Releases: IDEMSInternational/open-app-builder
Releases · IDEMSInternational/open-app-builder
What’s Changed
- update version number to v0.10.5 @EsmeeIDEMS (#933)
- Content update for release v0.10.5 @EsmeeIDEMS (#932)
- Fix app side menu duplicate actions @chrismclarke (#931)
- add stricter checks for dynamic variables @chrismclarke (#924)
- add sidemenu template @chrismclarke (#923)
- add debug-toggle template component @chrismclarke (#922)
- content update to try to fix home screen not showing @smborio (#921)
- Feat/campaigns updates @chrismclarke (#917)
- minor config updates @chrismclarke (#919)
- Feat/translations workspace @chrismclarke (#916)
What’s Changed
What’s Changed
- update version number to v0.10.3 @smborio (#900)
- fix a content issue identified in the pre-release testing @smborio (#899)
- Content update for release v0.10.3 @smborio (#898)
- Moved the reset app function to the settings services and created an … @smborio (#897)
- Update content data and add a routing function to launch the demo pre… @smborio (#896)
- Refactor PLH-Data to workspace @chrismclarke (#895)
- Scripts workspace refactoring @chrismclarke (#894)
- Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 in /scripts @dependabot (#891)
- Bump color-string from 1.5.4 to 1.5.5 in /scripts @dependabot (#892)
- Data Updates 2021-07-09 @chrismclarke (#893)
- WiP - Core dependency updates @chrismclarke (#835)
- Update Core Dependencies @chrismclarke (#874)
- Implement backend server structures @chrismclarke (#890)
- Add support for data exported by subtype @chrismclarke (#678)
- WiP - Action list value updates @chrismclarke (#838)
- Support full-stops at end of dynamic variables @chrismclarke (#847)
- nav buttons bag on android @AndriiHubarievW (#869)
What’s Changed
- fix covid links @smborio (#882)
- Pre release prep v0.10.1 @smborio (#881)
- Bump color-string from 1.5.4 to 1.5.5 in /scripts @dependabot (#863)
- Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 in /scripts @dependabot (#824)
- Created the go_to_url action and set it to open a url in a new window… @smborio (#880)
- temporary fix to issue arising from PR #877 @smborio (#879)
- changed the left icon parameter from an image to an icon, allowing bo… @smborio (#877)
- Fix production build @chrismclarke (#875)
- new two_columns_images style @AndriiHubarievW (#873)
- icons for toggle bar @AndriiHubarievW (#859)
- update documentation @AndriiHubarievW (#867)
- tour next button color @AndriiHubarievW (#866)
- audio/timer buttons color @AndriiHubarievW (#865)
- update content to fix hiding issue in UAT @smborio (#871)
- Update UAT with master v0.10.0 @smborio (#868)
What’s Changed
- version update to v0.9.10 for release @smborio (#862)
- Update content for release v0.9.10 @smborio (#861)
- input background @AndriiHubarievW (#860)
- pop ups styles @AndriiHubarievW (#848)
- fixed dynamic changes @AndriiHubarievW (#858)
- square button @AndriiHubarievW (#857)
- changed default font size @AndriiHubarievW (#855)
- dashed boxes same width @AndriiHubarievW (#854)
- fixed break lines / bulleted list @AndriiHubarievW (#853)
- stars position in parent point counter @AndriiHubarievW (#856)
- convert "undefined" fields to undefined @chrismclarke (#852)
- text break lines @AndriiHubarievW (#850)
- new component help_icon @AndriiHubarievW (#846)
- simple changes for tile button @AndriiHubarievW (#851)
- new tile style 'button' @AndriiHubarievW (#844)
- workshops style changes @AndriiHubarievW (#849)
- Scripts parser error logging @chrismclarke (#845)
- change default alignment @AndriiHubarievW (#843)
- new tile style 'image_text' @AndriiHubarievW (#842)
- Support colon character in @Row replacements @chrismclarke (#839)
- fix slider previous value tracking @chrismclarke (#837)
- combo box input value @AndriiHubarievW (#841)
- content update on 06-17 @smborio (#836)
- Fix/nested rendering @chrismclarke (#829)
- Remove duplicate nav re-renders @chrismclarke (#831)
- parent point counter scaling @AndriiHubarievW (#834)
- updated documentation @AndriiHubarievW (#832)
- Feat/translation scripts @chrismclarke (#828)
- Refactor - Dynamic variables and calculation statements @chrismclarke (#809)
- fix dynamic nested inheritance @chrismclarke (#827)
- Fix/debug actions @chrismclarke (#784)
What’s Changed
- updated version number to 0.9.9 @smborio (#823)
- update content for release v 0.9.9 @smborio (#822)
- Update points-item.component.ts @chrismclarke (#821)
- Update android permissions @chrismclarke (#797)
- parent point animation scaling @chrismclarke (#820)
- parent point animation @AndriiHubarievW (#813)
- Updates on splash screens @smborio (#819)
- workshops continue @AndriiHubarievW (#815)
- parent point counter @AndriiHubarievW (#818)
- parent-point-counter @AndriiHubarievW (#796)
- Data Updates - 2021-06-07 @chrismclarke (#817)
- add new action list types @chrismclarke (#816)
- nambering pipe for text @AndriiHubarievW (#774)
- fixed path for timer ping @AndriiHubarievW (#800)
- action params for form @AndriiHubarievW (#802)
- exclude_from_translation into flows @AndriiHubarievW (#804)
- fix text wrapping @AndriiHubarievW (#812)
- Data sync - 2021 06 05 @chrismclarke (#810)
- checkbox position @AndriiHubarievW (#806)
- fix - display group style @AndriiHubarievW (#808)
- Core updates - Android build and typings @chrismclarke (#798)
- display group 'type' to 'style' @AndriiHubarievW (#787)
- Refactoring styles @AndriiHubarievW (#785)
- timer ping sound @AndriiHubarievW (#783)
What’s Changed
- version update @smborio (#793)
- Update content for release v 0.9.10 @smborio (#792)
- fix typo @smborio (#791)
- Fix/rerendering @chrismclarke (#790)
- Fix/asset urls @chrismclarke (#735)
- Alternate page scroll implementation @chrismclarke (#692)
- fix advanced dashed box infinite loop / text align @AndriiHubarievW (#780)
- exclude_from_translation parser @AndriiHubarievW (#781)