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62 lines (58 loc) · 6.35 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (58 loc) · 6.35 KB


A file containing alignment data in bam format.


Name Type Description Notes
controlled_access character Boolean value, indicating the file being controlled access, if true. [optional]
anvil_url character URL linking to the controlled access file that has been deposited at AnVIL workspace. [optional]
transcriptome_annotation character The annotation and version of the reference resource. [optional] [Enum: [GENCODE 32, GENCODE 40, GENCODE 41, GENCODE 42, GENCODE 43, GENCODE 44, GENCODE 45, GENCODE 47, GENCODE Cast - M32, GENCODE M30, GENCODE M31, GENCODE M32, GENCODE M33, GENCODE M34, GENCODE M36]]
assembly character Genome assembly applicable for the annotation data. [optional] [Enum: [Cast - GRCm39, GRCh38, GRCm39, custom]]
release_timestamp character The date the object was released. [optional]
reference_files set[character] Link to the reference files used to generate this file. [optional]
filtered character Indicates whether the file has gone through some filtering step, for example, removal of PCR duplicates or filtering based on significance calling. [optional]
documents set[character] Documents that provide additional information (not data file). [optional]
lab character Lab associated with the submission. [optional]
award character Grant associated with the submission. [optional]
accession character A unique identifier to be used to reference the object prefixed with IGVF. [optional]
alternate_accessions set[character] Accessions previously assigned to objects that have been merged with this object. [optional]
collections set[character] Some samples are part of particular data collections. [optional] [Enum: ]
status character The status of the metadata object. [optional] [Enum: [in progress, preview, released, deleted, replaced, revoked, archived]]
revoke_detail character Explanation of why an object was transitioned to the revoked status. [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s
schema_version character The version of the JSON schema that the server uses to validate the object. [optional] [Pattern: ^\d+(\.\d+)*$]
uuid character The unique identifier associated with every object. [optional]
notes character DACC internal notes. [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s
aliases set[character] Lab specific identifiers to reference an object. [optional]
creation_timestamp character The date the object was created. [optional]
submitted_by character The user who submitted the object. [optional]
submitter_comment character Additional information specified by the submitter to be displayed as a comment on the portal. [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s
description character A plain text description of the object. [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s
analysis_step_version character The analysis step version of the file. [optional]
content_md5sum character The MD5sum of the uncompressed file. [optional] [Pattern: [a-f\d]{32}
content_type character The type of content in the file. [optional]
dbxrefs set[character] Identifiers from external resources that may have 1-to-1 or 1-to-many relationships with IGVF file objects. [optional]
derived_from set[character] The files participating as inputs into software to produce this output file. [optional]
derived_manually character A boolean indicating whether the file has been dervided manually without automated computational methods. [optional]
file_format character The file format or extension of the file. [optional] [Enum: [bam]]
file_format_specifications set[character] Documents that describe the file format and fields of this file. [optional]
file_set character The file set that this file belongs to. [optional]
file_size integer File size specified in bytes. [optional] [Min: 0]
md5sum character The md5sum of the file being transferred. [optional] [Pattern: [a-f\d]{32}
submitted_file_name character Original name of the file. [optional]
upload_status character The upload/validation status of the file. [optional] [Enum: [pending, file not found, invalidated, validated, validation exempted]]
validation_error_detail character Explanation of why the file failed the automated content checks. [optional]
checkfiles_version character The Checkfiles GitHub version release the file was validated with. [optional]
read_count integer Number of reads in a bam file. Including both mapped, unmapped, and multi-mapped read counts. [optional] [Min: 0]
redacted character Indicates whether the alignments data have been sanitized (redacted) to prevent leakage of private and potentially identifying genomic information. [optional]
@id character [optional]
@type array[character] [optional]
summary character A summary of the alignment file. [optional]
integrated_in set[character] Construct library set(s) that this file was used for in insert design. [optional]
input_file_for set[character] The files which are derived from this file. [optional]
gene_list_for set[character] File Set(s) that this file is a gene list for. [optional]
loci_list_for set[character] File Set(s) that this file is a loci list for. [optional]
assay_titles set[character] Title(s) of assay from the file set this file belongs to. [optional]
workflow character The workflow used to produce this file. [optional]
href character The download path to obtain file. [optional]
s3_uri character The S3 URI of public file object. [optional]
upload_credentials object The upload credentials for S3 to submit the file content. [optional]
content_summary character A summary of the data in the alignment file. [optional]