API response/metadata schema
- Convert XML -> Json Schema for validation
- JSON Schema version to IGSN for approval
Testing and test prefixes: http://igsn.github.io/registration/ > Testing
validation for IGSN formatting (strong suggestion)
Business aspects
Problems with ownership - metadata and updates. Need to learn from Datacite's model. https://api.datacite.org
Suggested API
/igsn//activities /igsn//metadata
Ownership IDs - what ones are we going to support? VIAF, ORCID, etc in http://doidb.wdc-terra.org/igsn/schemas/igsn.org/schema/0.3/include/igsn-nameIdentifierScheme-v1.xsd
Need an API for agents that the registrar knows about
/agents -> GET returns list of agent ids /agent//metadata /agent//sitemap -> URL to primary sitemap
Issue with updates on change of ownership/prov - who owns the canonical update records? Does the registrar only have the
Refactor current registrar -> agent Refactor current agent -> completely 'files on a server', move kvp etc out to metadata harvester role
- JWT authentication