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SDG1032X Python library

This (unofficial) library allows one to control some functions of the SDG1032X arbitrary waveform generator using Python in a simple way via Ethernet.

Exposed functionality:

Functionality Function Implemented Tested Comments
Identify identify() y y Queries the output of IDN, raw binary output
Factory defaults factoryDefaults() y Resets all device state to factory defaults
Enable output outputEnable(channel=1, polarity=POLARITY_NORMAL, load="HZ") y y Enabled the output of the function generator
Disable output outputDisable(channel=1) y y Disables the output of the function generator
Set duty cycle setDutyCycle(dutycycle, channel=1) y y Sets duty cycle
Enabling burst mode setBurstModeEnable(channel=1) y y
Disabling burst mode setBurstModeDisable(channel=1) y y
Setting burst period setBurstPeriod(period, channel=1) y y Burst period
Setting burst delay setBurstDelay(delay, channel=1) y y
Setting burst tigger setBurstTriggerSource(triggerSource, channel=1) y y Sets internal, external or manual trigger
Setting burst mode setBurstMode(burstMode, channel=1) y y
Triggering burst triggerBurst(channel=1) y y
Set waveform setWaveType(waveform, channel=1) y y Sets the waveform of the signal
Set frequency setWaveFrequency(frequency, channel=1) y y Sets the waves frequency
Set period setWavePeriod(period, channel=1) y y Sets the waves period
Set wave amplitude setWaveAmplitude(vpp, channel=1) y y Sets the amplitude of the wave in Vpp
Set wave offset setWaveOffset(offsetV, channel=1) y y Sets the offset of the wave in V

Usage example

from sdg1032x.sdg1032x import SDG1032X

with SDG1032X("") as sdg:
    print("Identify returns: {}".format(sdg.identify()))


    for f in range(100, 1100, 100):


There are two ways of simply installing the library. One can install if via pip from PyPi:

pip install pysdg1032x-tspspi

Or one can install it from the downloaded tar.gz file from the Releases section by using pip (substituting X.Y.Z by the desired version number):

pip install pysdg1032x-tspspi-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

To install the latest package one can just leave the version number:

pip install sdg1032x-tspspi

The pip packages and the release packages are automatically generated whenever a new tag is pushed by a Jenkins instance.

The CLI utility

There is a simple CLI utility that allows one to control the function generator from the commandline or via scripts. This tool is called sdg1032x:

SDG1032X signal generator remote control utility

Note: This tool is an inofficial tool and in no way associated
with Siglent

	sdg1032x [settings] <commands>

	--host ADDRESS		Sets the remote hostname or IP

	id			Asks the SDG for it's identity
	defaults		Resets the SDG to it's factory defaults

Simple channel commands:
	on N			Enabled the channel N
	off N			Disabled the channel N

Waveform commands:
	wavetype N WTYPE	Sets the selected wave type. Valid options are:
				sine	Sinusoidal waveform
				square	Square wave
				ramp	Ramping
				pulse	Pulsing
				noise	Noise generator
				arbitrary	Arbitrary waveform from WAV
				dc	Discrete current
				prbs	Pseudo random binary sequence
	frq N FREQ		Set frequency of channel N to FREQ Hz
	period N PERIOD		Set period of channel N to PERIOD seconds
	amp N AMP		Set amplitude of wave for channel N to AMP Vpp
	offset N OFF		Set offset of channel N to OFF V

Burst mode commands (per channel):
	duty N CYCLE		Sets the burst duty cycle for channel N to CYCLE percent
	burston N		Enables burst mode for channel N
	burstoff N		Disables burst mode for channel N
	burstperiod N PERIOD	Sets the burst period for channel N to PERIOD seconds
	burstdelay N DELAY	Sets the burst delay for channel N to DELAY seconds
	bursttrigsource N SRC	Sets the given trigger source. Valid options are:
				int	internal trigger source
				ext	external trigger source
				man	manual trigger source
	burstmode N MODE	Sets the burst mode. Valid modes are:
				gate	Gated burst mode
				ncyc	Number of cycles burst mode
	burst N			Trigger burst on channel N