Releases: IBM/fp-go
Releases · IBM/fp-go
1.0.0 (2023-07-18)
Bug Fixes
- add auto generation for Eitherize (b34f3e3)
- add automation for TraverseTuple and SequenceTuple (69c2fe1)
- add ioeither (5020437)
- add json serialization support for option (691ceb0)
- add missing chain methods (bf04dad)
- add support for context sensitive readers (84c3e3f)
- automate eitherize methods (eb4975e)
- code generation for tuple (a18a04c)
- generate sequenceT (1779793)
- initial release (2efe4f6)
- order of parameters on Ap (e350f70)
- rework http support (48f38f2)
- unwrap deep nesting of applicatives (e42d399)
- use code generation instead of hardcoded variants (288422e)
- use tag to discriminate values (c169cb4)