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-# NutriDiary: Adaptive Nutrition Tracker
+An adaptive nutrition tracking web app, built with React and Spring Boot.
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+# Project Description
+NutriDiary is a web app made to assist users with calorie tracking and workout logging. It features an adaptive calculator that tracks your calorie consumption and weight, and calculates how many calories you need to eat to lose or gain weight in accordance with your goals. To use the app, simply create an account, enter your weight gain/loss goals, and track your calories and weight each day. The calculator will automatically determine how many calories you'll need to consume daily to reach your goals, and its accuracy will increase over time.  
+# Contributing
+This project is currently not accepting open-source contributors, though it may in the future.
+# License
+This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
+# Acknowledgements
+- The algorithm used for calculating TDEE was adapted from nSuns' [TDEE 3.0](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8EbfzFB0mBrMGJ6V2N5QWNfeTg/view) spreadsheet.
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+# NutriDiary: Design Notes
+## Tech Stack
+- **Frontend**: HTML/CSS/JS, JQuery, React
+- **Backend**: Java, Spring Boot
+- **Database**: PostgreSQL
+- **Web Server**: Embedded Tomcat
+- **Deployment**: Heroku
+- **Build Tools**: Maven
+## Features
+- **T1: Core Features**
+  - Account creation
+       - Create account
+            - Name
+            - Goals (+/-/custom weekly weight loss)
+  - Track nutrition info
+    - Daily weight, protein and calories
+    - Average weight, protein, and calories per week.
+  - Calculate TDEE 
+    - Auto calculate TDEE and recommended daily calorie intake.
+ - **T2: Important Features**
+   - Calculates weekly surplus/deficits in protein and calories.
+     - Show surplus (how much to eat in 1 day to make it up)
+     - Show surplus divided by days remaining (how much to eat for the rest of the week to make it up)
+   - Track workouts
+     - Set goal number of days per week for exercise (walk 10k steps, cardio, strength training)
+     - Count how many times per week you've trained (e.g. 3/4 strength training)
+ - **T3: Stretch Features**
+   - Account creation
+     - Add profile pic to profile
+     - Add drop down menu for goals (0.5,1,1.5,2)
+   - Sync with MFP 
+     - Import MFP calories and protein to NutriDiary daily. 
+- **T4 Features**
+  - Sync with Google Fit (steps)
+    - Import number of steps to NutriDiary daily.
+    - If step count passes 10k, track workout in NutriDiary.
+  - Generates reports
+    - Process and visualize last 2-4 weeks data into data visualizations, graphs, etc. based on NSun TDEE sheet monthly summaries. 
+    - Reports tell you to lower or raise calories to meet your goal.
+  - Fancy UI
+- **T5 Features**
+  - Submit a feature form.
+  - Export to nSuns TDEE 3.0 CSV
+  - Import nSuns TDEE 3.0 CSV
+  - Night mode
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