Releases: HaxeFoundation/intellij-haxe
Third "soak" release of the ClassHierarchy branch.
This release should not yet be considered 'stable', but it should be quite usable. Please file bugs to this repository.
Fixes an NPE resulting from a bad merge.
Resolve 'convenience' imports that do not export a class named similarly to the file. (TiVo Issue #55)
Update unbalanced preprocessor token highlighting and detection.
Improve indentation of comments and preprocessor macros.
Update for Grammar-Kit
Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for constructors and external functions.
Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for code blocks; removed them from being valid syntax everywhere an expression can appear.
Fixed syntax rules (BNF) to allow meta tags on typedefs. (Tivo Issue #94)
Second 'soak' release of the ClassHierarchy branch.
This release should not yet be considered 'stable', but it should be quite usable. Please file bugs to this repository.
- Resolve 'convenience' imports that do not export a class named similarly to the file. (TiVo Issue #55)
- Update unbalanced preprocessor token highlighting and detection.
- Improve indentation of comments and preprocessor macros.
- Update for Grammar-Kit
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for constructors and external functions.
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for code blocks; removed them from being valid syntax everywhere an expression can appear.
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) to allow meta tags on typedefs. (Tivo Issue #94)
First 'soak' release of the ClassHierarchy branch.
All incarnations of the Navigate->XXX Hierarchy are now complete, though this is not yet considered a stable build. Please test and report bugs. (TiVo version)
Fixing release version numnber