayerStatus_WINNER = "sw" - GamePlayerStatus_IDLE = "si" - GamePlayerStatus_HOST = "sh" - GamePlayerStatus_JUDGING = "sjj" - GamePlayerStatus_JUDGE = "sj" - GamePlayerStatus_PLAYING = "sp" -) - -var GamePlayerStatusMsgs = map[string]string{ - "sjj": "Selecting", - "sv": "Spectator", - "sw": "Winner!", - "sh": "Host", - "si": "", - "sj": "Card Czar", - "sp": "Playing", -} - -var GamePlayerStatusMsgs2 = map[string]string{ - "sjj": "Select a winning card.", - "sv": "You are just spectating.", - "sw": "You have won!", - "sh": "Wait for players then click Start Game.", - "si": "Waiting for players...", - "sj": "You are the Card Czar.", - "sp": "Select a card to play.", -} - - -// GamePlayerInfo +// AjaxOperation const ( - GamePlayerInfo_STATUS = "st" - GamePlayerInfo_SCORE = "sc" - GamePlayerInfo_NAME = "N" + AjaxOperation_NAMES = "gn" + AjaxOperation_SCORE = "SC" + AjaxOperation_LEAVE_GAME = "lg" + AjaxOperation_JOIN_GAME = "jg" + AjaxOperation_CHAT = "c" + AjaxOperation_GAME_LIST = "ggl" + AjaxOperation_CARDCAST_ADD_CARDSET = "cac" + AjaxOperation_CARDCAST_LIST_CARDSETS = "clc" + AjaxOperation_PLAY_CARD = "pc" + AjaxOperation_CHANGE_GAME_OPTIONS = "cgo" + AjaxOperation_GET_GAME_INFO = "ggi" + AjaxOperation_GET_CARDS = "gc" + AjaxOperation_ADMIN_SET_VERBOSE_LOG = "svl" + AjaxOperation_REGISTER = "r" + AjaxOperation_CARDCAST_REMOVE_CARDSET = "crc" + AjaxOperation_WHOIS = "Wi" + AjaxOperation_KICK = "K" + AjaxOperation_FIRST_LOAD = "fl" + AjaxOperation_START_GAME = "sg" + AjaxOperation_LOG_OUT = "lo" + AjaxOperation_BAN = "b" + AjaxOperation_CREATE_GAME = "cg" + AjaxOperation_STOP_GAME = "Sg" + AjaxOperation_GAME_CHAT = "GC" + AjaxOperation_SPECTATE_GAME = "vg" + AjaxOperation_JUDGE_SELECT = "js" ) -type GamePlayerInfo struct { - Status string `json:"st"` - Score int `json:"sc"` - Name string `json:"N"` -} - -// GameOptionData +// AjaxRequest const ( - GameOptionData_TIMER_MULTIPLIER = "tm" - GameOptionData_PASSWORD = "pw" - GameOptionData_SPECTATOR_LIMIT = "vL" - GameOptionData_SCORE_LIMIT = "sl" - GameOptionData_BLANKS_LIMIT = "bl" - GameOptionData_PLAYER_LIMIT = "pL" - GameOptionData_CARD_SETS = "css" + AjaxRequest_SERIAL = "s" + AjaxRequest_OP = "o" + AjaxRequest_WALL = "wall" + AjaxRequest_PERSISTENT_ID = "pid" + AjaxRequest_EMOTE = "me" + AjaxRequest_CARDCAST_ID = "cci" + AjaxRequest_GAME_ID = "gid" + AjaxRequest_GAME_OPTIONS = "go" + AjaxRequest_MESSAGE = "m" + AjaxRequest_NICKNAME = "n" + AjaxRequest_PASSWORD = "pw" + AjaxRequest_CARD_ID = "cid" + AjaxRequest_ID_CODE = "idc" ) -type GameOptionData struct { - TimerMultiplier string `json:"tm"` +type AjaxRequest struct { + Serial int `json:"s"` + Op string `json:"o"` + Wall bool `json:"wall"` + PersistentId string `json:"pid"` + Emote bool `json:"me"` + CardcastId string `json:"cci"` + GameId int `json:"gid"` + GameOptions GameOptionData `json:"go"` + Message string `json:"m"` + Nickname string `json:"n"` Password string `json:"pw"` - SpectatorLimit int `json:"vL"` - ScoreLimit int `json:"sl"` - BlanksLimit int `json:"bl"` - PlayerLimit int `json:"pL"` - CardSets []int `json:"css"` + CardId int `json:"cid"` + IdCode string `json:"idc"` } -// GameInfo +// AjaxResponse const ( - GameInfo_GAME_OPTIONS = "go" - GameInfo_CREATED = "gca" - GameInfo_PLAYERS = "P" - GameInfo_SPECTATORS = "V" - GameInfo_HOST = "H" - GameInfo_STATE = "S" - GameInfo_ID = "gid" - GameInfo_HAS_PASSWORD = "hp" + AjaxResponse_NAMES = "nl" + AjaxResponse_CLIENT_NAME = "cn" + AjaxResponse_GAME_CHAT_ENABLED = "Gce" + AjaxResponse_PLAYER_INFO = "pi" + AjaxResponse_CONNECTED_AT = "ca" + AjaxResponse_WHITE_CARDS = "wc" + AjaxResponse_HAND = "h" + AjaxResponse_ERROR_CODE = "ec" + AjaxResponse_GLOBAL_CHAT_ENABLED = "gce" + AjaxResponse_SERVER_STARTED = "SS" + AjaxResponse_NEXT = "next" + AjaxResponse_GAME_INFO = "gi" + AjaxResponse_ERROR = "e" + AjaxResponse_GAME_STATE_DESCRIPTION = "gss" + AjaxResponse_ID_CODE = "idc" + AjaxResponse_CARD_SETS = "css" + AjaxResponse_SERIAL = "s" + AjaxResponse_PERSISTENT_ID = "pid" + AjaxResponse_USER_PERMALINK = "up" + AjaxResponse_GAMES = "gl" + AjaxResponse_SIGIL = "?" + AjaxResponse_GAME_ID = "gid" + AjaxResponse_MAX_GAMES = "mg" + AjaxResponse_IN_PROGRESS = "ip" + AjaxResponse_GAME_OPTIONS = "go" + AjaxResponse_NICKNAME = "n" + AjaxResponse_BLACK_CARD = "bc" + AjaxResponse_GAME_PERMALINK = "gp" + AjaxResponse_IDLE = "idl" + AjaxResponse_CARD_ID = "cid" + AjaxResponse_IP_ADDRESS = "IP" + AjaxResponse_SESSION_PERMALINK = "sP" ) -type GameInfo struct { +type AjaxResponse struct { + Names []string `json:"nl"` + ClientName string `json:"cn"` + GameChatEnabled bool `json:"Gce"` + PlayerInfo []GamePlayerInfo `json:"pi"` + ConnectedAt int64 `json:"ca"` + WhiteCards []int `json:"wc"` + Hand []int `json:"h"` + ErrorCode string `json:"ec"` + GlobalChatEnabled bool `json:"gce"` + ServerStarted int64 `json:"SS"` + Next string `json:"next"` + GameInfo GameInfo `json:"gi"` + Error bool `json:"e"` + GameStateDescription string `json:"gss"` + IdCode string `json:"idc"` + CardSets []CardSetData `json:"css"` + Serial int `json:"s"` + PersistentId string `json:"pid"` + UserPermalink string `json:"up"` + Games []GameInfo `json:"gl"` + Sigil string `json:"?"` + GameId *int `json:"gid"` + MaxGames int `json:"mg"` + InProgress bool `json:"ip"` GameOptions GameOptionData `json:"go"` - Created int64 `json:"gca"` - Players []string `json:"P"` - Spectators []string `json:"V"` - Host string `json:"H"` - State string `json:"S"` - Id int `json:"gid"` - HasPassword bool `json:"hp"` + Nickname string `json:"n"` + BlackCard int `json:"bc"` + GamePermalink string `json:"gp"` + Idle int64 `json:"idl"` + CardId int `json:"cid"` + IpAddress string `json:"IP"` + SessionPermalink string `json:"sP"` } -// GameState +// BlackCardData const ( - GameState_ROUND_OVER = "ro" - GameState_LOBBY = "l" - GameState_JUDGING = "j" - GameState_PLAYING = "p" + BlackCardData_DRAW = "D" + BlackCardData_PICK = "PK" + BlackCardData_TEXT = "T" + BlackCardData_ID = "cid" + BlackCardData_WATERMARK = "W" ) -var GameStateMsgs = map[string]string{ - "p": "In Progress", - "j": "In Progress", - "l": "Not Started", - "ro": "In Progress", +type BlackCardData struct { + Draw int `json:"D"` + Pick int `json:"PK"` + Text string `json:"T"` + Id int `json:"cid"` + Watermark string `json:"W"` } @@ -134,143 +181,25 @@ type CardSetData struct { } -// BlackCardData -const ( - BlackCardData_DRAW = "D" - BlackCardData_PICK = "PK" - BlackCardData_TEXT = "T" - BlackCardData_ID = "cid" - BlackCardData_WATERMARK = "W" -) - -type BlackCardData struct { - Draw int `json:"D"` - Pick int `json:"PK"` - Text string `json:"T"` - Id int `json:"cid"` - Watermark string `json:"W"` -} - - -// WhiteCardData +// DisconnectReason const ( - WhiteCardData_WRITE_IN = "wi" - WhiteCardData_TEXT = "T" - WhiteCardData_ID = "cid" - WhiteCardData_WATERMARK = "W" + DisconnectReason_PING_TIMEOUT = "pt" + DisconnectReason_BANNED = "B&" + DisconnectReason_IDLE_TIMEOUT = "it" + DisconnectReason_KICKED = "k" + DisconnectReason_MANUAL = "man" ) -type WhiteCardData struct { - WriteIn bool `json:"wi"` - Text string `json:"T"` - Id int `json:"cid"` - Watermark string `json:"W"` +var DisconnectReasonMsgs = map[string]string{ + "B&": "Banned", + "pt": "Ping timeout", + "it": "Kicked due to idle", + "k": "Kicked by server administrator", + "man": "Leaving", } -// Sigil -const ( - Sigil_NORMAL_USER = "" - Sigil_ADMIN = "@" - Sigil_ID_CODE = "+" -) - - -// LongPollResponse -const ( - LongPollResponse_PLAY_TIMER = "Pt" - LongPollResponse_PLAYER_INFO = "pi" - LongPollResponse_FROM = "f" - LongPollResponse_WHITE_CARDS = "wc" - LongPollResponse_EVENT = "E" - LongPollResponse_HAND = "h" - LongPollResponse_ERROR_CODE = "ec" - LongPollResponse_MESSAGE = "m" - LongPollResponse_WINNING_CARD = "WC" - LongPollResponse_FROM_ADMIN = "fa" - LongPollResponse_TIMESTAMP = "ts" - LongPollResponse_GAME_INFO = "gi" - LongPollResponse_ERROR = "e" - LongPollResponse_ID_CODE = "idc" - LongPollResponse_REASON = "qr" - LongPollResponse_WALL = "wall" - LongPollResponse_ROUND_WINNER = "rw" - LongPollResponse_SIGIL = "?" - LongPollResponse_EMOTE = "me" - LongPollResponse_CARDCAST_DECK_INFO = "cdi" - LongPollResponse_GAME_ID = "gid" - LongPollResponse_ROUND_PERMALINK = "rP" - LongPollResponse_NICKNAME = "n" - LongPollResponse_BLACK_CARD = "bc" - LongPollResponse_GAME_PERMALINK = "gp" - LongPollResponse_GAME_STATE = "gs" - LongPollResponse_INTERMISSION = "i" -) - -type LongPollResponse struct { - PlayTimer int `json:"Pt"` - PlayerInfo []GamePlayerInfo `json:"pi"` - From string `json:"f"` - WhiteCards [][]WhiteCardData `json:"wc"` - Event string `json:"E"` - Hand []WhiteCardData `json:"h"` - ErrorCode string `json:"ec"` - Message string `json:"m"` - WinningCard int `json:"WC"` - FromAdmin bool `json:"fa"` - Timestamp int64 `json:"ts"` - GameInfo GameInfo `json:"gi"` - Error bool `json:"e"` - IdCode string `json:"idc"` - Reason string `json:"qr"` - Wall bool `json:"wall"` - RoundWinner string `json:"rw"` - Sigil string `json:"?"` - Emote bool `json:"me"` - CardcastDeckInfo string `json:"cdi"` - GameId *int `json:"gid"` - RoundPermalink string `json:"rP"` - Nickname string `json:"n"` - BlackCard BlackCardData `json:"bc"` - GamePermalink string `json:"gp"` - GameState string `json:"gs"` - Intermission int `json:"i"` -} - - -// LongPollEvent -const ( - LongPollEvent_GAME_ROUND_COMPLETE = "grc" - LongPollEvent_BANNED = "B&" - LongPollEvent_NOOP = "_" - LongPollEvent_CHAT = "c" - LongPollEvent_GAME_PLAYER_INFO_CHANGE = "gpic" - LongPollEvent_HAND_DEAL = "hd" - LongPollEvent_CARDCAST_ADD_CARDSET = "cac" - LongPollEvent_PLAYER_LEAVE = "pl" - LongPollEvent_GAME_BLACK_RESHUFFLE = "gbr" - LongPollEvent_GAME_JUDGE_SKIPPED = "gjs" - LongPollEvent_GAME_LIST_REFRESH = "glr" - LongPollEvent_NEW_PLAYER = "np" - LongPollEvent_GAME_PLAYER_SKIPPED = "gps" - LongPollEvent_GAME_PLAYER_JOIN = "gpj" - LongPollEvent_GAME_WHITE_RESHUFFLE = "gwr" - LongPollEvent_CARDCAST_REMOVE_CARDSET = "crc" - LongPollEvent_GAME_OPTIONS_CHANGED = "goc" - LongPollEvent_GAME_PLAYER_KICKED_IDLE = "gpki" - LongPollEvent_GAME_SPECTATOR_LEAVE = "gvl" - LongPollEvent_GAME_PLAYER_LEAVE = "gpl" - LongPollEvent_GAME_SPECTATOR_JOIN = "gvj" - LongPollEvent_HURRY_UP = "hu" - LongPollEvent_GAME_JUDGE_LEFT = "gjl" - LongPollEvent_KICKED = "k" - LongPollEvent_KICKED_FROM_GAME_IDLE = "kfgi" - LongPollEvent_FILTERED_CHAT = "FC" - LongPollEvent_GAME_STATE_CHANGE = "gsc" -) - - -// ErrorCode +// ErrorCode const ( ErrorCode_INVALID_NICK = "in" ErrorCode_TOO_MANY_USERS = "tmu" @@ -353,7 +282,7 @@ var ErrorCodeMsgs = map[string]string{ "mtl": "Messages cannot be longer than 200 characters.", "in": "Nickname must contain only upper and lower case letters, numbers, or underscores, must be 3 to 30 characters long, and must not start with a number.", "rW": "You must use more unique words in your message.", - "serr": "An error occured on the server.", + "serr": "An error occurred on the server.", "CL": "Try turning caps lock off.", "dnhc": "You don't have that card.", "as": "The game has already started.", @@ -377,140 +306,207 @@ const ( ) -// AjaxResponse +// GameInfo const ( - AjaxResponse_NAMES = "nl" - AjaxResponse_CLIENT_NAME = "cn" - AjaxResponse_PLAYER_INFO = "pi" - AjaxResponse_CONNECTED_AT = "ca" - AjaxResponse_WHITE_CARDS = "wc" - AjaxResponse_HAND = "h" - AjaxResponse_ERROR_CODE = "ec" - AjaxResponse_GLOBAL_CHAT_ENABLED = "gce" - AjaxResponse_SERVER_STARTED = "SS" - AjaxResponse_NEXT = "next" - AjaxResponse_GAME_INFO = "gi" - AjaxResponse_ERROR = "e" - AjaxResponse_GAME_STATE_DESCRIPTION = "gss" - AjaxResponse_ID_CODE = "idc" - AjaxResponse_CARD_SETS = "css" - AjaxResponse_SERIAL = "s" - AjaxResponse_PERSISTENT_ID = "pid" - AjaxResponse_USER_PERMALINK = "up" - AjaxResponse_GAMES = "gl" - AjaxResponse_SIGIL = "?" - AjaxResponse_GAME_ID = "gid" - AjaxResponse_MAX_GAMES = "mg" - AjaxResponse_IN_PROGRESS = "ip" - AjaxResponse_GAME_OPTIONS = "go" - AjaxResponse_NICKNAME = "n" - AjaxResponse_BLACK_CARD = "bc" - AjaxResponse_GAME_PERMALINK = "gp" - AjaxResponse_IDLE = "idl" - AjaxResponse_CARD_ID = "cid" - AjaxResponse_IP_ADDRESS = "IP" - AjaxResponse_SESSION_PERMALINK = "sP" + GameInfo_GAME_OPTIONS = "go" + GameInfo_CREATED = "gca" + GameInfo_PLAYERS = "P" + GameInfo_SPECTATORS = "V" + GameInfo_HOST = "H" + GameInfo_STATE = "S" + GameInfo_ID = "gid" + GameInfo_HAS_PASSWORD = "hp" ) -type AjaxResponse struct { - Names []string `json:"nl"` - ClientName string `json:"cn"` - PlayerInfo []GamePlayerInfo `json:"pi"` - ConnectedAt int64 `json:"ca"` - WhiteCards []int `json:"wc"` - Hand []int `json:"h"` - ErrorCode string `json:"ec"` - GlobalChatEnabled bool `json:"gce"` - ServerStarted int64 `json:"SS"` - Next string `json:"next"` - GameInfo GameInfo `json:"gi"` - Error bool `json:"e"` - GameStateDescription string `json:"gss"` - IdCode string `json:"idc"` - CardSets []CardSetData `json:"css"` - Serial int `json:"s"` - PersistentId string `json:"pid"` - UserPermalink string `json:"up"` - Games []GameInfo `json:"gl"` - Sigil string `json:"?"` - GameId *int `json:"gid"` - MaxGames int `json:"mg"` - InProgress bool `json:"ip"` +type GameInfo struct { GameOptions GameOptionData `json:"go"` - Nickname string `json:"n"` - BlackCard int `json:"bc"` - GamePermalink string `json:"gp"` - Idle int64 `json:"idl"` - CardId int `json:"cid"` - IpAddress string `json:"IP"` - SessionPermalink string `json:"sP"` + Created int64 `json:"gca"` + Players []string `json:"P"` + Spectators []string `json:"V"` + Host string `json:"H"` + State string `json:"S"` + Id int `json:"gid"` + HasPassword bool `json:"hp"` } -// AjaxRequest +// GameOptionData const ( - AjaxRequest_SERIAL = "s" - AjaxRequest_OP = "o" - AjaxRequest_WALL = "wall" - AjaxRequest_PERSISTENT_ID = "pid" - AjaxRequest_EMOTE = "me" - AjaxRequest_CARDCAST_ID = "cci" - AjaxRequest_GAME_ID = "gid" - AjaxRequest_GAME_OPTIONS = "go" - AjaxRequest_MESSAGE = "m" - AjaxRequest_NICKNAME = "n" - AjaxRequest_PASSWORD = "pw" - AjaxRequest_CARD_ID = "cid" - AjaxRequest_ID_CODE = "idc" + GameOptionData_TIMER_MULTIPLIER = "tm" + GameOptionData_PASSWORD = "pw" + GameOptionData_SPECTATOR_LIMIT = "vL" + GameOptionData_SCORE_LIMIT = "sl" + GameOptionData_BLANKS_LIMIT = "bl" + GameOptionData_PLAYER_LIMIT = "pL" + GameOptionData_CARD_SETS = "css" ) -type AjaxRequest struct { - Serial int `json:"s"` - Op string `json:"o"` - Wall bool `json:"wall"` - PersistentId string `json:"pid"` - Emote bool `json:"me"` - CardcastId string `json:"cci"` - GameId int `json:"gid"` - GameOptions GameOptionData `json:"go"` - Message string `json:"m"` - Nickname string `json:"n"` +type GameOptionData struct { + TimerMultiplier string `json:"tm"` Password string `json:"pw"` - CardId int `json:"cid"` - IdCode string `json:"idc"` + SpectatorLimit int `json:"vL"` + ScoreLimit int `json:"sl"` + BlanksLimit int `json:"bl"` + PlayerLimit int `json:"pL"` + CardSets []int `json:"css"` } -// AjaxOperation +// GamePlayerInfo const ( - AjaxOperation_NAMES = "gn" - AjaxOperation_SCORE = "SC" - AjaxOperation_LEAVE_GAME = "lg" - AjaxOperation_JOIN_GAME = "jg" - AjaxOperation_CHAT = "c" - AjaxOperation_GAME_LIST = "ggl" - AjaxOperation_CARDCAST_ADD_CARDSET = "cac" - AjaxOperation_CARDCAST_LIST_CARDSETS = "clc" - AjaxOperation_PLAY_CARD = "pc" - AjaxOperation_CHANGE_GAME_OPTIONS = "cgo" - AjaxOperation_GET_GAME_INFO = "ggi" - AjaxOperation_GET_CARDS = "gc" - AjaxOperation_ADMIN_SET_VERBOSE_LOG = "svl" - AjaxOperation_REGISTER = "r" - AjaxOperation_CARDCAST_REMOVE_CARDSET = "crc" - AjaxOperation_WHOIS = "Wi" - AjaxOperation_KICK = "K" - AjaxOperation_FIRST_LOAD = "fl" - AjaxOperation_START_GAME = "sg" - AjaxOperation_LOG_OUT = "lo" - AjaxOperation_BAN = "b" - AjaxOperation_CREATE_GAME = "cg" - AjaxOperation_STOP_GAME = "Sg" - AjaxOperation_GAME_CHAT = "GC" - AjaxOperation_SPECTATE_GAME = "vg" - AjaxOperation_JUDGE_SELECT = "js" + GamePlayerInfo_STATUS = "st" + GamePlayerInfo_SCORE = "sc" + GamePlayerInfo_NAME = "N" +) + +type GamePlayerInfo struct { + Status string `json:"st"` + Score int `json:"sc"` + Name string `json:"N"` +} + + +// GamePlayerStatus +const ( + GamePlayerStatus_SPECTATOR = "sv" + GamePlayerStatus_WINNER = "sw" + GamePlayerStatus_IDLE = "si" + GamePlayerStatus_HOST = "sh" + GamePlayerStatus_JUDGING = "sjj" + GamePlayerStatus_JUDGE = "sj" + GamePlayerStatus_PLAYING = "sp" +) + +var GamePlayerStatusMsgs = map[string]string{ + "sjj": "Selecting", + "sv": "Spectator", + "sw": "Winner!", + "sh": "Host", + "si": "", + "sj": "Card Czar", + "sp": "Playing", +} + +var GamePlayerStatusMsgs2 = map[string]string{ + "sjj": "Select a winning card.", + "sv": "You are just spectating.", + "sw": "You have won!", + "sh": "Wait for players then click Start Game.", + "si": "Waiting for players...", + "sj": "You are the Card Czar.", + "sp": "Select a card to play.", +} + + +// GameState +const ( + GameState_ROUND_OVER = "ro" + GameState_LOBBY = "l" + GameState_JUDGING = "j" + GameState_PLAYING = "p" +) + +var GameStateMsgs = map[string]string{ + "p": "In Progress", + "j": "In Progress", + "l": "Not Started", + "ro": "In Progress", +} + + +// LongPollEvent +const ( + LongPollEvent_GAME_ROUND_COMPLETE = "grc" + LongPollEvent_BANNED = "B&" + LongPollEvent_NOOP = "_" + LongPollEvent_CHAT = "c" + LongPollEvent_GAME_PLAYER_INFO_CHANGE = "gpic" + LongPollEvent_HAND_DEAL = "hd" + LongPollEvent_CARDCAST_ADD_CARDSET = "cac" + LongPollEvent_PLAYER_LEAVE = "pl" + LongPollEvent_GAME_BLACK_RESHUFFLE = "gbr" + LongPollEvent_GAME_JUDGE_SKIPPED = "gjs" + LongPollEvent_GAME_LIST_REFRESH = "glr" + LongPollEvent_NEW_PLAYER = "np" + LongPollEvent_GAME_PLAYER_SKIPPED = "gps" + LongPollEvent_GAME_PLAYER_JOIN = "gpj" + LongPollEvent_GAME_WHITE_RESHUFFLE = "gwr" + LongPollEvent_CARDCAST_REMOVE_CARDSET = "crc" + LongPollEvent_GAME_OPTIONS_CHANGED = "goc" + LongPollEvent_GAME_PLAYER_KICKED_IDLE = "gpki" + LongPollEvent_GAME_SPECTATOR_LEAVE = "gvl" + LongPollEvent_GAME_PLAYER_LEAVE = "gpl" + LongPollEvent_GAME_SPECTATOR_JOIN = "gvj" + LongPollEvent_HURRY_UP = "hu" + LongPollEvent_GAME_JUDGE_LEFT = "gjl" + LongPollEvent_KICKED = "k" + LongPollEvent_KICKED_FROM_GAME_IDLE = "kfgi" + LongPollEvent_FILTERED_CHAT = "FC" + LongPollEvent_GAME_STATE_CHANGE = "gsc" +) + + +// LongPollResponse +const ( + LongPollResponse_PLAY_TIMER = "Pt" + LongPollResponse_PLAYER_INFO = "pi" + LongPollResponse_FROM = "f" + LongPollResponse_WHITE_CARDS = "wc" + LongPollResponse_EVENT = "E" + LongPollResponse_HAND = "h" + LongPollResponse_ERROR_CODE = "ec" + LongPollResponse_MESSAGE = "m" + LongPollResponse_WINNING_CARD = "WC" + LongPollResponse_FROM_ADMIN = "fa" + LongPollResponse_TIMESTAMP = "ts" + LongPollResponse_GAME_INFO = "gi" + LongPollResponse_ERROR = "e" + LongPollResponse_ID_CODE = "idc" + LongPollResponse_REASON = "qr" + LongPollResponse_WALL = "wall" + LongPollResponse_ROUND_WINNER = "rw" + LongPollResponse_SIGIL = "?" + LongPollResponse_EMOTE = "me" + LongPollResponse_CARDCAST_DECK_INFO = "cdi" + LongPollResponse_GAME_ID = "gid" + LongPollResponse_ROUND_PERMALINK = "rP" + LongPollResponse_NICKNAME = "n" + LongPollResponse_BLACK_CARD = "bc" + LongPollResponse_GAME_PERMALINK = "gp" + LongPollResponse_GAME_STATE = "gs" + LongPollResponse_INTERMISSION = "i" ) +type LongPollResponse struct { + PlayTimer int `json:"Pt"` + PlayerInfo []GamePlayerInfo `json:"pi"` + From string `json:"f"` + WhiteCards [][]WhiteCardData `json:"wc"` + Event string `json:"E"` + Hand []WhiteCardData `json:"h"` + ErrorCode string `json:"ec"` + Message string `json:"m"` + WinningCard int `json:"WC"` + FromAdmin bool `json:"fa"` + Timestamp int64 `json:"ts"` + GameInfo GameInfo `json:"gi"` + Error bool `json:"e"` + IdCode string `json:"idc"` + Reason string `json:"qr"` + Wall bool `json:"wall"` + RoundWinner string `json:"rw"` + Sigil string `json:"?"` + Emote bool `json:"me"` + CardcastDeckInfo string `json:"cdi"` + GameId *int `json:"gid"` + RoundPermalink string `json:"rP"` + Nickname string `json:"n"` + BlackCard BlackCardData `json:"bc"` + GamePermalink string `json:"gp"` + GameState string `json:"gs"` + Intermission int `json:"i"` +} + // ReconnectNextAction const ( @@ -519,21 +515,27 @@ const ( ) -// DisconnectReason +// Sigil const ( - DisconnectReason_PING_TIMEOUT = "pt" - DisconnectReason_BANNED = "B&" - DisconnectReason_IDLE_TIMEOUT = "it" - DisconnectReason_KICKED = "k" - DisconnectReason_MANUAL = "man" + Sigil_NORMAL_USER = "" + Sigil_ADMIN = "@" + Sigil_ID_CODE = "+" ) -var DisconnectReasonMsgs = map[string]string{ - "B&": "Banned", - "pt": "Ping timeout", - "it": "Kicked due to idle", - "k": "Kicked by server administrator", - "man": "Leaving", + +// WhiteCardData +const ( + WhiteCardData_WRITE_IN = "wi" + WhiteCardData_TEXT = "T" + WhiteCardData_ID = "cid" + WhiteCardData_WATERMARK = "W" +) + +type WhiteCardData struct { + WriteIn bool `json:"wi"` + Text string `json:"T"` + Id int `json:"cid"` + Watermark string `json:"W"` } diff --git a/src/main/filtered-resources/WEB-INF/pyx.properties b/src/main/filtered-resources/WEB-INF/pyx.properties index 65c34026..99c46aae 100644 --- a/src/main/filtered-resources/WEB-INF/pyx.properties +++ b/src/main/filtered-resources/WEB-INF/pyx.properties @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ pyx.server.max_users=${pyx.max_users} pyx.server.max_games=${pyx.max_games} pyx.server.broadcast_connects_and_disconnects=${pyx.broadcast_connects_and_disconnects} pyx.server.global_chat_enabled=${pyx.global_chat_enabled} +pyx.server.game_chat_enabled=${pyx.game_chat_enabled} pyx.server.allow_blank_cards=${pyx.allow_blank_cards} pyx.server.id_code_salt=${pyx.id_code_salt} pyx.server.admin_addrs=${pyx.admin_addrs} diff --git a/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/CahModule.java b/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/CahModule.java index 45a95c97..fdb7bf71 100644 --- a/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/CahModule.java +++ b/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/CahModule.java @@ -169,6 +169,14 @@ Boolean provideGlobalChatEnabled() { } } + @Provides + @GameChatEnabled + Boolean provideGameChatEnabled() { + synchronized (properties) { + return Boolean.valueOf(properties.getProperty("pyx.server.game_chat_enabled", "true")); + } + } + @Provides @ShowGamePermalink Boolean provideShowGamePermalink() { @@ -365,6 +373,11 @@ Boolean provideAllowBlankCards() { public @interface GlobalChatEnabled { } + @BindingAnnotation + @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) + public @interface GameChatEnabled { + } + @BindingAnnotation @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface InsecureIdAllowed { diff --git a/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/Constants.java b/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/Constants.java index 63fdc205..7671c5f0 100644 --- a/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/Constants.java +++ b/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/Constants.java @@ -274,6 +274,8 @@ public enum AjaxResponse implements ReturnableData { @GoDataType("[]GameInfo") GAMES("gl"), @GoDataType("bool") + GAME_CHAT_ENABLED("Gce"), + @GoDataType("bool") GLOBAL_CHAT_ENABLED("gce"), @GoDataType("[]int") HAND("h"), diff --git a/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/handlers/FirstLoadHandler.java b/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/handlers/FirstLoadHandler.java index 37abcee6..98d4066c 100644 --- a/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/handlers/FirstLoadHandler.java +++ b/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/handlers/FirstLoadHandler.java @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import com.google.inject.Inject; import net.socialgamer.cah.CahModule.BanList; +import net.socialgamer.cah.CahModule.GameChatEnabled; import net.socialgamer.cah.CahModule.GlobalChatEnabled; import net.socialgamer.cah.CahModule.IncludeInactiveCardsets; import net.socialgamer.cah.CahModule.ServerStarted; @@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ public class FirstLoadHandler extends Handler { private final Set banList; private final Session hibernateSession; private final boolean includeInactiveCardsets; + private final boolean gameChatEnabled; private final boolean globalChatEnabled; private final boolean showSessionPermalink; private final String sessionPermalinkFormatString; @@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ public class FirstLoadHandler extends Handler { @Inject public FirstLoadHandler(final Session hibernateSession, @BanList final Set banList, @IncludeInactiveCardsets final boolean includeInactiveCardsets, + @GameChatEnabled final boolean gameChatEnabled, @GlobalChatEnabled final boolean globalChatEnabled, @ServerStarted final Date serverStarted, @ShowSessionPermalink final boolean showSessionPermalink, @@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ public FirstLoadHandler(final Session hibernateSession, @BanList final Set handle(final RequestWrapper request, final HttpSession session) { final HashMap ret = new HashMap(); + ret.put(AjaxResponse.GAME_CHAT_ENABLED, gameChatEnabled); ret.put(AjaxResponse.GLOBAL_CHAT_ENABLED, globalChatEnabled); if (banList.contains(request.getRemoteAddr())) { diff --git a/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/handlers/GameChatHandler.java b/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/handlers/GameChatHandler.java index a0d53b11..4d2b513f 100644 --- a/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/handlers/GameChatHandler.java +++ b/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/handlers/GameChatHandler.java @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import com.google.inject.Inject; +import net.socialgamer.cah.CahModule.GameChatEnabled; import net.socialgamer.cah.Constants.AjaxOperation; import net.socialgamer.cah.Constants.AjaxRequest; import net.socialgamer.cah.Constants.ErrorCode; @@ -59,13 +60,15 @@ public class GameChatHandler extends GameWithPlayerHandler { private final ChatFilter chatFilter; private final ConnectedUsers users; + private final boolean gameChatEnabled; @Inject public GameChatHandler(final GameManager gameManager, final ChatFilter chatFilter, - final ConnectedUsers users) { + final ConnectedUsers users, @GameChatEnabled final boolean gameChatEnabled) { super(gameManager); this.chatFilter = chatFilter; this.users = users; + this.gameChatEnabled = gameChatEnabled; } @Override @@ -78,6 +81,9 @@ public Map handleWithUserInGame(final RequestWrapper req LongPollEvent event = LongPollEvent.CHAT; if (request.getParameter(AjaxRequest.MESSAGE) == null) { return error(ErrorCode.NO_MSG_SPECIFIED); + } else if (!gameChatEnabled && !user.isAdmin()) { + // game chat can be turned off in the properties file + return error(ErrorCode.NOT_ADMIN); } else { final String message = request.getParameter(AjaxRequest.MESSAGE).trim(); diff --git a/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/servlets/JavascriptConfigServlet.java b/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/servlets/JavascriptConfigServlet.java index d16209f8..a115443e 100644 --- a/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/servlets/JavascriptConfigServlet.java +++ b/src/main/java/net/socialgamer/cah/servlets/JavascriptConfigServlet.java @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import net.socialgamer.cah.CahModule.BroadcastConnectsAndDisconnects; import net.socialgamer.cah.CahModule.CookieDomain; +import net.socialgamer.cah.CahModule.GameChatEnabled; import net.socialgamer.cah.CahModule.GlobalChatEnabled; import net.socialgamer.cah.CahModule.InsecureIdAllowed; import net.socialgamer.cah.StartupUtils; @@ -79,12 +80,15 @@ protected void doGet(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse res final Injector injector = (Injector) getServletContext().getAttribute(StartupUtils.INJECTOR); final String cookieDomain = injector.getInstance(Key.get(String.class, CookieDomain.class)); final Boolean globalChatEnabled = injector.getInstance(Key.get(Boolean.class, GlobalChatEnabled.class)); + final Boolean gameChatEnabled = injector + .getInstance(Key.get(Boolean.class, GameChatEnabled.class)); final Boolean insecureIdAllowed = injector .getInstance(Key.get(Boolean.class, InsecureIdAllowed.class)); final Boolean broadcastingUsers = injector .getInstance(Key.get(Boolean.class, BroadcastConnectsAndDisconnects.class)); builder.append(String.format("cah.COOKIE_DOMAIN = '%s';\n", cookieDomain)); builder.append(String.format("cah.GLOBAL_CHAT_ENABLED = %b;\n", globalChatEnabled)); + builder.append(String.format("cah.GAME_CHAT_ENABLED = %b;\n", gameChatEnabled)); builder.append(String.format("cah.INSECURE_ID_ALLOWED = %b;\n", insecureIdAllowed)); builder.append(String.format("cah.BROADCASTING_USERS = %b;\n", broadcastingUsers));