Here's how to deploy updates to an already working production server.
If everything is working, you should be able to deploy with one command:
$ scripts/
Before using this, you'll want
- SSH key authentication set up for the app user.
- Passwordless "sudo service snekinfo restart" enabled for the app user.
On your local development machine, from the top level project directory, run the script to build the release:
$ scripts/
This will create a tar archive.
From your local dev machine, copy tarball to server:
dev-box$ scp [tarball] user@server:~
Now, you'll want two ssh connections to the server:
- One as the app user to unpack the tarball and run the migrations.
- One as an admin user to control the systemd service.
As the app user:
- Untar the tarball over the existing app directory.
- cd into the app directory
- Run
if this update includes any DB migrations.
As the admin user:
- Restart the systemd service:
sudo service snekinfo start
That should be fully deployed.
- Stop the systemd service:
sudo service snekinfo stop
- As the app user, from the app directory, run
to see if you get any error messages.