- Implement caching of on-chain values to reduce eth_call use and improve indexing performance
- Adds support for the Balancer OHM-DAI LP staked in Aura
- Fixes issue with staking addresses for OHM-WETH LP staked in Aura
- Adds support for the Balancer OHM-WETH LP staked in Aura
- Adds OHM deployed into the Euler and Silo lending markets
- Adds support for deposits into the Maker DSR
- Indexing of Aura Allocator v2
- Adds support for staking and rewards related to BAL, bb-a-USD, auraBAL, vlAura
- Index OHM bonds using Gnosis Easy Auctions
- Include bonds to the circulating/floating supply calculations
- Remove price-snapshot from protocol-metrics, as it now has its own subgraph
- Remove redundant subgraph data sources: bonds, sOHM
- Shift trigger for ProtocolMetrics from stake() function call to LogRebase event, which should increase the speed of indexing
- Amend title of FraxBP staked in Convex and Frax
- Re-define illiquid assets as those locked for more than one year
- Set vlCVX and vlAURA to be considered liquid, consequently. veFXS remains illiquid, as it is > 1 year
- Add CRV/CVX and related tokens to the DAO whitelist, so they are properly indexed
- Add OTC escrow to treasury wallets
- Adds support for FraxBP staked in Convex/locked in Frax
- Added new bond teller contract to recognised wallets
- Added market value, liquid backing and other related metrics to the daily summary record (
) in a way that does not slow down indexing.
- Added OHM-FraxBP liquidity pool in the DAO wallet to the whitelist
- Added Balancer OHM-DAI liquidity pool to the OHM price lookup
- Fixed failing tests
- Added support for Barnbridge governance token (BOND)
- Added support for Curve FraxBP (FRAX-USDC) and OHM-FRAXBP liquidity pools
- Added support for new OHM-DAI and OHM-WETH pools in Balancer (#31)
- Added per-block price snapshot
- Added support for the new treasury (TRSRY) deployed alongside RBS
- Add support for BTRFLY V1 and V2 tokens and protocol-owned liquidity (#41 and #67)
- Improve the accuracy of price lookup for LQTY
- Add support for FraxSwap V2 pool
- Remove hard-coded vesting assets (#3)
- Split the calculation of bond discounts into a new data source
- Create infrastructure to support the development of blockchain-specific subgraphs
- Adds support for Arbitrum, Fantom and Polygon blockchains (#17)
- Adds support for Balancer liquidity pools staked in AURA
- The purpose of this release is primarily to achieve significant (~15x) increases in the speed of indexing (#56). See README.md for documentation on this.
- Renames
Convex - Vote-Locked - Unlocked (vlCVX)
->Convex - Unlocked (vlCVX)
- Adjust starting block from 15050000 (1st July 2022) to 14690000 (1st May 2022)
- Remove gOhmCirculatingSupply, gOhmCirculatingSupplyBreakdown, treasuryLiquidBackingPerGOhmCirculating. Never used and could be misleading
- Add treasuryLiquidBackingPerGOhm that uses a synthetic calculation for the liquid backing per gOHM (#33)
- Apply write-off for Rari Fuse (#35)
- Add support for FraxSwap pairs, starting with OHM-FRAX (#34)
- Reduce chances of data clobbering by making clear the source of token records
- Add support for AURA and vlAURA
- Add suffix to tokens that are staked but don't have a different token, so it's clear when looking at asset lists
- Address duplication of reported veFXS balance
- Upgrade to graph-cli 0.33.0
- Rename token labels so that non- and staked/locked versions are grouped together
- Dynamically choose the liquidity pool to determine the price of OHM in USD based on which has higher reserves (#23)
- Updates direct and indirect dependencies
- Make it easier to have suffixes (e.g. "Locked") and abbreviations with contract names
- Re-defined vote-locked Convex (vlCVX) tokens as illiquid, based on policy's input
- Add support for unlocked vlCVX (#48)
- Add metrics for gOHM circulating and total supply
- Add metrics liquid backing per gOHM, stable/volatile/POL for liquid backing
- Add support for gauge deposits of Balancer pools