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Guiding exploration with constraints from demonstrations

We consider an environment in which an agent navigates through a fixed maze to reach a target. The starting position of the agent and the position of the target are randomized at each episode.

Visualize the environment with a random policy:

python3 -m ceres.scripts.play_policy --env_id Nav2dPosFixedMazeCeres-v0 \
        --max_episodes 1000 --render


  • --env_id Nav2dPosFixMazeCeres-v0: environment name (can load environments from modules other than ceres with the extended argument format <module>:<environment name>)
  • --max_episodes 1000: play a random policy for 1000 episodes
  • --render: (optional) render to screen

Learning constraints from demonstrations

500 positive trajectories with negative demonstrations were collected in data/Nav2dFixedMaze-500T.npz

Visualize the demonstrations with:

python3 -m ceres.constraints.constraint_demonstration --env_id Nav2dPosFixedMazeCeres-v0 \
        --constraint_demonstration_buffer data/Nav2dFixedMaze-500T.npz --render

Possible commands to replay demonstrations within the environment are described in the terminal.

Train a constraint network using the ground truth data with:

python3 -m ceres.scripts.train_ceres --env_id Nav2dPosFixedMazeCeres-v0 \
        --constraint_demonstration_buffer data/Nav2dFixedMaze-500T.npz \
        --cnet_n_ineq 2 --cnet_loss pvm:1. --cnet_loss nsm:1. --cnet_loss l2:1e-6 \
        --cnet_spherical_coordinates --cnet_predict_interior_point \
        --cnet_training_epochs 1000 --cnet_decay_epochs 10 --early_stop_positive 0.99 --early_stop_negative 0.99 \
        --max_iter 1 --only_train_constraints --output maze_cnet


  • --constraint_demonstration_buffer data/Nav2dFixedMaze-500T.npz: use existing demonstration buffer
  • --cnet_n_ineq 2: 2 inequality constraints
  • --cnet_loss pvm:1. --cnet_loss nsm:1. --cnet_loss l2:1e-6: loss weights for positive violation max, negative satisfaction min, L2 regularization
  • --cnet_spherical_coordinates: predict unit-norm constraints using spherical coordinates (alternatively, use --cnet_normalize_ineq_mat for post-normalization)
  • --cnet_predict_interior_point: predict constraints such that there exists an interior point that satisfies them all
  • --cnet_training_epochs 1000: train the constraint network over 1000 epochs
  • --cnet_decay_epochs 10: halve constraint network learning rate every 10 epochs without loss reduction
  • --early_stop_positive 0.99 --early_stop_negative 0.99: interrupt constraint network training if it reaches 99% separation accuracy
  • --max_iter 1: run one iteration of CERES training
  • --only_train_constraints: only train constraint network within CERES, not policy
  • --output maze_cnet: save logs in logs/maze_cnet. If the directory already exists, remove it manually or run the script with --overwrite

The trained constraint network will be saved in logs/maze_cnet/worker_0_direct/constraints.

Visualize the constraints with a random policy:

python3 -m ceres.scripts.play_policy --env_id Nav2dPosFixedMazeCeres-v0 \
        --trained_cnet logs/maze_cnet/worker_0_direct/constraints --max_episodes 1000 --render

Baseline PPO

Within CERES, disabling constraints and setting the number of recovery policies to zero amounts to training with PPO:

python3 -m ceres.scripts.train_ceres --env_id Nav2dPosFixedMazeCeres-v0 \
        --only_train_policy --constant_constraint_activation 0. --n_recovery 0 \
        --max_iter 5000 --output maze_ppo_unconstrained


  • --only_train_policy: only train policy, not constraints
  • --constant_constraint_activation 0.: set the constraint activation probability to zero throughout training
  • --n_recovery 0: do not train recovery agents
  • --max_iter 5000: do reinforcement learning for 5000 iterations
  • Optionally, run with --render to visualize exploration and constraints.

The trained policy will be saved in logs/maze_ppo_unconstrained/worker_0_direct/policy

Applying constraints to guide PPO

Apply the trained constraint network to restrict the exploration range:

python3 -m ceres.scripts.train_ceres --env_id Nav2dPosFixedMazeCeres-v0 \
        --only_train_policy --constant_constraint_activation 1. --n_recovery 0 \
        --trained_cnet logs/maze_cnet/worker_0_direct/constraints \
        --max_iter 5000 --output maze_ppo_constrained


  • --constant_constraint_activation 1.: always enable constraints
  • --trained_cnet logs/maze_cnet/worker_0_direct/constraints: use the constraint network trained previously

The trained policy will be saved in logs/maze_ppo_constrained/worker_0_direct/policy

Compare rewards with and without constraints

Plot the rewards during training:

python3 -m ceres.scripts.plot_rewards \
        --plot_path "Unconstrained PPO=logs/maze_ppo_unconstrained/worker_0_direct" \
        --plot_path "Constrained PPO=logs/maze_ppo_constrained/worker_0_direct"