Regular meetings: Sunday 10 PM EST and Thursday Noon EST
Start Page - Observable DataCommons - Earthscape Chatbot UI - AI Community Visualizations
Machine Learning with Python and GDC
RealityStream - Machine Learning Classification Models
USEEIO Commodities for Deep Learning - New data for all 50 states
OpenFootprint - Javascript Label Development
Earthscape Chatbot UI Install - 100+ LLMs in a Web Interface you can host yourself - Srujana
ML for Community Forecasting - Lily, Sijia, Alison, Irene, Honglin, Ronan, Luwei, Wenxi, Magie
International Google Data Commons API - with Observable Data Loaders
USEEIO matrix files with clustering - Honglin, Rupesh
3D Force Graph - Rakesh
Observable + GDC Visualization Projects
- Python CoLabs for GDC API calls - Paul and Anna
- Observable with Data Commons - Data Loaders How-To
- Sankey Industry Chart
- Chord Chart Data Prep - ask Kargil for location
BuildingTransparency and State Region Maps
- BuildingTransparency with OpenFootprint impact data
- Use our state map filter with colors for new USEEIO reporting maps
- Python - Process All the Places by State and Zip - Carolyn
- BuildingTransparency - API Aggregates of States and Countries - Luwei
- BuildingTransparency - JSON file pull for impact templates - Harsha
- BuildingTransparency - Product Impact Profiles by State and Zip
- AI Process for Farm Fresh Data and Food Deserts ML
- Push EPA date to Google Data Commons API
AI Chatbots LLM
Image Generation
- AI Community Visualizations - Streamlit - Kishor's Repo Our Fork - Kishor
- Image Gallery - Anthony and Kishor
React, Tabulator, Industry Timelines
Our React Team meets Wednesdays at 10 PM EDT
- React Team - Impact Side Navigation - Ziyao
- React Team - Mosic column checkboxes - Fanyi
- React Team - Commodity Totals in Jobs Reports
- Tabulator - Merge in industry year rows using Javascript (1-3) - Rupesh
- Tabulator - Merge in titles using Javascript (4) - Dinesh, Fanyi, Rupesh
- Annual NAICS - Process Industries by Zip Code - Gaurav
- Steps for SQLite in Browser - Example (Runs SQL) - Aashish
- Impact Label Pipeline - Too optimize and change inputs
- Deep Learning Economy - Commodity Totals - Honglin
# MoonShot Challenges
Not your average modeling tasks, but worth the effort.
Find ObservableHQ Interface for selecting charts - Zhiyuan Deploy to GitHub pages to create an easy-to-use alternative to Tableau. Mike Bostock provided an assist - deploy.yml files
Enhance API Key Storage in Earthscape and push to Chatbot UI API Key Local Storage mockup - Javascript repeater with localStorage
Install LLM from Google Data Commons Install LLM from Google Data Commons, Integrate within Earthscape
Push EPA Data to Google Data Commons Push EPA data assempled in our OpenFootprint impacts folder into Google Data Commons. Add USEEIO data to Data Commons Sustainability Section
Integrate with Census Reporting Sites Integrate with and Microsoft Planetary Computer
Create a See-Click-Fix-Pay Rewards Program Integrate data, maps and machine learning with social safety net programs using Job impact data and Open Footprints integrating X with Facebook with Wechat mini programs and Weibo.
AI Training Repos: Lunar Olympics and LunarSphere Supply Lander Join us Monday evenings at 10pm EDT as we create future-forward interfaces.
In Feb 2024, US EPA Engineer Wes Ingwersen shared with the state partners that all data files for v1.0 of the USEEIO State Models are now published. View Report which includes Excel versions of 2020 models for all states.
Wes wrote: We have files with models for all states for a given year in a native useeior Model format on a public server as well.
TO DO: Locate the annual files Wes mentioned. How far back do they go? We recently placed 2020 matrix json in the Open Footprint "impacts/2020" folder.
TO DO: Create interactive version of the supporting figures including maps of the U.S. showing environmental pressure intensity grouped by indicator and commodity for all states and rankings of sectors by consumption by environmental pressure for 2020.
The matrix JSON API that drives our industry comparisons use EPA data prepared and presented using useeior (R Language), useeio.js and the useeio-widgets (Javascript and HTML using the USEEIO-API).
Wes wrote: As a reminder (and mentioned in the report) we’re working on Consumption-based GHG inventories (CBEI) for Maine and other Northeast states as an application of these models but the functionalities we develop and describe will be available for all States. We anticipate that being completed by early summer.
Wesley W. Ingwersen, Ph.D. Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response (CESER) Office of Research and Development US Environmental Protection Agency
Contact our Team - We have talented coders seeking paid positions to help states and communities.