+ Date of report: ${patient.dateOfReport} |
+ Clinic name: ${patient.clinicName} |
+ MFL code: ${patient.mflCode} |
+ UPN: ${ patient.upn } |
+ Name: ${names} |
+ DOB: ${ patient.birthDate } |
+ Age: ${ patient.age }
+ Gender: ${ patient.gender}
+ Marital status: ${ patient.maritalStatus }
+ |
+ |
+ Date Confirmed HIV Positive: ${ patient.hivConfrimedDate } |
+ First CD4: ${ patient.firstCd4 } |
+ Date first CD4: ${ patient.firstCd4Date } |
+ Date enrolled into care: ${ patient.dateEnrolledIntoCare} |
+ WHO stage at enrollment: ${patient.whoStagingAtEnrollment} |
+ Transfer in date: ${tiDate} |
+ Entry point: ${patient.patientEntryPoint} |
+ Date of entry point: ${patient.dateEntryPoint} |
+ Facility transferred from: ${patient.transferInFacility} |
+ |
+ Treatment supporter details: |
+ Name: ${patient.nameOfTreatmentSupporter} |
+ Relationship: ${patient.relationshipToTreatmentSupporter} |
+ Contact details: ${patient.contactOfTreatmentSupporter} |
+ |
+ Drug allergies: ${allergies} |
+ |
+ Chronic Illness: ${chronicDisease} |
+ Respiratory Rate: ${patient.respiratoryRate} |
+ Blood Pressure: ${patient.bloodPressure} |
+ Oxygen Saturation: ${patient.oxygenSaturation} |
+ Pulse Rate: ${patient.pulseRate} |
+ |
+ Previous ART: ${patient.previousArt} |
+ Date started ART: ${patient.dateStartedArt} |
+ Purpose: ${patient.artPurpose} |
+ Clinical stage at ART: ${patient.clinicalStageAtArtStart} |
+ CD4 at ART: ${patient.cd4AtArtStart} |
+ Drugs/Regimen: ${patient.purposeDrugs} |
+ Family Protection: ${patient.familyProtection} |
+ Weight: ${patient.weightAtArtStart} |
+ Height: ${patient.heightAtArtStart} |
+ BMI: ${patient.bmi} |
+ kDoD Cadre: ${patient.kDoDCadre} |
+ kDoD Unit: ${patient.kDoDUnit} |
+ kDoD Rank: ${patient.kDoDRank} |
+ kDoD Number: ${patient.kDoDNumber} |
+ LMP: ${patient.lmp} |
+ TPT Start Date: ${patient.dateEnrolledInTb} |
+ TPT Completion Date: ${patient.dateCompletedInTb} |
+ TB Screening: ${patient.tbScreeningOutcome} |
+ STI Screening: ${patient.stiScreeningOutcome} |
+ CACX Screening: ${patient.caxcScreeningOutcome} |
+ Date: ${patient.purposeDate} |
+ First regimen: ${firstRegimen} |
+ Past or current OI: ${iosResults} |
+ |
+ Current ART regimen: ${currentRegimen} |
+ ART interruptions: |
+ Reason: |
+ Date: |
+ |
+ |
+ Current WHO stage: ${patient.currentWhoStaging} |
+ Substitution within 1st line regimen: |
+ Reason: |
+ Date: |
+ |
+ |
+ CTX: ${onCtx} |
+ Switch to 2nd line regimen: |
+ Reason: |
+ Date: |
+ |
+ |
+ Dapsone: ${onDapsone} |
+ TPT: ${onIpt} |
+ |
+ Clinics enrolled: ${clinicValues} |
+ Transfer out date: ${toDate}
+ Transfer out facility: ${toFacility}
+ |
+ Most recent CD4: ${recentCd4Count} |
+ Date: ${recentCd4CountDate} |
+ |
+ Death date: ${deadDeath}
+ |
+ Most recent VL: ${recentVl} |
+ Date: ${recentVlDate} |
+ |
+ Next appointment: ${returnVisitDate}
+ |