Notice : Please note that the code below is a sample which may not be up to date and is not expected to work.
I want to run it on my own laptop, all in one. The ceph::conf class will create configuration file with no authentication enabled, on my localhost. The ceph::mon resource configures and runs a monitor to which two ceph::osd daemon will connect to provide disk storage, using directories in /srv on the laptop.
/node/ {
class { 'ceph::conf':
auth_enable => false,
mon_host => 'localhost'
ceph::mon { $hostname: };
ceph::osd { '/srv/osd1': };
ceph::osd { '/srv/osd2': };
- install puppet,
- paste this in site.pp and replace /node/ with the name of your current node,
- puppet apply site.pp,
- type ceph -s : it will connect to the monitor and report that the cluster is HEALTH_OK
Notice : Please note that the code below is a sample which may not be up to date and is not expected to work.
$admin_key = 'AQCTg71RsNIHORAAW+O6FCMZWBjmVfMIPk3MhQ=='
$mon_key = 'AQDesGZSsC7KJBAAw+W/Z4eGSQGAIbxWjxjvfw=='
$boostrap_osd_key = 'AQABsWZSgEDmJhAAkAGSOOAJwrMHrM5Pz5On1A=='
/ceph-default/ {
mon_host => 'mon1.a.tld,,mon3.a.tld'
/mon[123]/ inherits ceph-default {
ceph::mon{ $hostname: key => $mon_key }
secret => $admin_key,
caps_mon => '*',
caps_osd => '*',
inject => true,
secret => $bootstrap_osd_key,
caps_mon => 'profile bootstrap-osd'
inject => true,
/osd*/ inherits ceph-default {
ceph::osd{ 'discover' };
keyring => '/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring',
secret => $bootstrap_osd_key,
/client/ inherits ceph-default {
keyring => '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring',
secret => $admin_key
ceph::client{ };
- the osd nodes only contain disks that are used for OSD and using the discover option to automatically use new disks and provision them as part of the cluster is acceptable, there is no risk of destroying unrelated data.
- when a hardware is decomissioned, all its disks can be placed in another machines and the OSDs will automatically be re-inserted in the cluster, even if an external journal is used
Leveraging vagrant, vagrant-openstack, openstack
Ceph is used as a backend storage for various use cases There are tests to make sure the Ceph cluster was instantiated properly There are tests to make sure various other infrastructure components (or products) can use the Ceph cluster
There are four machines, 3 OSD, 1 MON and one machine that is the client from which the user runs commands. install puppetmaster and create site.pp with:
/ceph-default/ {
class { 'ceph::conf':
auth_enable => false,
mon_host => 'node1'
/node1/ inherits ceph-default {
ceph::mon { $hostname: };
ceph::osd { 'discover': };
/node2/, /node3/ inherits ceph-default {
ceph::osd { 'discover': };
/client/ inherits ceph-default {
class { 'ceph::client' };
- ssh client
- rados bench
- interpret the results