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API documentation



  • Request body has to have both a username and password field


# On Successful login (Status Code 200)
  "username" : "<username>",
  "type" : "<user type>",
  "company" : "<only present if the user is a client>"

# On Unsuccessful login (Status Code 403)
  "error": "<error message>"




GET on /api/index.php/locations/provinces
Return an array of provinces in the format: "Province Name (Abbreviation)"


  • Use the query parameter province to get cities
    • Will not return values if the parameter is missing (404)


GET on /api/index.php/locations/cities?province=QC
Return an array of city names



Returns a list of employees who are managers



# On Successful call (Status Code 200)
	"id": "10000000",
	"firstName": "Juan",
	"lastName": "Vasquez",
	"department": "Development",
	"managerId": null,
	"insurancePlan": "Premium Employee Plan"

# On Unsuccessful call (Status Code 404)
	"error": "Employee with ID '<invalid ID>' was not found"

/api/index.php/employees?manager=<managerid>&list=<list of ids>

  • Either use manager or list (can't use both at the same time)
    • list is a comma-separated list of employee IDs
  • Whenever the list returned is empty, the status code 404 is used (not found)


# Manager output
		"id": "20000001",
		"firstName": "Iman",
		"lastName": "Oak",
		"department": "Development",
		"managerId": "10000000",
		"insurancePlan": "Silver Employee Plan"
		"id": "20000002",
		"firstName": "Jas",
		"lastName": "Abat",
		"department": "Development",
		"managerId": "10000000",
		"insurancePlan": "Silver Employee Plan"
		"id": "20000003",
		"firstName": "Imadake",
		"lastName": "Hamato",
		"department": "Development",
		"managerId": "10000000",
		"insurancePlan": "Normal Employee Plan"
		"id": "20000004",
		"firstName": "Limchang",
		"lastName": "Kim",
		"department": "Development",
		"managerId": "10000000",
		"insurancePlan": "Normal Employee Plan"

# List output
		"id": "10000000",
		"firstName": "Juan",
		"lastName": "Vasquez",
		"department": "Development",
		"managerId": null,
		"insurancePlan": "Premium Employee Plan"
		"id": "20000001",
		"firstName": "Iman",
		"lastName": "Oak",
		"department": "Development",
		"managerId": "10000000",
		"insurancePlan": "Silver Employee Plan"


  • POST updates the given employee (using its ID), both category and type need to be sent
  • GET will return a list of contracts matching the preferences set for the given employee


	"category": "<a category>",
	"type": "<a type>"



  • POST creates new client data into the client table & credentials data (using email & password) into the user_credentials table. Used fields in the clientForm.php
  • GET returns list of Client Names (company_name) sorted in alphabetical order


	"name": "WolframAlpha",
	"number": "5143250692",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"firstName": "James",
	"lastName": "Carter",
	"middleInitial": "M",
	"city": "Quebec",
	"province": "QC",
	"lob": "Education"

	"Air Canada",
	"Apple Inc.",
	"Digital Extremes",


  • GET loads client information where cName is a valid company name
  • POST updates the client information with the name cName (uses same fields as for client creation)


	"name": "WolframAlpha",
	"number": "5143250692",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"firstName": "James",
	"lastName": "Carter",
	"middleInitial": "M",
	"city": "Quebec",
	"province": "QC",
	"lob": "Education"



  • POST : implemented but untested. Should capture all non default information about a contract in the front end


  • cid corresponds to the contract ID
  • deliv corresponds to the target deliverable with the following possible values:
    • first for first deliverables
    • second for second deliverables
    • third for third deliverables
    • fourth for fourth deliverables
  • Only used to update the deliverables
  • Use POST with simple payload


  "numDays" : "<number of days to complete deliverable>"


	"id": "1",
	"company": "Apple Inc.",
	"category": "Premium",
	"serviceType": "Cloud",
	"acv": "50000",
	"initialAmount": "10000",
	"startDate": "2017-01-19 03:14:07",
	"firstDeliverable": 4,
	"secondDeliverable": 4,
	"thirdDeliverable": 4,
	"fourthDeliverable": 3,
	"score": null,
	"manager": "10000000"


  • Updates satisfaction score for the contract (only supports post)

Example payload:



	"id": "1",
	"company": "Apple Inc.",
	"category": "Premium",
	"serviceType": "Cloud",
	"acv": "50000",
	"initialAmount": "10000",
	"startDate": "2017-01-19 03:14:07",
	"firstDeliverable": "4",
	"secondDeliverable": "4",
	"thirdDeliverable": "5",
	"fourthDeliverable": "5",
	"score": "4",
	"manager": "10000000"


  • GET : shows a list of all the scores and contracts of a manager identified by their employee id {mid} as well as the average score for the manager.


	"contracts": [
			"id": "1",
			"score": "5"
			"id": "3",
			"score": "5"
			"id": "5",
			"score": "5"
			"id": "7",
			"score": "5"
			"id": "9",
			"score": "5"
	"average": "5.0000"


  • GET : views contract information identified by contract id {cid}
  • POST : updates contract information identified by contract id {cid}
  • GET on /api/index.php/contracts/{cid}/delete : views contract information identified by contract id {cid}


	"id" : "42",
	"company" : "IKEA",
	"category" : "Diamond",
	"serviceType" : "Cloud",
	"acv" : "40000",
	"initialAmount" : "10000",
	"startDate" : "2017-01-19 03:14:07",
	"firstDeliverable" : null,
	"secondDeliverable" : null,
	"thirdDeliverable" : null,
	"fourthDeliverable" : null,
	"score" : null,
	"manager" : "10000009"


  • GET : returns a list of all the contracts signed by a company with the company name, {cName}
  • NOTE : ... signifies data points ommitted for the sake of conciseness
		"id": "1",
		"category": "Premium",
		"serviceType": "Cloud",
		"acv": "50000",
		"initialAmount": "10000",
		"startDate": "2017-01-19 03:14:07",
		"firstDeliverable": "4",
		"secondDeliverable": "4",
		"thirdDeliverable": "5",
		"fourthDeliverable": "5",
		"score": "5",
		"manager": "10000000"
		"id": "2",
		"category": "Premium",
		"serviceType": "On-premises",
		"acv": "55000",
		"initialAmount": "15000",
		"startDate": "2017-02-21 03:14:07",
		"firstDeliverable": null,
		"secondDeliverable": null,
		"thirdDeliverable": null,
		"fourthDeliverable": null,
		"score": null,
		"manager": "10000001"



  • GET : retrieves contracts that match employees {eid} preferences

GET Results:

        "contract_id": "1",
        "contract_category": "Premium",
        "type_of_service": "Cloud",
        "acv": "50000",
        "initial_amount": "10000",
        "service_start_date": "2017-01-19 03:14:07",
        "first_deliv": "4",
        "second_deliv": "4",
        "third_deliv": "4",
        "fourth_deliv": "3",
        "score": "4",
        "manager_id": "10000000",
        "company_name": "Apple Inc."
        "contract_id": "11",
        "contract_category": "Premium",
        "type_of_service": "Cloud",
        "acv": "60000",
        "initial_amount": "20000",
        "service_start_date": "2017-08-19 03:14:07",
        "first_deliv": null,
        "second_deliv": null,
        "third_deliv": null,
        "fourth_deliv": null,
        "score": null,
        "manager_id": "10000002",
        "company_name": "Air Canada"
        "contract_id": "21",
        "contract_category": "Premium",
        "type_of_service": "Cloud",
        "acv": "50000",
        "initial_amount": "10000",
        "service_start_date": "2017-01-19 03:14:07",
        "first_deliv": null,
        "second_deliv": null,
        "third_deliv": null,
        "fourth_deliv": null,
        "score": null,
        "manager_id": "10000004",
        "company_name": "Koryo"


  • POST inputs number of hours worked by employee {eid} on contract {cid} since last entry (added to the amount on db); Returns post-change assigned_contracts tuple
  • GET on /api/index.php/employees/{eid}/contracts/{cid}/delete removes the given employee from the given contract Result:
    "employee_id": "20000001",
    "contract_id": "11",
    "hours_worked": "30"

# On GET (with /delete)
  "<message or error>" : "<message content>"


  • GET ouputs all assigned contract tuples of contracts assigned to employee {eid}


    "employee_id": "20000001",
    "contract_id": "11",
    "hours_worked": "30"


  • All the endpoints use the GET method


  • Returns a list of companies with the highest number of contracts in their respective line of business


		"companyName": "Manulife",
		"contracts": "10",
		"lineOfBusiness": "Food"
		"companyName": "Essence",
		"contracts": "2",
		"lineOfBusiness": "Retail"
		"companyName": "Apple Inc.",
		"contracts": "7",
		"lineOfBusiness": "Tech"
		"companyName": "Air Canada",
		"contracts": "10",
		"lineOfBusiness": "Travel"


  • Returns a list of employees working on a contract in the given province prov
  • prov has the be the 2-letter abbreviation of the province


		"id": "20000017",
		"firstName": "Samantha",
		"lastName": "Ogilovich",
		"department": "UI",
		"managerId": "10000004",
		"insurancePlan": "Silver Employee Plan"
		"id": "20000018",
		"firstName": "Tatiana",
		"lastName": "Mann",
		"department": "UI",
		"managerId": "10000004",
		"insurancePlan": "Silver Employee Plan"
		"id": "20000019",
		"firstName": "Jeannette",
		"lastName": "Dore",
		"department": "UI",
		"managerId": "10000004",
		"insurancePlan": "Normal Employee Plan"


  • Returns a list of contracts created in the last 10 days
  • prov has the be the 2-letter abbreviation of the province


	    "contract_id": "11",
        "contract_category": "Premium",
        "type_of_service": "Cloud",
        "acv": "60000",
        "initial_amount": "20000",
        "service_start_date": "2017-08-19 03:14:07",
        "first_deliv": null,
        "second_deliv": null,
        "third_deliv": null,
        "fourth_deliv": null,
        "score": null,
        "manager_id": "10000002",
        "company_name": "Air Canada",
        "contract_id": "21",
        "contract_category": "Premium",
        "type_of_service": "Cloud",
        "acv": "50000",
        "initial_amount": "10000",
        "service_start_date": "2017-01-19 03:14:07",
        "first_deliv": null,
        "second_deliv": null,
        "third_deliv": null,
        "fourth_deliv": null,
        "score": null,
        "manager_id": "10000004",
        "company_name": "Koryo"


  • Returns a list of clients whose contracts have the highest satisfaction scores in that category, grouped by the cities of clients


		"companyName": "Manulife",
		"averageScore": null,
		"province": "AB",
		"city": "Edmonton"
		"companyName": "Koryo",
		"averageScore": null,
		"province": "QC",
		"city": "Montreal"
		"companyName": "Walmart",
		"averageScore": null,
		"province": "QC",
		"city": "Quebec"
		"companyName": "Air Canada",
		"averageScore": null,
		"province": "ON",
		"city": "Rockland"
		"companyName": "Wallgreens",
		"averageScore": null,
		"province": "SK",
		"city": "Saskatoon"
		"companyName": "Nike",
		"averageScore": null,
		"province": "ON",
		"city": "Toronto"
		"companyName": "Apple Inc.",
		"averageScore": null,
		"province": "ON",
		"city": "Waterloo"