- Whenever a step is changed or a new step is added, the step description should be updated.
- Wherever possible, type hints should be used
- 3 and more def parameters should normally be separated with newlines like this:
def my_func( param1: str, param2: int, param3: bool ) -> None:
Always use a feature branch
git checkout -b [IssueNo]_my-new-feature
Always rebase before pushing:
git fetch --prune origin
git rebase origin/dev
Always commit with a good commit message, which starts with the Issue number. Commits require a signature using GPG, SSH, or S/MIME. Read about commit signature verification. Also include a sign-off statement, which can be done like so:
git commit -s
Push into a new branch and open a PR.
git push origin [IssueNo]_my-new-feature
Execution of unit tests:
TEST_SKIP_IT=1 python -m unittest discover -v -s tests/ -p 'test_*.py'
To run integration tests, too, omit the TEST_SKIP_IT=1
This project uses a flat layout.