diff --git a/accessibility-checker/README.md b/accessibility-checker/README.md
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--- a/accessibility-checker/README.md
+++ b/accessibility-checker/README.md
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Review the [accessibility-checker/src/README](src/README.md) for more informatio
 Review the [accessibility-checker/boilerplates/README](boilerplates/README.md) and see examples for the following:
-- [batch-scan](batch-scan): scan a batch of local files
+- [batch-scan](batch-scan): scan a set of local files
 - [cucumber-selenium](cucumber-selenium): Using [Cucumber](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cucumber) with a [Selenium-webdriver](https://www.npmjs.com/package/selenium-webdriver) browser
 - [jest](jest): Using a [Jest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jest) test environment
 - [jest-selenium](jest-selenium): Using a [Jest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jest) test environment with a [Selenium-webdriver](https://www.npmjs.com/package/selenium-webdriver) browser
@@ -46,9 +46,10 @@ Review the [accessibility-checker/boilerplates/README](boilerplates/README.md) a
 ## Baselines
-Baselines are a helpful feature of `accessibility-checker` that can also be used in the test environment. The concept involves capturing a scan result as a 'baseline' so that future scans will pass if they match the baseline. If they differ, then the test will fail. This feature is useful for issues that have been determined to be the following:
+Baselines are a helpful feature of `accessibility-checker` that can also be used in the test environment. The concept involves capturing a scan result as a _baseline_ so that future scans will pass if they match the baseline. If they differ, then the test will fail. This feature is useful for issues that have been determined to be the following:
 - false positives
+- `Needs review` issues resolved
 - issues scheduled to be fixed later
 - capturing new regression issues
diff --git a/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/README.md b/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/README.md
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 # accessibility-checker boilerplates
 In this folder are a series of boilerplates created for a form
-of "Hello World" for different test framework environments. The boilerplates
+of "Hello World" for different testing frameworks.
+By using a boilerplate, developers can focus on the unique aspects of their project rather than building automated accessibility testing from scratch.
+See the boilerplate ReadMe for your automated testing framework to get started:
+* [batch-scan](batch-scan): Example usage of scanning a list (batch) of .html files
 * [cucumber-selenium](cucumber-selenium): Using [Cucumber](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cucumber) with a [Selenium-webdriver](https://www.npmjs.com/package/selenium-webdriver) browser
-* [jest](jest): Using a [Jest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jest) test environment with a baseline
-* [jest-selenium](jest-selenium): Using a [Jest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jest) test environment with a [Selenium-webdriver](https://www.npmjs.com/package/selenium-webdriver) browser
-* [mocha-selenium](mocha-selenium): Using a [Mocha](https://www.npmjs.com/package/mocha) test environment with a [Selenium-webdriver](https://www.npmjs.com/package/selenium-webdriver) browser
-* [protractor](protractor): Using a [Protractor](https://www.npmjs.com/package/protractor) test environment
-* [webdriverio](webdriverio): Using a [Webdriverio](https://www.npmjs.com/package/webdriverio) test environment
+* [jest](jest): Using a [Jest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jest) testing framework with a baseline
+* [jest-customRS](jest-customerRS): Using a [Jest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jest) testing framework ... 
+* [jest-selenium](jest-selenium): Using a [Jest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jest) testing framework with a [Selenium-webdriver](https://www.npmjs.com/package/selenium-webdriver) browser
+* [mocha-selenium](mocha-selenium): Using a [Mocha](https://www.npmjs.com/package/mocha) testing framework with a [Selenium-webdriver](https://www.npmjs.com/package/selenium-webdriver) browser
+* [protractor](protractor): Using a [Protractor](https://www.npmjs.com/package/protractor) testing framework with a [Selenium-webdriver](https://www.npmjs.com/package/selenium-webdriver) browser
+* [webdriverio](webdriverio): Using a [Webdriverio](https://www.npmjs.com/package/webdriverio) testing framework  environment
diff --git a/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/batch-scan/README.md b/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/batch-scan/README.md
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+# batch-scan
+Scanning a batch of HTML files in a repeatable fashion is a level of automation beyond using the command-line to scan a list of URLs or using the browser's DevTools extension to manually scan and store a multi-scan report:
+- See [Extensions](https://github.com/IBMa/equal-access/wiki#extensions) for the list of browser extensions supported to interactively scan multiple pages, states, and store a multi-scan report.
+- See [Command-Line multi-scan](https://github.com/IBMa/equal-access/wiki#scanning-multiple-pages) for information about one-time scanning a list of files, directories, or a list of URLs generated from a web crawler.
+This boilerplate shows how a local set of HTML files can be repeatedly scanned and the results saved.
+### Purpose of files in this boilerplate
+**main.js** - In summary, this JavaScript code uses the `accessibility-checker` library to scan HTML files for accessibility issues,
+and logs the results to the console
+Here's a breakdown of what the code does:
+- The `accessibility-checker` library is imported as aChecker
+- An array named `sampNames` is defined, containing strings representing the names of HTML files to be scanned. Note that although some sample names are repeated, suggesting that the same HTML file might be scanned multiple times, the file names are repeated in this boilerplate simply as a filler. The same file would have to be changed dynamically to have different results reported.
+- An asynchronous function is defined using an immediately invoked arrow function (IIFE). This function performs the accessibility checks.
+- Inside the IIFE, a variable `idx` is initialized to keep track of the index for appending unique identifiers to the filenames.
+- The `Promise.all()` method is used to run multiple promises concurrently. It takes an array of promises as its argument. In this case, the array is generated by mapping over the sampNames array.
+- For each name in `sampNames`, a promise is created using `aChecker.getCompliance()`. This method checks the accessibility compliance of an HTML file.
+- The HTML file path is constructed using the current working directory `(process.cwd())` and the _sample name_ with a unique _index_ appended.
+- Once all promises are resolved, the results are stored in the results variable.
+- The `aChecker.close()` method is called to release any resources used by the `accessibility-checker` library.
+- A success message is logged to the console, indicating the number of pages scanned.
+- If an error occurs during the scanning process, it is caught and logged to the console using `console.error(err)`.
+**package.json** - In summary, this file defines a Node.js project with a specific entry point, version, description, and dependencies. It also includes a custom script for testing the Node.js project named "@ibma/aat-boilerplate". Here's a breakdown of its contents:
+- `name`: The name of the project is "`@ibma/aat-boilerplate`.
+- `version`: The version of the project is `3.0.0`.
+- `description`: The brief description of the project which is "Example usage of accessibility checker in batch scans".
+- `main`: The entry point of the application is `src/app.js`.
+- `scripts`: The section containing custom commands that can be run using `npm run`. In this case, there's only one script named "test" that runs the command `node main.js`.
+- `engines`: The section specifying the required Node.js version for the project, which is ">=10".
+- `devDependencies`: The section listing the development dependencies of the project. In this case, there's only one dependency, `accessibility-checker`, which is the local file located at "../../src".
+**sample1.html** - A sample HTML file to be scanned. 
+## Baseline basics
+See the [Baseline basics](https://github.com/IBMa/equal-access/wiki#baseline-basics) topic in the Wiki to get started comparing scans over time and to prevent new issues from being introduced.
diff --git a/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/cucumber-selenium/README.md b/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/cucumber-selenium/README.md
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+# cucumber-selenium
+This boilerplate shows how cucumber-selenium WebDriver browser can be used to automate accessibility testing in your pipeline and the results saved.
+Scanning a set of test cases in a repeatable fashion is a level of automation beyond using the command-line to scan a list of URLs (static pages) or using the browser's DevTools extension to manually scan, manually interact with pages, and store a multi-scan report:
+- See [Extensions](https://github.com/IBMa/equal-access/wiki#extensions) for the list of browser extensions supported to interactively scan multiple pages, states, and store a multi-scan report.
+- See [Command-Line multi-scan](https://github.com/IBMa/equal-access/wiki#scanning-multiple-pages) for information about one-time scanning a list of files, directories, or a list of URLs generated from a web crawler.
+## Purpose of folders and files in this boilerplate
+**.vscode** - In summary, this folder ...
+**features** - In summary, this folder ...
+**achecker.js** - In summary, this file ...
+**generate.js** - In summary, this file ...
+**package.json** - In summary, this file defines a Node.js project with ...
+Here's a breakdown of its contents:
+- `scripts`: The section containing `tests` ...
+- `devDependencies`: The section listing the development dependencies of the project...
+## Baseline basics
+See the [Baseline basics](https://github.com/IBMa/equal-access/wiki#baseline-basics) topic in the Wiki to get started using a baseline to compare scans over time and to prevent new issues from being introduced.
diff --git a/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/jest/README.md b/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/jest/README.md
index c628caeb4..6442f0ec8 100644
--- a/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/jest/README.md
+++ b/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/jest/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 # jest
-This folder covers "baseline basics".
+Using a [Jest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jest) testing framework with a baseline.
+## Purpose of folders and files in this boilerplate
+## Baseline basics
 We have two tests - one referencing a baseline (stored at `baselines/IMG_BASELINE.json`) and one that does not.
@@ -18,6 +22,6 @@ At the time of this commit, if you look at the results for `Image missing alt wi
       Help: https://able.ibm.com/rules/archives/2024.06.17/doc/en-US/img_alt_valid.html#%7B%22message%22%3A%22The%20image%20has%20neither%20an%20accessible%20name%20nor%20is%20marked%20as%20decorative%20or%20redundant%22%2C%22snippet%22%3A%22%3Cimg%20src%3D%5C%22hello.png%5C%22%3E%22%2C%22value%22%3A%5B%22VIOLATION%22%2C%22FAIL%22%5D%2C%22reasonId%22%3A%22fail_no_alt%22%2C%22ruleId%22%3A%22img_alt_valid%22%2C%22msgArgs%22%3A%5B%5D%7D
-We can then add to the `document.body.innerHTML` in that test, following the linked `help` above, to remove the violation. In this example, a simple way is to add an appopriate `alt` attribute.
+We can then add to the `document.body.innerHTML` in that test, following the linked `help` above, to remove the violation. In this example, a simple way is to add an appropriate `alt` attribute.
 A useful exercise would be to extend this example to make use of the provided HelloWidget component.
diff --git a/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/protractor/README.md b/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/protractor/README.md
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+# protractor
+Protractor is a wrapper around Selenium Webdriver that provides an automated testing framework,
+which simulates user interaction with an Angular web application for a range of browsers and mobile devices.
+It provides all features of Selenium WebDriver along with Angular specific features for seamless end to end testing.
+## Purpose of folders and files in this boilerplate
+## Baseline basics
+See the [Jest](https://github.com/IBMa/equal-access/tree/master/accessibility-checker/boilerplates/jest) package testing framework with a baseline for ideas on how to setup a baseline with protractor.