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Guide to Cross Compilation for a Raspberry Pi

  1. Start
  2. Setup XCS and RPi
  3. Setup RPi Network and SSH
  4. Setup RPi Peripherals
  5. Setup Cross-compile environment
  6. Cross-compile and Install Userland
  7. Cross-compile and Install OpenCV
  8. > Cross-compile and Install ROS
  9. Compile and Install OpenCV
  10. Compile and Install ROS
  11. Remote ROS (RPi node and XCS master)
  12. ROS package development (RPi/XCS)
  13. Compile and Install WiringPi

8. Cross-compile and Install ROS


Before continuing, please make sure you followed the steps in:

In this document the steps for crosscompiling ROS are described.

Required Packages

As ROS has its own package-management system and eco system, multiple dependencies need to be installed on both the RPi and the VM. The VM requires foremost Python packages to process ROS dependencies, whereas the RPi requires additional information-processing libraries.

  1. Install packages

    XCS~$ sudo apt-get install python-rosdep python-rosinstall-generator python-wstool python-rosinstall python-empy
    XCS~$ ssh rpizero-local
    RPI~$ sudo apt-get install pkg-config python2.7 python-dev python-pip sbcl libboost-all-dev libtinyxml-dev libgtest-dev liblz4-dev libbz2-dev libyaml-dev python-nose python-empy python-netifaces python-defusedxml
    RPI~$ sudo pip install -U rospkg catkin_pkg

    The call to sudo apt-get install on the RPi might take a while as approximately 250Mb extracted and installed. Installing rospkg and catkin_pkg may produce several errors when building yaml support while finishing gracefully. My guess is that all might be fine, but perhaps some future tests might show some issues.

  2. Sync RPi libs to VM

    XCS~$ ~/rpicross_notes/scripts/


As mentioned before, the use of rsync results in broken symlinks. Hence we need to restore the ones required for ROS:

  1. Restore symlinks after syncing

    When using the sync-scripts, this step can be omitted.

    XCS~$ ln -sf /home/pi/rpi/rootfs/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ /home/pi/rpi/rootfs/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
    XCS~$ ln -sf /home/pi/rpi/rootfs/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ /home/pi/rpi/rootfs/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
    XCS~$ ln -sf /home/pi/rpi/rootfs/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ /home/pi/rpi/rootfs/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
  2. ROS uses gtest for several tests. The apt-get call for libgtest-dev only installs the source for gtest, therefore we need to crosscompile it for ourselfs to generate the libraries, using rpi-generic-toolchain.

    XCS~$ mkdir -p ~/rpi/build/gtest
    XCS~$ cd ~/rpi/build/gtest
    XCS~$ cmake \
       -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/pi/rpicross_notes/rpi-generic-toolchain.cmake \
    XCS~$ make
    XCS~$ mv *.a /home/pi/rpi/rootfs/usr/lib

    SOURCE: There is not make install so the generated libraries need to be copied manually to the appropriate folder.

  3. We also need an utility called console_bridge, which we compile and install from source too. Again we use rpi-generic-toolchain.

    XCS~$ cd ~/rpi/src
    XCS~$ git clone
    XCS~$ mkdir -p ~/rpi/build/console_bridge
    XCS~$ cd ~/rpi/build/console_bridge
    XCS~$ cmake \
        -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/pi/rpicross_notes/rpi-generic-toolchain.cmake \
    XCS~$ make
    XCS~$ make install DESTDIR=/home/pi/rpi/rootfs
  4. After installing all dependencies, init rosdep.

    XCS~$ sudo rosdep init
    XCS~$ rosdep update
  5. Create catkin workspace for the RPi-builds.

    Note that this workspace is not located in the ~/rpi or ~/rpi/rootfs directories. Because ROS comes with its own environment management system, a seperate directory is created which is synced with the RPi in a similar way as rootfs. Most important is that the path of the workspace in the VM equals (/home/pi/ros/src_cross) the path to which the workspace is synchronised on the RPi (which will be /home/pi/ros/src_cross).

    XCS~$ mkdir -p ~/ros/src_cross
    XCS~$ cd ~/ros/src_cross
  6. Download ROS core packages and init workspace

    XCS~$ rosinstall_generator ros_comm --rosdistro kinetic --deps --wet-only --tar > kinetic-ros_comm-wet.rosinstall
    XCS~$ wstool init -j8 src kinetic-ros_comm-wet.rosinstall
  7. Build ROS

    XCS~$ ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated \
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \

    This creates two folders: devel_isolated and build_isolated of which the latter can be ignored.

Adding packages after building ROS

When additional ros-packages are needed, but ROS is already build, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Goto the crosscompilation catkin-workspace:

    XCS~$ cd ~/ros/src_cross
  2. Use rosinstall_generator to create an additional .rosinstall, including the specified package(s). E.g sensor_msgs:

    XCS~$ rosinstall_generator sensor_msgs --rosdistro kinetic --deps --wet-only --tar > sensor_msgs.rosinstall
  3. Merge the file with the existing .rosinstall and update ROS it's source tree

    XCS~$ wstool merge -t src sensor_msgs.rosinstall
    XCS~$ wstool update -t src
  4. Finally, rebuild ROS

    XCS~$ ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated \
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \


In addition to updates of rootfs we also need to synchronise src_cross.

Starting with rootfs:

  1. Use a direct call:
    XCS~$ sudo rsync -auHWv --no-perms --no-owner --no-group /home/pi/rpi/rootfs/ rpizero-local-root:/
  2. Or use the link-correcting script:
    XCS~$ /home/pi/rpicross_notes/scripts/

And for ~/ros/src_cross:

  1. Use a direct call:

    XCS~$ rsync -auHWv --no-perms --no-owner --no-group /home/pi/ros/src_cross/devel_isolated rpizero-local:/
    XCS~$ rsync -auHWv --no-perms --no-owner --no-group /home/pi/ros/src_cross/src rpizero-local:/

    Which copies both devel_isolated and src from /home/pi/ros/src_cross/* (VM) to /home/pi/ros/src_cross/* (RPi)

  2. Or use this script:

    XCS~$ /home/pi/rpicross_notes/scripts/
  3. Unfortunatly ROS includes the path to rootfs and subsequent libraries in its binairies. To enable ROS on the RPi to find the proper libraries, a symbolic link is created, simulating the path to rootfs

    XCS~$ ssh rpizero-local
    RPI~$ mkdir -p /home/pi/rpi
    RPI~$ ln -s / /home/pi/rpi/rootfs


Testing the compiled ROS-libraries and catkin workspace



  1. Set bash to use the crosscompile-ros settings

    XCS~$ source ~/rpicross_notes/scripts/ros_cross

    ROS biniaries such as catkin_make are actually python scripts. Therefore we can use several libraires/scripts from the crosscompiled workspace on both the RPi and VM.

  2. Cross-compile the helloros code with the toolchain in this repositiory.

    XCS~$ mkdir -p ~/rpi/build/hello/ros
    XCS~$ cd ~/rpi/build/hello/ros
    XCS~$ cmake \
        -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/pi/rpicross_notes/rpi-generic-toolchain.cmake \
    XCS~$ make

    Note that the toolchain sets the proper path for pkg-config (/home/pi/ros/src_cross/devel_isolated) to find XXXConfig.cmake files for ROS.

  3. Transfer helloros to the RPi (located in devel/lib/helloros)

    XCS~$ scp devel/lib/helloros/helloros rpizero-local:~/
  4. Connect two terminals with the RPi

    1. Launch roscore in the first

      XCS~$ ssh rpizero-local
      RPI~$ source ~/ros/src_cross/devel_isolated/setup.bash
      RPI~$ roscore
        ... logging to /home/pi/.ros/log/9d57fc26-0efa-11e7-97cb-b827eb418803/roslaunch-rpizw-hessel.local-893.log
        Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
        Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
        Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
        started roslaunch server http://rpizw-hessel.local:42774/
        ros_comm version 1.12.7
         * /rosdistro: kinetic
         * /rosversion: 1.12.7
        auto-starting new master
        process[master]: started with pid [911]
        setting /run_id to 9d57fc26-0efa-11e7-97cb-b827eb418803
        process[rosout-1]: started with pid [924]
        started core service [/rosout]
    2. Launch helloros in the second

      XCS~$ ssh rpizero-local
      RPI~$ source ~/ros/src_cross/devel_isolated/setup.bash
      RPI~$ ./helloros
        [ INFO] [1490185604.127013218]: hello world 0
        [ INFO] [1490185604.226970277]: hello world 1
        [ INFO] [1490185604.326862336]: hello world 2
        [ INFO] [1490185604.426858394]: hello world 3

Code for this test is partially taken from