Releases: HeroTransitions/Hero
- new properties for specifying default animations
extension UIViewController {
/// default hero animation type for presenting & dismissing modally
public var heroModalAnimationType: HeroDefaultAnimationType
extension UINavigationController {
/// default hero animation type for push and pop within the navigation controller
public var heroNavigationAnimationType: HeroDefaultAnimationType
extension UITabBarController {
/// default hero animation type for switching tabs within the tab bar controller
public var heroTabBarAnimationType: HeroDefaultAnimationType
Bug fixes
OverFullScreen Support & Default Transition
- support
modalPresentationStyle - Implement many new default transitions. (fade was the only default transition before this update)
- .push(direction: Direction)
- .pull(direction: Direction)
- .cover(direction: Direction)
- .uncover(direction: Direction)
- .slide(direction: Direction)
- .zoomSlide(direction: Direction)
- .pageIn(direction: Direction)
- .pageOut(direction: Direction)
- a few new modifiers:
- beginWith(modifiers:[HeroModifier])
- durationMatchLongest
- overlay(color:UIColor, opacity:CGFloat)
- masksToBounds(_ masksToBounds: Bool)
tvOS Support
0.2.0 bump version to 0.2.0
Shadow & Border Animation Support. New zPosition modifier behavior.
- prepare for tvOS release
- Add new zPosition modifier that animates zPosition from/to a given value. The old zPosition & zPositionIfMatched modifiers are removed. If you still want to modify the draw order, set the zPosition property on the view's layer before transition. Check the Apple HomePage Example for how to do this.
- Add shadow and border animation modifiers:
- shadowPath
- shadowRadius
- shadowOpacity
- shadowColor
- shadowOffset
- borderWidth
- borderColor
No more zPosition needed!!
- fix a bug where interactive transition won't start when calling
with progress = 0 - Hero can now determine the draw order match more accurately! This eliminate the need for zPosition modifier to be used in most cases.
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Bug fixes & useScaleBasedSizeChange modifier
fix a bug where toViewController's delegate callbacks are not being called
fix a bug where fromViewController's delegate callbacks receive incorrect parameters.
Add useScaleBasedSizeChange modifier.
Force Hero use scale based size animation. This will convert all
modifier into.scale
This is to help Hero animate layers that doesn't support bounds animation. Also gives better performance when animating.
Unwind Support & Snapshot Type Modifiers
- fix a bug where changing orientation doesn't affect previous VC. #60
- fix a bug where the presented view controller has incorrect frame. #63, #56
- New snapshot type modifiers:
With this modifier, Hero will create snapshot optimized for different view type when animating.
For custom views or views with masking, useOptimizedSnapshot might create snapshots
that appear differently than the actual view.
In that case, use .useNormalSnapshot or .useSlowRenderSnapshot to disable the optimization. -
Create snapshot using snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates:).
Create snapshot using layer.render(in: currentContext).
This is slower than .useNormalSnapshot but gives more accurate snapshot for some views (eg. UIStackView). -
Force Hero to not create any snapshot when animating this view. Hence Hero will animate on the view directly.
This will mess up the view hierarchy. Therefore, view controllers have to rebuild its view structure after the transition finishes.
- New navigation extension on UIViewController (mainly to support unwinding):
func hero_dismissViewController()
Dismiss the current view controller with animation. Will perform a navigationController.popViewController
if the current view controller is contained inside a navigationController. -
func hero_replaceViewController(with:UIViewController)
Replace the current view controller with another VC on the navigation/modal stack.
func hero_unwindToRootViewController()
Unwind to the root view controller using Hero.
func hero_unwindToViewController(_ toViewController:)
Unwind to a specific view controller using Hero.
func hero_unwindToViewController(withSelector: Selector)
Unwind to a view controller that responds to the given selector using Hero.
func hero_unwindToViewController(withClass: AnyClass)
Unwind to a view controller with given class using Hero.
func hero_unwindToViewController(withMatchBlock: (UIViewController) -> Bool)
Unwind to a view controller that the match block returns true on.