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IO SDK is an astrodynamic framework based on the JPL Spice framework.
Download the latest Linux or Windows release : Releases
At this stage we assume that you have mastered your development environment but if you need some advises we can suggest you these approches :
In this quick start we suggest you to use cross plateform approach with CMake.
Create a cmake project
Extract Includes folder from archive IO-Toolkit-Linux-vx.x.xx-x to the root folder.
Extract Data and Templates folders from archive IO-Toolkit-Linux-vx.x.xx-x to your executable build folder.
You should have :
SdkProject | Includes | build | Data | Template
Copy libIO.SDK.so to /usr/lib/
Create a cmake project
From the dll package you just downloaded
- Copy Includes folder at the root of the project
- Copy IO.SDK.dll and IO.SDK.lib in the build folder and in the Debug folder
- Copy folders : Data and Template in the Debug folder\
You should have a folder tree like below
SdkProject | Includes | build | IO.SDK.dll | IO.SDK.lib | Debug (generated after the first compile and run) | Data | Template | IO.SDK.dll | IO.SDK.lib
In this example we will create a small program that will compute ISS orbital period from TLE(two lines elements), earth Hill sphere and angle between two vectors.
Ensure your CMake projet contains at least these parameters :
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18.0) project(MyApp VERSION 0.1.0) project (MyApp C CXX) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 99) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) set(CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS ON) add_executable(MyApp main.cpp) include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Includes) if (MSVC) target_link_libraries(MyApp IO.SDK.dll) elseif(UNIX) target_link_libraries(MyApp libIO.SDK.so) endif ()
Create a main.cpp file in project root folder.
Create program in main.cpp file :
#include <memory> #include <iostream> #include <string> //IO SDK headers to include #include <TLE.h> #include <Vector3D.h> #include <CelestialBody.h> int main(int, char **) { //1. Compute ISS orbital period from two lines elements auto sun = std::make_shared<IO::SDK::Body::CelestialBody>(10, "sun"); auto earth = std::make_shared<IO::SDK::Body::CelestialBody>(399, "earth", sun); std::string lines[3]{"ISS", "1 25544U 98067A 21020.53488036 .00016717 00000-0 10270-3 0 9054", "2 25544 51.6423 353.0312 0000493 320.8755 39.2360 15.49309423 25703"}; IO::SDK::OrbitalParameters::TLE tle(earth, lines); double period = tle.GetPeriod().GetSeconds().count(); std::cout << "ISS orbital period is :" << period << std::endl; //2. Get the Earth Hill sphere double hillSphereRadius = earth->GetHillSphere(); std::cout << "the earth Hill sphere radius is :" << hillSphereRadius << std::endl; //3. Compute angle between two vectors IO::SDK::Math::Vector3D v1(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); IO::SDK::Math::Vector3D v2(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); std::cout << "Angle between v1 and v2 is :" << v1.GetAngle(v2) << std::endl; }
Run your application, you should have these outputs :
ISS orbital period is :5576.68 the earth's Hill sphere radius is :1.4716e+09 Angle between v1 and v2 is :1.5708
Remark : All values are expressed in international system of units (meter, second, radian, m/s, ...)
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <vector>
#include <CelestialBody.h>
#include <LaunchSite.h>
#include <OrbitalParameters.h>
#include <Spacecraft.h>
#include <StateVector.h>
#include <TLE.h>
#include <Launch.h>
#include <LaunchWindow.h>
#include <Window.h>
#include <UTC.h>
#include <TDB.h>
#include <Propagator.h>
#include <VVIntegrator.h>
#include <OrbitalPlaneChangingManeuver.h>
#include <ApogeeHeightChangingManeuver.h>
#include <ApsidalAlignmentManeuver.h>
#include <PhasingManeuver.h>
#include <DataPoolMonitoring.h>
int main()
/*========================== Scenario Description =====================================
We are at Cap canaveral and we have to join another spacecraft in orbit.
The launch must occurs by day at launch site and recovery site
To realize this operation, we'll show you how to use IO SDK to find launch windows then maneuvers sequence to reach our objective.
For each maneuver you will obtain the maneuver window, the thrust window, Delta V, Spacecraft or satellite orientation and mass of fuel burned.
We also get sun occultations and windows when the moon will be in camera's field of view
//=======================Configure universe topology======================================
//Bodies id are defined here https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/toolkit_docs/C/req/naif_ids.html#NAIF%20Object%20ID%20numbers
auto sun = std::make_shared<IO::SDK::Body::CelestialBody>(10, "sun");
auto earth = std::make_shared<IO::SDK::Body::CelestialBody>(399, "earth");
auto moon = std::make_shared<IO::SDK::Body::CelestialBody>(301, "moon");
//========================Compute launch parameters=======================================
//Define launch site and recovery site
auto launchSite = std::make_shared<IO::SDK::Sites::LaunchSite>(3, "S3", IO::SDK::Coordinates::Geodetic(-81.0 * IO::SDK::Constants::DEG_RAD, 28.5 * IO::SDK::Constants::DEG_RAD, 0.0), earth);
auto recoverySite = std::make_shared<IO::SDK::Sites::LaunchSite>(4, "S4", IO::SDK::Coordinates::Geodetic(-80.0 * IO::SDK::Constants::DEG_RAD, 28.5 * IO::SDK::Constants::DEG_RAD, 0.0), earth);
//Define simulation window. (Warning : When spacecraft is involved, dates must be greater than 2021-01-01 to be compliant with spacecraft clock)
IO::SDK::Time::TDB startEpoch("2021-03-02T00:00:00");
IO::SDK::Time::TDB endEpoch("2021-03-05T00:00:00");
//Define parking orbit
auto parkingOrbit = std::make_shared<IO::SDK::OrbitalParameters::ConicOrbitalElements>(earth,
50.0 * IO::SDK::Constants::DEG_RAD,
41.0 * IO::SDK::Constants::DEG_RAD,
0.0 * IO::SDK::Constants::DEG_RAD,
//Define orbit of the target
auto targetOrbit = std::make_shared<IO::SDK::OrbitalParameters::ConicOrbitalElements>(earth,
51.0 * IO::SDK::Constants::DEG_RAD,
43.0 * IO::SDK::Constants::DEG_RAD,
10.0 * IO::SDK::Constants::DEG_RAD,
//Compute launch windows, to launch by day on launch site and recovery site when the launch site crosses the parking orbital plane
IO::SDK::Maneuvers::Launch launch(launchSite, recoverySite, true, *parkingOrbit);
auto launchWindows = launch.GetLaunchWindows(IO::SDK::Time::Window<IO::SDK::Time::UTC>(startEpoch.ToUTC(), endEpoch.ToUTC()));
//Display launch window results (this is not necessary)
//===================Compute maneuvers to reach target body================================
//Configure spacecraft at insertion orbit
IO::SDK::Body::Spacecraft::Spacecraft spacecraft{-178, "DRAGONFLY", 1000.0, 10000.0, "MIS01", std::make_unique<IO::SDK::OrbitalParameters::ConicOrbitalElements>(*parkingOrbit)};
spacecraft.AddFuelTank("fuelTank1", 9000.0, 9000.0); // Add fuel tank
spacecraft.AddEngine("serialNumber1", "engine1", "fuelTank1", {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, {4.0, 5.0, 6.0}, 450.0, 50.0); //Add engine and link with fuel tank
spacecraft.AddPayload("PAY01", "Payload 01", 50.0); //We add a 50 kg payload to the spacecraft
//We add an instrument with a circular field of view aligned with the spacecraft Z axis
IO::SDK::Math::Vector3D orientation{1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
IO::SDK::Math::Vector3D boresight{0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
IO::SDK::Math::Vector3D fovvector{1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
spacecraft.AddCircularFOVInstrument(600, "CAM600", orientation, boresight, fovvector, 80.0 * IO::SDK::Constants::DEG_RAD);
IO::SDK::Body::Spacecraft::Spacecraft spacecraftTarget{-179, "TARGET", 1000.0, 10000.0, "MIS01", std::make_unique<IO::SDK::OrbitalParameters::ConicOrbitalElements>(*targetOrbit)};
spacecraftTarget.AddFuelTank("fuelTank2", 9000.0, 9000.0); // Add fuel tank
spacecraftTarget.AddEngine("serialNumber2", "engine2", "fuelTank2", {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, {4.0, 5.0, 6.0}, 450.0, 50.0); //Add engine and link with fuel tank
//Configure propagator
auto step{IO::SDK::Time::TimeSpan(1.0s)};
//Add gravity to forces model
//You can add your own force model
std::vector<IO::SDK::Integrators::Forces::Force *> forces{};
IO::SDK::Integrators::Forces::GravityForce gravityForce;
//Initialize an integrator
IO::SDK::Integrators::VVIntegrator integrator(step, forces);
//We assume the ship will be in orbit 10 minutes after launch.
IO::SDK::Time::TDB startDatePropagator = launchWindows[0].GetWindow().GetStartDate().ToTDB().Add(IO::SDK::Time::TimeSpan(600.0s));
//Initialize propagator for dragonfly spacecraft
IO::SDK::Propagators::Propagator propagator(spacecraft, integrator, IO::SDK::Time::Window(startDatePropagator, endEpoch));
//Intialize propagator for target spacecraft
IO::SDK::Propagators::Propagator targetPropagator(spacecraftTarget, integrator, IO::SDK::Time::Window(startDatePropagator, endEpoch));
//We define which engines can be used to realize maneuvers
auto engine1 = spacecraft.GetEngine("serialNumber1");
std::vector<IO::SDK::Body::Spacecraft::Engine> engines;
//We configure each maneuver
IO::SDK::Maneuvers::OrbitalPlaneChangingManeuver planeAlignment(engines, propagator, targetOrbit.get(), startDatePropagator); //The first maneuver must not start until the launch is complete
IO::SDK::Maneuvers::ApsidalAlignmentManeuver apsidalAlignment(engines, propagator, targetOrbit.get());
IO::SDK::Maneuvers::PhasingManeuver phasing(engines, propagator, 1, targetOrbit.get());
IO::SDK::Maneuvers::ApogeeHeightChangingManeuver finalApogeeChanging(engines, propagator, targetOrbit->GetApogeeVector().Magnitude());
//We order maneuvers
//We set the first maneuver in standby
//We execute the propagator
//Find sun occultation
auto occultationWindows = spacecraft.FindWindowsOnOccultationConstraint(IO::SDK::Time::Window<IO::SDK::Time::TDB>(startDatePropagator, endEpoch), *sun, *earth, IO::SDK::OccultationType::Any(), IO::SDK::AberrationsEnum::None, IO::SDK::Time::TimeSpan(30s));
//Find when moon will be in instrument field of view
auto fovWindows = spacecraft.GetInstrument(600)->FindWindowsWhereInFieldOfView(IO::SDK::Time::Window<IO::SDK::Time::TDB>(startDatePropagator, spacecraft.GetOrientationsCoverageWindow().GetEndDate()), *moon, IO::SDK::Time::TimeSpan(300s), IO::SDK::AberrationsEnum::LT);
Run your application, if you read launch windows, maneuvers, occultations and fov windows variables you will retrieve these informations :
========================================Launch Window 0 ========================================
Launch epoch :2021-03-03 23:09:15.829809 (UTC)
Inertial azimuth :47.0059 °
Non inertial azimuth :45.1252 °
Inertial insertion velocity :8794.34 m/s
Non inertial insertion velocity :8499.73 m/s
========================================Launch Window 1 ========================================
Launch epoch :2021-03-04 23:05:20.139985 (UTC)
Inertial azimuth :47.0059 °
Non inertial azimuth :45.1252 °
Inertial insertion velocity :8794.34 m/s
Non inertial insertion velocity :8499.73 m/s
======================================== Plane alignment ========================================
Maneuver window : 2021-03-04 00:33:28.947415 (TDB) => 2021-03-04 00:33:37.083057 (TDB)
Thrust window : 2021-03-04 00:33:28.947415 (TDB) => 2021-03-04 00:33:37.083057 (TDB)
Thrust duration : 8.13564 s
Delta V : 182.335 m/s
Spacecraft orientation : X : -0.516358 Y : 0.573323 Z : -0.636141 ( ICRF )
Fuel burned :406.782 kg
======================================== Aspidal alignment ========================================
Maneuver window : 2021-03-04 01:18:24.928793 (TDB) => 2021-03-04 01:18:43.237321 (TDB)
Thrust window : 2021-03-04 01:18:24.928793 (TDB) => 2021-03-04 01:18:43.237321 (TDB)
Thrust duration : 18.3085 s
Delta V : 440.163 m/s
Spacecraft orientation : X : -0.844401 Y : -0.286639 Z : 0.452575 ( ICRF )
Fuel burned :915.426 kg
======================================== Phasing ========================================
Maneuver window : 2021-03-04 04:34:57.320071 (TDB) => 2021-03-04 08:18:28.240580 (TDB)
Thrust window : 2021-03-04 04:34:57.320071 (TDB) => 2021-03-04 04:35:07.154572 (TDB)
Thrust duration : 9.8345 s
Delta V : 255.907 m/s
Spacecraft orientation : X : -0.549214 Y : 0.335374 Z : 0.765434 ( ICRF )
Fuel burned :491.725 kg
======================================== Apogee height changing ========================================
Maneuver window : 2021-03-04 08:43:16.504286 (TDB) => 2021-03-04 08:43:25.804857 (TDB)
Thrust window : 2021-03-04 08:43:16.504286 (TDB) => 2021-03-04 08:43:25.804857 (TDB)
Thrust duration : 9.30057 s
Delta V : 256.479 m/s
Spacecraft orientation : X : 0.549319 Y : -0.335252 Z : -0.765412 ( ICRF )
Fuel burned :465.029 kg
======================================== Sun occultations from dragonfly spacecraft ========================================
Occulation start at :2021-03-03 23:20:25.015236 (TDB)
Occulation end at :2021-03-03 23:25:08.727103 (TDB)
======================================== Windows when the moon is in camera's field of view ========================================
Opportunity start at :2021-03-03 23:20:25.187133 (TDB)
Opportunity end at :2021-03-04 01:15:44.489464 (TDB)
Opportunity start at :2021-03-04 01:21:23.355170 (TDB)
Opportunity end at :2021-03-04 04:33:14.824913 (TDB)
Remark : If unspecified, all values are expressed in international system of units (meter, second, radian, m/s, ...)
All inputs and outputs values are expressed in international system of units
In IO SDK an object could be a celestial body, a spacecraft, an instrument and some methods require object id to perform operation.
Identifying rules are based on NAIF ID codes
- 0 'SSB'
- 3 'EMB'
- 10 'SUN'
Planet id = barycenter id * 100 + 99
Earth id = 3 * 100 + 99 = 399
Moon id = barycenter id * 100 + 1
Moon id = 3 * 100 + 1 = 301
Spacecraft id must be a negative number.
Don't use spacecraft id already used : https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/toolkit_docs/C/req/naif_ids.html#Spacecraft
IO SDK is provided with data files named kernels, frames definition, digital shapes or leapseconds file.
Default data allow you to work with solar system barycenters based on DE440s ephemeris, Earth ITRF93 and the moon.
You can extend SDK capabilities to other bodies by adding more kernels from this page.
To extend or update capabilities you can download new kernels from previous link and copy paste new kernels in yourproject/Data/SolarSytem/
DE440s ephemeris provided with the SDK is time limited from 1849 DEC 26 00:00:00.000 ET to 2150 JAN 22 00:00:00.000 ET