diff --git a/cli/DEVELOPER.md b/cli/DEVELOPER.md
index 13371e88a..d3d197fcb 100644
--- a/cli/DEVELOPER.md
+++ b/cli/DEVELOPER.md
@@ -40,12 +40,82 @@ The CLI has two layers of code:
It contains the
singleton Config class, which is used throughout the CLI.
- it contains the handling functions for each CLI.
+ it contains the handling functions for each CLI subcommand.
These functions perform
the actual operations that the CLI command
is responsible for. It also
has helper functions that can be used across the CLI.
+### TOML File
+The base configuration file used by the CLI is
+the _dtaas.toml_ file.
+This is divided into 3 sections:
+- The Global variables:
+name = "Digital Twin as a Service (DTaaS)"
+version = "0.1.0"
+owner = "The INTO-CPS-Association"
+git-repo = "https://github.com/into-cps-association/DTaaS.git"
+These define the name, version, owner and git-repo of the DTaaS instance.
+Currently, these aren't directly used in the CLI and serve the purpose
+of documentation and reference.
+- Common Instance Variables
+# absolute path to the DTaaS application directory
+server-dns = "foo.com"
+path = "/home/Desktop/DTaaS"
+The _path_ variable is used globally by the CLI.
+It is required while creating new workspace files,
+to run bash commands and create new docker services.
+The _server-dns_ variable is used to decide if
+the DTaaS instance is a localhost instance or a server
+deploy instance. In the case of server deploy,
+it is used to define the routes of the server type
+docker compose services appropriately.
+- Users variables
+# matching user info must present in this config file
+add = ["username1","username2", "username3"]
+delete = ["username2", "username3"]
+email = "username1@gitlab.foo.com"
+This section firstly has two important lists, add and delete.
+The new users to be created, or current users to be removed
+from the instance using the CLI are fetched from here in the code.
+Additionally, each unique _user_ identified by their _username_
+has an _email_ variable, which should have the email of the user
+as registered on the Gitlab instance. This is currently NOT IN USE.
+It is aimed to be incorporated in future versions.
+- Website Client variables
+config = "/home/Desktop/DTaaS/env.local.js"
+These variables are currently not in use, and will be incorporated
+in future work.
## Setup
@@ -112,4 +182,23 @@ and publish your package to PyPI using poetry:
poetry publish
\ No newline at end of file
+## Future work
+The final aim for the CLI is to be the standard way that
+admins setup, manage, and interact with the DTaaS instance.
+Although the base structure for the CLI is set up and
+the commands to manage users have been incorporated, we are
+a long way from our final aim.
+The following are the next steps for the CLI:
+- Incorporating the AuthMS _conf_ file rules
+ in the user management commands.
+- [Bug fix] Currently users with usernames containing
+ a '.' in it aren't handled well by the CLI and result in errors.
+ This is because '.' is a special character for labels in docker compose.
+ We need to include such usernames, simply by internally replacing
+ '.' instances in usernames by '-' or '_'.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docker/README.md b/docker/README.md
index 86dc970f0..f4ad9569a 100644
--- a/docker/README.md
+++ b/docker/README.md
@@ -112,6 +112,32 @@ the publication of images to Docker Hub.
:stop_sign: This publishing step is managed
only by project maintainers. Regular developers can skip this step.
+The DTaaS development team publishes reusable packages which are then
+put together to form the complete DTaaS application.
+The packages are published on
+[npmjs](https://www.npmjs.com/org/into-cps-association), and
+[docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/u/intocps) repositories.
+The packages on
+are published more frequently but are not user tested.
+The packages on [npmjs](https://www.npmjs.com/org/into-cps-association)
+and [docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/u/intocps)
+are published at least once per release.
+The regular users are encouraged to use the packages from npm and docker.
+A brief explanation of the packages is given below.
+| Package Name | Description | Documentation for | Availability |
+| dtaas-web | React web application | [container image](../docs/admin/client/docker.md) | [docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/intocps/dtaas-web) and [github](https://github.com/INTO-CPS-Association/DTaaS/pkgs/container/dtaas-web) |
+| libms |Library microservice | [npm package](../docs/admin/servers/lib/npm.md) | [npmjs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@into-cps-association/libms) and [github](https://github.com/INTO-CPS-Association/DTaaS/pkgs/npm/libms) |
+| | | [container image](../docs/admin/servers/lib/docker.md) | [docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/intocps/libms) and [github](https://github.com/INTO-CPS-Association/DTaaS/pkgs/container/libms) |
+| runner | REST API wrapper for multiple scripts/programs | [npm package](../docs/user/servers/execution/runner/README.md) | [npmjs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@into-cps-association/runner) and [github](https://github.com/INTO-CPS-Association/DTaaS/pkgs/npm/runner) |
+| ml-workspace-minimal (fork of [ml-workspace](https://github.com/ml-tooling/ml-workspace)) | User workspace | not available | [docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/intocps/ml-workspace-minimal/tags). Please note that this package is **highly experimental** and only v0.15.0-b2 is usable now. |
### React Website
diff --git a/docs/admin/cli.md b/docs/admin/cli.md
index 49b5f0791..c68efde65 100644
--- a/docs/admin/cli.md
+++ b/docs/admin/cli.md
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Then simply:
dtaas admin user add
-#### Caveat
+#### Caveats
This brings up the containers, without the AuthMS authentication.
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ rule.onlyu3.rule=PathPrefix(`/user3`)
rule.onlyu3.whitelist = user3@emailservice.com
-Run the appropritate command for a server installation:
+- Run the appropritate command for a server installation:
docker compose -f compose.server.yml --env-file .env up -d --force-recreate traefik-forward-auth
@@ -135,3 +135,7 @@ dtaas admin user delete
- _user add_ and _user delete_ CLIs return an
error if the _add_ and _delete_ lists in
_dtaas.toml_ are empty, respectively.
+- '.' are a special character. Currently, usernames which have
+ '.'s in them cannot be added properly through the CLI.
+ This is an active issue that will be resolved in future releases.
diff --git a/docs/admin/servers/auth.md b/docs/admin/servers/auth.md
index 9cbf36905..ed99cabaf 100644
--- a/docs/admin/servers/auth.md
+++ b/docs/admin/servers/auth.md
@@ -143,6 +143,15 @@ account should be included in the whitelist.
This restricts access of the resource,
allowing only users mentioned in the whitelist.
+## User management
+DTaaS provides an easy way to add
+and remove additional users from your
+DTaaS instance.
+All such user management can be
+done via the [DTaaS CLI](../cli.md)
## Limitation
The rules in _conf.*_ file are not dynamically loaded into
@@ -153,3 +162,15 @@ All the existing user sessions get invalidated when
the **traefik-forward-auth** restarts.
Use a simple command on the terminal.
+- For a local instance:
+docker compose -f compose.server.yml --env-file .env up -d --force-recreate traefik-forward-auth
+- For a server instance:
+docker compose -f compose.server.yml --env-file .env.server up -d --force-recreate traefik-forward-auth
diff --git a/docs/developer/oauth/AUTHMS.drawio b/docs/developer/oauth/AUTHMS.drawio
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63b42da4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/developer/oauth/AUTHMS.drawio
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c39e42a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/developer/oauth/AUTHMS.md
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+# Auth Microservice
+This document details the workflow and implementation
+of the DTaaS Auth Microservice. Please go through
+the [System Design](DESIGN.md) and the summary of
+the [OAuth2.0 technology](OAUTH2.0.md) to be able to
+understand the content here better.
+## Workflow
+### User Identity using OAuth2.0
+We define some constants that will help with the following discussion:
+- CLIENT ID: The OAuth2 Client ID of the Auth MS
+- CLIENT SECRET: The OAuth2 Client Secret of Auth MS
+- REDIRECT URI: The URI where the user is redirected to after the
+ user has approved sharing of information with the client.
+- STATE: A random string used as an identifier for the specific "GET
+ authcode" request (Figure 3.3)
+- AUTHCODE: The one-use-only Authorization code returned by the
+ OAuth2 provider (GitLab instance) in response to "GET authcode"
+ after user approval.
+Additionally, let's say DTaaS uses a dedicated
+gitlab instance hosted at the URL
+”gitlab.foo.com” (instead of ”gitlab.com”)
+![alt text](oauth2-workflow.png)
+A successful OAuth2 workflow (Figure 3.3) has the following steps:
+- The user requests a resource, say _GET/BackendMS_
+- The Auth MS intercepts this request, and starts the OAuth2 process.
+- The Auth MS sends a authorization request to the Gitlab instance.
+This is written in shorthand as _GET/authcode_. The
+actual request (a user redirect) looks like:
+authorize ?
+response_type = code &
+client_id = CLIENT_ID &
+redirect_uri = REDIRECT_URI &
+scope = read_user & state = STATE
+Here the gitlab.foo.com/oauth/authorize
+is the specific
+endpoint of the Gitlab instance that handles
+authorisation code requests.
+The query parameters in the request include
+the expected response
+type, which is fixed as ”code”,
+meaning that we expect an Authorization code.
+Other query parameters are the client id, the redirect uri,
+the scope which is set to read user
+for our purpose, and the state (the
+random string to identify the specific request).
+- The OAuth2 provider redirects the user to the login page. Here the
+ user logs into their protected account with their username/email ID
+ and password.
+- The OAuth2 provider then asks the user to approve/deny sharing the
+ requested information with the Auth MS. The user should approve this
+ for successful authentication.
+- After approval, the user is redirected by the GitLab instance to the
+ REDIRECT URI. This URI has the following form:
+ The REDIRECT URI is as defined previously, during the OAuth2
+ Client initialisation, i.e. the same as the one provided in the ”GET
+ authcode” request by the Auth MS.
+ The query parameters are provided by the Gitlab instance.
+ These include the AUTHCODE which is
+ the authoriation code that the Auth MS had requested, and the STATE
+ which is the same random string in the ”GET authcode” request.
+- The Auth MS retrieves these query parameters. It verifies that the
+ STATE is the same as the random string it provided during the "GET
+ authcode" request. This confirms that the AUTHCODE it has received
+ is in response to the specific request it had made.
+- The Auth MS uses this one-use-only AUTHCODE to exchange it for
+ a general access token. This access token wouldn’t be one-use-only,
+ although it would expire after a specified duration of time. To perform
+ this exchange, the Auth MS makes another request to the GitLab instance.
+ This request is written in shorthand as _GET/access\_token_ in
+ the sequence diagram. The true form of the request is:
+POST https://gitlab.foo.com/oauth/token,
+parameters = 'client_id=CLIENT_ID&
+The request to get a token by exchanging an authorization code,
+is actually a POST request (for most OAuth2 providers).
+The https://gitlab.foo.com/oauth/token API endpoint handles
+the token exchange requests. The parameters sent with the
+POST request are the client ID, the client secret, the AUTHCODE and the
+redirect uri. The grant type parameter is always set to the string
+”authorization code”, which conveys that we will be exchanging an
+authentication code for an access token.
+- The Gitlab instance exchanges a valid AUTHCODE for an Access Token.
+ This is sent as a response to the Auth MS. An example response
+ is of the following form:
+" access_token ": " d8aed28aa506f9dd350e54
+" ,
+" token_type ": " bearer " ,
+" expires_in ": 7200 ,
+" refresh_token ":"825 f3bffb2544b976633a1
+" ,
+" created_at ": 1607635748
+ The access token field provides the string that can be used as an access
+ token in the headers of requests tryng to access user information.
+ The token type field is usually ”bearer”, the expires in field specifies
+ the time in seconds for which the access token will be valid, and the
+ created at field is the Epoch timestamp at which the token was created.
+ The refresh token field has a string that can be used to refresh the
+ access token, increasing it’s lifetime. However we do not make use of
+ the refresh token field. If an access token expires, the Auth MS simply
+ asks for a new one.
+ TOKEN is the access token string returned in
+ the response.
+- The Auth MS has finally obtained an access token that it can use to
+ retrieve the user’s information. Note that if the Auth MS already had
+ an existing valid access token for information about this user, the steps
+ above wouldn’t be necessary, and thus wouldn’t be performed by the
+ Auth MS. The steps till now in the sequence diagram are simply to get
+ a valid access token for the user information.
+- The Auth MS makes a final request to the Gitlab instance, shorthanded
+ as _GET user\_details_ in the sequence diagram. The actual request is
+ of the form:
+GET https://gitlab.foo.com/api/v4/user
+- - header " Authorization : Bearer TOKEN "
+ Here, https://gitlab.foo.com/api/v4/user is the API endpoint
+ that responds with user information.
+ An authorization header is required on the request,
+ with a valid access token. The required header
+ is added here, and TOKEN is the access token that the Auth MS holds.
+- The Gitlab instance verifies the access token, and if it is valid, responds
+ with the required user information. This includes username, email ID,
+ etc. An example response looks like:
+{" id ":8 ," username ":" UserX " ,
+" name ":" XX " ," state ":" active " ,
+" web_url ":" https://gitlab.foo.com/
+UserX " ,
+" created_at ":"2023 -12 -03 T10 :47:21.970 Z " ," bio
+":"" ,
+" location ":"" ,
+" public_email ": null ," skype ":"" ,
+" linkedin ":"" ," twitter ":"" ,
+" organization ":"" ," job_title ":"" ,
+" work_information ": null ,
+" followers ":0 ," following ":0 ,
+" is_followed ": false ," local_time ": null ,
+" last_sign_in_at ":"2023 -12 -13 T12 :46:21.223 Z
+" ,
+" confirmed_at ":"2023 -12 -03 T10 :47:21.542 Z " ,
+" last_activity_on ":"2023 -12 -13" ,
+" email ":" UserX@localhost " ,
+" projects_limit ":100000 ,
+ The important fields from this response are the ”email”, ”username”
+ keys. These keys are unique to a user, and thus provide an identity to
+ the user.
+- The Auth MS retrieves the values of candidate key fields like ”email”,
+ ”username” from the response. Thus, the Auth MS now knows the
+ identity of the user.
+### Checking User permissions - Authorization
+An important feature of the Auth MS is to
+implement access policies for
+DTaaS resources. We may have requirements
+that certain resources and/or
+microservices in DTaaS should only be accessible
+to certain users.
+For example, we may want that /BackendMS/user1
+should only be accessible to the user who
+has username user1. Another example may be
+that we may want /BackendMS/group3 to only
+be available to users who have an
+email ID in the domain @gmail.com.
+The Auth MS should be able to impose these
+restrictions and make certain
+services selectively available to certain users.
+There are two steps to doing
+- Firstly, the user’s identity should be
+ known and trusted. The Auth MS
+ should know the identity of a user and
+ believe that the user is who they
+ claim to be. This has been achieved
+ in the previous section
+- Secondly, this identity should be analysed
+ against certain rules or against
+ a database of allowed users, to determine
+ whether this user should be
+ allowed to access the requested resource.
+The second step requires, for every service,
+either a set of rules that define
+which users should be allowed access to the service,
+or a database of user
+identities that are allowed to access the service.
+This database and/or set of
+rules should use the user identities, in our case
+the email ID or username, to
+decide whether the user should be allowed or not.
+This means that the rules
+should be built based on the kind of username/ email
+ID the user has, say
+maybe using some RegEx. In the case of a database,
+the database should
+have the user identity as a key. For any service,
+we can simply look up if the
+key exists in the database or not and allow/deny
+the user access based on that.
+In the sequence diagram, the Auth MS has a self-request
+marked as ”Checks user permissions” after receiving
+the user identity from
+the Gitlab instance. This is when the Auth MS
+compares the identity of the
+user to the rules and/or database it has for
+the requested service. Based on
+this, if the given identity has access to the
+requested resource, the Auth MS
+responds with a 200 OK. This finally marks a
+succcessful authentication, and
+the user can now access the requested resource.
+Note: Again, the Auth MS and user do
+not communicate directly. All
+requests/responses of the Auth MS are
+with the Traefik gateway, not the User
+directly. Infact, the Auth MS is the
+external server used by the ForwardAuth
+middleware of the specific route, and
+communicates with this middleware.
+If the authentication is successful,
+The gateway forwards the request to the
+specific resource when the 200 OK is recieved,
+else it drops the request and
+returns the error code to the user.
+## Implementation
+### Traefik-forward-auth
+The implementation approach is
+setting up and configuring the open source
+for our specific use case.
+This would work as our Auth microservice.
+The traefik-forward-auth software is available
+as a docker.io image. This
+works as a docker container. Thus there are
+no dependency management
+issues. Additionally, it can be added as a
+middleware server to traefik routers.
+Thus, it needs atleast Traefik to work along
+with it properly. It also needs
+active services that it will be controlling access to.
+Traefik, the traefikforward-auth service and any
+services are thus, treated as a stack of docker
+containers. The main setup needed for this system
+is configuring the compose.yml file.
+There are three main steps of configuring the Auth MS properly.
+- The traefik-forward-auth service needs to be configured carefully.
+ Firstly,
+ we set the environment variables for our specific case.
+ Since, we are using Gitlab, we use the
+ generic-oauth provider configuration.
+ Some important variables that are required are
+ the OAuth2 Client ID, Client Secret, Scope.
+ The API endpoints
+ for getting an AUTHCODE, exchanging the code for an access token and
+ getting user information are also necessary
+ Additionally, it is necessary to create a router
+ that handles the REDIRECT URI path.
+ This router should have a middleware which is set to
+ traefik-forward-auth itself. This is so that after
+ approval, when the user is
+ taken to REDIRECT URI, this can be handled by
+ the gateway and passed
+ to the Auth service for token exchange.
+ We add the ForwardAuth middleware here,
+ which is a necessary part of
+ our design as discussed before. We also
+ add a load balancer for the service.
+ We also need to add a conf file as a volume, for
+ selective authorization rules (discussed later).
+ This is according to the suggested configuration.
+ Thus, we add the following
+ to our docker services:
+image: thomseddon/traefik−forward−auth:latest
+- /conf:/conf
+- DEFAULT_PROVIDER = generic - oauth
+- PROVIDERS_GENERIC_OAUTH_AUTH_URL=https://gitlab.foo.com/oauth/authorize
+- PROVIDERS_GENERIC_OAUTH_TOKEN_URL=https://gitlab.foo.com/oauth/token
+- PROVIDERS_GENERIC_OAUTH_USER_URL=https://gitlab.foo.com/api/v4/user
+- SECRET = a - random - string
+# INSECURE_COOKIE is required if
+# not using a https entrypoint
+- "traefik.enable=true"
+- "traefik.http.routers.redirect.entryPoints=web"
+- "traefik.http.routers.redirect.rule=PathPrefix(/_oauth)"
+- "traefik.http.routers.redirect.middlewares=traefik-forward-auth"
+- "traefik.http.middlewares.traefik-forward-auth.forwardauth.address=http://traefik-forward-auth:4181"
+- "traefik.http.middlewares.traefik-forward-auth.forwardauth.authResponseHeaders=X-Forwarded-User"
+- "traefik.http.services.traefik-forward-auth.loadbalancer.server.port=4181"
+- The traefik-forward-auth service should be
+ added to the backend services
+ as a middleware.
+ To do this, the docker-compose configurations
+ of the services need to be updated
+ by adding the following lines:
+ - "traefik.http.routers..rule=Path(/)"
+ - "traefik.http.routers..middlewares=traefik-forward-auth"
+ This creates a router that maps to the required route,
+ and adds the auth middleware to
+ the required route.
+- Finally, we need to set user permissions on
+ user identities by creating rules in the conf file.
+ Each rule has a name (an identifier for the rule),
+ and an associated
+ route for which the rule will be invoked.
+ The rule also has an action property,
+ which can be either ”auth” or ”allow”.
+ If action is set to ”allow”, any requests
+ on this route are allowed to bypass even
+ the OAuth2 identification. If the
+ action is set to ”auth”, requests on this
+ route will require User identity
+ OAuth2 and the system will follow the sequence diagram.
+ For rules with action=”auth”, the user information
+ is retrieved. The
+ identity we use for a user is the user’s email ID.
+ For ”auth” rules, we can
+ configure two types of User
+ restrictions/permissions on this identity:
+- Whitelist - This would be a list of user
+ identities (email IDs in our case)
+ that are allowed to access the
+ corresponding route.
+- Domain - This would be a domain
+ (example: gmail.com), and only
+ email IDs (user identities) of that
+ domain (example: johndoe@gmail.com)
+ would be allowed access to the corresponding route.
+Configuring any of these two properties of
+an ”auth” rule allows us to
+selectively permit access to certain users
+for certain resources.
+Not configuring any of these properties for an ”auth” rule means
+that the OAuth2 process is carried out
+and the user identity is retrieved, but all
+known user identities (i.e. all users
+that successfully complete the OAuth) are
+allowed to access the resource.
+DTaaS currently uses only the whitelist type of rules.
+These rules can be used in 3 different ways
+described below. The exact format of
+lines to be added to the conf file are also shown.
+- No Auth - Serves the Path(‘/public‘) route.
+ A rule with action=”allow”
+ should be imposed on this.
+- User specific: Serves the Path(‘/user1‘) route.
+ A rule that only allows ”user1@localhost”
+ identity should be imposed on this
+- Common Auth - Serves the Path(‘/common‘) route.
+ A rule that requires
+ OAuth, i.e. with action=”allow”, but allows
+ all valid and known user
+ identities should be imposed on this.
+rule.all.action = auth
+rule.all.rule = Path(`/common`)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/developer/oauth/DESIGN.md b/docs/developer/oauth/DESIGN.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..935abd1df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/developer/oauth/DESIGN.md
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# System Design of DTaaS Authorization Microservice
+DTaaS requires backend authorization to protect its
+backend services and user workspaces. This document
+details the system design of the
+DTaaS Auth Microservice which
+is responsible for the same.
+## Requirements
+For our purpose, we require the Auth MS to be able to handle only
+requests of the general form ”Is User X allowed to access /BackendMS/example?”.
+If the user’s identity is correctly verified though the GitLab OAuth2
+provider AND this user is allowed to access the
+requested microservice/action, then the Auth MS
+should respond with a 200 (OK) code and let the
+request pass through the gateway to
+the required microservice/server.
+If the
+user’s identity verification through
+GitLab OAuth2 fails OR this user is not
+permitted to access the request resource,
+then the Auth MS should respond
+with a 40X (NOT OK) code, and restrict
+the request from going forward.
+## Forward Auth Middleware in Traefik
+Traefik allows middlewares to be set for the routes
+configured into it. These middlewares intercept the
+route path requests, and perform analysis/modifications
+before sending the requests ahead to the services.
+Traefik has a ForwardAuth
+middleware that delegates authentication to an external
+service. If the external authentication server responds
+to the middleware with a 2XX response
+codes, the middleware acts as a proxy, letting the
+request pass through to
+the desired service. However, if the external server
+responds with any other
+response code, the request is dropped, and the
+response code returned by the
+external auth server is returned to the user
+![Forward Auth middleware](traefik-forward-auth-middleware.png)
+Thus, an Auth Microservice can be integrated
+into the existing gateway
+and DTaaS system structure easily by adding it
+as the external authentication
+server for ForwardAuth middlewares. These
+middlewares can be added on
+whichever routes/requests require authentication.
+For our specific purpose,
+this will be added to all routes since we impose
+atleast identity verification
+of users for any request through the gateway
+## Auth MS Design
+The integrated Auth MS should thus work as
+described in the sequence
+![alt text](design-sequence.png)
+- Any request made by the user is made on the
+ React website, i.e. the
+ frontend of the DTaaS software.
+- This request then goes through the Traefik gateway.
+ Here it should be
+ interrupted by the respective ForwardAuth middleware.
+- The middleware asks the Auth MS if this request for the given user
+ should be allowed.
+- The Auth MS, i.e. the Auth server verifies the identity of the user
+ using OAuth2 with GitLab, and checks if this user should be allowed
+ to make this request.
+- If the user is verified and allowed to make the request, the Auth server
+ responds with a 200 OK to Traefik Gateway (more specifically to the
+ middleware in Traefik)
+- Traefik then forwards this request to the respective service. A response
+ by the service, if any, will be passed through the chain back to the user.
+- However, If the user is not verified or not allowed to make this request,
+ the Auth server responds with a 40x to Traefik gateway.
+- Traefik will then drop the request and respond to the Client informing
+ that the request was forbidden. It will also pass the Auth servers
+ response code
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+# OAuth 2.0 Summary
+The Auth MS works on the OAuth 2.0 RFC. This
+document provides a brief summary of
+the working of the OAtuh 2.0 technology.
+## Entities
+OAuth2, as used for user identity verification,
+has 3 main entities:
+- The User: This is the entity whose identity
+ we are trying to verify/know. In our case,
+ this is the same as the user of the DTaaS software.
+- The Client: This is the entity that wishes to know/verify the identity
+ of a user. In our case, this is the Auth MS (initialised with a Gitlab
+ application). This shouldn’t be confused with the frontend website of
+ DTaaS (referred to as Client in the previous section).
+- The OAuth2 Identity Provider: This is the entity that allows the client
+ to know the identity of the user. In our case, this is GitLab. Most
+ commonly, users have an existing, protected account with this entity.
+ The account is registered using a unique key,
+ like an email ID or username and is usually
+ password protected so that only that specific user
+ can login using that account. After the user has logged in, they will
+ be asked to approve sharing their profile information with the client.
+ If they approve, the client will have access
+ to the user’s email id, username, and other
+ profile information. This information can be used to
+ know/verify the identity of the user.
+Note: In general, it is possible for the
+Authorization server (which asks
+user for approval) and the Resource (User Identity)
+provider to be 2 different
+servers. However, in our case the Gitlab instance
+itself handles both the
+functions, through different API endpoints.
+The concepts remain the same.
+Thus, we only discuss the 3 main entities, the User,
+the OAuth2 Client and
+the Gitlab instance in our discussion.
+### The OAuth2 Client
+Many sites allow you to initialise
+an OAuth2 client. For our purposes,
+we will use Gitlab itself, by making
+an ”application” in Gitlab. However,
+it is not necessary to initialise a client
+using the same website as the identity provider.
+These are separate things.
+Our OAuth2 client is initialized by creating
+and configuring a Gitlab
+instance-wide application.
+There are two main things in this configuration:
+- Redirect URI - It is the URI where the users
+ are redirected to after
+ they approve sharing information
+ with the client.
+- Scopes - These are the types and levels
+ of access that the client can
+ have over the user’s profile.
+ For our purposes, we only require the
+ read user scope, which allows us
+ to access the user’s profile information
+ for knowing the identity.
+After the GitLab application is successfully
+created, we are provided a
+Client ID and Client Secret.
+This means our initialization is complete.
+This Client ID and Client Secret can be used
+in any application, essentially making
+that application the OAuth2 Client.
+This is why the Client secret should
+never be shared. We will use this Client ID
+and Client secret in our Auth
+MS, making it an OAuth2 Client application.
+It will now be able to follow
+the OAuth2 workflow to verify the identity of users.
+## OAuth 2.0 Workflows
+There are two major different OAuth2.0 flows:
+- OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow:
+ This flow involves several steps and
+ the exchange of an authorization code
+ for an access tokens to ensure secure authorization.
+ This flow is used for the DTaaS AuthMS,
+ which is responsible for securing
+ all backend DTaaS services
+ The OAuth2 workflow is initiated by the
+ Client (Auth MS) whenever it
+ requires knowing the identity of the user.
+ Briefly, the flow starts when the
+ Auth MS sends an authorization request to Gitlab.
+ The Auth MS tries to
+ obtain an access token, using which it can gather
+ user information. Once it
+ has user information, it can know the identity of
+ the user and check whether
+ the user has permission to access the requested resource.
+ ![alt text](oauth2-workflow.png)
+ The requests made by the Auth MS to
+ the OAuth2 provider
+ are abbreviated. A detailed explanation
+ of the workflow for
+ DTaaS specifically can be found in the
+ [AuthMS implementation docs](AUTHMS.md)
+- OAuth2 PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) Flow:
+ This is an extension to the OAuth2
+ Authorization Code Flow designed to
+ provide an additional layer of security,
+ particularly for public clients
+ that cannot securely store client secrets.
+ PKCE mitigates certain attack vectors,
+ like authorization code interception.
+ The DTaaS client website login works
+ based on the PKCE OAuth2.0 flow.
+ More information about the details of
+ this flow can be found
+ [here](https://auth0.com/docs/get-started/authentication-and-authorization-flow/authorization-code-flow-with-pkce)
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@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ nav:
- Client: developer/client/client.md
- Library Microservice: developer/servers/lib/lib-ms.md
- Testing: developer/testing/intro.md
- - Publish NPM Packages: developer/npm-packages.md
- Bugs: bugs.md
- Thanks: thanks.md
- License:
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index 083354cc6..621d3052e 100755
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ nav:
- Client: developer/client/client.md
- Library Microservice: developer/servers/lib/lib-ms.md
- Testing: developer/testing/intro.md
- - Publish NPM Packages: developer/npm-packages.md
- Bugs: bugs.md
- Thanks: thanks.md
- License: