diff --git a/.dockerignore b/.dockerignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f41c368 --- /dev/null +++ b/.dockerignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +.gitignore +node_modules +.eslintrc.json +shell.nix +.next \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e5b5edb --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +on: + pull_request: + push: + workflow_dispatch: + +jobs: + lint: + name: "Lint" + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + with: + submodules: true + - name: Install pnpm + uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2.4.0 + with: + version: 8 + - name: Set up Node + uses: actions/setup-node@v3 + with: + node-version: 20 + cache: 'pnpm' + - name: Install dependencies + run: pnpm i + - name: Lint + run: pnpm ci:lint + spellcheck: + name: "Spell Check" + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + with: + submodules: true + - name: Install pnpm + uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2.4.0 + with: + version: 8 + - name: Set up Node + uses: actions/setup-node@v3 + with: + node-version: 20 + cache: 'pnpm' + - name: Install dependencies + run: pnpm i + - name: Spellcheck + run: pnpm spellcheck diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index fd3dbb57..c051495e 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ /build # misc +.idea +.vscode/* +!.vscode/tasks.json +!.vscode/extensions.json .DS_Store *.pem @@ -34,3 +38,4 @@ yarn-error.log* # typescript *.tsbuildinfo next-env.d.ts +/.vs diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules index adad394e..ca5958e0 100644 --- a/.gitmodules +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ [submodule "vendor/suroi"] path = vendor/suroi url = https://github.com/HasangerGames/suroi + branch = master + diff --git a/.prettierignore b/.prettierignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..57cb8b45 --- /dev/null +++ b/.prettierignore @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +vendor +.git +.github +.next +.vscode +node_modules +*.md +package.json +pnpm-lock.yaml diff --git a/.prettierrc.json b/.prettierrc.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..55c1943a --- /dev/null +++ b/.prettierrc.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "plugins": ["prettier-plugin-organize-imports"] +} diff --git a/.vscode/extensions.json b/.vscode/extensions.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..99a30ecd --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/extensions.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "recommendations": [ + "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint", + "ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-next", + "esbenp.prettier-vscode", + "bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss", + "streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker" + ] +} diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bb0f3a4f --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "cSpell.words": ["lucide", "Suroi"], + "editor.tabSize": 2 +} diff --git a/.vscode/tasks.json b/.vscode/tasks.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da0abec7 --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/tasks.json @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +{ + "version": "2.0.0", + "tasks": [ + { + "type": "shell", + "label": "Development Server", + "command": ["pnpm", "dev", "--turbo"], + "problemMatcher": [] + }, + { + "type": "shell", + "label": "Lint", + "command": ["pnpm", "lint"], + "problemMatcher": [] + }, + { + "type": "shell", + "label": "Build", + "command": ["pnpm", "build"], + "group": "build", + "problemMatcher": [] + }, + { + "type": "shell", + "label": "Production Server", + "command": ["pnpm", "start"], + "group": "build", + "problemMatcher": [] + } + ] +} diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..14503c48 --- /dev/null +++ b/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +FROM node:20-alpine AS base + +### Rebuild deps only when needed ### +FROM base AS deps + +RUN apk add --no-cache libc6-compat git + +ENV PNPM_HOME="/pnpm" +ENV PATH="$PNPM_HOME:$PATH" +RUN corepack enable +RUN corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate + +WORKDIR /app + +COPY package.json pnpm-lock.yaml ./ +RUN pnpm i + +### Rebuild source only when needed ### +FROM base AS builder + +RUN corepack enable +RUN corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate + +WORKDIR /app +COPY --from=deps /app/node_modules ./node_modules +COPY . . + +RUN git submodule init +RUN git submodule update --remote +RUN pnpm build + +### Production image ### +FROM base AS runner + +# Set correct permissions +RUN addgroup nodejs +RUN adduser -SDH nextjs +RUN mkdir .next +RUN chown nextjs:nodejs .next + +# Automatically leverage output traces to reduce image size +# https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/output-file-tracing +COPY --from=builder --chown=nextjs:nodejs /app/.next/standalone ./ +COPY --from=builder --chown=nextjs:nodejs /app/.next/static ./.next/static +COPY --from=builder --chown=nextjs:nodejs /app/public ./public + +USER nextjs + +EXPOSE 3000 +ENV PORT 3000 +ENV HOSTNAME "" + +CMD ["node", "server.js"] + diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1e2dccca --- /dev/null +++ b/Jenkinsfile @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +pipeline { + agent { + docker { + image 'node:20-slim' + args '-u root:root' + } + } + + stages { + stage('Setup pnpm') { + steps { + sh 'corepack enable' + sh 'corepack prepare --activate pnpm@8' + } + } + + stage('Install dependencies') { + steps { + sh 'pnpm i' + } + } + + stage('Check spelling') { + steps { + sh 'pnpm spellcheck' + } + } + + stage('Build') { + steps { + sh 'pnpm build' + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f288702d --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,674 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short +notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Copyright (C) + This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands +might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see +. + + The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with +the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. But first, please read +. diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c4033664..cef5301e 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,36 +1,25 @@ -This is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/packages/create-next-app). +# Suroi Wiki -## Getting Started +The official wiki for [Suroi](https://suroi.io), an open-source 2D battle royale game inspired by surviv.io. -First, run the development server: +[wiki.suroi.io](https://wiki.suroi.io) -```bash -npm run dev -# or -yarn dev -# or -pnpm dev -# or -bun dev -``` - -Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. - -You can start editing the page by modifying `app/page.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. - -This project uses [`next/font`](https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/font-optimization) to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font. +## Setup +[Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en) 20+ and [pnpm](https://pnpm.io) are required. -## Learn More +If you don't have `pnpm` installed, you can install it with `npm i -g pnpm`. -To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - -- [Next.js Documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs) - learn about Next.js features and API. -- [Learn Next.js](https://nextjs.org/learn) - an interactive Next.js tutorial. - -You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/) - your feedback and contributions are welcome! - -## Deploy on Vercel +```shell +git clone https://github.com/HasangerGames/suroi-wiki.git +cd suroi-wiki +git submodule init +# Do not use --remote as it does not respect the selected commit +git submodule update +pnpm install +``` -The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform](https://vercel.com/new?utm_medium=default-template&filter=next.js&utm_source=create-next-app&utm_campaign=create-next-app-readme) from the creators of Next.js. +## Development +To start a local development server, run `pnpm dev`, then go to in your browser. -Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/deployment) for more details. +## Production +To build for production, run `pnpm build`. To start the server, run `pnpm start`. diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/(prose)/meta/writingarticles/page.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/(prose)/meta/writingarticles/page.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index c96f59a0..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/(prose)/meta/writingarticles/page.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -import Link from "next/link" -import Event from "@/components/articles/notices/Event" -import TimeLink from "@/components/links/TimeLink" - -# Writing Articles - -First of all, thanks for helping out with the documentation! Since this wiki is community-run, we need all the help we can get. -Since this wiki is a custom coded solution, creating articles is a bit different to what you might be used to over on Fandom. - -Articles are written in [MDX](https://mdxjs.com/docs/what-is-mdx/), an extension of the typical Markdown you may be used to. - -# Style Guide - -There is currently no official style guide. Just make sure it is understandable to a wide audience and free of spelling and grammar mistakes. -In addition, try to keep the article balanced in opinion. - -# Syntax - -See the [MDX](https://mdxjs.com/docs/what-is-mdx/) docs for a detailed overview of MDX. If you are new to Markdown, you can find a -guide [here](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/). - -There are a few special syntax rules. - -1. Use `` when linking to other articles. Use normal markdown links (`[Text](https://example.com)`) when linking to external sites. -The reason for this is that the wiki uses a custom Link component that allows for internal linking without reloading the page. - -2. Use `A placeholder image` when inserting images. This is because Next.js -(the software used to render the wiki) can optimise images for faster loading when using this special tag. - -## Extensions - -There are a couple MDX/JSX tags you can use to make your articles more interactive. They are listed below for your reference. - -### `` -Shows a small banner at the top of the page like the one on the USAS-12 Article notifying readers -that this item is only available in a specific event. See below: - - - -### `` -Shows a link to a commit on the GitHub repo. Useful for linking to the commit that introduced a feature. - -- **sha** The SHA1 hash of the commit. Can be shortened to 7 characters. - -```md -This vest used to be called the "Bulletproof Vest" until it was updated in . **#bringbackbulletproofvest** -``` - -### `` -Shows a link to a specific time. Adjusts to the user's timezone. Clicking on it copies the ISO 8601 timestamp to the clipboard, and hovering shows it. -See below: - - - -- **time** Unix milliseconds, UTC of course - -```md -The example used above is: -``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/[item]/layout.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/[item]/layout.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 040d6dab..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/[item]/layout.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -import GenericLayoutFactory from "@/components/layouts/GenericLayoutFactory"; -import ArmorSidebar from "@/components/sidebars/ArmorSidebar"; -import { Armors } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/armors"; - -export default GenericLayoutFactory({ - items: Armors, - Sidebar: ArmorSidebar, -}); diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/[item]/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/[item]/page.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index a872a1dc..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/[item]/page.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -import { Armors } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/armors"; -import GenericMDXPageFactory, { - GenericGenerateMetadataFactory, - GenericGenerateStaticParamsFactory, -} from "@/components/layouts/GenericMDXPageFactory"; - -export const generateMetadata = GenericGenerateMetadataFactory(Armors); -export const generateStaticParams = GenericGenerateStaticParamsFactory(Armors); - -export default GenericMDXPageFactory({ - path: "equipment/armor", -}); diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/articles/vest_2.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/articles/vest_2.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 9d035f05..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/articles/vest_2.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -import CommitLink from "@/components/links/CommitLink"; - -The Level 2 Vest is the second best vest in the game. - -# Trivia - -- This vest used to be called the "Bulletproof Vest" until it was updated in . **#bringbackbulletproofvest** diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/page.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index ad6bfdb7..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/armor/page.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -import ArmorCalc from "@/components/interactive/ArmorCalc"; -import FileLink from "@/components/links/FileLink"; -import FlexTable from "@/components/tables/FlexTable"; -import { Armors } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/armors"; -import { Helmets } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/helmets"; -import { Vests } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/vests"; -import Image from "next/image"; -import Link from "next/link"; - -export default function ArmorPage() { - const vest2 = Vests[2]; - const helmet1 = Helmets[1]; - return ( -



- There are currently {Armors.length} unique pieces of armor in the - game. These include {Helmets.length} helmets along with {Vests.length}{" "} - vests. -


- Wearing armor helps reduce damage to you from most sources. Damage - reduction is additive (see{" "} - - player.ts - - ). For example if you were wearing a{" "} - - {vest2.name} - {" "} - ({vest2.damageReduction * 100}% damage reduction) and a{" "} - - {helmet1.name} - {" "} - ({helmet1.damageReduction * 100}% damage reduction) you would have a - total of {vest2.damageReduction * 100 + helmet1.damageReduction * 100} - % damage reduction overall. -

- - - {Vests.map((vest) => ( -
- {`Image -
- -


- -
- ))} -
- - {Helmets.map((helmet) => ( -
- {`Image -
- -


- -
- ))} -



- Use this interactive calculator to determine how many shots it would - take to kill a player wearing a certain armor combo. -

- -
- ); -} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/[item]/layout.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/[item]/layout.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index ad81a893..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/[item]/layout.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -import GenericLayoutFactory from "@/components/layouts/GenericLayoutFactory"; -import BackpackSidebar from "@/components/sidebars/BackpackSidebar"; -import { Backpacks } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/backpacks"; - -export default GenericLayoutFactory({ - items: Backpacks, - Sidebar: BackpackSidebar, -}); diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/[item]/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/[item]/page.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 64b512be..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/[item]/page.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -import GenericMDXPageFactory, { - GenericGenerateMetadataFactory, - GenericGenerateStaticParamsFactory, -} from "@/components/layouts/GenericMDXPageFactory"; -import { Backpacks } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/backpacks"; - -export const generateMetadata = GenericGenerateMetadataFactory(Backpacks); -export const generateStaticParams = GenericGenerateStaticParamsFactory(Backpacks); - -export default GenericMDXPageFactory({ - path: "equipment/backpacks", -}); diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/articles/pack_0.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/articles/pack_0.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index e2e56fb9..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/articles/pack_0.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -The Level 0 Pack isn't a real pack in the game. It is a placeholder in the code for what the player can hold with no backpack on. Hence, there is no image provided of this pack. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/articles/pack_2.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/articles/pack_2.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 144b9ffc..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/articles/pack_2.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -import CommitLink from "@/components/links/CommitLink"; - -The Level 2 Pack is the second-best backpack in the game. - -# Trivia -- This pack used to be called the Regular Backpack but was renamed in . **#revert1da8f75e** -- The texture for this pack actually has a very small Flint logo on it (top left black rectangle), but it is usually too small to see in game. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/articles/pack_3.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/articles/pack_3.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 933f228a..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/equipment/backpacks/articles/pack_3.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -The Level 3 Pack is the largest backpack in the game, holding a vast amount of ammo and supplies. - -# Trivia -- This backpack has a small AEGIS logo in the centre \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/[item]/layout.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/[item]/layout.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 793f9847..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/[item]/layout.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -import GenericLayoutFactory from "@/components/layouts/GenericLayoutFactory"; -import HealingSidebar from "@/components/sidebars/HealingSidebar"; -import { HealingItems } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/healingItems"; - -export default GenericLayoutFactory({ - items: HealingItems, - Sidebar: HealingSidebar, -}); diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/[item]/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/[item]/page.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index d4cf40fa..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/[item]/page.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -import GenericMDXPageFactory, { - GenericGenerateMetadataFactory, - GenericGenerateStaticParamsFactory, -} from "@/components/layouts/GenericMDXPageFactory"; -import { HealingItems } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/healingItems"; - -export const generateMetadata = GenericGenerateMetadataFactory(HealingItems); -export const generateStaticParams = GenericGenerateStaticParamsFactory(HealingItems); - -export default GenericMDXPageFactory({ - path: "healing" -}); diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/articles/gauze.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/articles/gauze.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index d253aaa1..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/articles/gauze.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -The gauze is a common healing item. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/page.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 0290ec9e..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/healing/page.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -import FlexTable from "@/components/tables/FlexTable"; -import { HealingItems } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/healingItems"; -import Image from "next/image"; -import Link from "next/link"; - -export default function HealingPage() { - return ( -

Healing Items


- There are currently {HealingItems.length} healing items in the game. -

- - {HealingItems.map((item) => ( -
- {`Image -
- -


- -
- ))} -
- ); -} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/layout.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/layout.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 0696a0b2..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/layout.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -export default function ArticleLayout({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren) { - return ( -
- {children} -
- ); -} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/loot/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/loot/page.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 73e33051..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/loot/page.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,171 +0,0 @@ -import { - LootTiers, - LootTables, -} from "@/vendor/suroi/server/src/data/lootTables"; -import { Loots } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/loots"; - -export default function LootPage() { - return ( -

Loot Tables


- Loot Tables are lists of items that determine the possible drops from - features around the map. Loot tables also define the chances of - various items to drop. -


Loot Tiers


- Loot tables are divided into certain common loot tiers. These loot - tiers are reused throughout many different tables. -

- {Object.entries(LootTiers).map(([name, tiers]) => ( -

- Tier {name} -

- - - - - - - - - - {tiers.map( - (tier) => - "item" in tier && ( - - - - - - ) - )} - -
ItemWeight - - % Chance - -
- {Loots.definitions.find( - (item) => item.idString === tier.item - )?.name ?? tier.item} - {tier.weight} - {( - (tier.weight / - tiers.reduce( - (acc, tier) => acc + tier.weight, - 0 - )) * - 100 - ).toFixed(2)} - % -
- ))} -

Loot Tables


- These tables determine which loot tiers to use for a given obstacle. -

- {Object.entries(LootTables).map(([name, tables]) => ( -

- Table {name} -

- - - - - - - - - - {tables.loot.flat().map((tier) => - "tier" in tier ? ( - - - - - - ) : ( - "item" in tier && ( - - - - - - ) - ) - )} - -
Tier / ItemWeight - - % Chance - -
Tier {tier.tier}{tier.weight} - {( - (tier.weight / - tables.loot - .flat() - .reduce((acc, tier) => acc + tier.weight, 0)) * - 100 - ).toFixed(2)} - % -
- Item{" "} - {Loots.definitions.find( - (item) => item.idString === tier.item - )?.name ?? tier.item} - {tier.weight} - {( - (tier.weight / - tables.loot - .flat() - .reduce((acc, tier) => acc + tier.weight, 0)) * - 100 - ).toFixed(2)} - % -
- ))} -



- Use this interactive calculator to determine the chance of an item - dropping from an obstacle. -

- -

Loot calculator coming soon™

- ); -} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/ak47.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/ak47.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index e503f9df..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/ak47.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -The AK-47 is a common 7.62mm assault rifle. It is a well-rounded weapon and is a good choice staring out. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/hp18.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/hp18.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index e4132448..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/hp18.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -The HP18 is a common fast-firing shotgun. It has the highest DPS of any shotgun. - -# Trivia -- The HP18 replaced the now removed 940 Pro in update v0.7.0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/lewis_gun.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/lewis_gun.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 358e3b76..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/lewis_gun.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -The Lewis Gun is a 7.76mm LMG. Like the Stoner 63, it benefits from a large magazine capacity and high obstacle damage. Likewise, it is also held back -by its long reload time. - -# Tips - -## Using - -- The Lewis Gun is a great weapon for clearing out obstacles, so don't be afraid to use it to destroy enemy cover. -- Due to its long reload time, it is important to reload this weapon whenever you have the chance. You should also make sure to take cover when reloading as you are vunlerable. -- Make sure to pick up some additional ammunition for this weapon as it only spawns with 2 magazines' worth. This is especially important if you plan - on using it to destroy obstacles. -- Like other LMGs, it is important to pair this gun up with a secondary weapon that can be used in close quarters. The Lewis Gun is not very effective at close range and may leave you vunlerable if - your opponent decides to rush you. - - Conversely, the Lewis Gun is fairly effective at long range so try to keep your distance from enemies. - - It is inadvisable to use this weapon within buildings and tight spaces where you can easily be rushed or ambushed - -## Countering - -- Make sure to have a short range, high DPS weapon ready as the Lewis Gun performs poorly in close quarters. - - Good choices include the Micro Uzi, Flues or HP18 -- As the Lewis Gun can easily shred basic cover such as trees or rocks, take cover behind indestructible objects such as buildings or containers. -- Stay away from explosive barrels as the Lewis Gun can pop them extremely quickly and without warning. -- Try to lure the player closer to you as the Lewis Gun is not very effective at close range. -- If you decide to rush the enemy, keep in mind they might have a secondary high DPS weapon diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/s_g17.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/s_g17.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index aa2b27e5..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/s_g17.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ - - -The G17 Scoped is an automatic pistol that was first added for the Halloween 2023 event. The G17 Scoped has infinite ammo and gives the player a -speed boost when held. - -# Events -So far, the G17 Scoped has been obtainable in two Events - -1. Halloween 2023 -2. Weapon Swap Event diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/stoner_63.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/stoner_63.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index f948e0e0..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/stoner_63.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -The Stoner 63 is a powerful 5.56mm LMG. It has a large magazine capacity and can easily shred through obstacles thanks -to its 2x obstacle damage multiplier. However, it is balanced with a long reload time. - -# Tips - -- The Stoner 63 chews through ammo if you're not careful. Make sure to pick up ammo and avoid wasting shots. -- Due to its high obstacle multiplier and good DPS, the Stoner 63 is great weapon for destroying obstacles. Use it to clear out enemy cover. -- Make sure to take cover while reloading as this gun has a long reload time. - - Conversely, if you see an enemy reloading, take advantage of their vulnerability by rushing them with a shotgun or other high DPS weapon. -- Due to its long barrel this weapon is ineffective at short range. Use this to your advantage if you are countering a Stoner 63 user. - - Likewise, shotguns and other CQC weapons can easily counter this weapon at close range. - - Therefore it is useful to pair this weapon with a short range weapon (e.g., a Flues or Model 37) to cover its weakness at close range. - - Remember, the Stoner 63 is deadly at range so try to stay close to cover and avoid open areas if countering diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/usas12.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/usas12.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index c2e987e4..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/articles/usas12.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ - - -The USAS-12 is an explosive weapon that was first available during the Halloween 2023 event. - -# Strategy - -The USAS-12 can be very powerful in mid-range combat due its high DPS and explosive rounds. However, it does not fare well in long-range combat as it is easily outranged by other weapons. - -- Both the explosion and shrapnel have a high obstacle multiplier, allowing you to easily destroy cover such as trees or even rocks. -- Be careful not to accidentally damage yourself when using the USAS-12 at close range. -- The USAS-12 has a slow bullet speed so you will need to lead your shots when firing at moving targets. - -# Events -So far, the USAS-12 has been obtainable in two Events - -1. Halloween 2023 -2. Weapon Swap Event - diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/melee/articles/kbar.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/melee/articles/kbar.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 7719c05a..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/melee/articles/kbar.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -The K-bar is a fast attacking melee weapon. Notably, it has a slight buff in damage to obstacles. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/page.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 06fed2dc..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/page.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -import FlexTable from "@/components/tables/FlexTable"; -import { Guns } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/guns"; -import { Melees } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/melees"; -import Image from "next/image"; -import Link from "next/link"; - -export default function WeaponsPage() { - return ( -



- There are currently {Guns.length} guns in the game, and{" "} - {Melees.length} melee weapons in the game. -

- - {Guns.map((gun) => ( -
- {`Image -
- -


- -
- ))} -
- - {Melees.map((melee) => ( -
- {`Image -
- -


- -
- ))} -
- ); -} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(prose)/art_guides/guns/page.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/art_guides/guns/page.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4bb54b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/art_guides/guns/page.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +import SuroiItemImage from "@/components/articles/SuroiItemImage.tsx"; +import KillFeedImage from "@/components/articles/KillFeedImage.tsx"; +import MdxImage from "@/components/articles/MdxImage.tsx"; + +# The Suroi.io style guide for firearms + +## Part 1 - Loot Images + +### Abstract + +A somewhat low level of detail (use existing pieces as a reference), colored rendition of an item. + +### Colors + +- Use the HSL color mode + - It's way easier to synergize colors together with HSL, and for that reason, certain guidelines rely on HSL +- Don't use colors from a reference image + - Not only are these colors usually not uniform, they are also usually deformed by lighting conditions, shading, camera/compression artifacts and a host of other factors. +- Don't use gradients + - The only time gradients are used are on developer weapons to hint at their special nature; regular weapons should use flat, uniform colors. +- Each shape should get its own color + - If something is surrounded by a border (aka a shape), then that's because it's deemed important enough to be distinct from whatever it's separated from. If that's the case, then it should also have its own color. +- Don't use colors with or below 20% lightness + - This will be covered more in the border section, but a border's color is always at 20% lightness; fills should therefore avoid this lightness so as to not conflict. Generally, a border should be at an extreme—it should either be the brightest thing or the darkest thing. This helps draw attention to the border, and symbolically cements the border as being a "frontier". +- Don't do any lighting/shading + - The reason for this is simply that it's beyond the level of detail this artstyle calls for. The definition of “shading” is a little ambiguous, and some could argue that certain elements present on the current set of guns are shading, but what is generally meant by "shading" is going out of one's way to simulate the way light interacts with a weapon. In the most extreme case, that means gradients (which are already off-limits), but a more subtle example could be making one part of the gun generally lighter than another because it's “closer” to some imaginary light source. + +### Borders + +**_For all borders to be correctly sized, the artwork must be sized such that its length in pixels matches its real-life length in millimeters. Pay attention to the variant of the gun being drawn, as well as its configuration (suppressor, stock, etc). For example, if one was to draw an AKS-47 (a variant of the AK-47 with a folding stock), they would have to resize the drawing to be 875px long if the stock is extended, or 645px long if the stock is folded._** + +- Borders inherit the hue and saturation of the color of the shape they enclose, but the lightness is always 20%. + - Colloquially known as the "20% border rule", this keeps borders consistent between guns. To give an example, if a shape has a fill of `hsl(20°, 60%, 40%)`, then its border's color should be `hsl(20°, 60%, 20%)`; the hue and saturation are inherited, but the lightness is always 20%. +- Do not use borders on the outside or on the inside of shapes. Some programs might not give you the choice, but borders are centered. + - This is somewhat arbitrary, but is maintained for the sake of consistency. +- Use full-width borders for exterior details and use half-width borders for interior ones + - Borders are usually very big and take up space; for this reason, interior details' borders are half the width of the exterior ones. For small details on the exterior of a gun, such as a sling attachment point, a front/rear sight, a rail or charging handle, a half-width stroke can be used. + - "Full-width" is defined as 8px and "half-width" as 4px. + - A half-width stroke can be omitted if its inclusion would add too much noise. This doesn't happen often, as a detail too minute to warrant a stroke is usually too minute to warrant inclusion, but that's not to say it's impossible. +- Borders use miter joints, with a miter angle of 29°. + - For the sake of consistency between pieces. As for the choice of miter as opposed to rounded or bevel, the answer is simple: the first loot images were all drawn by the same person, and said person's art program had set miter joints as the default. + + + +### Geometry + +- Some guns' triggers are uncomfortably close to their trigger guards (examples are the HP18 and Model 37); there's not much to do about this, so just recreate it faithfully and that'll do. +- Bipods should always be folded, sights should never be folded. +- Draw the weapon such that it is ready to fire. A non-exhaustive list of things to look out for are: hammers should be cocked, safeties should be disengaged, fire selectors should be on the correct setting and magazines should be topped-off. The general rule is to draw the weapon as it would be if someone fired a single shot through it, reloaded it and then set it down on a table without doing anything else to it—draw what the gun would look like on that table. To be more specific: + - **Safeties**: For the purpose of this guideline, safeties fall into two categories: “set it and forget it” and “active”. The former refers to things like buttons and switches that, once set to a certain position, stay in that position until moved again. Most safeties are like this, such as the Kalashnikov-style and AR-15–style ones. The latter category refers to safeties that can be disabled, but will re-enable themselves automatically; examples of these include grip safeties (e.g. M1911) and trigger safeties (e.g. most Glocks). “Set it and forget it” safeties should be drawn as disengaged, whereas “active” safeties should be drawn as engaged. For example, if there were to be a Kalashnikov-pattern rifle with a trigger safety (for whatever reason), then its fire selector would be depicted anywhere but on safe, and its trigger safety would be depicted as engaged (since there's no one there to press it down). + - **Fire selectors**: Some select-fire weapons have fire selectors which are visible from their right-hand side (the side of interest to the artist). The most prominent example of this is the Kalashnikov family, which features a very obvious lever that unambiguously communicates what mode of fire the weapon is currently in. The AR-15 family also tends to show the state of its fire selector on the right hand side, and some weapons like the MCX Spear have fire selectors on both sides. Whatever the case, this fire selector should depict the correct setting; for most select-fire weapons, this will be the “automatic” position, but in case of doubt, asking around will surely yield the correct answer. + - **AR-15 dust covers**: A special note is made of AR-15–style dust covers—shown on the right-hand side of the weapon, these are usually automatically opened when the weapon fires a round, and can be closed manually. These should be drawn as open, exposing the bolt beneath. + - **Hammers**: A sizable amount of pistols and most revolvers have exposed hammers: these hammers are part of the mechanism that allow the weapon to fire when the trigger is pulled—they should thus be drawn back, or cocked. Even if most modern pistols and some revolvers allow the weapon to fire when the hammer is down (thus operating them in double-action, since pulling the trigger performs both the action of cocking the hammer and releasing it), it's been decided (somewhat arbitrarily) to nevertheless depict these weapons with their hammers cocked. A notable exception to this rule are double-action only pistols, or DOA pistols for short—as their name implies, the only way to cock the hammer is through the previously-explained double-action trigger pull. For these weapons, the hammer should thus obviously be drawn as down. + - **Open bolt weapons**: While most weapons—such as most members of the Kalashnikov and AR-15 families, the overwhelming majority of pistols and non–self-loading firearms—fire from what's called a closed bolt, some fire from the opposite: an open bolt. Things like machine guns and submachine guns are the most common candidates for open bolts (e.g. FN Minimi, Ingram MAC-11, M1928 “Thompson”, MG42), but no matter the gun, the bolt should be depicted as open: usually, this is as simple as drawing the ejection port as darker (to give the illusion of peering into the weapon) and drawing the charging handle in a rearward position. For most open bolt weapons (like the M1928 or MAC-10) but one must exercise caution, for not all open bolt weapons are this way. For example, the FN Minimi—more commonly known by its military designation, the M249—is an open bolt weapon, but it features a non-reciprocating charging handle that sits in the forward position by default. As a general rule, open-bolt submachine guns will fall into the former category of having exposed ejection ports and locked back, reciprocating charging handles; whereas machine guns will fall into the latter category of having a non-reciprocating charging handle. + +### Miscellaneous tips + +_All of these are the opinions of this document's author._ + +- Draw without borders first. Borders add clutter to a piece, and even if they help make it sharper and more distinct, when one starts drawing, their focus is copying their reference. Without borders, one can focus on doing that better, and it'll help with the next tip; +- Don't use borders to fill holes or as geometry. Borders are arguably decoration, and using them for what they aren't leaves one open to misaligning pieces of geometry. (_Also, it makes killfeed icons more annoying to produce because holes in geometry have to be patched._) Not only that, a border that acts as geometry ends up looking "thin", because it has no border, whereas everything else does. +- Don't draw the gun as one big shape and cut it up later. It reduces color variety, and as stated earlier, if something is significant enough to warrant its own shape, it should have its own shape and its own color. +- Use multiple reference images. This decreases the chance that an oddity of one reference makes it into the final product. Ideally, there'll be a primary reference—this is the one that'll be traced on, and should be the best of all available ones. The other references are for clarifying ambiguities; sometimes, things can be obscured or too pixelated to make out, and that's where a second perspective can help. It can also be useful to take things a step further and use a 3D model or a YouTube video, if available. +- While the outside of trigger guards can have either a full-width or half-width stroke, their insides should have half-width strokes, since there usually isn't a whole lot of space to play with. For the same reason, triggers should use half-width strokes. +- Not every gun has to be fifty shades of gray. Sometimes, artificially introducing a subtle tint across a weapon helps make it look less bland. +- Knowledge of the firearm being drawn goes a long way. Not only is it usually fun trivia, but even a surface-level understanding of a weapon's function can help clear up ambiguities. For example, knowing that the AUG has a progressive trigger will prevent one from fruitlessly searching for its fire selector (or thinking that its safety is the fire selector). In the context of the “ready to fire” guideline described above, knowledge of the weapon depicted is especially valuable; even if finding most of the information will require a very short search on the internet, that's still slower than just knowing it to begin with. + +### Case studies + +**_Note: this document was released alongside a minor overhaul of the game’s guns. For educational purposes, the images analyzed here will be from before said overhaul._** + +#### M3K + +_Made by eiπ_ + + + +This shotgun would normally be many shades of gray, but its distinct and immediately noticeable blue bits prompted the rest of the gun to be tinted with the same shade of blue, which gives the whole palette a better synergy. As for the tint's saturation, it's kept low, and mostly the same throughout the weapon. This has the side-effect of making all the borders have the same color, which helps keep things nice and tidy. + +One notable trick to pay attention to would be how the receiver and trigger guard area were stroked: the two shapes were merged and were given one big full-width stroke; then, the trigger guard was separated from the receiver with a half-width stroke, and its inside was given a half-width stroke. The lesson is to be creative with how you do your borders—in this case, both the receiver and trigger guard needed a full-width stroke, but the border between them would've looked awkward at full-width, so some trickery was used to circumvent the problem. + +#### MP40 + +_Made by jc_ + + + +This SMG has a couple special things about it. Firstly, its wood color is a bit out of step with the other wooden weapons, but this really isn't a big deal. The trigger, trigger guard and part of the stock are all made with borders pretending to be geometry—they're border-coloured, and because they don't have borders, they look thin. Above the magazine, on the magazine well, there are pale markings. This is a very good example of an interior detail that is worth including but not worth stroking, since adding a half-width stroke to those details would just add tons of noise to that area. The strategy of drawing a big shape and cutting it up was used for the wooden bit, which is a shame, because those three sections could've benefitted from some color variety—for example, the pistol grip could've received a darker shade of brown. The gun's metallic bits tend to be quite dark apart from the magazine well; this has the effect of drawing attention to that part of the gun, although the wooden bit does that better. + +#### CZ-75A + +_Made by jc_ + + + +While the trigger guard, trigger, hammer, sights and magazine plate, are all stroke-coloured geometry, which makes them look thin, this piece does a very good job of managing space, in that it keeps full-width strokes on the outside (except for the inside of the trigger guard) and keeps the rest at half-width. There's a bit of a blob where the spare magazine meets the frame, which might be unavoidable. The coloring is also consistent, with lighter colors helping to draw attention to important parts. + +#### SAF-200 + +_Made by eiπ_ + + + +This SMG could've also been many shades of gray, but a slight blue tint helps differentiate it from the other guns, giving it a bit of character; there isn't really a reason to do this other than it looks nice. Like the CZ-75, light colors help draw attention to important parts by popping out compared to the otherwise dark palette. The rails and sights on this gun use a half-width stroke—even if they're technically exterior details, using a full-width stroke would just be way too noisy and bulky. + +## Part 2 — World Images + +### Abstract + +A depiction of the weapon from the top looking downwards. They are referred to as “world images” because they're shown as being held by the player in the game world. + +### Colors + +- Like loot images, the HSL color mode should be favored in order to favor easy synchronization of colors. +- World images take their colors from the accompanying loot image—if a part of a gun is depicted in both the world and loot image, it should have the same fill color on both. + - In the rare occurrence that a world image is drawn before the loot image, then the same rules that govern the colors for loot images apply, with one notable exception—the lower limit for colors is no longer 20% lightness but 9% lightness. + +### Borders + +**_In the same way that loot image borders require correct sizing of the weapon in question, correct sizing of world image borders requires the world image's length in px to be the same as the real world gun's length in mm. Since the loot image is usually available when making a world image, simply making the world image the same length as the loot image should do the trick._** + +- Like in loot images, borders inherit the hue and saturation from the shape they're bordering, but unlike loot images, the lightness is locked at 9% instead of 20%. +- Borders should be centered, not on the inside nor on the outside. +- The concept of full-width and half-width borders still applies, and so do their use cases. However, for world images, “full-width” is defined as 3px and “half-width” is defined as 1.5px. +- Geometry should never appear over a border. + +### Geometry + +- Picatinny rails are made by evenly spreading out many small rectangles in the direction perpendicular to the weapon's overall direction, all of them atop a larger rectangle. + - The spacing isn't too important so long as it “looks right”—the number of rails needn't match the real weapon. + + + +- As a whole, the weapon should be about 16px thick, with a margin of ±4px. + +### Miscellaneous tips + +- Seeing as how world images are partially hidden by the player model and are generally more sensitive than loot images, it's recommended to work alongside the existing ones to make sure it fits it better. + - The player model is a circle with a radius of 45px. The hand has a radius of 17px. These can be used to make a mock-up of what the gun would look like in a player's hands. +- More often than not, drawing a world image with a “correct” length will give awkward proportions. It's thus usually necessary to artificially shorten it by shortening parts. +- Seeing as how top-down views of firearms tend to be way harder to come across than side views (and their quality tends to be worse too), it's usually okay to use one's judgment and make an educated guess about what a gun should look like—that is, as long as the artist in question knows the weapon well. + +## Part 3 — Killfeed icons + +### Abstract + +A silhouette single-colored version of an item used in the killfeed. It has no borders and the entirety of the icon has the color #D9D9D9 (hsl(0, 0, 85%)); the exception is developer weapons, which can use gradients and other colored decorations. All kill icons either have a muzzle flash for firearms or a cartoon-y impact decoration for melee weapons. The silhouette is broken up by gaps (called “splits”) at key points; examples of these could be the stock, the pistol grip, the magazine and barrel; ultimately, it's up to the artist to see what looks best. + +The preferred way to make them is to take the loot image, remove all its borders, (patch all the geometry) make every piece #D9D9D9, do splits and draw the muzzle flash. The split size is as follows: scale the gun so that its length in px is the same as its real-life length in millimeters; at this scale, all splits correspond to 4px lines. When it comes to the muzzle flash, more artistic liberties are granted; while muzzle flashes generally look the same, their size and position can vary to whatever the artist thinks looks right, while maintaining visual consistency with the other pieces. + +### Case Studies + +**_Note: this document was released alongside a minor overhaul of the game’s guns. Unlike the loot icons viewed before, all the icons here are from after the overhaul._** + +#### AK-47 + +_Made by eiπ (original loot image by eiπ)_ + + + +A very simple illustration of the descriptions above, this killfeed icon is simply the AK-47 loot image without its borders, colored correctly and split at the stock, pistol grip, magazine and handguard. The muzzle flash is arbitrarily sized, positioned and drawn as something that looks good. + +#### Tango 51 + +_Made by eiπ (original loot image by jchen)_ + + +Another relatively simple icon, albeit with more detailed splits around the bolt +handle area, showing that it's possible to get creative with how one places their +splits. The muzzle flash is also considerably longer than it is high, which is a +theme amongst sniper rifles. + +#### Death Ray + +_Made by eiπ (original loot image by eiπ)_ + + + +Being a developer item, this weapon breaks certain rules in both the loot image and killfeed icon categories in order to stand out. In this case, it quite prominently features color in its icon. Apart from the colored decorations up front, the rest of the icon is very standard. diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(prose)/changelogs/wiki/page.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/changelogs/wiki/page.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d84a7cac --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/changelogs/wiki/page.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# Wiki Changelog + +## January 7, 2024 + +This is a big update! We have been working hard on new features. + +**Features** + +- New generated image previews for guns, throwables and skins +- New animated preview for melees +- New gun graphs for calculating the average damage of a gun at specific ranges +- New home page +- New search and navigation UI +- New sidebar and table UI +- New sidebar image background color selector for better sprite visibility +- New search backend +- New edit on GitHub button +- New image galleries +- New buildings, throwables, backpacks and skins pages +- Art guide port + +Huge thanks to Kenos for adding most of these features, and Compositr for testing and refining the code! diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(prose)/events/page.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/events/page.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e628a3d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/events/page.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Events + +Events are temporary changes to the game that are for fun, seasonal events, and more + +## List of events + +- Juggernaut (developers get deathray) +- Weapon Swap (weapons get swapped on kill) +- Surviv.io's birthday (regular skins for everyone) +- Halloween mode (dark map, pumpkins) +- Winter mode (snow everywhere) diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/(prose)/events/weaponswap/page.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/events/weaponswap/page.mdx similarity index 76% rename from app/(wiki)/(articles)/(prose)/events/weaponswap/page.mdx rename to app/(wiki)/(prose)/events/weaponswap/page.mdx index 25ae6360..46fa8b4f 100644 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/(prose)/events/weaponswap/page.mdx +++ b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/events/weaponswap/page.mdx @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import TimeLink from "@/components/links/TimeLink"; -import Link from "next/link" +import Link from "@/components/links/Link"; # Weapon Swap Event @@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ The Weapon Swap Event was a limited time event that lasted for a couple hours. I This event ran on the normal map, and had no special logo or graphics. # Gameplay + In this event, your weapon is swapped randomly every time you get a kill. You could get any weapon, including normally unobtainable weapons, -including the USAS-12 and the G17 Scoped. +including the [USAS-12](/weapons/guns/usas12) and the [G17 Scoped](/weapons/guns/s_g17), but not developer weapons. ## Videos -- [NAMERIO's video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojLODzHDrI4) +- [NAMERIO's video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojLODzHDrI4) diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/(prose)/layout.tsx b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/layout.tsx similarity index 62% rename from app/(wiki)/(articles)/(prose)/layout.tsx rename to app/(wiki)/(prose)/layout.tsx index 9f632572..41c6d84e 100644 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/(prose)/layout.tsx +++ b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/layout.tsx @@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ export default function EventsLayout({ }: { children: React.ReactNode; }) { - return
; + return
; } diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(prose)/meta/developing/page.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/meta/developing/page.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5e82a5f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/meta/developing/page.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +import GenericNotice from "@/components/articles/notices/GenericNotice"; + +# Developing + +Thank you for considering to contribute code to the wiki! + +We use the following tech stack for the wiki, + +- NextJS +- React +- TailwindCSS +- Typescript + +Please refer to the documentation of each framework/library for more information + +## Getting started + +We use git submodules, so first time setup for a development environment is slightly different from normal, + +```sh +git clone https://github.com/hasangergames/suroi-wiki.git +git submodule init +git submodule update --remote +cd suroi-wiki + +pnpm i +pnpm dev +``` + +Note that we use `pnpm`, instead of `npm` (because it is just better) + +## Recommended setup + +- Visual Studio Code/VSCodium +- VSCode Extensions (VSCode should automatically recommend you workspace extensions) + - Typescript + - ESLint + - Prettier + - Code Spell Checker + - Tailwind CSS IntelliSense +- PNPM +- Git with SSH (optional) + +(We obviously don't care about what you use) + +### Setting up a git hook + +If you have been mad at GitHub's email spam telling you about failed CI runs, try out Git hooks! + +At the project root, + +```sh +echo "pnpm ci:lint\npnpm spellcheck" > .git/hooks/pre-commit +chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit +``` + +Now Git will lint and spellcheck for you before you commit your changes! + +## Do and Don't + +**Don't use `` and ``** + +We use the NextJS component equivalents, `` and `` + +**Don't push large amounts of changes to the wiki code** + +Make a branch/fork and create a pull request please. Also have at **least one** maintainer review your code. Small changes are fine and don't need review (though it is best to get approval) + +**Don't ignore the JSX key error** + +It's super annoying, but add a `key` prop anyways + +**Don't push hacky solutions** + +The only exception is if it will get refactored soon after anyway or if another person is willing to refactor it. + +**Don't use external images** + +Only exception (currently) is GitHub for game assets and Invidious for YouTube thumbnails, please put your images in `/public` + +**Don't use emojis in commit messages** + +Or you will get publically shamed. + +**Do use tree shaking** + +If you are adding new libraries, please use tree shaking when possible, to keep bundle sizes minimal + +**Do use a formatter and linter** + +Run this command to run eslint and prettier + +```sh +pnpm lint +``` + +**Do use a spellchecker** + +Just run this command to spellcheck + +```sh +pnpm spellcheck +``` + + + Note that we run GitHub CI jobs to check for linting, formatting and + spellchecking! + + +**TLDR** it is best to ask the wiki maintainers (**Compositr** and **Kenos**) if you should contribute something to the wiki diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(prose)/meta/page.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/meta/page.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..54b3b246 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/meta/page.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# Meta Pages + +These pages are special pages for the wiki. + +## What's in here? + +[Writing Guide](/meta/writingarticles) +[Developing Guide](/meta/developing) diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(prose)/meta/writingarticles/page.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/meta/writingarticles/page.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f4954496 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/meta/writingarticles/page.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +import Event from "@/components/articles/notices/Event"; +import TimeLink from "@/components/links/TimeLink"; +import Removed from "@/components/articles/notices/Removed"; +import CommitLink from "@/components/links/CommitLink"; +import DevWeapon from "@/components/articles/notices/DevWeapon"; +import Gallery from "@/components/articles/gallery/Gallery.tsx"; +import SuroiItemImage from "@/components/articles/SuroiItemImage.tsx"; + +# Writing Articles + +First of all, thanks for helping out with the documentation! Since this wiki is community-run, we need all the help we can get. +Since this wiki is a custom coded solution, creating articles is a bit different to what you might be used to over on Fandom. + +Articles are written in [MDX](https://mdxjs.com/docs/what-is-mdx/), an extension of the typical Markdown you may be used to. + +# Style Guide + +When writing an article for an object in the game, please follow the layout below. If in doubt, consult an existing +article (e.g., [AK47](/weapons/guns/ak47)). + +## Article Layout + +## General Pointers + +- Articles should be written in American English (e.g. color rather than colo**u**r) +- We read your article submissions to check if they are high quality and relevant + - We automatically spell check your submissions + +# Syntax + +See the [MDX](https://mdxjs.com/docs/what-is-mdx/) docs for a detailed overview of MDX. If you are new to Markdown, you can find a +guide [here](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/). + +Also, make sure to adhere to the following grammar rules: + +1. Use American English (e.g. color rather than colo**u**r) for all articles on the wiki. + +## Extensions + +There are a couple MDX/JSX tags you can use to make your articles more interactive. They are listed below for your reference. + +### `` + +Shows a small banner at the top of the page like the one on the [USAS-12 Article](/weapons/guns/usas12) notifying readers +that this item is only available in a specific event. See below: + + + +### `` + +Shows a link to a commit on the GitHub repo. Useful for linking to the commit that introduced a feature. + + + +- **sha** The SHA1 hash of the commit. Can be shortened to 7 characters. + +### `` + +Shows a link to a specific time. Adjusts to the user's timezone. Clicking on it copies the ISO 8601 timestamp to the clipboard, and hovering shows it. +See below: + + + +- **time** Unix milliseconds, UTC of course + +### `` + +Shows a small banner at the top of the page notifying readers the item has been removed from the game. See below: + + + +### `` + +Shows a small banner at the top of the page notifying readers the item is a developer weapon and unobtainable. See below: + + + +### `` + +A item image from the game. Requires the item idString. + +Options: + +- width: width in px +- height: height in px +- rotation: rotation in degrees +- variation: for sprites with variations, a number +- append: for sprites that have suffixes like "\_world" at the end of their sprite file name +- dual: for dual guns only + + + +### `` + +A gallery of images. + + + +This is a bit more complicated to use, as it involves [Javascript objects](https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_objects.asp) + +We use an array of `GalleryImage`s, as seen in `src/lib/types.ts`, + +```jsx + +``` + +This is the code for the gallery example above, + +```jsx + +``` diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(prose)/rules/page.mdx b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/rules/page.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43149166 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/(prose)/rules/page.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +# Rules and Tutorial + +_Written by Katloo_ + +## Rules + +By playing Suroi, you agree to abide by the following rules. Breaking the rules may result in a ban. + +- **No teaming in solo.** Allying with other solo players for extended periods of time is not allowed. +- **No hacking.** The use of scripts, plugins, extensions, etc. to modify the game in order to gain an advantage over opponents is strictly forbidden. +- **No inappropriate usernames.** Our blocklists are very lenient, but some things are still blocked. Trying to evade filters for these specific words may incur consequences. + +## Tutorial + +If you're a new player, check out this tutorial to learn how to play! + +### Controls + +Movement - WASD or Arrow Keys + +Aim - Mouse + +Attack - Left-Click + +Change Weapons - 1 through 3 or Scroll Wheel + +Pickup/Loot/Interact - F + +Reload - R + +Use Healing Item - Left-Click on item or 7 through 0 + +Cancel Action - X + +Toggle Fullscreen Map - G or M + +Toggle Minimap - N + +Use Emote Wheel - Hold Right-Click, drag, and release + +Drop Item - Right-Click on item + +Equip Last Item - Q + +Swap Gun Slots - T + +Equip Other Gun - Space + +Change Scope Zoom - Left-Click on Scope +**Keybinds can be changed in settings!** + +### How to Play + +The goal of Suroi is to be the last player standing. You'll start with nothing, so move around the map to get weapons, scopes, armor, healing items, and ammo. If you see another player, eliminate them for their loot! + +### Orange = Bad + +You have another enemy to watch out for: a deadly orange gas. The gas slowly fills the map as the game progresses, making the safe zone smaller and smaller. The damage increases each time it shrinks. + +### Similar Games + +If you've played games like PUBG, Fortnite, and Apex Legends, or other browser battle royales like surviv.io and zombsroyale.io, you might be familiar with the concept of the game! diff --git a/app/(wiki)/bingo/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/bingo/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..135d3127 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/bingo/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +"use client"; + +import React, { useState } from "react"; + +export default function Bingo() { + const slots: string[] = [ + "Can't Spell", + "Pings hasanger", + "Leaves 10 minutes after joining", + "Didn't read #faq", + `"The game isn't working"`, + "Submits stupid pr or issue to github", + "Harassing other server members for no reason", + "Begging for roles", + "Alt account", + "Reporting teamers without evidence", + "Offensive slurs in profile", + "Deleting every other message they send", + "Free!", + "Has to translate messages", + "Politics", + "Ban speedrun", + `"how to play surviv"`, + "Spam stupid suggestions", + `"When are teams coming"`, + "Attempts to contribute and never sends another message after the day they join", + "Spamming", + "Complaining about balance, teamers, or lag in #general while the topic is unrelated", + "Obviously underage", + "Please add (surviv feature)", + "Communicates exclusively with gifs, emojis, and videos", + ]; + return ( +
+ B + I + N + G + O + {slots.map((slot, i) => ( + + ))} +
+ ); +} + +function BingoCard({ text }: BingoCardProps) { + const [toggled, setToggled] = useState(false); + return ( + + ); +} + +interface BingoCardProps extends React.PropsWithChildren { + text: string; +} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/[item]/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/buildings/[item]/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..921b28e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/[item]/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +import GenericArticlePage from "@/components/generics/GenericArticlePage"; +import BuildingSidebar from "@/components/sidebars/BuildingSidebar"; +import { range } from "@/lib/util/arrays"; +import { Buildings } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/buildings"; + +const toExport = GenericArticlePage({ + items: Buildings.definitions, + path: "buildings", + Sidebar: BuildingSidebar, + combinedArticles: [ + { + title: "Oil Tanker", + items: ["oil_tanker_ship"], + fileName: "oil_tanker", + }, + { + title: "Containers", + items: range(11, 1).map((n) => `container_${n}`), // This is so dumb lmao + fileName: "containers", + }, + { + title: "Port", + items: [ + "port_warehouse_red", + "port_warehouse_blue", + "crane", + "port", + "port_complex", + ], + fileName: "port_meta", // For some reason using `port` crashes my browser + // 109 says: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL + }, + { + title: "Armory", + items: [ + "armory_barracks", + "armory_center", + "armory_vault", + "armory_inner_vault", + "armory", + ], + fileName: "armory_meta", // Same as port + }, + { + title: "Tugboats", + items: ["tugboat_white", "tugboat_red"], + fileName: "tugboats", + }, + ], +}); + +export const { generateMetadata, generateStaticParams } = toExport; +export default toExport.default; diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/armory_meta.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/armory_meta.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bb9c85d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/armory_meta.md @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +The **Armory** is a large structure added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. It contains a unique weapon, the [Maul](/weapons/melee/maul), and several unique obstacles. + +# Location & Spawning + +One Armory attempts to spawn per map in a random position and rotation. + +# Areas + +## Barracks + +The Barracks spawns in the lower left of the Armory. It contains five [Bunk Beds](/obstacles/bunk_bed), two [Cabinets](/obstacles/cabinet), two small [Drawers](/obstacles/drawers), a [Stove](/obstacles/stove), and a [Fridge](/obstacles/fridge). + +## Center + +The Center spawns on the right side of the Armory. It contains two [Chairs](/obstacles/chair), a [Table](/obstacles/table), a Cabinet, a small drawer, and a [Gun Mount](/obstacles/gun_mounts) always containing a Maul. + +## Vault + +The Vault spawns in the top left of the Armory. + +### Outer Vault + +The outer area of the Vault contains four [Buttons](/obstacles/button), two [Gun Cases](/obstacles/gun_case), two [Ammo Crates](/obstacles/ammo_crate), a panel with no button, a [Tear Gas Crate](/obstacles/tear_gas_crate), and a [Grenade Crate](/obstacles/grenade_crate). + +### Inner Vault + +The inner area of the Vault can only be accessed by entering a specific password into the four buttons in the outer vault. Once the correct password is entered, the [Vault Door](/obstacles/doors) opens, allowing access to the inner Vault. + +The password to the inner vault is ÖLJY, which is Finnish for "oil". The markings on the floor determine which buttons correspond to which letter. + + +The inner Vault contains a [Briefcase](/obstacles/briefcase), a [Barrel](/obstacles/barrel), an Ammo Crate, and a [Regular Crate](/obstacles/crates). Due to a bug, the Barrel can be damaged using a [Maul](/weapons/melee/maul) from the outside of the vault. + +## Shed + +Main article: [Port Shed](/buildings/port_shed) +The Shed spawns in the lower right of the Armory. + +## Porta Potty + +Main article: [Porta Potty](/buildings/porta_potty) +The Porta Potty spawns near the exterior of the Vault. + +## Other + +- There is a [M1117](/obstacles/m1117) in the top right of the Armory. + - Near it is a [Flint Crate](/obstacles/crates) and two Gun Cases that can drop you weapons and other loot. + - The M1117 reflects bullets and is indestructible. +- Many Regular Crates, [Barrels](/obstacles/barrel), [Super Barrels](/obstacles/super_barrel), [Sandbags](/obstacles/sandbags), Grenade Crates, as well as several Tear Gas Crates, Gun Cases and Ammo Crates spawn throughout the structure. + - These obstacles can be used for cover or loot. +- A [Barrier](/obstacles/barrier) spawns behind two sandbags at the bottom of the Armory. It can be used as an indestructible cover from enemies. +- Most of the structure is surrounded by [Port Fences](/obstacles/port_fence). + +# Tips + +- Be careful as there are often many players at the Armory looking for loot. + - Unless you spawn close to the Armory early game, don't bother heading for the Armory as it will likely already be looted by the time you arrive. +- There is plenty of indestructible cover in the Armory, such as Sandbags and the M1117, so fights in this structure often last longer. + - However, there are plenty of explosive obstacles in the Armory such as the Barrel, so don't get too comfortable. +- If you want to avoid a fight, only go for the Center and Vault to get the valuable loot from the Armory, then leave immediately. + +# Trivia + +- The Armory was designed by Bear +- In real life, an armory is a place for a military to store weapons + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/containers.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/containers.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..99be5a65 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/containers.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +The **Container** is a building added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +Up to twelve Containers spawn in random positions on the map. Many Containers can also spawn as part of the [Port](/buildings/port) structure. + +# Loot & More + +Containers always contain one ground loot item on its floor. + +# Tips +- The outside or inside of the Container is great for cover because the Container has indestructible walls. +- The Container, being made out of metal, reflects bullets. + - You can use this to damage opponents behind cover. +- You can also hide inside containers and kill unsuspecting players with a high-DPS weapon like the [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues). + - Make sure your container doesn't have a hole at the top, as your opponent can see you through the hole. +- If you see a player inside a Container with one exit, you can fire bullets into the Container with a high-DPS weapon. Your opponent won't be able to see you because they have their scopes disabled when inside a Container. + - This usually kills your opponent because the interior of a Container also reflects bullets, making them harder to dodge. + - However, don't get too close as your opponent could rush you. + - You can also be hit by your own bullets. +# Trivia + +- The Containers were designed by platonthek +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/crane.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/crane.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1883f4aa --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/crane.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +The **Crane** is a sub-building of the [Port](/buildings/port). It was added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. The crane is a good source of cover and can also be used to surprise players. + +# Location & Spawning + +The Crane always spawns parallel to the [Ship](/buildings/ship), and only one spawns per map. + +# Loot & More + +The Crane itself does not have any loot, but it does have a large number of [AEGIS](/obstacles/aegis_crate) and [Flint Crates](/obstacles/flint_crate) underneath it which are great sources of loot. + +# Tips + +- The parts of the base of the crane are indestructible and can be used to take cover from opponents. + - If you get caught fighting around the crane, it is best to have a shotgun or SMG. +- The ends of the parts of the base of the crane have a gap that is just wide enough for players. + - Use this gap to your advantage when fighting opponents at close range. + +# Trivia + +- The Crane was designed by platonthek +- The Crane is used to load and unload cargo off of the Ship + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/house.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/house.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f348a681 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/house.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ + +The **House** was a building added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. It was later removed from spawning on the map in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023 and completely removed in the v0.17.0 "Just the Two of Us" update on April 1st, 2024. It had a decent amount of loot for early games. + +# Areas + +## Foyer + +The Foyer contains no loot, but it does have a [Table](/obstacles/table) and two [Chairs](/obstacles/chair). - However, the ability to hide under tables was not added until v0.11.0, so players were never able to hide under the tables in the House. + +## Kitchen + +The Kitchen, directly next to the entrance, contains a [Stove](/obstacles/stove) and a [Fridge](/obstacles/fridge). - Many players don't realize that the fridge drops [2-3 Colas](/loot#fridge) when broken. Even late game, you can often check Houses and still find some unbroken ones. + +## Bedroom + +The Bedroom, located in the corner directly opposite the entrance, contains a [Bed](/obstacles/bed), and a [Bookshelf](/obstacles/bookshelf). + +## Living Room + +The Living Room, across from the Bathroom contains a [Couch](/obstacles/couch), [TV](/obstacles/tv), and [Large Drawer](/obstacles/large_drawer). + +## Bathroom + +The Bathroom contains a singular [Toilet](/obstacles/toilet). + +## Garage + +The Garage contains a Bookshelf, [Regular Crate](/obstacles/regular_crate), [Barrel](/obstacles/barrel) and a [Washing Machine](/obstacles/washing_machine). - The door to the Garage can be punched until broken. - The washing machine has a 1/3 chance to drop the "no kill pls" skin and a 2/3 chance to drop the "Verified" skin (see [loot table](/loot#washing_machine)). + +# Tips + +- Be careful of the long corridor, as it's easy to get caught and sprayed down. +- You can easily kill inexperienced opponents if they're low by backing up and shooting through the door with an assault rifle, which they won't expect. + +# Trivia + +- The House was designed by platonthek +- The Garage has an oil stain on the floor, possibly suggesting a car or other vehicle had been there before + = The code for the House still exists so it's possible to make it spawn on a self-hosted server + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - Completely removed from the game +- v0.11.0 + - Removed from the map +- v0.10.0 + - Added holes in the roof to improve visibility +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/mobile_home.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/mobile_home.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0508b67b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/mobile_home.md @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +The **Mobile Home** is a building added in v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14, 2024. It is a small & compact structure with four lootable obstacles. + +# Location & Spawning + +Nine Mobile Homes spawn across the map in random positions. All mobile homes contain a [Mobile Home Bed](/obstacles/mobile_home_bed), a small [Drawer](/obstacles/drawers), a [Mobile Home Sink](/obstacles/mobile_home_sink), and a [Mobile Home Stove](/obstacles/mobile_home_stove), as well as two [Boxes](/obstacles/box) and a normal [Barrel](/obstacles/barrels) on the exterior of the structure. + +# Tips + + - If you see someone inside a Mobile Home, you can throw a few [Frag Grenades](/weapons/throwables/frag_grenade) which will explode the stove, causing the whole structure and the person inside to get exploded. + - If you need a quick escape other than the two doors in the side and the back, you can break the [Window](/obstacles/mobile_home_window) to get a quick escape from an opponent. + + # Trivia + +- The Mobile Home was designed by platonthek + + # History + +- v0.16.0 + - Improved hitboxes +- v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/oil_tanker.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/oil_tanker.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7fe55804 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/oil_tanker.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +The **Oil Tanker** is a sub-building of the [Port](/buildings/port). It was added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14, 2024. It features a big cargo area, which contains three [Large Oil Tanks](/obstacles/large_oil_tank) and a control room, in which you can find the [Vector](/weapons/guns/vector) upon opening the door using the control panel. + +# Location & Spawning + +The Oil Tanker can be found spawning offshore of the Port on the edge of the map in 50% of games. + +# Areas + +## Cargo area + +The ship's main and biggest area, the cargo area, is found from one end of the ship and almost until the other end, ending in the control center. On the cargo area you can find three Large Oil Tanks that you can use for cover in battles, a few [Sandbags](/obstacles/sandbags), some [Barrels](/obstacles/barrels), and an assortment of different types of [Crates](/obstacles/crates). + +## Control room + +The control room features a large [Drawer](/obsatcles/drawers), a wide window, and a set of control panels. The middle control panel can be interacted with to open the [Vault Door](/obstacles/doors) to the left, which contains a [Briefcase](/obstacles/briefcase) as well as two [Regular Crates](/obstacles/crate). + +# Tips + +- When you enter the Oil Tanker, grab a weapon and quickly head to the control room to check if the weapon inside the Briefcase has been taken. + - In case it has, watch out for enemies that might have it. +- Use the oil tanks as cover when fighting dangerous enemies, but beware of grenades! + +# History +- v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6640f006 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +The **Port** is a very large structure added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. It has a large number of buildings and containers and is also the home of the [Cargo Ship](/buildings/ship). + +# Location & Spawning + +One Port attempts to spawn per map, always at the edge of the map. - Very rarely, a Port can fail to spawn on a map. + +# Areas + +## Cargo Ship + +Main article: [Cargo Ship](/buildings/ship) +On the outer edge of the Port, the Cargo Ship spawns in the water. + +## Port Warehouses + +Main article: [Port Warehouse](/buildings/port_warehouse) + +## Port Shed + +Main article: [Port Shed](/buildings/port_shed) +A Port Shed spawns towards the center of the Port, alongside a lowered [Barrier](/obstacles/barrier). + +## Crane + +Main article: [Crane](/buildings/crane) +A crane always spawns parallel to the Cargo Ship and contains a large amount of loot underneath it. + +## Other + +- The Port contains a large number of Containers in various locations. They are useful for getting some basic weapons, armor, and healing items to engage other players. +- In one of the corners opposite the Port Warehouses, there are multiple [Trucks](/obstacles/truck) and [Trailers](/obstacles/trailer), which make for effective cover. +- [Bollards](/obstacles/bollard) spawn along the border with the ocean. +- A line of [Porta Potties](/buildings/porta_potty) spawns near the trucks. + - These are great for getting tons of healing items early in a game. + +# Tips + +- Be careful as there are often many players at the port looking for loot. + - Unless you spawn close to the Port early-game, don't bother heading for the Port as it will likely already be looted by the time you arrive. + +# Trivia + +- The Port was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port_meta.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port_meta.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6640f006 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port_meta.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +The **Port** is a very large structure added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. It has a large number of buildings and containers and is also the home of the [Cargo Ship](/buildings/ship). + +# Location & Spawning + +One Port attempts to spawn per map, always at the edge of the map. - Very rarely, a Port can fail to spawn on a map. + +# Areas + +## Cargo Ship + +Main article: [Cargo Ship](/buildings/ship) +On the outer edge of the Port, the Cargo Ship spawns in the water. + +## Port Warehouses + +Main article: [Port Warehouse](/buildings/port_warehouse) + +## Port Shed + +Main article: [Port Shed](/buildings/port_shed) +A Port Shed spawns towards the center of the Port, alongside a lowered [Barrier](/obstacles/barrier). + +## Crane + +Main article: [Crane](/buildings/crane) +A crane always spawns parallel to the Cargo Ship and contains a large amount of loot underneath it. + +## Other + +- The Port contains a large number of Containers in various locations. They are useful for getting some basic weapons, armor, and healing items to engage other players. +- In one of the corners opposite the Port Warehouses, there are multiple [Trucks](/obstacles/truck) and [Trailers](/obstacles/trailer), which make for effective cover. +- [Bollards](/obstacles/bollard) spawn along the border with the ocean. +- A line of [Porta Potties](/buildings/porta_potty) spawns near the trucks. + - These are great for getting tons of healing items early in a game. + +# Tips + +- Be careful as there are often many players at the port looking for loot. + - Unless you spawn close to the Port early-game, don't bother heading for the Port as it will likely already be looted by the time you arrive. + +# Trivia + +- The Port was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port_shed.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port_shed.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b83b5c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port_shed.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +The **Port Shed** is a sub-building of the [Port](/buildings/port). It was added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. It features indestructible walls, a bookshelf, and a desk. + +# Location & Spawning + +One Port Shed spawns towards the center of every Port. It is near the [Barrier](/obstacles/barrier). A Port Shed also spawns in the lower right of the [Armory](/buildings/armory). + +# Loot & More + +The Port Shed has barely any loot (only a [Bookshelf](/obstacles/bookshelf) and a [Table](/obstacles/table)/[Chair](/obstacles/chair)) and is generally not worth checking out. + +# Tips + +- While it doesn't have the best loot, the Port Shed's indestructible nature makes it a good refuge if you need to heal during a fight. +- You can hide under the desk to ambush other players. + - This is generally not as nearly as effective as hiding under the desk in the [Refinery](/buildings/refinery), because few players bother to enter it. + +# Trivia + +- The Port Shed was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Fixed an issue where the window on the Port Shed was nonfunctional +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port_warehouse.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port_warehouse.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0a4d6241 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/port_warehouse.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +The **Port Warehouse** is a medium-sized sub-building of the [Port](/buildings/port). It was added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. Crane Warehouses contain a decent amount of loot for the early game from crates and boxes. + +# Location & Spawning + +Two Port Warehouses spawn parallel to each other in one corner of the port, farthest from the ocean. + +# Loot & More + +The Port Warehouse contains a bunch of [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate), [Barrels](/obstacles/barrel), and [Boxes](/obstacles/box), some [Forklifts](/obstacles/forklift), and a [Flint Crate](/obstacles/flint_crate) in one corner. + +# Tips + +- Be careful of the Barrels inside the Port Warehouse, as an opponent could destroy them when you are distracted and kill you. +- The most valuable loot of the Port Warehouse is arguably the Flint Crate in one of the corners, so aim for that first. +- Use the Forklifts as cover against opponents. +- If you spawn late in a game and are certain you won't be first to the [Ship](/buildings/ship), it may be wise to get geared up in a Port Warehouse and then confront the player(s) on the Ship. + +# Trivia + +- The Port Warehouse was designed by platonthek +- As of the latest version, there is a small hole in the hitbox of the Port Warehouse that allows you to see inside from the outside wall + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/porta_potty.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/porta_potty.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b67c5caf --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/porta_potty.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +The **Porta Potty** is a small building added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. It usually drops medical supplies, but guns can also be found as well. It can also be used as a temporary cover against weaker weapons. + +# Location & Spawning + +The Porta Potty is the most common building on the map and can be found all over the island. Up to 15 spawn randomly in the open, but more can spawn as part of the [Port](/buildings/port), [Refinery](/buildings/refinery), and [Armory](/buildings/armory). + +# Loot & More + +The Porta Potty spawns with either a closed toilet or an open one. + +- The closed toilet drops medical items and spawns 30% of the time. +- The open toilet typically drops guns and spawns 70% of the time. + +The Porta Potty also has a roll of toilet paper and a small sink with hand sanitizer next to it. However, these are part of the walls and can't be looted. + +# Tips + +- Be careful against assault rifles, LMGs, and other weapons with high obstacle DPS. The Porta Potty can easily be shredded in seconds by those weapons. +- You can use the Porta Potty to absorb lots of damage and frustrate your opponent. +- The Porta Potty is a good place to hide and heal quickly if necessary. + +# Trivia + +- The Porta Potty was designed by 1092384, Slapdap, and Katloo +- The explanation for why an open Porta Potty toilet drops guns is that whoever put the guns in it either didn't have time to or couldn't shut the lid + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - Fixed items popping through the back wall +- v0.16.0 + - Improved hitboxes +- v0.12.0 + - Fixed silent Porta Potty doors +- v0.10.0 + - Improved visibility around the Porta Potty +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/refinery.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/refinery.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..402d43cb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/refinery.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +The **Refinery** is a large structure added in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang" update on September 14th, 2023. It contains a large amount of loot as well as an excellent location to find the [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) - but can be dangerous. + +# Location & Spawning + +The Refinery attempts to spawn once per map, anywhere on the map. + +# Areas + +## Loading Areas + +The Loading Areas are located in the corners of the Refinery. Both have two [Regular Crates](/obstacles/stove) and an [Oil Tank](/obstacles/oil_tank), but one of them also has an [AEGIS Crate](/obstacles/aegis_crate) surrounded by [Barrels](/obstacles/barrel). + +## Storage Area + +The Storage Area contains some AEGIS Crates, Regular Crates, and two [Large Refinery Barrels](/obstacles/large_refinery_barrel). - Each Large Refinery Barrel has 3500 health, but only one has to be broken to destroy the other due to the large explosion. + +## Refinery + +The actual Refinery building contains some tanks and equipment for refining oil, as well as some [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate). Some of these, like the [Small Refinery Barrel](/obstacles/small_refinery_barrel), are explodable. + +## Office + +The Office, located towards the back of the Refinery, contains a wall mount and a [Table](/obstacles/table) with a [Chair](/obstacles/chair). - The wall mount spawns with a [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) normally but also has a 1/100 chance to spawn a [Stoner 63](/weapons/guns/stoner_63) instead. - You can hide under the Table to ambush players. + +# Tips + +- If you're careful, you can loot the AEGIS Crate in one of the Loading Areas without blowing yourself up. Alternate between punching two Barrels until you can slip through. Watch out for other players who could try and blow them up, however. + - However, it is almost always better to blow up the barrels first using a gun or a [Frag Grenade](/weapons/throwables/frag_grenade), as it eliminates the dangerous barrels near the AEGIS Crate. +- You can hide under the table in the Office to ambush players. + - Likewise, be wary of players camping under the Table. +- If a player is trying to blow up the Large Refinery Barrels, it is best to get out of the area quickly, as the barrels will kill everyone nearby. +- Be careful of the entrances into the Refinery building, as it is often hard to tell if another player is inside. +- The [Small Refinery Barrel](/obstacles/small_refinery_barrel) can be a good way to kill an opponent hiding inside the Refinery and catch them off guard. +- If you're the first player there, either go for the MCX Spear in the Office or the AEGIS Crates in the Storage Area so you can be geared up. +- Exercise caution around the barrels in the hallway of the Refinery, as opponents will try and explode them to kill you. + +# Trivia + +- The Refinery was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - The Stoner 63 now has a 1/100 chance of replacing the MCX Spear in the Office +- v0.10.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/sea_traffic_control.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/sea_traffic_control.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1df11318 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/sea_traffic_control.md @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + +The **Sea Traffic Control** is a building added in the v0.16.0 update "A Sailor's Dream" on February 26th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +The Sea Traffic Control structure is located in every game one the shore of the map in a random location. + +## Entrance +The entrance to the sea traffic control is guarded by three [Sandbags](/obstacles/sandbags), two [Barrels](/obstacles/barrel), and a [Crate](/obstacles/crate). + +## Interior + +Inside, there will be a [Table](/obstacles/table) with an [Office Chair](/obstacles/office_chair), two [Life Preservers](/obstacle/life_preserver), an [Aegis Crate](/obstacles/crate), a [Large Drawer](/obstacles/drawers), [Control Panels](/obstacle/control_panel) with two [Office Chairs](/obstacles/office_chair), and a [Gun Case](/obstacles/gun_case). + +# Loot & More + +A [Radio](/weapons/guns/radio) spawns on the floor in the interior of every Sea Traffic Control. It can be used to call an [Airdrop](/obstacles/airdrops). + +# Tips + +- The Radio should be set off as soon as you get hold of it so you can get the Airdrop quicker. +- This will likely draw the attention of nearby players as Airdrops give off a ping sound when they are deployed on the map. + - Be prepared to fight off other players trying to steal the Airdrop. + - You can break the gun case in the Interior and use the gun provided to fight players. + - The Sandbags can help with this as they provide indestructible cover. +- If you spawn late in the game, going for this structure isn't recommended, as it will likely be looted prior to your visit, especially in crowded lobbies. +- If you see a player looting the Interior, throw several [Frag Grenades](/weapons/throwables/frag_grenade) to chase your opponent out, then shoot them down using your guns. + - Alternatively, you can also shoot the control panels inside the Interior if you don't have grenades. + +# Trivia + +- The Tugboats were designed by Platonthek and Emeraldneo + +# History + +- v0.16.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/ship.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/ship.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..897b7b32 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/ship.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +The **Cargo Ship** is a sub-building of the [Port](/buildings/port). It was added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. It features a cargo area, control room, and a secret vault, and is the home of the [Tango 51](/weapons/guns/tango_51). + +# Location & Spawning + +The Cargo Ship can be found spawning offshore of the Port on the edge of the map in 50% of games. + +# Areas + +## Cargo Area + +The Cargo Area of the Cargo Ship, located in the center, has many Containers. You can use these for cover and to get some quick loot. + +## Control Room + +Located towards the stern of the Cargo Ship, the Control Room doesn't contain much loot, and it has some explosive panels near the windows. However, it does contain the very important [Gas Can](/weapons/melee/gas_can). + +## Vault + +The Vault, located in the bow of the Cargo Ship, is the most valuable area of the Cargo Ship. It contains a secret room with a [Tango 51 Crate](/obstacles/tango_crate) inside. To get past the [Vault Door](/obstacles/door), you need to solve the puzzle. + + + To solve the puzzle, grab the [Gas Can](/weapons/melee/gas_can) from + the Control Room. Then, walk to the front of the ship and go to the generator. + Use the Gas Can to activate the generator and the door to the Vault will open.

+ If you don't want to use the Tango 51(s) inside the vault, you can take the Gas Can and + leave. That way, no other players will be able to unlock the vault unless they kill you. +
+ +# Tips + +- You can walk on the sides of the Cargo Ship (you don't need to go through the Control Room to get to the back). +- Get a decent gun as soon as you can before entering the Cargo Ship, so you can defend yourself. + - If you're the first one there, you may be able to unlock the Vault before anyone gets there. + +# Trivia + +- Despite clearly having stairs into the Control Room, the stairs don't lead to another layer + - The Control Room is treated as an indoor area on the map, similar to [Small Houses](/buildings/small_house) + +# History +- v0.15.0 + - There is no longer a 50% chance for the Tango Crate to be replaced with an AEGIS crate +- v0.14.0 + - Fixed a bug that allowed players to see into the Vault without opening the door +- v0.12.0 + - There is now a 50% chance for the Tango Crate to be replaced with an AEGIS crate +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/small_house.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/small_house.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..50a2413d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/small_house.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +The **Small House** is a building added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. It is a small and compact structure with decent loot density, perfect for getting geared up early game. The small house replaced the bigger [House](/buildings/house) that was added in v0.9.0. + +# Location & Spawning + +The Small House is a very common building around the map and can spawn anywhere on land. Up to 10 Small Houses attempt to spawn per map. + +# Areas + +## Bathroom + +The Bathroom contains a single [Toilet](/obstacles/toilet). - If the Toilet has a poo in it, it likely contains guns or other weapons. - If the Toilet doesn't have a poo in it, it likely contains healing items such as [Gauze](/healing/gauze) or [Cola](/healing/cola). + +Toilets have a 1/3 chance to be "used" and a 2/3 chance to spawn as a regular Toilet. + +## Bedroom + +The bedroom contains a [Bed](/obstacles/bed), a [Bookshelf](/obstacles/bookshelf), and a [Small Drawer](/obstacles/small_drawer). + +## Foyer + +The Foyer contains a [Couch](/obstacles/couch), a large [Large Drawer](/obstacles/large_drawer), and a bookshelf. + +## Kitchen & Dining Area + +The Kitchen contains a [Stove](/obstacles/stove) and a [Fridge](/obstacles/fridge). - Many players don't realize that the Fridge drops [2-3 Colas](/loot#fridge) when broken. Even late game, you can often check Small Houses and still find some unbroken ones. + +The Dining Area has a [Table](/obstacles/table) with two [Chairs](/obstacles/chair) and a Small Drawer by the door. - Players can hide under the Table. + +# Tips + +- While the Colas from the Fridge are valuable, try and find a weapon to defend yourself with first in case another player enters the Small House. +- If you have a gun with good obstacle DPS like an assault rifle or DMR, you can blow up the Stove from outside through the window. + - This will kill or severely damage opponents. +- Use doors to block damage and frustrate your enemies. + - The door in the Bedroom is particularly effective at this and useful if you have no weapons. + +# Trivia + +- The Small House was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - Redesigned roof and floor + - Added ground loot on the floor +- v0.13.0 + - A bug has been fixed that prevented used toilets from spawning in the Small House + - Adjusted viewing hitboxes for all buildings, including the Small House +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/tugboats.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/tugboats.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..73a96687 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/tugboats.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +The **Tugboat** is a building added in the v0.16.0 "A Sailor's Dream" update on February 26th, 2024. It comes in two variants: White Tugboats and Red Tugboats. + +# Location & Spawning + +Five White Tugboats and one Red Tugboat spawn in the water bordering the map. They spawn within random distances from the shore. + +# Areas + +## Exterior + +All tugboats contain one [Grenade Crate](/obstacles/grenade_crate), one [Barrel](/obstacles/barrel), two [Regular Crates](/obstacles/crates), and six [Tires](/obstacles/tire) in the exterior portion of the boat. + +## Cabin + +The Cabin can be accessed through a [Door](/obstacles/doors) in the center of the boat. + +All tugboat cabins contain one [Tugboat Control Panel](/obstacles/tugboat_control_panel), one [Office Chair](/obstacles/office_chair), one [Large Drawer](/obstacles/drawers) and one [Life Preserver](/obstacles/life_preserver). Additionally, White Tugboats contain a [Gun Case](/obstacles/gun_case) and Red Tugboats contain a [Lux Crate](/obstacles/lux_crate) inside the cabin. The Lux Crate drops a guranteed [CZ-600](/weapons/guns/cz600) and a scope. + +# Tips + +- The water near Tugboats are not good places to fight as the water can slow you down, making you an easy target for a player who out-scopes you. +- Prioritize looting the structure with maximum efficiency and leaving as quickly as possible to minimize the chance to run into another player. +- If you do happen to end up in a fight, the metal fences on the side of the Togboat provide indestructible cover and also reflects bullets. +- Do not go for the Red Tugboat if you spawn late into the game as it will likely already be looted. + +# Trivia + +- The Tugboats were designed by Platonthek and Emeraldneo +- In real life, tugboats are a type of boat that is usually used to move other vessels out of dangerous or crowded by using a tow line. Earlier versions were powered by steam engines, which have now been replaced by diesel engines. + +# History + +- v0.16.1 + - Fixed an issue with the hitboxes of the metal stairs +- v0.16.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/warehouse.md b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/warehouse.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d3fa9e25 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/articles/warehouse.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +The **Warehouse** is a building added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. It features plenty of early-game loot perfect for getting geared up. + +# Location & Spawning + +Up to 5 Warehouses attempt to spawn each game anywhere on the normal map. + +# Loot & More + +The Warehouse always spawns with 3 [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate), 6 [Boxes](/obstacles/box), and 1 [Barrel](/obstacles/barrel). The Regular Crates and Barrels are in the corners and the Boxes are along either side on [Metal Shelves](/obstacles/metal_shelf). + +- There's 30% chance a [Flint Crate](/obstacles/flint_crate) will replace the crate directly across from the [Barrel](/obstacles/barrel). +- The center of the Warehouse can drop decent [loot](/loot#warehouse). + +# Tips + +- You can stand close to the Warehouse and still be able to see with your scope. + - This is very useful for seeing enemies on the other side of the Warehouse if you have an 8x or 15x scope. +- Be careful of standing in corners, as reflected bullets can easily kill you. +- The barrel in the one corner can be a death trap. + - Likewise, use the barrel in the corner to try and kill other players. +- If the Warehouse has a Flint Crate, loot it first, as it has the most valuable loot. + +# Trivia + +- The Warehouse was designed by Leia and 1092384 +- Originally, the Warehouse was going to be a smaller squarer building, but this was scrapped + +# History + +- v0.10.0 + - Improved visibility around the Warehouse +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/buildings/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/buildings/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee661833 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/buildings/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +import GenericListingPageFactory from "@/components/layouts/GenericListingPageFactory"; +import { Buildings } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/buildings"; + +export default GenericListingPageFactory( + Buildings.definitions, + "Buildings", + "/buildings", +); diff --git a/app/(wiki)/credits/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/credits/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c82ddd02 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/credits/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +import GridTable from "@/components/tables/GridTable"; +import { User2 } from "lucide-react"; +import Image from "next/image"; +import Link from "next/link"; +import React from "react"; + +type User = { + name: string; + description?: string; + avatar?: string; + website?: string; +}; + +const WIKI_TEAM: User[] = [ + { + name: "Compositr", + description: "Main Wiki Developer", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43405050", + website: "https://compositr.dev", + }, + { + name: "Kenos", + description: "Wiki Developer, advanced features", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/75338427", + website: "https://kenos.codeberg.page", + }, + { + name: "Milocat", + description: "Wiki Developer", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/119687855", + }, + { + name: "Katloo", + description: "Content Manager", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/132523318", + }, + { + name: "1092384", + description: "Content Manager", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/66282302", + }, +]; + +const WIKI_CONTRIB: string[] = [ + "sawq375", + "brianzjk", + "Emeraldneo", + "HeheBoi420", + "Hugh Jass", + "[SILLY]SuroiBot:4" +]; + +const GAME_TEAM: User[] = [ + { + name: "Hasanger", + description: "Owner of Suroi", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/20248785", + }, + { + name: "Leia", + description: "Developer", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/69596237", + }, + { + name: "Katloo", + description: "Game Balancing and Planning", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/132523318", + }, + { + name: "Damien", + description: "Chores and Suroi Discord bot", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/34838468", + }, + { + name: "eiπ", + description: "Developer", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/91853103", + }, + { + name: "Chpsterz", + description: "Developer", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/72819276", + website: "https://chpsscode.github.io", + }, + { + name: "Limenade", + description: "Developer", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/88803242", + }, + { + name: "Radians", + description: "Developer", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61424950", + }, + { + name: "Milocat", + description: "Developer", + avatar: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/119687855", + }, +]; + +// Too many names lol +const ARTISTS: string[] = [ + "Avocado", + "Silverviolet", + "Meower", + "Just Alto", + "Emeraldneo", + "Pirelli", + "Slapdap", + "Platonthek", + "Svennos", + "YMRN", + "EndermanKing", + "Sharky", + "RedCoder09", + "Tacomy Loh", + "Glek", + "Yeet120", + "The Last Guys", + "Cobby", + "Bear", + "Eslamo", + "Noob", + "Scaredpenguin", + "Myka", + "Nugg4ec", + "vp", + "jc", + "heeyst", + "Asultra", + "SquareCube", + "itzblover", + "DogEnjoyer", +]; + +export default function CreditsPage() { + return ( +


+ +

Wiki Team

+ + {WIKI_TEAM.map((person, i) => ( + + ))} + +

Wiki Contributors

+ + {WIKI_CONTRIB.map((name, i) => ( + + ))} + +

Game Development Team

+ + {GAME_TEAM.map((person, i) => ( + + ))} + +

Game Artist Team

+ + {ARTISTS.map((name, i) => ( + + ))} + +
+ ); +} + +function Person({ person, displayAvatar = true }: PersonProps) { + return ( +
+ {displayAvatar && ( +
+ {person.avatar ? ( + {`Avatar + ) : ( + + )} +
+ )} +


+ {person.description && ( +


+ )} + {person.website && ( + + {person.website} + + )} +
+ ); +} + +interface PersonProps extends React.PropsWithChildren { + person: User; + displayAvatar?: boolean; +} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/[item]/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/[item]/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cb9e5f94 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/[item]/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +import GenericArticlePage from "@/components/generics/GenericArticlePage"; +import ArmorSidebar from "@/components/sidebars/ArmorSidebar"; +import { Armors } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/armors"; + +const toExport = GenericArticlePage({ + items: Armors.definitions, + path: "equipment/armor", + Sidebar: ArmorSidebar, +}); + +export const { generateMetadata, generateStaticParams } = toExport; +export default toExport.default; diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/basic_helmet.md b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/basic_helmet.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a3bd214 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/basic_helmet.md @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +The **Basic Helmet** is a piece of [Equipment](/equipment) added in the v0.7.0 "Geared Up" update on July 10, 2023. It is the first helmet tier and reduces the least damage out of all the helmets. + +# Obtaining + +The Basic Helmet is easily obtained from common loot sources such as normal, AEGIS, or flint [crates](/obstacles/crates). + +# Trivia + +- The Basic Helmet was designed by Slapdap + +# History + + - v0.13.0 + - Unique pickup sound added + - v0.7.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/basic_vest.md b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/basic_vest.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e6d01162 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/basic_vest.md @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +The **Basic Vest** is a piece of [Equipment](/equipment) added in the v0.7.0 "Geared Up" update on July 10, 2023. It is the first vest tier and reduces the least damage out of all the vests. + +# Obtaining + +The Basic Vest is easily obtained from common loot sources such as normal, AEGIS, or flint [crates](/obstacles/crates). + +# Trivia + +- The Basic Vest was designed by Slapdap + +# History + + - v0.13.0 + - Unique pickup sound added + - v0.7.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/regular_helmet.md b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/regular_helmet.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..791bb0d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/regular_helmet.md @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +The **Regular Helmet** is a piece of [Equipment](/equipment) added in the v0.7.0 "Geared Up" update on July 10, 2023. It is the second helmet tier and reduces more damage compared to the [Basic Helmet](/equipment/armor/basic_helmet). + +# Obtaining + +The Regular Helmet can be obtained from common loot sources such as normal, AEGIS, or flint [crates](/obstacles/crates). +However, it is rarer when compared to the Regular Helmet. + +# Trivia + +- The Regular Helmet was designed by Slapdap + +# History + + - v0.13.0 + - Unique pickup sound added + - v0.7.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/regular_vest.md b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/regular_vest.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c069caf --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/regular_vest.md @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +The **Regular Vest** is a piece of [Equipment](/equipment) added in the v0.7.0 "Geared Up" update on July 10, 2023. It is the second vest tier and reduces more damage compared to the [Basic Vest](/equipment/armor/basic_vest). + +# Obtaining + +The Regular Vest can be obtained from common loot sources such as normal, AEGIS, or flint [crates](/obstacles/crates). +However, it is rarer when compared to the Regular Vest. + +# Trivia + +- The Regular Vest was designed by Slapdap + +# History + + - v0.13.0 + - Unique pickup sound added + - v0.7.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/tactical_helmet.md b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/tactical_helmet.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a9d0eba --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/tactical_helmet.md @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +The **Tactical Helmet** is a piece of [Equipment](/equipment) added in the v0.7.0 "Geared Up" update on July 10, 2023. It is the third and final helmet tier and reduces the most damage out of all the helmets. + +# Obtaining + +The Tactical Helmet can be obtained rarely from common loot sources such as [crates](/obstacles/crates), but it is most easily found from an [Airdrop](/obstacles/airdrops) because they have a guranteed chance to drop one piece of level 3 equipment. + +# Trivia + + - The Tactical Helmet was designed by Slapdap + +# History + + - v0.13.0 + - Unique pickup sound added + - v0.7.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/tactical_vest.md b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/tactical_vest.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d7b57c96 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/articles/tactical_vest.md @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +The **Tactical Vest** is a piece of [Equipment](/equipment) added in the v0.7.0 "Geared Up" update on July 10, 2023. It is the third and final vest tier and reduces the most damage out of all types of equipment. + +# Obtaining + +The Tactical Vest can be obtained rarely from common loot sources such as [crates](/obstacles/crates), but it is most easily found from an [Airdrop](/obstacles/airdrops) because they have a guranteed chance to drop one piece of level 3 equipment. + +# Trivia + + - The Tactical Vest was designed by Slapdap and jc + +# History + + - v0.13.0 + - Unique pickup sound added + - v0.7.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..97f63c6e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/armor/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +import ArmorCalc from "@/components/interactive/ArmorCalc"; +import FileLink from "@/components/links/FileLink"; +import Link from "@/components/links/Link"; +import MatrixTable from "@/components/tables/MatrixTable"; +import TableWithHeader from "@/components/tables/TableWithHeader"; +import { getSuroiImageLink } from "@/lib/util/suroi"; +import { + ArmorDefinition, + ArmorType, + Armors, +} from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/armors"; +import Image from "next/image"; + +const Helmets = Armors.definitions.filter( + (armor) => armor.armorType === ArmorType.Helmet, +); +const Vests = Armors.definitions.filter( + (armor) => armor.armorType === ArmorType.Vest, +); + +const vest2 = Vests[2]; +const helmet1 = Helmets[1]; + +export default function ArmorPage() { + return ( +



+ There are currently {Vests.length + Helmets.length} unique pieces of + armor in the game. These include {Helmets.length} helmets along with{" "} + {Vests.length} vests. +


+ Wearing armor helps reduce damage to you from most sources. Damage + reduction is additive (see{" "} + + player.ts + + ). For example if you were wearing a{" "} + {vest2.name}{" "} + ({vest2.damageReduction * 100}% damage reduction) and a{" "} + + {helmet1.name} + + ({helmet1.damageReduction * 100}% damage reduction) you would have a + total of {(vest2.damageReduction + helmet1.damageReduction) * 100}% + damage reduction overall. +

+ +
+ [ + <> + {`${armor.name} + + {armor.name} + + , + armor.level, + armor.damageReduction * 100 + "%", + ])} + /> +
+ ( + <> + {`${vest.name} + + {vest.name} + + + )), + ]} + lHeader={[ + "None", + ...Helmets.map((helmet) => ( + <> + {`${helmet.name} + + {helmet.name} + + + )), + ]} + content={[ + { + idString: "", + name: "(None)", + damageReduction: 0, + } as ArmorDefinition, + ...Helmets, + ].map((helmet) => + [ + { + idString: "", + name: "(None)", + damageReduction: 0, + } as ArmorDefinition, + ...Vests, + ].map((vest) => ( +
+ + DR: + {" "} + {( + (helmet.damageReduction + vest.damageReduction) * + 100 + ).toFixed(0) + "%"} +
+ + EHP: + {" "} + {( + 100 / + (1 - helmet.damageReduction - vest.damageReduction) + ).toFixed(2)} +
+ )), + )} + /> +
+ +



+ Use this interactive calculator to determine how many shots it would + take to kill a player wearing a certain armor combo. +

+ +
+ ); +} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/[item]/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/[item]/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..99399487 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/[item]/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +import GenericArticlePage from "@/components/generics/GenericArticlePage"; +import BackpackSidebar from "@/components/sidebars/BackpackSidebar"; +import { Backpacks } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/backpacks"; + +const toExport = GenericArticlePage({ + items: Backpacks.definitions, + path: "equipment/backpacks", + Sidebar: BackpackSidebar, +}); + +export const { generateMetadata, generateStaticParams } = toExport; +export default toExport.default; diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/bag.md b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/bag.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dc2b3f6e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/bag.md @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +The **Bag** is a piece of [Equipment](/equipment) added in the beta release of suroi on May 21st, 2023. The Bag allows players to store items such as [healing](/healing) in their inventory. + +# Obtaining + +All players have a Bag when they join the game, similar to [Fists](/weapons/melee/fists). + +# Trivia + +- The Bag cannot be dropped in any way as it's not shown on the GUI. +- When equipping a higher-tier backpack, the Bag simply disappears instead of being dropped. + +# History + + - v0.1.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/basic_pack.md b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/basic_pack.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bcb97a18 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/basic_pack.md @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +The **Basic Pack** is a piece of [Equipment](/equipment) added in the v0.7.0 "Geared Up" update on July 10, 2023. It is the first backpack tier (not including the [Bag](/equipment/backpacks/bag)) and can fit more amounts of ammo, healing items, and throwables compared to the Bag. + +# Obtaining + +The Basic Pack is easily obtained from common loot sources such as normal, AEGIS, or flint [crates](/obstacles/crates). + +# Trivia + +- The Basic Pack was designed by Slapdap + +# History + + - v0.13.0 + - Unique pickup sound added + - v0.7.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/regular_pack.md b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/regular_pack.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e6a2fca1 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/regular_pack.md @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +The **Regular Pack** is a piece of [Equipment](/equipment) added in the v0.7.0 "Geared Up" update on July 10, 2023. It is the second backpack tier (not including the [Bag](/equipment/backpacks/bag)) and can fit more amounts of ammo, healing items, and throwables compared to the [Basic Pack](/equipment/backpacks/basic_pack). + +# Obtaining + +The Regular Pack can be obtained from common loot sources such as normal, AEGIS, or flint [crates](/obstacles/crates). However, it is rarer when compared to the Basic Pack. + +# Trivia + + - The Regular Pack was designed by Slapdap + - The Regular Pack has a Flint logo on it + +# History + + - v0.13.0 + - Unique pickup sounds added + - v0.7.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/tactical_pack.md b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/tactical_pack.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..40bb4220 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/articles/tactical_pack.md @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +The **Tactical Pack** is a piece of [Equipment](/equipment) added in the v0.7.0 "Geared Up" update on July 10, 2023. It is the third and final backpack tier (not including the [Bag](/equipment/backpacks/bag)) and can fit much more amounts of ammo, healing items, and throwables compared to the other backpacks. + +# Obtaining + +The Tactical Pack can be obtained rarely from common loot sources such as [crates](/obstacles/crates), but it is most easily found from an [Airdrop](/obstacles/airdrops) because they have a guaranteed chance to drop one piece of level 3 equipment. + +# Trivia + + - The Tactical Pack was designed by Slapdap + - The Tactical Pack has an AEGIS logo on it + +# History + + - v0.13.0 + - Unique pickup sound added + - v0.7.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b61c9c22 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/equipment/backpacks/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +import PageCard from "@/components/cards/PageCard"; +import Link from "@/components/links/Link"; +import GridTable from "@/components/tables/GridTable"; +import TableWithHeader from "@/components/tables/TableWithHeader"; +import { getSuroiImageLink, getSuroiItem } from "@/lib/util/suroi"; +import { Backpacks } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/backpacks"; +import Image from "next/image"; +import { Fragment } from "react"; +export default function BackpackPage() { + return ( +



+ There are currently {Backpacks.definitions.length} backpacks in the + game. +


+ Wearing backpacks allows you to carry more items, like healing items, + ammo, and throwables. +

+ ( + {healing} + )), + ]} + content={[...Backpacks].map((backpack) => [ + <> + {backpack.idString !== "bag" && ( + {`${backpack.name} + )} + + {backpack.name} + + , + backpack.maxCapacity.gauze.toString(), + backpack.maxCapacity.medikit.toString(), + backpack.maxCapacity.cola.toString(), + backpack.maxCapacity.tablets.toString(), + ])} + /> +

+ ( + {ammo} + ), + ), + ]} + content={[...Backpacks].map((backpack) => [ + + {backpack.idString !== "bag" && ( + {`${backpack.name} + )} + + {backpack.name} + + , + backpack.maxCapacity["12g"].toString(), + backpack.maxCapacity["556mm"].toString(), + backpack.maxCapacity["762mm"].toString(), + backpack.maxCapacity["9mm"].toString(), + backpack.maxCapacity["127mm"].toString(), + backpack.maxCapacity.curadell.toString(), + ])} + /> +

+ ( + {throwable} + )), + ]} + content={[...Backpacks].map((backpack) => [ + + {backpack.idString !== "bag" && ( + {`${backpack.name} + )} + + {backpack.name} + + , + backpack.maxCapacity.frag_grenade.toString(), + backpack.maxCapacity.smoke_grenade.toString(), + ])} + /> +

List of Backpacks

+ + {Backpacks.definitions.map((backpack, i) => ( + + ))} + +
+ ); +} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/healing/[item]/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/healing/[item]/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e18b547 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/healing/[item]/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +import GenericArticlePage from "@/components/generics/GenericArticlePage"; +import HealingSidebar from "@/components/sidebars/HealingSidebar"; +import { HealingItems } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/healingItems"; + +const toExport = GenericArticlePage({ + items: HealingItems.definitions, + path: "healing", + Sidebar: HealingSidebar, +}); + +export const { generateMetadata, generateStaticParams } = toExport; +export default toExport.default; diff --git a/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/cola.md b/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/cola.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7fed8829 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/cola.md @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +**Cola** is a consumable that restores 25 adrenaline, added in the v0.4.0 "Supplies received" update on June 17th, 2023. They spawn uncommonly around the map. To use Cola, either click on the icon in your inventory or press 7 on your keyboard. Cola takes 3 seconds to use. + +# Background + +Cola is a type of carbonated drink typically flavored with citrus oils, vanilla, and other flavorings. They usually have a large amount of sugar and some have caffeine as well. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The speed boost for adrenaline is linear, so if you have a lot of Colas and Tablets, make sure to use them to get the maximum speed boost possible. +- The health regeneration, however, is not linear. Make sure to keep your adrenaline above 50 to take advantage of it. +- You might be able to "bait" your opponent into attacking by pretending to use a Cola, even though you don't need it. +- Make sure you are in a safe and/or easily defensible location when using Cola, as the slowdown makes you vulnerable. + - If someone starts attacking you, cancel the Cola and start fighting the (default keybind is X). +- If you only have 1 or 2 Colas, it may be worth saving them until you can find another Cola or a Tablet, as then you can get the full health boost. +- Colas are better used to "top off" your adrenaline bar, whereas Tablets are more efficient at actually filling up the bar. + +## Countering + +- If you see someone out in the open with adrenaline particles, you can quickly attack them. This might take them off guard and take off a large chunk of their health. + - Just because someone is using adrenaline does not mean they have low health, as with Gauze and Medikits. + +# Obtaining + +Cola is most readily obtained by breaking toilets in buildings, as well as the Porta-Potty. However, the best way to get Cola is to break the fridge, which always drops 2-3 Cola. Cola can also be found in crates and even world loot. + +# Trivia + +- The caffeine in Colas may help the Surian run faster and regenerate health + +# History + +- v0.8.0 + - Adrenaline now does not follow a flat linear rate for healing. Previously, regeneration was calculated by multiplying the adrenaline number by 0.00039. This gave a max regeneration rate of 1.2987 health/second. Now: + - Above 87.5 adrenaline now heals 2.75 health/second + - Above 50 adrenaline now heals 2.125 health/second + - Above 25 adrenaline now heals 1.125 health/second + - Above 0 adrenaline now heals 0.625 health/second +- v0.5.0 + - Cola can now be added to a Player's inventory +- v0.4.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/gauze.md b/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/gauze.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b17bc67 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/gauze.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +**Gauze** is a consumable that heals 15 health, added in the v0.4.0 "Supplies received" update on June 17th, 2023. They spawn very commonly around the map in stacks of 5. To use gauze, either click on the icon in your inventory or press 5 on your keyboard. Gauze takes 3 seconds to use. + +# Background + +Gauze intended for use as a medical item is typically made of cotton. It is useful for wounds where other fabrics might stick to the wound, such as burns. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Use bandages if you either don't have a Medikit or your health isn't very low. You may want to use Gauze to conserve Medikits for later in the game. +- If you have a lot of time or aren't in an engagement, you can use 5 or 6 Gauze instead of a Medikit. + - This works best when taking adrenaline such as Tablets or Cola first, as it will heal you while you use the Gauze. +- Make sure you are in a safe and/or easily defensible location when using Gauze, as the slowdown makes you vulnerable. + - If someone starts attacking you, cancel the Gauze and start fighting (the default keybind is X). + +## Countering + +- If you see a player out in the open using healing particles, you should attack them. There's a good chance that they are low on health and will make for an easy kill. + - Watch out though, as some players will "bait" and pretend to heal when they actually have high health. + +# Obtaining + +Gauze is a very common drop from crates, toilets, and the toilet in a Porta Potty. It can also be readily found as ground loot. + +# Trivia + +- Before Gauze and other consumables were added, the only way to heal yourself was to break a Health Crate + - Health Crates have now been removed from the game + +# History + +- v0.8.0 + - Usage time increased to 3s (from 2s) +- v0.5.0 + - Gauze can now be added to a Player's inventory +- v0.4.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/medikit.md b/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/medikit.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e684d024 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/medikit.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +The **Medikit** is a consumable that heals 100 health and was added in the v0.4.0 "Supplies received" update on June 17th, 2023. They spawn rarely around the map. To use a Medikit, either click on the icon in your inventory or press 6 on your keyboard. A Medikit takes 6 seconds to use. + +# Background + +Medical kits, also known as first aid kits, contain a variety of different supplies and equipment that both civilians and first responders can use to treat injuries or ailments. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Try and save the Medikit for an emergency when you need it. Medikits are rare and you might not be able to use another one. + - If you see a Medikit, it is worth grabbing since you may need it later on. +- The Medikit is more efficient than Gauze, especially if you are low on health. +- Make sure you are in a safe and/or easily defensible location when using a Medikit, as the slowdown and long usage time make you vulnerable. + - If someone starts attacking you, cancel the Medikit and start fighting the (default keybind is X). + - However if you still have a little bit of health and are behind cover, you might be able to let the Medikit finish before fighting. +- If you are caught in the gas towards the later stages of the game, use the Medikit as soon as you start taking damage, as you will need to out-heal the gas. + - Use adrenaline to help regenerate more health. + +## Countering + +- If you see a player out in the open using healing particles, you should attack them. There's a good chance that they are low on health and will make for an easy kill. + - Watch out though, as some players will "bait" and pretend to heal when they actually have high health. +- If you're in a fight and you think your opponent is low enough that they are trying to use a Medikit, keep being aggressive and attack them. Don't give them the chance to use a Medikit. + +## Obtaining + +Medikits are most commonly found in Toilets and the Porta-Potty. They can also be found rarely in crates or as ground loot. + +# Trivia + +- Before Medikits and other consumables were added, the only way to heal yourself was to break a Health Crate + - Health Crates have now been removed from the game +- "Medikit" is a reference to the first aid kits that appear in many Doom games + +# History + +- v0.8.0 + - Heal amount increased to 100 (from 75) + - Usage time increased to 6s (from 5s) +- v0.5.0 + - Medikits can now be added to a Player's inventory +- v0.4.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/tablets.md b/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/tablets.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d834ed2e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/healing/articles/tablets.md @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +**Tablets** is are a consumable that restores 50 adrenaline, added in the v0.6.0 "Tablets & Tweaks" update on July 2nd, 2023. They spawn rarely around the map. To use Tablets, either click on the icon in your inventory or press 8 on your keyboard. Tablets take 5 seconds to use. + +# Background + +Tablets, also known as pills, are a solid form of oral medicine. They usually include a variety of active substances and excipients in a powder form, which is then made into a tablet shape by either molding or compression. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The speed boost for adrenaline is linear, so if you have a lot of Tablets and Cola, make sure to use them to get the maximum speed boost possible. +- The health regeneration, however, is not linear. Make sure to keep your adrenaline above 50 to take advantage of it. +- You might be able to "bait" your opponent into attacking by pretending to use a Tablet, even though you don't actually need it. +- Make sure you are in a safe and/or easily defensible location when using Tablets, as the long slowdown makes you vulnerable. + - If someone starts attacking you, cancel the Tablets and start fighting the (default keybind is X). +- If you only have 1 Tablet, it may be worth saving it until you can find another Tablet or a Cola, as then you can get the full health boost. +- Tablets are better used to fill up the adrenaline bar, whereas Colas are ideal to "top off" your adrenaline. + +## Countering + +- If you see someone out in the open with adrenaline particles, you can quickly attack them. This might take them off guard and take off a large chunk of their health. + - Just because someone is using adrenaline does not mean they have low health, as with Gauze and Medikits. + +# Obtaining + +Tablets are most readily obtained by breaking toilets in buildings, as well as the Porta-Potty. Tablets can also be rarely found in crates and even world loot. + +# Trivia + +- Presumably, the Tablets are some kind of painkiller +- The Tablets in the texture for the item are the same color as the suroi logo + +# History + +- v0.8.0 + - Adrenaline now does not follow a flat linear rate for healing. Previously, regeneration was calculated by multiplying the adrenaline number by 0.00039. This gave a max regeneration rate of 1.2987 health/second. Now: + - Above 87.5 adrenaline now heals 2.75 health/second + - Above 50 adrenaline now heals 2.125 health/second + - Above 25 adrenaline now heals 1.125 health/second + - Above 0 adrenaline now heals 0.625 health/second +- v0.6.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/healing/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/healing/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6de2986c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/healing/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +import PageCard from "@/components/cards/PageCard"; +import GridTable from "@/components/tables/GridTable"; +import { getSuroiImageLink } from "@/lib/util/suroi"; +import { HealingItems } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/healingItems"; + +export default function HealingPage() { + return ( +

Healing Items


+ There are currently {HealingItems.definitions.length} healing items in + the game. +

+ + {HealingItems.definitions.map((item) => ( + + ))} + +
+ ); +} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/kitchen-sink/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/kitchen-sink/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6cc000e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/kitchen-sink/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +"use client"; +// A component testing page + +import Gallery from "@/components/articles/gallery/Gallery"; +import DevWeapon from "@/components/articles/notices/DevWeapon"; +import Empty from "@/components/articles/notices/Empty"; +import Event from "@/components/articles/notices/Event"; +import Removed from "@/components/articles/notices/Removed"; +import Stub from "@/components/articles/notices/Stub"; +import Collapsible from "@/components/interactive/Collapsible"; +import PlayerWearingEquipment from "@/components/svg/special/PlayerWearingEquipment"; +import MatrixTable from "@/components/tables/MatrixTable"; +import TableWithHeader from "@/components/tables/TableWithHeader"; +import { getSuroiImageLink } from "@/lib/util/suroi"; +import { Guns } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/guns"; + +export default function Kitchen() { + return ( +
+ + + + + + + + + + ({ + url: getSuroiImageLink(gun), + caption: gun.name, + author: gun.idString, + })), + ]} + /> + +

Hello! You can show or hide me!

+ ); +} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/layout.tsx b/app/(wiki)/layout.tsx index 02a99183..e8700079 100644 --- a/app/(wiki)/layout.tsx +++ b/app/(wiki)/layout.tsx @@ -1,46 +1,5 @@ -import Searchbar from "@/components/interactive/Searchbar"; -import { Russo_One } from "next/font/google"; -import Image from "next/image"; -import Link from "next/link"; - -const font = Russo_One({ - subsets: ["latin"], - weight: "400", -}); - -export default function WikiLayout({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren) { +export default function ArticleLayout({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren) { return ( -
- -
); } diff --git a/app/(wiki)/loot/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/loot/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..acad379a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/loot/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +import LootCalc from "@/components/interactive/LootCalc"; +import TableWithHeader from "@/components/tables/TableWithHeader"; +import { Loots } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/loots"; +import { + LootTables, + LootTiers, +} from "@/vendor/suroi/server/src/data/lootTables"; + +export default function LootPage() { + return ( +

Loot Tables


+ Loot Tables are lists of items that determine the possible drops from + features around the map. Loot tables also define the chances of + various items to drop. +


Loot Tiers


+ Loot tables are divided into certain common loot tiers. These loot + tiers are reused throughout many different tables. +

+ {Object.entries(LootTiers).map(([name, tiers]) => ( +
+ [ + "item" in tier + ? `Item ${Loots.definitions.find( + (loot) => loot.idString === tier.item, + )?.name}` + : `Tier ${tier.tier}`, + tier.count ? tier.count.toString() : "1", + tier.weight, + ( + (tier.weight / + tiers.reduce((acc, tier) => acc + tier.weight, 0)) * + 100 + ).toFixed(2) + "%", + ])} + /> +
+ ))} +

Loot Tables


+ These tables determine which loot tiers to use for a given obstacle. +

+ {Object.entries(LootTables).map(([name, tables]) => ( +
+ [ + "item" in tier + ? `Item ${Loots.definitions.find( + (loot) => loot.idString === tier.item, + )?.name}` + : `Tier ${tier.tier}`, + tier.count ? tier.count.toString() : "1", + tier.weight.toString(), + + ( + (tier.weight / + tables.loot + .flat() + .reduce((acc, tier) => acc + tier.weight, 0)) * + 100 + ).toFixed(2) + "%", + ])} + /> +
+ ))} +



+ Use this interactive calculator to determine the chance of an item + dropping from an obstacle. +

+ +
+ ); +} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/[item]/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/[item]/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3fa6bed6 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/[item]/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +import GenericArticlePage from "@/components/generics/GenericArticlePage"; +import ObstacleSidebar from "@/components/sidebars/ObstacleSidebar"; +import { Obstacles } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/obstacles"; + +const toExport = GenericArticlePage({ + items: Obstacles.definitions, + path: "obstacles", + Sidebar: ObstacleSidebar, + combinedArticles: [ + { + title: "Crates", + items: [ + "aegis_crate", + "flint_crate", + "regular_crate", + "melee_crate", + "grenade_crate", + ], + fileName: "crates", + }, + { + title: "Barrels", + items: ["barrel", "super_barrel"], + fileName: "barrels", + }, + { + title: "Trees", + items: ["oak_tree", "birch_tree", "pine_tree"], + fileName: "trees", + }, + { + title: "Airdrops", + items: ["airdrop_crate_locked", "airdrop_crate", "gold_airdrop_crate"], + fileName: "airdrops", + }, + { + title: "Gun Mounts", + items: ["gun_mount_mcx_spear", "gun_mount_stoner_63", "gun_mount_hp18", "gun_mount_maul"], + fileName: "gun_mounts", + }, + { + title: "Toilets", + items: [ + "toilet", + "used_toilet", + "porta_potty_toilet_open", + "porta_potty_toilet_closed", + ], + fileName: "toilets", + }, + { + title: "Drawers", + items: ["small_drawer", "large_drawer"], + fileName: "drawers", + }, + { + title: "Doors", + items: ["door", "vault_door", "garage_door", "porta_potty_door"], + fileName: "doors", + }, + { + title: "Fences", + items: ["port_fence", "port_fence_side"], + fileName: "fences", + }, + { + title: "Control Panels", + items: [ + "control_panel", + "control_panel_activated", + "control_panel_2", + "control_panel_small", + "tugboat_control_panel", + ], + fileName: "control_panels", + }, + ], +}); + +export const { generateMetadata, generateStaticParams } = toExport; +export default toExport.default; diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/airdrops.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/airdrops.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c31d228b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/airdrops.md @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +**Airdrops** are a game mechanic added in the v0.13.0 "Terminal Velocity" update. Two Airdrops spawn naturally in each game, but more can be called on demand using the [Radio](/weapons/guns/radio). Airdrops contain a randomized selection of high-value loot. Airdrops are dropped from a plane that flies over the map, and the location of where the airdrop will land is revealed to all players in the game using a ping alert after the airdrop is dropped from the plane. + +# Location and Spawning + +Two Airdrops naturally spawn each game at a random location within the safe circle. However, it is possible to call additional Airdrops using the rare [Radio](/weapons/guns/radio). + +The normal Airdrop is the most common. The Gold Airdrop is significantly rarer, replacing a normal airdrop 5% of the time (see obstacles.ts), but drops powerful weapons such as the [ACR](/weapons/guns/acr) and [Barrett M95](/weapons/guns/barrett), which are exclusive to the Gold Airdrop and the [Flint Stone](/obstacles/flint_stone). + +# Loot & More + +Airdrops contain rare and useful loot, including powerful weapons, large scopes, medical supplies, and exclusive skins. The loot table can be found [here](/loot#airdrop_crate). Very rarely, a Gold Airdrop will spawn with a [G19.](/weapons/guns/g19) + +# Tips + +- Airdrops are a source of high-value loot but are also a source of danger. Be careful when approaching an Airdrop, as other players may be waiting in ambush. + - Thus, if you see an Airdrop nearby, you can wait for other players to approach it and then attack them. + - If you are pursuing this strategy make sure to have a good CQC weapon such as the [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues). + - Conversely, make sure to check your surroundings when approaching an Airdrop, as well as bushes and other areas nearby where players may be hiding. +- Unopened Airdrops with their cover on ("Airdrop" in the sidebar) are indestructible and reflect bullets, providing a good source of temporary cover. + - However, they can easily be opened by interacting with them so be cautious of relying on them for cover. +- Once you loot an Airdrop, you can hang around it and wait for other players to approach it, then attack them with your new loot. + - However, if you are not confident in your ability to win a fight, it may be better to leave the area as soon as you have finished looting it. + +# Trivia + +- The Airdrop was designed by scared_penguin +- Airdrops were reskinned to be Christmas-themed during the 2023 Winter event + - The plane was replaced with a sleigh (and its accompanying sound was also replaced to sound like bells) and the Airdrop itself was retextured to look like a present + - They were reskinned by emeraldneo and A +- The silhouette of the plane that releases Airdrops is that of a Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules + +# History + +- v0.14.0 _(2023 Winter)_ + - Reskinned airdrops to be Christmas-themed + - Fixed airdrops spawning in the gas + - Fixed airdrop pings not showing up sometimes +- v0.13.0 + - Added Airdrops diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/ammo_crate.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/ammo_crate.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..183d2b10 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/ammo_crate.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + +The **Ammo Crate** is an impenetrable [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. It can only be destroyed using Airdrops or weapons with piercing damage. + +# Location & Spawning + +Three Ammo Crates spawn in the [Armory](/buildings/armory) in various locations around the structure. Two Ammo Crates spawn in the interior of each [Warehouse](/buildings/warehouse). + +# Loot & More + +Ammo Crates drop either 60 rounds of 5.56mm, 7.62mm, or 9mm or 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Ammo Crates can only be broken using weapons with piercing damage (such as a [Maul](/weapons/melee/maul)) or an [Airdrop](/obstacles/airdrops) landing on top of one. + +# Tips + +- Since Ammo Crates aren't easily destroyed, they make a great cover from enemies. + +# Trivia + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - Now drops 10 rounds of 12.7 instead of 1 +- v0.16.0 + - Added 12.7 and curadell ammo types to loot table +- v0.15.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/barrels.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/barrels.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6e06bf6d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/barrels.md @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +**Barrels** are a type of explosive [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.1.0 "We're back, baby" update on May 20th, 2023. They come in two variants. + +# Location & Spawning + +Normal Barrels are gray and can be found spawned randomly around the map. Additionally, they can also be found in [Buildings](/buildings) such as the [Warehouse](/buildings/warehouse) and the [Port](/buildings/port). 80 spawn per map outside of structures. + +Super Barrels are red and can also be found spawned randomly around the map, but less frequently than normal Barrels. Only 30 spawn per map outside of structures. + +# Loot & More + +Barrels and Super Barrel drop no loot upon being broken, but they create an explosion that damages players and other [Obstacles](/obstacles). Explosions from Super Barrels deal more damage compared to Normal Barrels. + +# Tips + +- If a Barrel has low health and an enemy is nearby, try shooting the barrel to make it explode and eliminate the enemy. +- If you're low on health and have nowhere else to go, try hiding behind a barrel, but don't get too close, or it might explode on you! +- If there's smoke coming out of the barrel, that means the barrel is low on health, and you should avoid getting too close. + +# Trivia + +- The Barrels were designed by 123OP, Asultra, and Hasanger +- The Barrels are one of the first obstacles added to Suroi + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Fixed an issue with Barrel smoke not displaying + - Decreased shrapnel damage from Normal Barrels to 2 (from 10) + - Decreased shrapnel damage from Super Barrels to 4 (from 10) +- v0.10.0 + - Added shrapnel to both Barrels +- v0.1.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/barrier.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/barrier.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf1a57ff --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/barrier.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Barrier** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +A Barrier always spawns directly next to the [Port Shed](/buildings/port_shed) at the [Port](/buildings/port). Another Barrier always spawns at the bottom of the [Armory](/buildings/armory). + +# Loot & More + +The Barrier is indestructible and drops no loot. + +# Tips + +- Being indestructible, the Barrier is a pretty decent source of cover. +- Move around it to frustrate your opponents. + +# Trivia + +- The Barrier was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bed.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bed.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9542491f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bed.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The **Bed** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +Beds spawn in the Bedrooms of both the [House](/buildings/house) and the [Small House](/buildings/small_house). + +# Loot & More + +The Bed drops no loot upon being broken. + +# Tips + +- Due to its positioning and low health, the Bed is not a very effective piece of cover. + +# Trivia + +- The Bed was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bollard.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bollard.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0ec20fb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bollard.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Bollard** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added to the game in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. It is indestructible and is a niche source of cover. + +# Location and Spawning + +The Bollard only spawns in between the edge of the [Port](/buildings/port) and the [Cargo Ship](/buildings/ship). 8 of them spawn in a line. + +# Loot & More + +The Bollard is indestructible and therefore drops no loot. + +# Tips + +- Since the Bollard is indestructible, it can be used to hide from players with guns if need be. + - However, since the Cargo Ship is so close and having to stand in the water slows you down, the Bollard should only be used as cover in certain situations. + +# Trivia + +- The Bollard was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bookshelf.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bookshelf.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..acf9f64b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bookshelf.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The **Bookshelf** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +One Bookshelf spawns each in the Bedroom, Bathroom, and Garage areas of the [House](/buildings/house) and the Bedroom and Living Room areas of the [Small House](/buildings/small_house). One bookshelf also spawns each in the [Shed](/buildings/port_shed) and on the [Ship](/buildings/ship) in the [Port](/buildings/port). + +# Loot & More + +Bookshelves can drop equipment, scopes, guns, and healing items when broken. + +# Tips + +- Bookshelves can be used as cover in some situations, but it is better to break them for loot. + +# Trivia + +- The Bookshelf was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/box.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/box.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c46874d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/box.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Box** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. It drops a variety of loot for its compact size. + +# Location & Spawning + +Boxes spawn inside [Warehouses](/buildings/warehouse) as well as various locations around the [Port](/buildings/port). + +# Loot & More + +The Box has similar [loot](/loot#box) to the [Regular Crate](/obstacles/regular_crate), but generally drops ammunition and [Healing Items](/healing) more often than guns. + +# Tips + +- Boxes are a compact and decent source of loot. +- If you're trying to find a gun, opt to break Regular Crates first since they are more likely to drop guns. + +# Trivia + +- The Box was designed by jchen + +# History + +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/briefcase.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/briefcase.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..934b27fe --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/briefcase.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +The **Briefcase** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +A Briefcase always spawns in the Vaults of the [Armory](/buildings/armory) and the [Oil Tanker](/buildings/oil_tanker). + +# Loot & More + +The Briefcase can drop a [Vector](/weapons/guns/vector), an [ARX-160](/weapons/guns/arx160), a [Vepr-12](/weapons/guns/vepr12), or extremely rarely, a [G19](/weapons/guns/g19). + +# Tips + +- The Briefcase almost always drops a decent weapon so it should be the first obstacle to head to in the buildings containing it. +- The Briefcase can't be used as cover due to its positioning. + +# Trivia + +- The Briefcase was designed by 1092384 + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bunk_bed.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bunk_bed.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b331d561 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bunk_bed.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The **Bunk Bed** is an indestructible [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +Five Bunk Beds spawn in the Barracks of the [Armory](/buildings/armory). + +# Loot & More + +Bunk Beds cannot be destroyed and reflect bullets. + +# Tips + +- Due to its positioning, the Bunk Bed is not a very effective piece of cover. + +# Trivia + +- The Bunk Bed was designed by Yeet120 + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bush.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bush.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8b6f797b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/bush.md @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +The **Bush** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) that spawns frequently around the map. It was added to the game in the v0.1.0 "We're back, baby" update on May 20th, 2023. They are mostly opaque and can be moved through. The **Blueberry Bush** is a larger and opaque variation of the standard Bush and contains loot underneath. + +# Location & Spawning + +Both Bushes and Blueberry Bushes can be randomly spawned around the map, with no specific locations. + +- 120 Bushes and 30 Blueberry Bushes spawn per map + +# Loot & More + +The Bush does not have any loot, but the Blueberry Bush has decent [loot](/loot#blueberry_bush). It spawns with [Scopes](/loot#scopes), [Armor](equipment/armor), or [Backpacks](equipment/backpacks). + +# Tips + +- If you're low on health and have nowhere else to go, you can try hiding in a Bush to heal. +- You can hide in a Bush with a shotgun or SMG and ambush other players as they pass. +- Remember that you aren't invisible inside a regular Bush unless you have a Ghillie suit. + - However, since Blueberry Bushes are opaque this doesn't apply. +- If you look very closely, you can still see players in normal Bushes. +- Look out for telltale healing particles in a Bush, because it means another player is hiding. + - Usually, players who are healing in a Bush are low on health, so this can be an easy kill. + - Some newer players may not fully hide themselves in Bushes, and become easy targets. +- If you aren't sure where players are during the final stages of the zone, they could be hiding in Bushes. Shoot at a couple and see if a player comes out. +- Always try and pick up the loot in Blueberry Bushes, as they can have rare loot occasionally and are a good source of Healing Items. + +# Trivia + +- When Blueberry Bushes were first added, a layering bug caused players to appear on top of bushes on other players' screens + +# History + +- v0.12.0 + - Added a reskinned version of Blueberry Bush for Halloween Map (red berries) +- v0.8.0 + - Added Blueberry Bush +- v0.3.0 + - Bush texture updated +- v0.2.0 + - Bush texture updated +- v0.1.0 + - Added Bush + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/button.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/button.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c397b94c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/button.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The **Button** is an interactive [obstacle](/obstacles) added to the game in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +Four Buttons spawn inside the [Armory](/buildings/armory) Vault. They are linked to a puzzle that unlocks the inner vault which contains a [Briefcase](/obstacles/briefcase). For the puzzle solution, go to the [Armory](/buildings/armory) article. + +# Loot & More + +Buttons are usually linked to puzzles. They can be pressed by interacting with them. They cannot be broken and can't drop loot. + +# Tips + +Buttons cannot be used as cover since their hitbox is too small. + +# Trivia + +- The Button was designed by Bear + +# History + + - v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/cabinet.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/cabinet.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..74383e37 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/cabinet.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Cabinet** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +Three Cabinets spawn in the [Armory](/buildings/armory). Two spawn in the Barracks and one spawns in the center. + +# Loot & More + +Cabinets drop medium-tier guns, healing, scopes, or equipment and reflect bullets. + +# Tips + +- Due to their positioning, Cabinets can't be used as cover. + + +# Trivia + +- The Cabinet was designed by Bear + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/chair.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/chair.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b00fedaa --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/chair.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The **Chair** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +Two Chairs spawn across a [Table](/obstacles/table) in the Foyer of the [House](/buildings/house) and the Kitchen & Dining area of the [Small House](/buildings/small_house). One chair also spawns in the office in the [Refinery](/buildings/refinery) and inside the [Sheds](/buildings/port_shed) in the [Port](/buildings/port) and [Armory](/buildings/armory). + +# Loot & More + +Chairs drop no loot when broken. + +# Tips + +- Due to its low health and positioning, the Chair can only be used as temporary cover from enemies in specific situations. + +# Trivia + +- The Chair was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/christmas_tree.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/christmas_tree.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7362ee17 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/christmas_tree.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + +The **Christmas Tree** is a large tree that spawns in Winter Mode. It appears to glow and drop loot when broken. There is only one Christmas Tree per map. + +# Location & Spawning + +One Christmas Tree spawns per game, and can be anywhere in the open map. The Christmas Tree appears prominently on the minimap and glows as well, making it hard to miss. + +# Loot & More + +The Christmas Tree drops decent [loot](/loot#christmas_tree) and takes a large number of hits to destroy. + +# Tips + +- The Christmas Tree is very large and can be used as a cover from enemies. Moreover, it has a lot of health buying you more time. +- You can hide under the tree and wait for enemies to come to you. This is a good strategy if you have a lot of health and a good CQC weapon such as a [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues) or [Model 37](/weapons/guns/model_37). +- Be prepared for enemies to be camping the Christmas Tree. +- Try to keep your distance from the Christmas Tree to avoid getting jumped by a shotgun user. +- If an enemy is hiding behind the Christmas Tree, it is not a good idea to try and destroy it especially if it is at full health. You'll just be wasting your ammo. Instead, try to chase them out of their cover. + - If you do decide to try and destroy the Christmas Tree make sure to have a weapon with a lot of ammo and a good obstacle multiplier such as the [Lewis Gun](/weapons/guns/lewis_gun) or [Stoner 63](/weapons/guns/stoner_63). + +# Trivia + +- The Christmas Tree was designed by bear + +# History + +- v0.14.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/control_panels.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/control_panels.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f2f5c2eb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/control_panels.md @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +**Control Panels** are a type of explosive obstacle first added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023, which introduced three variants of the Control Panel. A fourth variant of the Control Panel was later added in update v0.16.0 "A Sailor's Dream" on February 26th 2024. They come in four distinct variants. + +# Location & Spawning + +## Control Panel 1 + +One Control Panel 1 spawns in the Cabin of the [Oil Tanker](/buildings/oil_tanker). In the Oil Tanker, it can be interacted with to open the [Vault Door](/obstacles/doors), which allows access to the [Briefcase](/obstacles/briefcase). + +## Control Panel 2 + +One Control Panel 2 spawns in the Captain's Cabin of the [Ship](/buildings/ship) and in the vault of the [Armory](/buildings/armory). Unlike the Control Panel, the Control Panel 2 cannot be interacted with. + +## Small Control Panel + +One Small Control panel spawns in the Captain's Cabin of the [Ship](/buildings/ship). Two Small Control Panels spawn in the Cabin of the [Oil Tanker](/buildings/oil_tanker) and in the Interior of the [Sea Traffic Control](/buildings/sea_traffic_control). + +## Tugboat Control Panel + +One Tugboat Control Panel spawns in the Cabin in all types of [Tugboats](/buildings/tugboats). + +# Loot & More + +Control Panels don't drop loot when destroyed, but it will create an explosion that will damage players and obstacles nearby. + +# Tips + +- Since Control Panels are explosive, you can shoot them if they're on low health to make it explode. The bullets from shooting and the shrapnel may damage your enemy, giving you an advantage. + +# Trivia + +- The Control Panels were designed by Platonthek +- There are technically five variants of the control panel, but the fifth variant replaces a Control Panel 1 after it has been interacted with. + +# History + +- v0.16.1 + - Added a kill feed icon for killing someone by exploding a control panel near them +- v0.16.0 + - Added tugboat variant +- v0.11.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/couch.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/couch.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1e60b476 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/couch.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +The **Couch** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +Couches spawn in the Living Room of the [House](/buildings/house) and the Foyer of the [Small House](/buildings/small_house). + +# Loot & More + +The Couch drops no loot upon being broken. + +# Tips + +- Due to its positioning and low health, the Couch is not a very effective piece of cover. + +# Trivia + +- The Couch was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - New texture +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/crates.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/crates.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..23880581 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/crates.md @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +Crates are a type of obstacle that spawns around the map randomly. They come in three distinct variants with different loot. Regular crates were first added to the game in the v0.1.0 "We're back, baby" update on May 20th, 2023. Later, update v0.5.0 "Locked & Loaded" brought the other crate variants. + +# Location and Spawning + +Crates are generally very common and spawn frequently out in the open. Crates and their variants can also be found inside some buildings. + +The Regular Crate is the most common type of crate. Grenade Crates are fairly common but less common compared to Regular Crates. The AEGIS and Flint crates are rarer. Only five AEGIS crates and five Flint crates spawn per map outside of structures. A single melee crate always spawns per map. + +Regular Crates and the Melee Crate are visible on the minimap, but AEGIS and Flint crates are not. + +# Loot & More + +All crates drop some sort of loot. The Regular Crate drops the [lowest quality loot](/loot#regular_crate), while the [AEGIS](#aegis_crate) and [Flint](#flint_crate) crates drop better loot. [Grenade Crates](#grenade_crate) always drop 3-4 pairs of one of the two grenade types. [Melee crates](/loot#melee_crate) always drop two melee weapons per crate. It can drop either the [Baseball Bat](/weapons/melee/baseball_bat) or the [K-bar](/weapons/melee/kbar). The Baseball Bat is the more common drop. + +# Tips + +- Regular Crates are very common, so you can usually find one if you need loot. +- Try to go for the AEGIS and Flint crates first as they almost always drop better loot. + - However, AEGIS and Flint crates do not reveal their locations on the map. +- Crates can provide limited cover in a pinch, however they are easily destroyed with any type of weapon. + +# Trivia + +- Crates were amongst the first obstacles added to the game. + +# History +- v0.15.0 + - Added the Grenade Crate +- v0.5.0 + - Added the AEGIS, Flint and Melee Crates +- v0.4.0 + - Regular Crates now drop loot +- v0.1.0 + - Added the Regular Crate. This does not drop anything yet + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/distillation_column.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/distillation_column.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87ec104b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/distillation_column.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Distillation Column** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang" update on September 14th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +Two Distillation Columns spawn in the [Refinery](/buildings/refinery). + +# Loot & More + +Distillation Columns are indestructible and reflect bullets. + +# Tips + +- Due to their positioning, Distillation Columns do not make good cover from enemies. + +# Trivia + +- The Distillation Column was designed by platonthek +- In real life, distillation columns are used to separate and purify mixtures from each other by heat + +# History + +- v0.10.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/distillation_equipment.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/distillation_equipment.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e384549 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/distillation_equipment.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +**Distillation Equipment** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang" update on September 14th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +One Distillation Equipment spawns in the [Refinery](/buildings/refinery). + +# Loot & More + +Distillation Equipments are indestructible and reflect bullets. + +# Tips + +- Distillation Equipment can be used as cover from enemies. + +# Trivia + +- Distillation Equipment was designed by platonthek +- In real life, distillation is the process of purifying mixtures by heat + +# History + +- v0.10.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/doors.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/doors.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..63adc6c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/doors.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +**Doors** are a type of interactive [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +Doors spawn in between rooms of many structures such as the [Small House](/buildings/small_house). A Porta Potty Door spawns at the entrance of a [Porta Potty](/buildings/porta_potty). One Vault Door spawns each in the entrance to the Vaults of the [Ship](/buildings/ship) or [Oil Tanker](/buildings/oil_tanker) in the [Port](/buildings/port) and the entrance to the vault in the [Armory](/buildings/armory). Garage Doors aren't interactive and must be broken to pass through. They only spawn in the Garage area of the [House](/buildings/house). + +# Loot & More + +Wooden and Porta Potty Doors can be interacted with to change their position, which can allow players to enter another area without breaking the Door. Punching a Wooden Door using fists or a melee weapon causes it to open in the direction of the swing. Vault Doors can only be opened by solving a puzzle nearby. All breakable Doors drop nothing upon being broken. + +# Tips + +- Wooden and Porta Potty Doors are useful as cover as they can have their position manipulated to fit a player's needs or to annoy an opponent. + - However, both have low health and can't withstand many bullets without getting destroyed. +- Vault Doors can be used as indestructible cover once opened. +- Garage Doors can be used as an alternative exit to the House. + +# Trivia + +- All types of Doors were designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added Vault Door +- v0.9.0 + - Added Door and Garage Door diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/drawers.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/drawers.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17c0edca --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/drawers.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +**Drawers** are a type of [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +Drawers of both sizes spawn throughout the [House](/buildings/house) and the [Small House](/buildings/small_house) as well as in some areas of the [Armory](/buildings/armory). A Small Drawer can be found in the [Mobile Home](/buildings/mobile_home) and a Large Drawer spawns in the Control Room of the [Oil Tanker](/buildings/oil_tanker). + +# Loot & More + +Small Drawers drop either healing items or ammo while Large Drawers drop guns, scopes, and equipment. + +# Tips + +- Drawers can be used as cover in some situations, but it is better to break them for loot. + +# Trivia + +- The Drawers were designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/fences.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/fences.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..898f44b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/fences.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + +**Fences** are a type of destructible obstacle added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update. + +# Location & Spawning + +Fences and corner fences spawn on the borders of the [Port](/buildings/port_meta) and the [Armory](/buildings/armory). + +# Loot & More + +Fences do not drop loot. + +# Tips + +- Due to its low health, Fences are not a very effective piece of cover. + +# Trivia + +- The fence was designed by Bear +- Despite the fences having "port" in their ids, they are also used in the Armory + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/flint_stone.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/flint_stone.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c87456a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/flint_stone.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +The **Flint Stone** is an indestructible [Obstacle](/obstacles) added to the game in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang" update on September 14th, 2023. It is destroyable with an airdrop or a weapon with piercing damage, but the flint stone drops good loot. + +# Location & Spawning + +Only one Flint Stone spawns per map, and it can be anywhere on the map. The Flint Stone is very difficult to see on the map due to its small size. + +# Loot & More + +One way to break the Flint Stone is to obtain a rare [Radio](/weapons/guns/radio) and use the summoned airdrop to destroy the Flint Stone. Technically, a naturally spawned airdrop can also break it, but this is exceedingly rare. You can also break the Flint Stone using a weapon with piercing damage such as the [Maul](/weapons/melee/maul). +The Flint Stone has very good [loot](/loot#flint_stone), and always drops a [Gold Airdrop gun](/loot#gold_airdrop_guns). Each one of these has a 33.33% (1/3) chance of dropping. + +# Tips + +- The Flint Stone makes for a very good cover due to its indestructible nature +- If you get a Radio, check the map to see if a Flint Stone is nearby that you can use on + +# Trivia + +- The Flint Stone was designed by Hasanger, but the logo on it was designed by Katloo +- Before v0.13.0, the Flint Stone didn't drop any loot + - If the code was edited to make it destructible, it still wouldn't drop any loot +- The name "Flint Stone" is a play on words that references the animated sitcom _The Flintstones_ +- As of v0.14.0 the Flint Stone is the only obstacle the [Death Ray](/weapons/guns/deathray) does not penetrate through + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - No longer drops healing items +- v0.13.0 + - The Flint Stone now drops loot +- v0.10.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/forklift.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/forklift.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..98be85d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/forklift.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +The **Forklift** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +The Forklift always spawns inside [Port Warehouses](/buildings/port_warehouse) as well as around the rest of the [Port](/buildings/port). + +# Loot & More + +The Forklift is indestructible and drops no loot. + +Some Forklifts spawn with a pallet with [Boxes](/obstacles/box), a [Barrel](/obstacles/barrel), or a [Grenade Crate](/obstacles/grenade_crate) on top of it. + +# Tips + +- Being indestructible, the Forklift is a pretty decent source of cover. +- Move around it to frustrate your opponents. + +# Trivia + +- The Forklift was designed by jchen + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/fridge.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/fridge.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..63210840 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/fridge.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Fridge** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. It drops [Colas](/healing/colas). + +# Location & Spawning + +Fridges spawn in the Kitchens of both [Houses](/buildings/house) and [Small Houses](/buildings/small_house). It also spawns in the Barracks of the [Armory](/buildings/armory). + +# Loot & More + +The Fridge reflects bullets and always drops 2-3 Colas upon being broken. + +# Tips + +- Many players don't know that you can break Fridges, so you can often find them late-game in Houses/Small Houses that are otherwise completely looted. +- Be careful if you're using a gun to destroy the Fridge, as you could damage yourself with the reflected bullets. + +# Trivia + +- The Fridge was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/generator.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/generator.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..074b66dc --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/generator.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +The **Generator** is an interactive [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +The Generator always spawns near the front of the [Ship](/buildings/ship) next to the vault. + +# Loot & More + +The Generator is indestructible and therefore drops no loot. When interacting with a [Gas Can](/weapons/melee/gas_can), it opens the vault, allowing access to the loot inside. + +# Tips + +- The Generator doesn't make an effective cover due to its positioning. + +# Trivia + +- The Generator was designed by platonthek +- In real life, Generators are machines that convert potential, kinetic, or chemical energy into electricity. The Generator in Suroi is a fuel-based generator since it requires gas to operate +- The sounds for the Generator came from a Yanmar 3TNA72UJ3 3-cylinder Diesel engine inside a John Deere 455 + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/gold_rock.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/gold_rock.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9401762a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/gold_rock.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +The **Gold Rock** is a very rare variant of the [Rock](/obstacles/rock), and was added in the v0.5.0 "Locked & Loaded" update on June 24th, 2023. It has 25% more health than a normal Rock and drops a [Mosin-Nagant](/weapons/guns/mosin). + +# Location & Spawning + +Only one Gold Rock spawns per map. - The Gold Rock is not visible on the minimap. + +# Loot & More + +The Gold Rock has a [100% chance](/loot#gold_rock) of dropping a Mosin-Nagant. + +# Tips + +- The Gold Rock is a very effective piece of cover if you end up being in a situation where you use it as such. +- If there are no other players around, immediately break the Gold Rock to get the Mosin-Nagant from it. +- Unless you have an LMG, it's likely not worth it to try and destroy the Gold Rock if a player is hiding behind it, due to the large amount of health it has. + +# Trivia + +- Prior to v0.11.0, the only way to get a [Tango 51](/weapons/guns/tango_51) was from the Gold Rock + - The chance for a Mosin-Nagant was 90.9% (1/1.1) and the chance for a Tango 51 was 9.1% (0.1/1.1) +- The Gold Rock was designed by Katloo + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - The Gold Rock no longer drops the Tango 51 +- v0.5.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/grenade_box.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/grenade_box.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7bec0294 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/grenade_box.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The **Grenade Box** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.16.0 "A Sailor's Dream" update on February 26th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +Grenade Boxes only spawn inside the [Warehouses](/buildings/warehouse) on the map, and have a 10 percent chance to replace any normal [Box](/obstacles/box) inside the Warehouse. + +# Loot & More + +The Grenade Box drops either a single [Frag Grenade](/weapons/throwables/frag_grenade) or a single [Smoke Grenade](/weapons/throwables/smoke_grenade). + +# Tips + +- If you're trying to find an emergency weapon early game, these have a 50% chance to drop a Frag Grenade. + +# Trivia + +- The Grenade Box was designed by Croissant + +# History + +- v0.16.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/gun_case.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/gun_case.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..794cd328 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/gun_case.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + +The **Gun Case** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +Five Gun Cases spawn in the [Armory](/buildings/armory) in various locations around the structure, and one in the [Sea Traffic Control](/buildings/sea_traffic_control) building. + +# Loot & More + +Gun Cases drop 1-2 guns of medium quality. See the special guns tier in the [Loot Tables](/loot) for more information. + +# Tips + +- Since the Gun Case has extremely low health, it makes poor cover from enemies. + - It is almost always better to break them for loot since they have a high chance of containing a decent weapon. + +# Trivia + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/gun_mounts.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/gun_mounts.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ca3d672 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/gun_mounts.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +**Gun Mounts** are a type of [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang" update on September 14th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +One Gun Mount always spawns in the office room of the [Refinery](/buildings/refinery). It has a 99% chance of containing a [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) and a 1% chance of containing a [Stoner 63](/weapons/guns/stoner_63). One Gun Mount always containing a [Maul](/weapons/melee/maul) spawns in the Office of the [Armory](/buildings/armory). Another Gun Mount always containing a [HP18](/weapons/guns/hp18) spawns in the [Green House](/buildings/green_house). + +# Loot & More + +Gun Mounts have low health and are easily destroyed. They always drop the weapon displayed in the texture of the Gun Mount. + +# Tips + +- Due to their positioning and low health, Gun Mounts are poor cover from enemies. + +# Trivia + +- The Gun Mounts were designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - Fixed gun mount loot phasing through walls + - Added HP18 Gun Mount +- v0.10.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/large_oil_tank.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/large_oil_tank.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..88052e10 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/large_oil_tank.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The **Large Oil Tank** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +Three Large Oil Tanks spawn on the [Oil Tanker](/buildings/oil_tanker) in a row. + +# Loot & More + +The Large Oil Tank cannot be destroyed and reflects bullets. + +# Tips + +- The Large Oil Tank can be used as effective cover, but its circular shape can cause problems when your opponent is chasing you. + +# Trivia + +- The Large Oil Tank was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/large_refinery_barrel.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/large_refinery_barrel.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cafe5709 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/large_refinery_barrel.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +The **Large Refinery Barrel** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang" update on September 14th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +Two Large Refinery Barrels spawn in the [Refinery](/buildings/refinery) next to each other in an enclosed space also containing two [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate), two [AEGIS Crates](/obstacles/aegis_crate), one [Barrel](/obstacles/barrel), and one [Super Barrel](/obstacles/super_barrel). + +# Loot & More + +Large Refinery Barrels drop no loot and explode when broken. They take a very large amount of hits to destroy and reflect bullets. + +# Tips + +- Large Refinery Barrel makes a good cover from enemies due to their large size, extremely high health, and positioning. + - If your opponent decides to go around the Large Refinery Barrel to reach you, simply move in the same direction of rotation around the Large Refinery Barrel to avoid your opponent if you don't want to fight. + - If your opponent begins to damage the Large Refinery Barrel, get out of the enclosed space as soon as possible as the Barrels will deal enough damage to one shot even a player with full Level 3 armor standing in the enclosed space. +- If you see a player looting near a Large Refinery Barrel that is showing smoke particles, use a gun with high obstacle DPS like an LMG to blow up the entire area, killing the player. + - Make sure to stand far away, as the explosion from the Large Refinery Barrel has a large radius and deals extremely high damage. + - If the player escapes the area before the barrels explode, attempt to finish them off using your guns. + +# Trivia + +- The Large Refinery Barrel was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.10.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/life_preserver.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/life_preserver.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..46f9fc9b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/life_preserver.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Life Preserver** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.16.0 "A Sailor's Dream" update on February 26th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +Two Life Preservers spawn on the walls of the [Sea Traffic Control](/buildings/sea_traffic_control) building. One Life Preserver also spawns in the interior of both types of [Tugboats](/buildings/tugboats). + +# Loot & More + +Life Preservers drop nothing upon being broken. + +# Tips + +- Due to the positioning, Life Presevers can't be used as effective cover. + +# Trivia + +- The Life Preserver was designed by Platonthek and Emeraldneo +- In real life, life preservers are plastic portable buoys that provide buoyancy for a person who may be in danger from drowning, hence its name. + +# History + +- v0.16.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/lily_pad.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/lily_pad.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5927bfa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/lily_pad.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +The **Lily Pad** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.16.0 "A Sailor's Dream" update on February 26th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +Lily Pads spawn commonly in rivers. + +# Loot & More + +Lily Pads do not drop anything when broken. Additionally, they have no hitbox, letting players, projectiles, and bullets pass through them. + +# Tips + +- Lily Pads can provide a useful hiding spot if you need to heal up. + - Alternatively, you can also hide in a Lily Pad near a structure or [Airdrop](/obstacles/airdrops) and ambush players. + - It can be tricky to position yourself correctly in the Lily Pad so that nothing sticks out of the Lily Pad. + +# Trivia + +- The Lily Pad was designed by Slapdap +- The Lily Pad texture is bugged and has jagged edges when zoomed out. + +# History + +- v0.16.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/lux_crate.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/lux_crate.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..57e47dcf --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/lux_crate.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The **Lux Crate** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in v0.16.0 "A Sailor's Dream" update on February 25, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +One Lux Crate spawns in the [Red Tugboat](/buildings/tugboats) in each game. + +# Loot & More + +The Lux Crate always drops a scope and the [CZ-600](/weapons/guns/cz600). + +# Tips + +- Since the Lux Crate has extremely low health, it makes poor cover from enemies. +- It is almost always better to break it for loot since it drops the powerful [CZ-600](/weapons/guns/cz600). + +# Trivia + +- The Lux Crate was designed by Platonthek and Emeraldneo + +# History +- v0.16.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/m1117.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/m1117.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2032f4f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/m1117.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +The **M1117** is an indestructible [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +A single M1117 spawns in the top right of the [Armory](/buildings/armory) near several other obstacles. + +# Loot & More + +The M1117 cannot be destroyed and it reflects bullets. + +# Tips + +- The M1117 can be used as effective cover from enemies. + - Since it's a reflective obstacle, time your shots well so you don't shoot yourself by accident. +- The M1117 cannot be driven in-game. + +# Trivia + +- The M1117 was designed by Bear +- In real life, the M1117 Guardian is an Armored Security Vehicle built and designed by the United States. It was developed and built in the late 1990s for the country's Military Police Corporation. It has since been used in many conflicts, including the recent Russo-Ukrainian War. + - Its armament consists of an Mk 19 grenade launcher, an M2HB Browning machine gun, and an M240H Medium Machine Gun mounted outside the gunner's hatch. +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/metal_shelf.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/metal_shelf.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..57995e8d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/metal_shelf.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Metal Shelf** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +Two Metal Shelves spawn across from each other in the [Warehouse](/buildings/warehouse) in suroi versions before v0.15.0. It is currently an unused obstacle as the Warehouse has been redesigned. + +# Loot & More + +Metal Shelves are indestructible and reflect bullets. + +# Tips + +- The Metal Shelves in the old Warehouse always spawn with three [Boxes](/obstacles/boxes) on top of them. They can be broken for loot. + +# Trivia + +- The Metal Shelf was designed by Leia + +# History +- v0.15.0 + - Removed from the Warehouse +- v0.9.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_bed.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_bed.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..23d2cc71 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_bed.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Mobile Home Bed** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +A single Mobile Home Bed spawns in every [Mobile Home](/buildings/mobile_home) in its interior. + +# Loot & More + +The Mobile Home Bed doesn't drop loot. + +# Tips + +- The Mobile Home Bed can only be used as cover in certain situations. + +# Trivia + +- The Mobile Home Bed was designed by platonthek +- THe Mobile Home Bed is very similar to the normal [Bed](/obstacles/bed) except for its size + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_sink.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_sink.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3514d82f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_sink.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Mobile Home Sink** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +A single Mobile Home Sink spawns in every [Mobile Home](/buildings/mobile_home) in its interior next to the [Mobile Home Stove](/obstacles/mobile_home_stove). + +# Loot & More + +The Mobile Home Sink drops either healing items or ammo. The former is slightly more common. + +# Tips + +- The Mobile Home Sink can only be used as cover in certain situations. +- Mobile Home Sinks are a good way to get healing items when you need them. + +# Trivia + +- The Mobile Home Sink was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_stove.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_stove.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3065b327 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_stove.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Mobile Home Stove** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +A single Mobile Home Stove spawns in every [Mobile Home](/buildings/mobile_home) in its interior next to the [Mobile Home Sink](/obstacles/mobile_home_sink). + +# Loot & More + +The Mobile Home Stove doesn't drop loot and explodes when broken. + +# Tips + +- The Mobile Home Stove shouldn't be used as cover since it is explosive and has low health. + +# Trivia + +- The Mobile Home Stove was designed by platonthek +- THe Mobile Home Stove is very similar to the normal [Stove](/obstacles/bed) except for its size + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_window.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_window.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..62dc4508 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/mobile_home_window.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Mobile Home Window** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. +# Location and Spawning + +A single Mobile Home Window spawns in every [Mobile Home](/buildings/mobile_home) on the exterior. + +# Loot & More + +The Mobile Home Window doesn't drop loot. + +# Tips + +- If you are ambushed inside the mobile home, you can destroy the window and escape as the space that the window occupies has no hitbox once the window is destroyed. + - Since many people know this trick, you can aim at the window to ambush players inside the Mobile Home, not just the door. +- Don't use the Mobile Home Window as cover since it is easily destroyed. + + # Trivia + +- The Mobile Home Window was designed by platonthek + + # History + + - v0.15.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/oil_tank.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/oil_tank.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..88ff55e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/oil_tank.md @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +The **Oil Tank** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added to the game in the v0.5.0 "Locked & Loaded" update on June 24th, 2023. It is indestructible and makes for good cover against opponents. + +# Location & Spawning + +10 Oil Tanks spawn around the map in random locations. + +# Loot & More + +The Oil Tank is indestructible and therefore drops no loot. + +# Tips + +- If you're low on health or facing an opponent with much better weapons, you can use an Oil Tank to waste your opponent's ammo and frustrate them. + - Simply move in the same direction as they are when they try to chase you. + - Having high adrenaline helps in not being caught. +- If a player is trying to evade you using an Oil Tank, try and move in an unpredictable way to catch them off-guard + - Having adrenaline helps massively with this, due to the speed boost. +- Sometimes, opponents will be stuck in the gas behind an Oil Tank. Shoot at them to make them hesitate to abandon their cover and get to the safe zone. This will result in them taking lots of damage and being an easy kill when they decide to run for it. +- CQC weapons like SMGs and Shotguns work best around Oil Tanks. + +# Trivia + +- Originally, 5 Oil Tanks spawned randomly around the map, and 2 were coded to spawn close to the center of the map + - This was done because at the time there were no buildings and finding cover late-game was difficult + - This was removed in v0.13.0 + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - 2 Oil Tanks no longer spawn specifically in the center of the map +- v0.5.0 + - Added + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/pallet.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/pallet.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..205e840f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/pallet.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The **Pallet** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 23rd, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +Pallets spawn on [Forklifts](/obstalces/forklift) in the [Port](/buildings/port). They often have [Boxes](/obstacles/box) on top of them, which drop loot. + +# Loot & More + +Pallets drop no loot when broken. + +# Tips + +- Since Pallets have no hitbox, they cannot be used as cover. + +# Trivia + +- The Pallet was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/pumpkin.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/pumpkin.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fa5f6a9f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/pumpkin.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + + +The **Pumpkin** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) on the Halloween map. It was added to the game in the v0.12.0 "Trick-or-Tweak" update on October 29th, 2023. It was a very common obstacle and a main focus of Halloween mode. + +# Location & Spawning + +75 Pumpkins spawn around the Halloween map in random locations. + +# Loot & More + +The pumpkin drops one of the following guns: - 95% chance for a [G17 (scoped)](/weapons/guns/s_g17). - 5% chance for a [USAS-12](/weapons/guns/usas12). + +# Tips + +- The small size and low health of the Pumpkin make it a poor choice for cover. +- Try and break as many Pumpkins as you can early game to try and get the USAS-12. + +# Trivia + +- The Pumpkin was designed by Redcoder09 + +# History + +- v0.12.1 + - Phased out the Halloween Map (including the Pumpkin) +- v0.12.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/regular_crate.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/regular_crate.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87f39560 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/regular_crate.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +The **Regular Crate**, commonly known as simply the **Crate** is an [Obstacle](/obstacle) added to the game in the v0.1.0 "We're back, baby" update on May 20th, 2023. Breaking them results in loot being dropped, ranging from very common to very rare items. + +# Location & Spawning + +On the normal map, 300 Regular Crates spawn randomly around the island. More can spawn as part of [Buildings](/buildings). + +# Loot & More + +The Regular Crate can drop a huge variety of decent [loot](/loot/#regular_crate), from guns to ammo to [Healing Items](/healing). + +# Tips + +- To break a Regular Crate, simply punch it with your fists or shoot it with a gun until it breaks and drops loot. +- Avoid using Regular Crates as cover, as they don't have much health. + - However, it is worth noting that some cover is better than no cover and you can use them to waste your opponent's ammunition. +- There's no reason not to break Regular Crates unless you're trying to get somewhere and can't stop to loot. +- If another player is using a Regular Crate as cover, don't hesitate to shoot at it if you have an assault rifle, DMR, or LMG, as it will shred through the Regular Crate. + +# Trivia + +- The Regular Crate is one of the first [Obstacles](/obstacles) to be added to the game + - Regular Crates didn't drop any loot until loot was added in v0.4.0 + +# History + +- v0.4.0 + - Regular Crates now drop loot +- v0.1.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/river_chest.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/river_chest.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d4b07b1d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/river_chest.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +The **River Chest** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.16.0 "A Sailor's Dream" update on February 25, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +Only one River Chest spawns per game in one of the rivers generated on the map. It cannot be seen on the minimap, similar to the [Viking Chest](/obstacles/viking_chest). + +# Loot & More + +The River Chest drops high quality weapons. See the River Chest Guns & River Chest loot tables in the [loot](/loot) page. + +# Tips + +- The River Chest has poor health so it is not recommended for cover from gun fire. + - It's better to break this chest because it has good loot. + +# Trivia + +# History +- v0.16.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/river_rock.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/river_rock.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de04e6b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/river_rock.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +The **River Rock** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) that spawn frequently in the rivers. It was added to the game in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the pin" update on January 15th, 2023. This is functionally the same as the other rock variants, just bigger than them. + +# Location & Spawning + +River Rocks can be found randomly spawned in the rivers, with no specific locations. Only 45 spawn per map. + +# Loot & More + +The River Rock drops no loot upon being destroyed. + +# Tips + +- If you're low on health and have nowhere else to go, you can try hiding behind this to heal and avoid bullets. +- You can hide behind this with a gun that has little range or a melee weapon to force an opponent to approach where you can get a hit on them. +- Remember that Rocks are breakable and aren't fool-proof barriers. +- If there is a river rock that an enemy is hiding behind, you can destroy it to avoid getting close to them or to stop them from healing. +- Players trying to hide behind rocks are often low on health and can make for easy kills. + +# Trivia + +- All Rock variants, excluding the Mossy and Cracked variants, were drawn by Leia +- The Rock is one of the first Obstacles to be added to the game +- This rock has the largest hitbox of all the rocks in the game + +# History + +- v0.15.0 + - Added river rock variant +- v0.12.5 + - Art updated for Mossy and Cracked variants +- v0.5.0 + - Added Moss and Cracked variants +- v0.1.0 + - Added Rock diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/rock.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/rock.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d29070da --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/rock.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +The **Rock** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) that spawns frequently around the map. It was added to the game in the v0.1.0 "We're back, baby" update on May 20th, 2023. The Mossy Rock and the Cracked Rock are variations of the Rock but are functionally the same. + +# Location & Spawning + +Rocks can be found randomly spawned around the map, with no specific locations. Only 200 spawn per map. + +# Loot & More + +The Rock drops no loot upon being destroyed. + +# Tips + +- If you're low on health and have nowhere else to go, you can try hiding behind a Rock to heal and avoid bullets. +- You can hide behind this with a gun that has little range or a melee weapon to force an opponent to approach where you can get a hit on them. +- Remember that Rocks are breakable and aren't fool-proof barriers. +- If there is a river rock that an enemy is hiding behind, you can destroy it to avoid getting close to them or to stop them from healing. +- Players trying to hide behind these are often low on health and can make for easy kills. + +# Trivia + +- All Rock variants, excluding the Mossy and Cracked variants, were drawn by Leia +- The Rock is one of the first Obstacles to be added to the game + +# History + +-v0.15.0 + - Added river rock variant +- v0.12.5 + - Art updated for Mossy and Cracked variants +- v0.5.0 + - Added Moss and Cracked variants +- v0.1.0 + - Added Rock diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/sandbags.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/sandbags.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..86742df4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/sandbags.md @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +**Sandbags** are an indestructible [Obstacle](/obstacles) added to the game in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update. + +# Location and Spawning +Sandbags can spawn around the [Armory](/buildings/armory) and [Port](/buildings/port). A limited number of sandbags also spawn on the [Oil Tanker](/obstacles/oil_tanker_ship). + +# Loot & More +Sandbags do not drop loot as they cannot be destroyed. + +# Tips +- Since Sandbags are indestructible they can be used as a good source of cover. +- Grenades can fly over Sandbags which can be used to flush out hiding opponents. + - Likewise, you can hide behind Sandbags and throw grenades without the risk of getting shot. + +# Trivia +- The Sandbags were designed by Yeet120, 1092384, and eclair_is_tasty + +# History +- v0.15.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/ship_oil_tank.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/ship_oil_tank.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67393b1f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/ship_oil_tank.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +The **Ship Oil Tank** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 23rd, 2023 as part of the [Ship](/buildings/ship) structure. + +# Location & Spawning + +The Ship Oil Tank spawns on the [Ship](/buildings/ship) near the back of the structure. + +# Loot & More + +The Ship Oil Tank is indestructible and drops no loot. + +# Tips + +- The Ship Oil Tank can be used as an indestructible cover from enemies on the ship in a similar way as the containers on the ship. +- Despite the obstacle being made out of metal, it doesn't reflect bullets. + +# Trivia + +- The Ship Oil Tank was designed by platonthek +- Prior to v0.16.0, the Ship Oil Tank was known as the "Ship Thing 1" + +# History + +- 0.16.0 + - Renamed to "Ship Oil Tank" (from "Ship Thing 1") +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/small_refinery_barrel.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/small_refinery_barrel.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c3fb72df --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/small_refinery_barrel.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +The **Small Refinery Barrel** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang" update on September 14th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +One Small Refinery Barrel spawns in the [Refinery](/buildings/refinery) near one of the entrances. + +# Loot & More + +Small Refinery Barrels drop no loot and explode when broken. It can also reflect bullets. + +# Tips + +- The Small Refinery Barrel can be useful for killing any players entering the refinery from the entrance near it. + - It must first be damaged down to low health and then shot at from a distance or else the player will have time to escape the area. +- The 200 damage is usually enough to kill any player close by or leave them at extremely low health. + +# Trivia + +- The Small Refinery Barrel was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.10.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/smokestack.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/smokestack.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56afbfa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/smokestack.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Smokestack** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang" update on September 14th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +One Smokestack spawns in one of the corners of the [Refinery](/buildings/refinery). + +# Loot & More + +Smokestacks are indestructible and reflect bullets. + +# Tips + +- The Smokestack in the refinery can be used as cover from enemies; however, its usage very situational. + +# Trivia + +- The Smokestack was designed by platonthek +- In real life, smokestacks are tall vertical pipes used to discharge gases or vapors safely + +# History + +- v0.10.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/stove.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/stove.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..20ae7690 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/stove.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +The **Stove** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. It is explosive and drops no loot. + +# Location & Spawning + +Stoves spawn in the Kitchens of both [Houses](/buildings/house) and [Small Houses](/buildings/small_house). One also spawns in the Barracks of the [Armory](/buildings/armory). + +# Loot & More + +The Stove reflects bullets and always explodes upon being broken. + +# Tips + +- If another player is inside the Small House and is in the Kitchen, you can shoot at the Stove with an assault rifle or LMG to explode it and damage/kill them. +- Be wary of the Stove when you're inside the Small House. + +# Trivia + +- The Stove was designed by platonthek and 1092384 +- The explosion of the Stove has the same stats as a [Barrel](/obstacles/barrel) + +# History + +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/table.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/table.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eaac0a7a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/table.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +The **Table** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +A single Table spawns in between two [Chairs](/obstacles/chair) in the Foyer of the [House](/buildings/house) and the Kitchen & Dining area of the [Small House](/buildings/small_house). One Table also spawns in the office in the [Refinery](/buildings/refinery) and inside the [Sheds](/buildings/port_shed) in the [Port](/buildings/port) and [Armory](/buildings/armory). + +# Loot & More + +Tables drop no loot when broken. Tables have no hitbox, so players and bullets can go through them. + +# Tips + +- Since the Table has no hitbox, it cannot be used as a cover. +- You can hide under Tables to avoid players or to set up an ambush on another player approaching the building. + - This is best done with a close-range weapon with high DPS such as the [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues) or [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi). + +# Trivia + +- The Table was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tango_crate.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tango_crate.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9fb4f8f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tango_crate.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Tango Crate** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +The Tango Crate always spawns in the vault of the [Ship](/buildings/ship). + +# Loot & More + +The Tango Crate always drops 1-5 [Tango 51s](/weapons/guns/tango_51) and either a 4x, 8x, or 15x scope. + +# Tips + +- The guns and scope provided by the Tango Crate are a great combo as the Tango 51 is a strong weapon when paired with a good scope. + +# Trivia + +- The Tango Crate was designed by myka +- The chance of a Tango Crate dropping five Tango 51s is roughly 1 in 936,000,000 + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tear_gas_crate.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tear_gas_crate.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7a6eefb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tear_gas_crate.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The **Tear Gas Crate** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added to the game in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update. + +# Location and Spawning + +Three Tear Gas Crates spawn in the [Armory](/buildings/armory). + +# Loot & More + +Tear Gas Crates drop no loot when broken. When Tear Gas Crates are broken, they release Tear Gas in a similar way to [Smoke Grenades](/throwables/smoke_grenade). + +# Tips + +- Tear Gas depletes adrenaline rapidly when a player is inside it. +- The Tear Gas released after Tear Gas Crates are broken can be used as a substitute for a Smoke Grenade. + - However, it is advised to just use Smoke Grenades since Tear Gas depletes adrenaline. + + +# Trivia +- The Tear Gas Crate was designed by Just Alto and 1092384 + +# History +- v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tire.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tire.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0710e5ed --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tire.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +The **Tire** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +A single Tire spawns in every [Mobile Home](/buildings/mobile_home) on the exterior. Six tires also spawn on the side of [Tugboats](/buildings/tugboats). + +# Loot & More + +The Tire doesn't drop loot. + +# Tips + +- The Tire has decent health, but it can only be used as cover in certain situations. + +# Trivia + +- The Tire was designed by platonthek +- Despite Tires being made out of rubber, the Tire uses stone sound effects +- The Tire is similar to the tires found on the [Truck](/obstacles/truck) + +# History + +- v0.16.0 + - Added to Tugboats + - ID changed from "mobile_home_tire" to "tire" +- v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/toilets.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/toilets.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d624e03 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/toilets.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +**Toilets** are a type of [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +One "Ceramic" Toilet always spawns in the bathrooms of the [House](/buildings/house) and the [Small House](/buildings/small_house). These toilets have a 30% chance to be used. Porta Potty Toilets spawn in [Porta Potties](/buildings/porta_potty) and have a 70% chance to be used. + +# Loot & More + +Unused Toilets usually contain 2-3 healing items but can occasionally contain scopes and guns. Used Toilets have a much higher chance of containing guns as well as having a chance of dropping equipment. + +# Tips + +- Toilets can be used as cover in certain situations, but it is more worthwhile to break them for loot. +- Toilets often contain the best loot in houses along with the [Fridge](/obstacles/fridge), so it is recommended to loot them first. + +# Trivia + +- The "Ceramic" Toilets were designed by platonthek +- The Porta Potty Toilets were designed by 1092384, Slapdap, and Katloo + +# History + +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/trees.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/trees.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b31e7fe --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/trees.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +Trees are a type of obstacle that spawn frequently on the map. They were added to the game in the v0.1.0 "We're back, baby" update on May 20th, 2023, and come in three variants. + +# Location & Spawning + +Trees are extremely common obstacles and can spawn just about anywhere on the map. Birch and Pine Trees are rarer than Oak Trees, making them harder to find. + +# Loot & More + +Trees drop no loot upon being broken. + +# Tips + +- Trees make a decent cover from enemies. + - Pine Trees have a larger hitbox, making it harder for your opponent to shoot you from behind your cover. + - Birch Trees have higher health, allowing you to buy more time or force your opponent to waste additional ammo. + - However, all 3 variants can be easily destroyed with any high-DPS weapon in a matter of seconds. +- If your opponent is hiding behind a Tree to avoid shots or heal up, just shoot the Tree down. They have low health and are easy to destroy. +- In the end game, campers may hide in the overlapping area of two Trees or a single Tree if they have a skin that helps camoflauge them. Shoot a bullet or two into these areas to chase any remaining players out. + +# Trivia + +- Trees are one of the first obstacles in Suroi + +# History + +- v0.9.1 + - Increased oak & birch tree trunk radius by 2.5 (from 3) + - Decreased random size scaling maximum by 0.1 (from 1.1) +- v0.1.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tv.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tv.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eb02e138 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/tv.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The **TV** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. + +# Location & Spawning + +A single TV spawns in the Living Room of the [House](/buildings/house). + +# Loot & More + +TVs drop no loot when broken. + +# Tips + +- Since the TV has extremely low health, it cannot be used as a cover. + +# Trivia + +- The TV was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/viking_chest.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/viking_chest.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a0b0aafb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/viking_chest.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The **Viking Chest** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) that was added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14, 2024. + +# Location & Spawning + +A single Viking Chest typically spawns on the beach near the shore once per game. It is not visible on the player's minimap. + +# Loot & More + +The Viking Chest has decent [loot](/loot#viking_crate). It drops a [Seax](/weapons/melee/seax), 2-3 [Guns](/loot#viking_chest_guns), up to two pieces of [Equipment](/loot#special_equipment), and up to two [Scopes](/loot#special_scopes). + +# Tips + +- The Viking Chest can be used as cover in certain situations, but it is more worthwhile to break them for loot. + +# Trivia + +- The Viking Chest was designed by 1092384, cobby, and kenos + +# History + + - v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/washing_machine.md b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/washing_machine.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..731ced8d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/articles/washing_machine.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +The **Washing Machine** is an [Obstacle](/obstacles) added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. It always drops one random skin. + +# Location & Spawning + +Washing Machines spawn in the Garages of [Houses](/buildings/house). + +# Loot & More + +The Washing Machine reflects bullets and drops either the "Verified or "no kill pls" skin as [loot](/loot#washing_machine). + +# Tips + +- The Washing Machine doesn't make an effective cover due to its positioning. +- If you want to loot the Washing Machine, do it last since it has the least important loot in the House. +- This obstacle is currently unobtainable and can't be found on the map since the [House](/buildings/house) doesn't spawn on the map. + +# Trivia + +- The Washing Machine was designed by platonthek + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Made unobtainable +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/obstacles/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b7a098df --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/obstacles/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import GenericListingPageFactory from "@/components/layouts/GenericListingPageFactory"; +import { Obstacles } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/obstacles"; + +export default GenericListingPageFactory( + Obstacles.definitions.filter( + (obstacle) => !obstacle.idString.includes("wall"), + ), + "Obstacles", + "/obstacles", +); diff --git a/app/(wiki)/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/page.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 1b872ac2..00000000 --- a/app/(wiki)/page.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -import PageCard from "@/components/cards/PageCard"; -import CommitLink from "@/components/links/CommitLink"; -import fs from "fs/promises"; -import Image from "next/image"; -import Link from "next/link"; - -export default async function Home() { - const HEAD = await fs.readFile(".git/modules/vendor/suroi/HEAD", "utf8"); - - return ( -

Suroi Autogenerated Wiki

- Suroi Battle Royale -

- Note: This wiki is unofficial and community run! -


- Welcome to the Suroi Autogenerated Wiki! This wiki provides basic - statistics about items{" "} - - suroi.io - - . This wiki is open-source and community run. Feel free to contribute - at{" "} - - the GitHub repo - - . -


- Based off vendor/suroi commit{" "} - . -


Notable Pages

- - - - -
- ); -} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/skins/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/skins/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a67b39d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/skins/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +import SkinCard from "@/components/cards/SkinCard"; +import GridTable from "@/components/tables/GridTable"; +import { Skins } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/skins"; + +export default function SkinsPage() { + return ( +


+ There are {Skins.definitions.length} skins.{" "} + { + Skins.definitions.filter((value) => { + return !value.notInLoadout; + }).length + }{" "} + skins are available in the loadout. +
+ + {Skins.definitions.map((skin) => ( + + ))} + +
+ ); +} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/[item]/layout.tsx b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/[item]/layout.tsx similarity index 64% rename from app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/[item]/layout.tsx rename to app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/[item]/layout.tsx index b13ffa72..22c9b882 100644 --- a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/[item]/layout.tsx +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/[item]/layout.tsx @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +import EditButton from "@/components/interactive/EditButton"; +import GunGraphButton from "@/components/interactive/GunGraphButton"; import GunSidebar from "@/components/sidebars/GunSidebar"; import { Explosions } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/explosions"; import { Guns } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/guns"; @@ -11,18 +13,21 @@ export default function GunLayout({ item: string; }; } & React.PropsWithChildren) { - const gun = Guns.find((gun) => gun.idString === params.item); + const gun = Guns.definitions.find((gun) => gun.idString === params.item); if (!gun) notFound(); const explosion = Explosions.definitions.find( - (explosion) => explosion.idString === gun.ballistics.onHitExplosion + (explosion) => explosion.idString === gun.ballistics.onHitExplosion, ); return ( <> -



+ {gun.name} +

{children} +
{/* here because reverse flex-col */} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/[item]/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/[item]/page.tsx similarity index 100% rename from app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/guns/[item]/page.tsx rename to app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/[item]/page.tsx diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/940pro.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/940pro.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41f40828 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/940pro.md @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/acr.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/acr.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ba66932 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/acr.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +The **Remington Arms Adaptive Combat Rifle**, known in-game as the **ACR**, is a suppressed assault rifle utilizing 5.56mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.13.0 "Terminal Velocity" update on November 27th, 2023. It has decent accuracy, high damage, and excellent DPS. + +# Background + +The ACR was designed by Magpul Industries in the early 2000s and was essentially a melting pot of many existing assault rifle designs. It was initially known as the "Masada", but after the design was licensed to Bushmaster Arms in 2008, the name became Adaptive Combat Rifle or ACR. Remington Arms designed and produced the select-fire military variant, while Bushmaster made the semi-automatic civilian version. Although the ACR was entered into the Army's Individual Carbine competition (to replace the M4 carbine), the competition was canceled. The ACR has only ever seen semi-established service in the hands of the Polish SSW. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The ACR has similar accuracy to the [AK-47](/weapons/guns/ak47), so make sure to get a 4x or 8x scope to take advantage of the accuracy. +- If an opponent hides behind destructible cover such as [Trees](/obstacles/tree), keep shooting. The ACR has an incredible 300 DPS to obstacles, and will instantly shred it and kill your opponent. +- Don't be afraid to get in a fight against other high-DPS assault rifles and SMGs, as you have more DPS than them. + - However, watch out at close range as shotguns are still dangerous. +- Pair the ACR with a shotgun for a combo with exceedingly high DPS. Weaken your opponent with one and use the other to finish them off. + +# Countering + +- At long range, snipers and DMRs will be more accurate than the ACR and have higher effective DPS (for DMRs). +- At close range, you can use a shotgun to try and take out an ACR user. +- The ACR destroys cover very easily, but if there is a lot of cover you can waste your opponent's ammo by moving between different pieces of cover. + - Indestructible cover such as [Oil Tanks](/obstacles/rock) are much better for stalling against an ACR user. + +# Obtaining + +- The only way to get the ACR is to either find one in a [Gold Airdrop](/obstacles/gold_airdrop_crate) or by breaking a [Flint Stone](/obstacles/flint_stone). + +# Trivia + +- The ACR in Suroi is a 10.5" carbine variant with an attached suppressor + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/ak47.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/ak47.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c7a30199 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/ak47.md @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +The **Автомат Калашникова образца 1947 года (Kalashnikov's Automatic Rifle Model 1947)**, known in-game as the **AK-47**, is an assault rifle utilizing 7.62mm ammunition. It was added in the v0.2.0 "Fun guns" update on May 28th, 2023. + +# Background + +The AK-47 was developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov between 1945 and 1947. Accepted into service in 1949, its reliability and cost have made it and its variants a popular choice in militaries around the world. It was superseded by AKM and later the 5.45mm AK-74. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The AK-47 has superior accuracy to other comparable weapons such as the [ARX-160](/weapons/guns/arx160), [AUG](/weapons/guns/aug), and [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi). Take advantage of this when using it against opponents with inaccurate weapons. + - Consequently, it is advantageous to have a 4x or 8x scope when using the AK-47. +- At short-range, the AK-47 will also beat other fairly accurate weapons such as the [MP40](/weapons/guns/mp40), because it has higher DPS. Move closer to use this to a greater effect. +- The AK-47 has a standing spread of only 2 degrees. If you have an 8x or 15x scope, you can stand still to "snipe" players at long range. + - Don't stand still for too long, or in the same spot. This makes it easier for an opponent to hit or figure out where you are. +- If you have a shotgun or a sniper, you can use the AK-47 to finish off an opponent after weakening them. +- The AK-47 is neither an excellent weapon nor a bad one. It is reliable but may struggle against stronger [Armor](/equipment/armor) later in the game. Some other common guns such as the [AUG](/weapons/guns/aug) may fit your playstyle better, and rarer weapons are usually directly superior. + +## Countering + +- If you have a good high-DPS CQC weapon such as a shotgun or SMG, a good tactic against an AK-47 user is to get as close as possible to try and negate any advantages they may have with accuracy. + - Be careful, as your opponent may have a secondary CQC weapon of their own. + - The [AUG](/weapons/guns/aug) and [ARX-160](/weapons/guns/arx160) are good alternatives to SMGs against an AK-47, as they both offer higher DPS than the AK-47. +- The AK-47 may not be as effective at long range as some other assault rifles, DMRs, and snipers. Examples include the [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) and [Mini-14](/weapons/guns/mini14). +- All SMGs have a shorter reload than the AK-47, so use this to your advantage. + +# Obtaining + +The AK-47 is one of the more common guns in the game. It is less common than pistols and SMGs but can be found in a variety of places. + +# Trivia + +- Alongside the [M3K](/weapons/guns/m3k), the AK-47 is the first ever gun added to the game +- The AK-47 is one of 6 guns that were in surviv.io, the others being the [Vector](/weapons/guns/vector), [M1 Garand](/weapons/guns/m1_garand), [VSS](/weapons/guns/vss), [USAS-12](/weapons/guns/usas12), and [Mosin-Nagant](/weapons/guns/mosin) + +# History + +- v0.12.1 + - Switch delay decreased to 400ms (from 500ms) +- v0.11.0 + - World image updated + - Adjusted length + - Added casings +- v0.9.0 + - Moving spread increased to 6° (from 5°) + - Damage increased to 14 (from 13.5) +- v0.8.0 + - Move speed penalty set to 8% + - Standing spread set to 2° + - Moving spread decreased to 4° (from 5°) + - Obstacle damage multiplier decreased to 1.5 (from 2) + - Range increased to 160 (from 125) + - Bullet velocity decreased to 0.26 (from 0.35) + - Damage increased to 13.5 (from 12) +- v0.7.0 + - Damage increased to 12 (from 10) +- v0.4.0 + - Firing speed penalty set to 25% + - Firing speed penalty duration set to 150ms +- v0.2.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/arx160.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/arx160.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d1131e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/arx160.md @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +The **Beretta ARX160**, known in-game as the **ARX-160** or simply the **ARX** is an assault rifle utilizing 7.62mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang" update on September 14th, 2023. + +# Background + +The ARX160 was developed for the Italian Armed Forces in 2008. It is available in both 7.62x39mm and 5.56x45mm NATO and is a fully modular assault rifle. The ARX160 is used by a variety of police and special military forces around the world. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The ARX-160 is one of the best automatic weapons in mid-to-short range, with the high rate of fire and decent damage giving it a high DPS. + - Be careful against opponents with longer-range weapons, because the ARX-160 is inaccurate at long range. +- The ARX-160 is a direct upgrade to the the [AUG](/weapons/guns/aug), and has more DPS than the [AK-47](/weapons/guns/ak47). + +## Countering + +- The ARX-160's high spread makes it have a low effective range. Therefore, a more accurate assault rifle, DMR, or sniper can be used against an opponent with an ARX-160. +- If you are caught up close against someone using the ARX-160, try using an SMG like the [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi) or a shotgun. +- Hide behind indestructible obstacles such as Containers and [Oil Tanks](/obstacles/oil_tank). +- LMGs are also effective against the ARX-160, especially at longer ranges. + +# Obtaining + +The ARX-160 is relatively common in higher-tier crates such as the A.E.G.I.S. crate. It can also be found uncommonly as world loot. + +# Trivia + +- In real life, the ARX160 can be converted to 7.62x39mm using a conversion kit + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Damage decreased to 12.25 (from 13) +- v0.12.3 + - Moving spread decreased to 10° (from 15°) +- v0.11.0 + - Updated world image +- v0.10.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/aug.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/aug.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87412847 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/aug.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +The **Steyr AUG**, known in-game as the **AUG**, is a bullpup assault rifle utilizing the 5.56mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.9.0 "Behind Close Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. + +# Background + +The AUG was designed by Steyr Arms in 1977 entering service in the same year. Since then, it has been a popular choice for militaries worldwide, first exporting to the US in 1980 and other countries later. It and its variants are still in service in many modern armies. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The AUG has a somewhat high spread when moving, so try not to run and gun too much. + - However, don't stand in one spot either, as this makes you an easy target unless there is no chance of retaliation. +- It has a higher DPS than the [AK-47](weapons/guns/ak47) making it an effective counter, especially in close quarters where spread matters less +- If you have a more accurate weapon such as a DMR or sniper, you can use the AUG in close range or to finish your opponent off + +## Countering + +- While you can rush with a high DPS close-range weapon such as a [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi) to counter an AUG user, be mindful that the AUG can also be effective in close range. +- Outranging your opponent is a viable tactic due to the high moving spread of the AUG. + - Snipers and DMRs can counter the AUG effectively. + - Be sure to pick up a larger scope (e.g., 4x or 8x) for this strategy to work. + +# Obtaining + +The AUG is a very common gun, being more common than the [AK-47](weapons/guns/ak47). It can be found in many Crates such as the [Regular Crate](/obstacles/regular_crate) and [Flint](/obstacles/flint_crate)/[AEGIS Crates](/obstacles/aegis_crate), as well as ground loot. + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Damage decreased to 10.5 (from 11.25) +- v0.11.0 + - New world image +- v0.9.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/barrett.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/barrett.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0c0d428 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/barrett.md @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +The **Barrett M95** also called the **Barrett**, is a powerful bolt-action sniper utilizing 12.7mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.13.0 "Terminal Velocity" update on November 27th, 2023. It has very high damage, but a slow fire rate and high recoil. + +# Background + +The Barrett M95 is a redesigned version of the Barrett M90, which was itself a bullpup bolt-action version of the semi-automatic Barrett M82. Compared to the M90, the M95 is the adjustment of the pistol grip and trigger to gain better magazine clearance. Minor changes were also made, such as a chrome-plated barrel, redesigned bolt handle, and modified firing pin and trigger. The Barrett M82 was chosen over the M95 to become the US Army's new anti-materiel rifle, but it still sees usage in the hands of a variety of special forces worldwide. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The Barrett only spawns with 20 rounds of 12.7mm ammunition, so conserve your ammo and don't waste your shots. +- Try and get your opponent to slow themselves down in some way because it makes hitting your shots easier. + - You can do this when your opponent is in water, shooting, or using a [Healing Item](/healing) (or any combination). + - The best target is a player who is standing still (you may want to conserve your ammo though). +- The Barrett works both close-range and long-range due to its high damage output. + - Pair it with another high-damaging weapon such as another sniper or a shotgun to shred players. +- Always quickswitch the Barrett, as it has a lot of recoils as well as a long recoil time. +- Be careful, as the unique bullet trail of 12.7 ammunition will give away what gun you have and might lead players to target you. + - This can be useful for getting high kills if you are skilled enough. +- If you find a Barrett but have little to no ammunition, it probably isn't worth picking up since your chance of coming across more ammo is next to nothing. + - You could, however, try and use it to bait other players into an ambush. +- Despite having a 1x obstacle multiplier, the Barrett is still somewhat capable of destroying cover. + - This isn't a good idea though, because of the very rare ammo. + - If the opponent is near a [Barrel](/obstacles/barrel) or [Super Barrel](/obstacles/super_barrel) that is low on health and smoking, you can shoot it to do extra damage (though probably not as much as actually hitting them with the Barrett). +- Use LMGs such as the [Stoner 63](/weapons/guns/stoner_63) to destroy cover at long range, and then pick off players with Barrett. + - You can also use assault rifles to weaken your opponent and then finish them off with Barrett. +- By hiding in a [Bush](/obstacles/bush) and camping, you can surprise your opponents and kill them before they can react. + +## Countering + +- Use lots of adrenaline to move faster, strafe, and get the Barrett user to miss their bullets. This also wastes their ammunition. +- You can use cover to pretend to move out and get your opponent to shoot, but then move back and have the shot miss you. +- Although the Barrett does a lot of damage, it usually isn't an instant kill, especially in the late game when you likely have high-tier [Armor](/equipment/armor). +- Watch out if you are at 8x or 15x range because the Barrett has a very fast bullet velocity. +- The Barrett can be unwieldy in CQC combat due to its long barrel. Try using a high DPS weapon like a SMG or a shotgun. Weapons with short barrels like the [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues) work best for this. +- Other powerful snipers like the [Tango 51](/weapons/guns/tango_51), while not as good as the Barrett, can still pack quite a punch against an opponent (especially in dual form). +- Powerful shotgun combos like dual [Model 37s](/weapons/guns/model_37) can sometimes overpower the Barrett at close-range. + +# Obtaining + +- The only way to get the Barrett is to either find one in a [Gold Airdrop](/obstacles/gold_airdrop_crate) or by breaking a [Flint Stone](/obstacles/flint_stone). + +# Trivia + +- The Barrett is the second bullpup weapon to be added to Suroi, after the [AUG](/weapons/guns/aug) +- At 129 damage, the Barrett has the highest damage per bullet of any obtainable weapon +- In real life, the Barrett uses the .50 BMG cartridge + - However, this is simplified to the 12.7mm ammunition (technically correct because .50 BMG is 12.7x99mm) +- The Barrett has the fastest bullet speed of any gun (excluding the [Death Ray](/weapons/guns/death_ray)) + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/cz600.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/cz600.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..57f6d399 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/cz600.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +The **CZ-600 Rifle**, known in-game as the **CZ-600**, is a bolt-action sniper rifle utilizing the 5.56mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.16.0 "A Sailor's Dream" update on February 25, 2024. It has lower damage and range but a shorter firing delay and less recoil compared to other sniper rifles. + +# Background +The CZ-600 is a versatile target and and hunting rifle for highly precise shooting at a medium to long distances. The CZ-600 was produced by CZ, a renown firearms manufacturer based in the Czech Republic. + +# Strategies + +## Using +- Being a sniper rifle, take advantage of the high accuracy, speed, and damage for each shot to snipe enemies from a safer distance. + - If you are skilled enough, it can be used at close-range, though this can be dangerous if your opponent possesses a weapon designed for close-range combat such as the [Model 37](/weapons/guns/model_37). +- Keep your distance by running away while shooting, as well as quickswitching if your opponent rushes you. + +## Countering +- Don't rush your opponent directly. If you're planning on rushing someone with a CZ-600, move around obstacles so that it's less likely for them to hit you. +- If you have a sniper of your own, like a [Mosin-Nagant](/weapons/guns/mosin) and a large scope multiplier, you can engage them from a far distance. + +# Obtaining +The CZ-600 is obtainable rarely in [Crates](/obstacles/crates). It is also able to be found in [Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrops), [Viking Chests](/obstacles/viking_chest), and [River Chests](/obstacles/river_chest), but it always spawns in the [Lux Crate](/obstacles/lux_crate) located in the [Red Tugboat](/buildings/tugboat_red). + +# Trivia + +## History +- v0.16.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/cz75a.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/cz75a.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2fbd2034 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/cz75a.md @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +The **CZ 75 Automatic**, known in-game as the **CZ-75A**, is an automatic pistol utilizing 9mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. It shoots very fast but has a high spread and low damage. + +# Background + +The CZ 75 was designed by František Koucký starting in 1969. It uses a recoil system similar to the Browning Hi-Power pistol, but unlike most pistols the slide rides inside its frame rails rather than outside. The CZ 75 Automatic variant was introduced in 1992 and has found use in military and law enforcement settings. It features a longer barrel with a compensator and a spot to attach an extra magazine (which can also be used as a foregrip). The CZ 75 is used worldwide primarily by police. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The CZ-75A is viable early-game in close-range against players with low-health armor. It loses its effectiveness against Level 2 and Level 3 [Armor](/equipment/armor) and is underpowered compared to other spray weapons such as the [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi). +- Make sure to pick up as much 9mm ammunition as you can, as the CZ-75A uses a lot of it. +- The CZ-75A is most effective in CQC combat such as [Buildings](/buildings). +- Most weapons are better than the CZ-75A, so replace it as soon as you can. +- Dual CZ-75As can work well early-game if you can't find a [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi) or a shotgun. + - They can work later well in a round but aren't as effective against stronger armor due to the high spread and low damage and range. +- The best way to use Dual CZ-75As is to surprise your opponent when they don't expect an attack. + +## Countering + +- Weapons such as shotguns or other SMGs overpower the CZ-75A at close range. + - The [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi) has much more DPS and damage than the CZ-75A +- Stay at medium or long range, because the CZ-75A is not very accurate. Assault rifles and DMRs work well for this. +- If an opponent with Dual CZ-75As charges you, hide behind cover. The cover will absorb much of the damage, and the long reload time exposes your opponent. + +# Obtaining + +- The CZ-75A is one of the most common weapons in the game. It can be readily found as ground loot or in Crates (most commonly the [Regular Crate](/obstacles/regular_crate)). + +# Trivia + +- Before 0.9.0, the [G19](/weapons/guns/g19) was fully automatic. After the CZ-75A was added, it was switched to semi-automatic + - The CZ-75A is much more powerful than the old G19 +- The CZ-75A is the first gun added from ČZUB (Česká zbrojovka Uherský Brod) +- It was the second pistol to be added to the game, after the G19 + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - New reload sound +- v0.14.0 + - Added dual-wielding + - Bullet speed decreased to 0.16 (from 0.22) +- v0.11.0 + - Updated world image +- v0.9.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/deathray.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/deathray.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4b8b3a85 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/deathray.md @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ + + +The **Death Ray** is a dev-only weapon initially added in the v0.4.0 update, and majorly reworked in the v0.8.0 update. Capable of eliminating almost any object instantly, it also possesses the ability to sail right through cover and players without losing any damage or velocity, making it extremely dangerous. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The Death Ray's cover-bypassing capabilities can be a double-edged sword if used incorrectly; make sure not to destroy whatever you're hiding behind when firing the weapon. +- The Death Ray has the fastest projectile in the game by far. It thus excels at long range, because while your time-to-impact is virtually unchanged, your opponent's is vastly increased—this means that while you can perhaps react to their projectile, they have almost no chance of being able to react to yours. +- Despite its power, it is still a single-shot weapon firing every 1.4 seconds. + +## Countering + +- The Death Ray is a hopeless matchup if you do not have a Death Ray because it is impossible to stall against it. It completely bypasses the cover and has no range preference. + - Your best hope for stalling out a Death Ray is to try and make its user miss, retaliating against them while they reload. + +# Obtaining + +As a dev-only weapon, the Death Ray can only be obtained by developers, or on the debug and arena maps. + +# Trivia + +- This weapon was completely reworked in the v0.8.0 update. + - Previously, it was a weapon that fired 20 projectiles per shot for 200 damage per shot every 60ms (for 3333.333 DPS), had infinite ammo, 20º spread, no penetration, and a range comparable to the [Glock 19](/weapons/guns/g19). + - That iteration of the Death Ray was weaker since it was possible to stall against it, and it was possible to outrange it. +- It is the first developer weapon (both in its original form and its rework, since the next developer weapon, the [Revitalizer](/weapons/guns/revitalizer) was added in v0.9.0) +- Its switch sound contains an easter egg. +- Like other developer weapons, its kill icon contains colors and gradients. + +# History + +- v0.12.1 + - Speed penalty increased to 8% (from 4%) + - Length adjusted + - Bullet velocity increased to 4 (from 1) +- v0.11.0 + - Set a custom tracer image + - Bullet velocity increased to 1 (from 0.5) + - Adding casings +- v0.10.0 + - Length adjusted + - Damage reduced to 800 (from Infinity) +- v0.9.0 + - Damage increased to Infinity (from 300) +- v0.8.0 + - Magazine capacity decreased to 1 (from Infinity) + - Ammo type set to Power Cell + - "No drop on death" enabled + - Reload duration increased to 1.4s (from 100ms) + - Firing delay decreased to 40ms (from 60ms) + - Switch delay increased to 500ms (from 0ms) + - Firing speed penalty increased to 20% (from 0%) + - Firing speed penalty duration increased to 100ms (from 0ms) + - Standing spread decreased to 0.15º (from 20º) + - Moving spread set to 0.1º + - Projectile count decreased to 1 (from 20) + - Quickswitch enabled + - Damage increased to 300 (from 10) + - Obstacle damage multiplier increased to 2 (from 1) + - Bullet velocity increased to 0.5 (from 0.35) + - Range increased to 400 (from 128) + - Player penetration enabled + - Obstacle penetration enabled +- v0.6.0 + - Magazine capacity increased to Infinity (from 255) + - Infinite ammo enabled +- v0.5.0 + - Ammo spawned with gun set to 0 + - Ammo type set to 7.62mm + - Magazine capacity set to 255 + - Reload time set to 100ms +- v0.4.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/flues.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/flues.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0f580731 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/flues.md @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +The **Ithaca Gun Company Flues Double-Barrel Trap**, known in-game as the **Flues**, is a double-barrel shotgun utilizing 12-gauge ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.12.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. + +# Background + +The Flues gets its name from designer Emil Flues, who worked for the Ithaca Gun Company from approximately 1906 to 1915. It had a reliable design and was easy to cock with a short hammer fall. About 223,000 were made between 1908 and 1926, in a variety of gauges. + +# Strategies + +## Using +- The Flues can only hold two rounds, so if you only have 1 loaded, make sure to reload as soon as you can. + - Take cover if reloading in the middle of a fight. +- If you hit both shots, it will kill or seriously weaken an opponent. Carry a secondary weapon to finish them off. +- Have a long-range weapon as your secondary to balance out the Flues' short range. +- Camp in entrances to [Buildings](/buildings) or in [Bushes](/obstacles/bush) to ambush enemies. +- Be very careful with your shots, as the long reload time and 2 rounds make the Flues unforgiving. +- The Flues is very dangerous when the safe zone is very small or in tight spaces such as Buildings. +- You can use two Flues' as a makeshift [Vepr-12](/weapons/guns/vepr12). +- Because of its very low recoil value and duration, it is not necessary to noslow the Flues. + +## Countering +- The Flues has the shortest range of any shotgun, tied with the [HP18](/weapons/guns/hp18), so don't get too close. + - Use a longer-range weapon such as an assault rifle or DMR. +- If the Flues user fires both of their shots, take advantage of the long reload time and attack while they are vulnerable. +- Depending on the opponent's skill, they may miss one or both of their shots. Strafe them and try and make them miss, then attack while they reload. +- Be wary of Bushes and entrances to Buildings if you suspect someone is camping. + +# Rarity + +The Flues is currently the second-rarest shotgun in the game. It is about 5 times as rare as the [M3K](/weapons/guns/m3k) and the same level rarity as the [ARX-160](/weapons/guns/arx160) in normal mode. + +# Trivia + +- The real-life Flues was offered in both double and single-barrel variants +- The reference image for the Flues' icon is based on a 1913 double-barrel + - The in-game Flues has its barrel sawn off + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Range increased to 48 (from 40) +- v0.12.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/g19.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/g19.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..19f0d701 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/g19.md @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +The **Glock 19**, known in-game as the G19, is a 9mm semi-automatic pistol. It was added to the game in the v0.4.0 "Supplies received" update on June 17th, 2023. + +# Background + +The Glock 19 is a "Compact" version of the Glock 17. It carries fifteen rounds in comparison to the Glock 17's seventeen rounds. The Glock series was the first commercially successful polymer-framed pistol. It is famed for its reliability and low cost. Glock variants are in use all over the globe in police, military, and other security forces. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Due to the G19's low accuracy, try and get close to your opponent so you can hit your shots. +- Spam click the G19 to achieve the maximum DPS. + - The G19 can be an effective tool early game against players with no armor or weaker Level 1 [Armor](/equipment/armor). +- It is not recommended that you keep the G19 once you find a better alternative. +- Dual G19s have much more capacity and firepower, especially on mobile. + - However, they have much worse accuracy than a single G19. + - Other dual pistols and common weapons like the [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi) are better choices. + +## Countering + +- Due to the G19 having low stats, it is relatively easy to counter. Stay at a medium distance and gun them down with an assault rifle or rush them with a higher-DPS gun such as an SMG or a shotgun. + +# Obtaining + +The G19 is a very common weapon that can be found almost anywhere. It usually spawns from low-tier loot sources such as [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate). + +# Trivia + +- The G19 is named "G19" instead of "Glock 19" due to copyright concerns +- Before v0.9.0, the G19 was fully automatic instead of semi-automatic as it is in real-life + - This would imply that it had a "switch" on it + +# History + +- v0.14.0 + - Added dual-wielding +- v0.9.0 + - Changed fire mode from Auto to Single + - Move speed penalty increased to 8% (from 5%) + - Standing spread decreased to 7º (from 10º) + - Moving spread decreased to 14º (from 15º) + - Damage increased to 11.75 (from 6.5) + - Obstacle damage multiplier decreased to 1 (from 1.1) + - Reload time decreased to 1.5s (from 2s) + - Magazine capacity decreased to 15 (from 17) + - Firing delay increased to 110ms (from 60ms) + - Ammo spawned with gun decreased to 60 (from 68) + - Range increased to 120 (from 80) +- v0.8.0 + - Move speed penalty set to 5% + - Bullet velocity decreased to 0.14 (from 0.35) + - Range increased to 80 (from 60) + - Standing spread decreased to 15º (from 20º) + - Moving spread set to 5º + - Obstacle damage multiplier decreased to 1.1 (from 2) +- v0.7.0 + - Damage increased to 6.5 (from 5.5) +- v0.5.0 + - Ammo spawned with gun set to 68 + - Ammo type set to 9mm + - Magazine capacity set to 15 + - Reload time set to 2s +- v0.4.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/hp18.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/hp18.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c6b258d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/hp18.md @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +The Iver Johnson Arms HP-18, known in-game as the HP18, is a common semi-automatic shotgun firing 12-gauge ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.7.0 "Geared Up" update on July 9th, 2023. + +# Background + +The HP-18 is a cheaper entry-level shotgun offered by Iver Johnson Arms. It has features such as a 2-piece detachable pistol stock, a Picatinny rail, and a flashlight rail. It is offered by a variety of dealers such as Palmetto State Armory and Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The HP18 has a very high spread, which makes it necessary to get close to your opponent to be used effectively. +- Like most shotguns, you can pair the HP18 with a long-range gun to cover both CQC and long-range scenarios. +- The HP18 is a semi-automatic weapon, so to achieve the highest DPS you must fire as fast as possible. + - However, be careful with your shots or you will quickly run out of ammo. +- Late game, the HP18 is not as viable due to its low damage and high spread. This makes it ineffective against stronger armor. + - If possible, replace the HP18 for another shotgun such as the [Model 37](/weapons/guns/model_37) or the [M3K](/weapons/guns/m3k) +- As with other shotguns, use high adrenaline to help rush your opponent. Switch to your secondary gun or reload one shell to finish off an opponent. + +## Countering + +- The best way to counter the HP18 is to stay out of its short range. Use mid-range or long-range weapons such as assault rifles, DMRs, and snipers to kill your opponent. +- If you do end up close to an HP18 user, don't try to melee them, as getting close could result in all of the pellets hitting you. + - You can do this if the player has little armor and is not very skilled, but it is risky. +- Any other shotgun will overpower the HP18 at close range as well as mid-range. +- Take cover behind obstacles such as [Rocks](/obstacles/rock). The HP18's 0.5x obstacle multiplier makes the gun weak against cover. + - If using a shotgun against the HP18, keep engagements one shot long if possible; the HP18's advantage is its autofire, and keeping engagements short deprives it of this advantage. + +# Obtaining + +The HP18 is the most common shotgun available on the normal map. It can be found as ground loot, in different Crates, and many other places. + +# Trivia + +- The HP18 replaced the now-removed [940 Pro](/weapons/guns/940pro) in update v0.7.0 +- The HP18 fires birdshot, which explains its low damage and high pellet count + +# History +- v0.16.0 + - Damage decreased to 4 (from 5) +- v0.11.0 + - Updated world image & length + - Jitter set to 1.5 +- v0.10.0 + - Standing accuracy increased to 30º (from 15º) +- v0.9.0 + - Projectiles per shot decreased to 18 (from 20) + - Obstacle damage multiplier decreased to 0.5 (from 1) +- v0.8.0 + - Move speed penalty set to 5% + - Moving spread set to 7º + - Reload time decreased to 0.725s (from 0.85s) + - Damage increased to 5 (from 3) + - Standing spread decreased to 15º (from 30º) + - Ammo spawned with gun decreased to 15 (from 20) + - Range decreased to 40 (from 48) + - Obstacle damage multiplier decreased to 1 (from 2) + - Bullet velocity decreased to 0.12 (from 0.35) +- v0.7.0 + - Added (replaced "940 Pro") + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/lewis_gun.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/lewis_gun.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..569994ce --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/lewis_gun.md @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +The Lewis gun (aka Lewis automatic machine gun or Lewis automatic rifle), known in-game as the Lewis Gun, is an LMG utilizing 7.62mm ammunition. + +# Background + +The Lewis gun was invented in 1911 by Isaac Newton Lewis, a U.S. Army colonel. It was widely used by the United Kingdom during the First World War. During the Second World War, old stores of Lewis guns supplemented the arsenal of the Allies. It saw use both as a LMG and a mounted weapon for boats, airplanes, and vehicles. It was withdrawn from service in the UK in 1946. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The Lewis Gun is a great weapon for clearing out obstacles, so don't be afraid to use it to destroy enemy cover. +- Due to its long reload time, it is important to reload this weapon whenever you have the chance. You should also make sure to take cover when reloading as you are vulnerable. +- Make sure to pick up some additional ammunition for this weapon as it only spawns with 2 magazines' worth. This is especially important if you plan on using it to destroy obstacles. +- Like other LMGs, it is important to pair this gun up with a secondary weapon that can be used in close quarters. The Lewis Gun is not very effective at close range and may leave you vulnerable if your opponent decides to rush you. + - Conversely, the Lewis Gun is fairly effective at long range so try to keep your distance from enemies. + - It is inadvisable to use this weapon within [Buildings](/buildings) and tight spaces where you can easily be rushed or ambushed. + +## Countering + +- Make sure to have a short-range, high DPS weapon ready as the Lewis Gun performs poorly in close quarters. + - Good choices include the [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi), [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues) or [HP18](/weapons/guns/hp18) +- As the Lewis Gun can easily shred basic cover such as [Trees](/obstacles/tree) or [Rocks](/obstacles/rock), take cover behind indestructible objects such as Buildings or Containers. + - Keep in mind, however, that the bullets spent on destroying your cover are bullets that aren't hitting you, so these forms of cover are still useful. +- Stay away from explosive [Barrels](/obstacles/barrel) as the Lewis Gun can pop them extremely quickly and without warning. +- Try to lure the player closer to you as the Lewis Gun is not very effective at close range. +- If you decide to rush the enemy, keep in mind they might have a secondary high DPS weapon. + +# Obtaining + +The Lewis Gun can be rarely found as world loot, but it is more common in higher-tier places such as [Flint](/obstacles/flint_crate) and [AEGIS Crates](/obstacles/aegis_crate). + +# Trivia + +- Most Lewis Guns in real life were chambered for .303 British or .30-06 Springfield + - This means the Lewis Gun in-game is most likely a 7.62x54R variant exported to Russia in 1917 +- The Lewis Gun is the first LMG to be added to the game + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Moving spread increased to 9° (from 6°) +- v0.11.0 + - Added casings + - World image updated +- v0.9.0 + - Reload time reduced to 3.4 (from 4) + - Moving spread increased to 6 (from 4) +- v0.8.0 + - Bullet velocity decreased to 0.3 (from 0.35) + - Moving spread increased to 4º (from 3º) + - Obstacle damage multiplier decreased to 2.5 (from 3) + - Range increased to 180 (from 128) + - Standing spread decreased to 1.5º (from 2º) +- v0.7.0 + - Damage increased to 16 (from 10) +- v0.6.0 + - Obstacle damage multiplier increased to 3 (from 2) +- v0.5.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m16a4.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m16a4.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e5c82625 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m16a4.md @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +The **M16A4** is a burst-fire assault rifle utilizing 5.56mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.5.0 "Locked & Loaded" update on June 24, 2023. + +# Background + +The M16 series of rifles is based off of the larger AR-10 series of rifles, both designed by Eugene Stoner in the late 1950s. It replaced the heavier M14 rifle as the primary infantry rifle and was designed around the brand-new 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge. The M16 family of rifles and its variants see use in many militaries, police, and security forces around the globe. + +# Strategies + +# Using + +- The M16 is a very strong weapon due to its quick fire rate, accuracy, and high damage. +- The burst feature allows you to output high amounts of damage and recede quickly, which means the M16A4 can stand up to guns like the [MCX Spear](weapons/guns/mcx_spear). +- Make use of prediction and tracking to the best of your ability, especially at longer ranges. +- This weapon pairs well with a shotgun such as the [M3K](/weapons/guns/m3k). + +# Countering + +- Hide behind cover and take short opportunities to chip away at the opponent's health. +- If approaching, make sure that you strafe as much as you can to throw off your opponent's shots. + - Once at close range, use a high-DPS weapon like a shotgun or SMG to kill the M16A4 user. + +# Obtaining + +- The M16 is a rare weapon, being as rare as the [ARX-160](/weapons/guns/arx160), [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) and the [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues). Thus, it is best obtained from rare loot sources like [Flint](/obstacles/flint_crate) or [AEGIS Crates](/obstacles/aegis_crate). + +# Trivia + +- There are currently 8 million M16s in the world +- Eugene Stoner also designed the [SR-25](/weapons/guns/sr25) and the [Stoner 63](/weapons/guns/stoner_63) +- The M16A4 is the fourth iteration of the M16 series + - The M16A4 in-game is a Safe/Semi/Burst international export version produced by Colt, with the code RO905 or R0905 + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Fire delay increased to 75ms (from 30ms) + - Burst delay decreased to 250ms (from 350ms) +- v0.12.1 + - Fire delay decreased to 30ms (from 60ms) + - Increased switch delay to 400ms (from 300ms) + - Decreased firing speed penalty to 25% (from 30%) + - Decreased recoil duration to 350ms (from 900ms) + - Decreased burst cooldown to 350ms (from 400ms) +- v0.11.0 + - World image updated +- v0.9.0 + - Moving spread decreased to 2.5º (from 1.5º) + - Standing spread decreased to 1º (from 0.5º) + - Obstacle multiplier increased to 1.5 (from 1.4) + - Damage decreased to 21 (from 22) +- v0.8.0 + - Fire delay decreased to 60ms (from 90) + - Reload time decreased to 2.2 seconds (from 2.5) + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1.4 (from 2) + - Move speed penalty set to 8% + - Damage decreased to 22 (from 24) + - Bullet speed decreased to 0.3 (from 0.35) + - Range increased to 180 (from 96) + - Burst cooldown decreased to 400ms (from 600) + - Set standing spread to 0.5º + - Moving spread increased to 1.5º (from 2º) +- v0.7.0 + - Damage increased to 24 (from 18) +- v0.6.0 + - Reload speed decreased to 2.5 seconds (from 3) + - Damage decreased to 18 (from 20) +- v0.5.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m1895.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m1895.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d06f452f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m1895.md @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +The **Nagant M1895 Revolver**, known in-game as the **M1895**, is a pistol utilizing 7.62mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 22nd, 2023. + +# Background + +The M1895 was designed by the Belgian Léon Nagant for the Russian Empire. It is notable for its use of a special "gas-seal" system, which boosted the muzzle velocity, allowed it to be suppressed, and eliminated finger injuries. However, this came at the cost of reload time, both ejecting and reloading the cartridges. The M1895 was widely used in both Russian and Soviet forces up until it was officially replaced by the Makarov pistol in 1952. It continued to see use in Russia officially as late as 2009. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The M1895 is a great pestering tool. To take advantage of this, make sure to keep a distance between you and the enemy. +- If the enemy has a level 2 Vest or higher, it is advised that you run away instead of trying to pester the enemy, as this may slow you down, allowing the enemy a chance at you. +- The M1895 is a decent weapon, especially when its rarity is taken into account, as it is the second most common weapon in the game behind the [G19](/weapons/guns/g19). +- Dual M1895s work well when used as a DMR, as they have decent damage output. Just mind the long reload time. + - Because of the long reload, don't waste your shots with Dual M1895s destroying cover like you would with a normal DMR. + - Find a 4x or better scope to take advantage of Dual M1895s. + +## Countering + +- Make sure to close the distance between you and the M1895 user. + - This is relatively easy to do due to the M1895's low damage output. + - Strafing is a good strategy to avoid shots due to the high accuracy. +- Dual M1895s have a very long reload time, so hide behind cover to waste an opponent's shots and attack up close while they reload. + - Watch out, as they may have a secondary weapon ready to use. + +# Obtaining + +The M8195 is one of the most common weapons guns in the game and can be found in many places around the map. + +# Trivia + +- Initially, the M1895 would eject casings after each shot. Being a revolver, this is not possible in real life + - This was fixed in v0.12.0, and now all 7 casings are ejected after reloading +- The M1895 is the third pistol in the game, and the first revolver +- Léon Nagant's brother, Émile Nagant, helped in the design of the [Mosin-Nagant](/weapons/guns/mosin) +- The M1895 has the highest damage per bullet of any pistol in Suroi + +# History + +- v0.14.0 + - Added dual-wielding +- v0.12.0 + - Casings now eject on reload instead of after each shot +- v0.11.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m1_garand.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m1_garand.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33a13501 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m1_garand.md @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +The **M1 Garand** is a DMR utilizing 7.62 ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.13.0 "Terminal Velocity" update on November 27th, 2023. Despite the low clip size, it has very high DPS, accuracy, and range. + +# Background + +The M1 Garand was designed by John Garand in the 1920s and 1930s, and production started in 1937. It greatly increased the output of an individual soldier over older bolt-action rifles. Millions were made and used by the US during World War Two, and it saw continued use through the Korean War and even into the Vietnam War. A large number of countries have either purchased M1 Garands or received them from aid packages. Thus, the M1 Garand has been used in over 30 major conflicts worldwide since its inception. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Like most DMRs, the M1 Garand has very good accuracy and range, so make sure to get a good scope like an 8x or 15x to take advantage of this. +- Unlike most DMRs however, the M1 Garand has a much smaller clip size of only 8 rounds. This makes missing a shot much more punishing, so prioritize aiming and hitting your shots over getting the max DPS. +- The M1 Garand works well when paired with an LMG, as the LMG can be used to destroy cover and then the M1 Garand can deal lots of damage quickly. + - Shotguns also pair well, as they cover the close-range combat that the M1 Garand is not as good at. +- Be wary of ambushes by opponents with close-range, high-DPS weapons like shotguns and SMGs. +- Don't use the M1 Garand to destroy the cover, as you will waste most of your clip on it and not have enough left to do much damage to your opponent. + +## Countering + +- Like most DMRs, you can use a high-DPS weapon such as a shotgun or SMG at close range against an M1 Garand user. + - Watch out, as they may have a secondary weapon of their own. +- At long range, you may be able to use a sniper rifle to out-damage the M1 Garand user if you use cover and "peek" from out behind it. +- Get as much adrenaline as you can, and use the increased speed to strafe your opponent and waste their bullets. + - Never move in straight and predictable directions if you suspect someone with the M1 Garand is attacking you. +- Attack while the M1 Garand user is reloading, as this is when they are most vulnerable. + - The "ping" sound after the last round makes it easy to tell if they are out of bullets and reloading. + +# Obtaining + +- The only way to get the M1 Garand is to either find one in a [Gold Airdrop](/obstacles/gold_airdrop_crate) or by breaking a [Flint Stone](/obstacles/flint_stone). + +# Trivia + +- The "ping" sound after the last round is the sound of the en bloc clip being ejected +- The M1 Garand is one of 6 guns that were in surviv.io, the others being the [Vector](/weapons/guns/vector), [AK-47](/weapons/guns/ak47), [VSS](/weapons/guns/vss), [USAS-12](/weapons/guns/usas12), and [Mosin-Nagant](/weapons/guns/mosin) + +# History + +- v0.16.0 + - Added strap to loot image +- v0.13.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m3k.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m3k.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a00f176 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/m3k.md @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +The **Stoeger Industries M3K Freedom Series Defense Shotgun**, known in-game as the **M3K** is a semi-automatic shotgun utilizing 12-gauge ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.2.0 "Fun guns" update on May 28th, 2023. It has good range, decent damage, and a large magazine. + +# Background + +The M3K is an affordable budget semi-automatic shotgun offered by Stoeger Industries. Instead of a gas system to chamber the next round, it uses an inertia system developed by Benelli (Stoeger is a subsidiary of Benelli). This equates to fewer parts, meaning the M3K is very reliable and requires low maintenance. The family of shotguns is well known for the abundance of aftermarket parts and add-ons. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The M3K has the longest range out of any shotgun, as well as great accuracy. Use this to avoid close confrontations with higher-DPS weapons. + - A good strategy is to find an obstacle such as a [Rock](/obstacles/rock) and "peek out" to fire a shot, and then keep hiding. This will avoid much of the damage from weapons such as assault rifles and DMRs. +- Use the M3K with another shotgun such as the [Model 37](/weapons/guns/model_37). This will cover both long-range and short-range. + - This works best with quickswitching. +- If your opponent also has an M3K, use the aforementioned "peek" strategy and avoid being damaged while wasting their ammo. +- The M3K's long-range also pairs well with a sniper like the [Mosin-Nagant](/weapons/guns/mosin), if you quickswitch both. This is great if you can't find another sniper. + +## Countering + +- If you have high adrenaline, you can strafe the M3K user, as the tight spread makes it more punishing than other shotguns. +- The M3K's long barrel makes it more difficult to use in very close combat, where weapons such as the [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues) are much better. + - This may also work with an SMG such as a [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi), but watch out if they try to melee you. + +# Obtaining + +The M3K is uncommon in general world loot, but fairly common in rarer loot sources such as [AEGIS Crates](/obstacles/aegis_crate). + +# Trivia + +- The M3K was one of the first guns to be added to the game, alongside the [AK-47](/weapons/guns/ak47) + - It is also the first shotgun in the game +- The M3K presumably fires a lower powered load than the [Model 37](/weapons/guns/model_37) and [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues), which explains its lower damage +- Despite also being semi-automatic, it cannot fire as fast as the [HP18](/weapons/guns/hp18) +- In real life, the M3K has a magazine capacity of 10+1 + - Most likely, the M3K in-game uses an aftermarket magazine that only holds 9 rounds + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Fire mode has been switched to Single (from Auto) +- v0.12.0 + - Fire mode has been switched to Auto (from Single) +- v0.11.0 + - Updated world image + - Jitter radius set to 0.5 +- v0.9.0 + - Move speed penalty increased to 8% (from 7%) +- v0.8.0 + - Reload time decreased to 0.55s (from 0.8s) + - Pellet damage increased to 9 (from 7) + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1 (from 2) + - Move speed penalty set to 7% + - Standing spread set to 5° + - Switch delay increased to 700 (from 500) + - Firing delay decreased to 700 (from 750) +- v0.7.0 + - Pellet damage increased to 7 (from 6.5) +- v0.5.0 + - Magazine capacity set to 9 + - Reload time set to 0.8s + - Ammo spawn amount set to 18 + - Pellet speed decreased to 0.2 (from 0.35) +- v0.4.0 + - Switch delay increased to 500ms (from 450ms) + - Firing delay decreased to 750ms (from 1000ms) + - Pellet damage decreased to 6.5 (from 7) + - Firing speed penalty set to 50% + - Recoil duration set to 500ms +- v0.3.0 + - Switch delay set to 450ms +- v0.2.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mcx_spear.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mcx_spear.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..19b4b087 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mcx_spear.md @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +The **SIG Sauer MCX Spear**, known in-game as the **MCX Spear**, is an assault rifle using 7.62mm ammunition. It was v0.5.0 "Locked & Loaded" update on June 24th, 2023. It has high DPS, low magazine capacity, and very good accuracy. + +# Background + +The MCX Spear is the civilian version of the XM7, which was selected by the US military in early 2019 as a potential replacement for the M4 carbine and M249 SAW. It is normally chambered in the new .277 SIG FURY cartridge, which performs better against body armor than the old 5.56x45mm NATO. The MCX Spear was offered on the civilian market starting in 2022. That same year, the United States Army awarded SIG Sauer a 10-year contract to produce the XM7 and XM250 to replace the M4 and M249. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The MCX Spear has a higher DPS than comparable guns such as the [AK-47](/weapons/guns/ak47), [ARX-160](/weapons/guns/arx160) and [AUG](/weapons/guns/aug). + - Use this to your advantage when facing an opponent using one of these guns. + - It is also more accurate which means a larger scope (4x or higher) will help you outrange your opponents. +- Keep in mind that the magazine capacity of the MCX Spear is on the lower side, being 20 instead of the standard 30 for similar weapons. It is also hampered by a longer reload time. + - Thus, it is important to reload often (behind cover of course) and to not miss your shots. +- While the MCX Spear can be used as a CQC weapon due to its higher DPS, it is still advisable to carry a secondary, high-DPS weapon such as the [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi) or [Model 37](/weapons/guns/model_37) to deal with enemies at close range. + +## Countering + +- Rushing an MCX Spear user is more risky than other similar assault rifles due to its higher DPS. + - If you do decide to rush, make sure to have a high DPS weapon such as the [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi) or [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues). +- If you have a higher scope and a sniper or DMR you could try to outrange them. Beware though, as the MCX Spear is still a powerful weapon at range. +- Generally, the MCX Spear is a potent weapon, especially in the hands of a skilled player. +- Use cover, particularly indestructible cover (like an [Oil Tank](/obstacles/oil_tank) or Container) when possible, as being caught in the open against an MCX Spear user is a death sentence due to its high DPS. +- Exploit the MCX Spear's low magazine capacity and long reload time by attacking when they are reloading. + +# Obtaining + +The MCX Spear is found rarely as world loot in locations such as [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate). It is a more common drop from special locations such as [AEGIS](/obstacles/aegis_crate) and [Flint Crate](/obstacles/flint_crate). + +- The MCX Spear has a 99% chance to be found in the Office at the [Refinery](/buildings/refinery). + +# Trivia + +- The MCX Spear in-game uses a barrel change to 7.62x51mm NATO + - In addition to the standard .277 SIG FURY, it is also available with a 6.5mm Creedmoor barrel + +# History + +- v0.12.2 + - Firing speed penalty decreased to 25% (from 35%) + - Recoil duration decreased to 130ms (from 240) +- v0.11.0 + - Updated world image +- v0.9.0 + - Standing spread increased to 2° (from 1.5°) + - Damage increased to 16 (from 14) + - Move speed penalty decreased to 8% (from 10%) + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1.5 (from 1.6) +- v0.8.0 + - Move speed penalty set to 10% + - Range increased to 180 (from 128) + - Bullet speed decreased to 0.3 (from 0.35) + - Reload time increased to 2.75 seconds (from 2.5) + - Moving spread increased to 3.5° (from 2°) + - Set standing spread to 1.5° + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1.6 (from 2) + - Damage increased to 15 (from 14) + - Fire delay decreased to 87.5ms (from 120) + - Ammo spawn amount increased to 80 (from 60) +- v0.7.0 + - Damage increased to 14 (from 10) +- v0.5.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mg36.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mg36.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d8d04a84 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mg36.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +The **Heckler & Koch MG36** + +# Background +- The Heckler & Koch G36 is an assault rifle chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO, developed by Heckler & Koch as a replacement for the aging G3 battle rifle after the cancelation of the astronomically expensive G11 program in 1990. The MG variant differs only slightly from the standard versions, with a heavier barrel for better performance in sustained fire roles, different optics, and a bipod for increased stability while firing prone. Despite some major problems with overheating, the rifle has been very successful and is currently used by many military and law enforcement groups around the world. Most notably, it serves as the standard service rifle of the German and Spanish Armed Forces. + +# Strategies +## Using +- The MG36 has the slowdown and recoil of an assault rifle, making it a very maneuverable weapon. That and its high obstacle multiplier make it a very effective counter-sniper weapon. +- The MG36 has poor moving accuracy, so try to close range with your opponents before you open up. +- The MG36 will easily trump lower-tier ARs such as the AUG and AK-47 with its higher obstacle multiplier and magazine capacity. +But watch out for high-tier ARs such as the M16A4 and MCX SPEAR as they have much higher damage and accuracy. + +## Countering +- Hide behind indestructible cover such as shipping containers to mitigate its counter obstacle power. +- Engage the user at longer range with a DMR or sniper. +- Go close range with a high DPS SMG or a shotgun. + +# Obtaining +The MG36 is most easily found in special loot such as [AEGIS](/obstacles/aegis_crate) and [Flint Crates](/obstacles/flint_crate). It can also be rarely found from [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate) or as ground loot. + +# Trivia +- The "MG" in "MG36" stands for "Maschinengewehr" which means "machine gun" +- The G36 rifle is currently being replaced by the M416 in the German Army because of its terrible accuracy at high temperatures. +# History +- v0.17.0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mg5.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mg5.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1233020 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mg5.md @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +The **Heckler & Koch MG5**, known in-game as the **MG5**, is a LMG utilizing the 7.62mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.17.0 "Just the Two of Us" update on March 31st, 2024. The MG5 has a steady fire rate and great damage output. + +# Background +The MG5 is based on a similar design to that of the MG4 light machine gun that preceded it, with some changes to make it more suited to firing the heavier 7.62x51mm NATO cartridge. The gun is quite accurate for a general purpose machine gun. It is used by a variety of military units around the world and has been produced since 2015. + +# Strategies +## Using +- Try and find a good scope. The MG5 is more accurate than many weapons in Suroi, so make sure to take advantage of this. +- Reload whenever you're not in combat. + - Not only will this give you a full magazine to work with, it also frees up more space in your pack for ammunition. + - The MG5 has the second longest reload of any weapon, so reload out of combat and avoid reloading in combat if possible. + - If you find a MG5 but have no backpack, reload multiple times to carry as much ammo as possible, since you don't want to run out. +- Because it is more accurate (albeit a slightly lower DPS) the MG5 is more suited to close to long-range combat than its competitor, the [Negev](/weapons/guns/negev). +- If your enemy is far away, such as 8x range, move closer so you can kill them more easily and not waste ammo. +- The MG5 has a 2x obstacle multiplier, meaning it shreds through obstacles twice as fast compared to other weapons. If an opponent hides behind a destructible obstacle, don't hesitate to plow right through it. +- Because the MG5 is so rare, it can be used to bait players by leaving it on the ground. + - Be wary of a MG5 as a ground, as it might be a trap and a player could be hiding nearby to ambush you. +- Don't openly hold the MG5 when not in combat. It has a large slowdown and makes you a prime target to others due to the distinctive world image. + +## Countering +- At close-mid range, the [Negev](/weapons/guns/negev) is a direct counter to the MG5 due to its higher DPS. +- If you see an enemy reloading, take advantage of their vulnerability by rushing them with a shotgun or other high-DPS weapon like a SMG. +- Make sure to find indestructible cover such as a [Buildings](/buildings), Container, or [Oil Tank](/obstacles/oil_tank). + - If you see or hear shots, try not to stay out in the open and find cover. +- Use lots of adrenaline and strafe the opponent to dodge bullets. + - This is effective at wasting entire magazines and taking little damage if the opponent is fairly unskilled. +- Another high-DPS weapon such as [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) or a [Mini-14](/weapons/guns/mini14) can catch a MG5 user off-guard if they are reloading or out in the open. +- Waste your opponent's ammunition by dodging and hiding behind cover. + +# Obtaining +The most common way to find a MG5 is through a [Gold Airdrop](/obstacles/gold_airdrop_crate) or by breaking a [Flint Stone](/obstacles/flint_stone). It can also spawn very rarely as world loot. + +# Trivia +- In real life, the MG5 is classfied as a GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun), but it is a LMG in Suroi for simplicity +- The MG5 is one of two guns (the other being the [Negev](/weapons/guns/negev)) in Suroi that utilizes a belt feed system + +# History +- v0.17.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/micro_uzi.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/micro_uzi.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32498d2f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/micro_uzi.md @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +The **IWI Micro Uzi**, known in-game as the **Micro Uzi** is a SMG utilizing 9mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.5.0 "Locked & Loaded" update on June 24th, 2023. The Micro Uzi features high DPS, but low accuracy and range. + +# Background + +The original Uzi is an open-bolt, blowback-operated design, very similar to the CZ Sa 23 series of SMGs. The Uzi is made of stamped sheet metal, which keeps costs down and results in fewer moving parts for easier and less frequent maintenance. The pistol grip houses the magazine, making it easier to reload in dark or other low visibility conditions. The Uzi was designed in the 1940s by Major Uziel "Uzi" Gal, and accepted into military use in 1954. It has since been exported to many different countries, and over 10 million of it and its variants exist worldwide. The Micro Uzi is an extremely scaled down version of the original Uzi, sacrificing some muzzle velocity but having a much faster cyclic rate. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The Micro Uzi is one of the best guns for close-range combat, other than shotguns. +- The high spread, while decreasing its overall effectiveness, make it a great weapon for beginners to gain better accuracy. + - The high spread can actually be useful in confined spaces such as [Buildings](/buildings). + - It also makes it impossible for an opponent to avoid the bullets if you fire at them while they are in a Container. +- Pair the Micro Uzi with a more accurate gun such as DMR or an assault rifle to cover long range engagements that the Micro Uzi can't reach. +- Always pick up as much 9mm ammunition as you can, as the Micro Uzi burns through ammo extremely quickly. +- If you are trying to pick off an enemy that is running away, try standing still. The Micro Uzi is over twice as accurate when standing still compared ot moving. + +## Countering + +- Hide behind cover such as [Rocks](/obstacles/rock), or indestructible cover like [Oil Tanks](/obstacles/oil_tank). This will waste the Micro Uzi user's ammo, and if they don't have a good supply they might completely run out. + - Try peeking from cover with a weapon like a burst-fire gun or a shotgun while they are reloading. +- Stay at medium or long range and use a more accurate weapon such as a DMR or assault rifle to take out your opponent. Avoid close-range encounters with the Micro Uzi, especially if you have lower tier armor. + - The MP 40 also works well for this, as it is very accurate. +- Shotguns like the [Flues](weapons/guns/flues) can easily overpower the Micro Uzi at close-range. + - Make sure to quickswitch and avoid the recoil from shotguns, as this will make you a sitting duck for the Micro Uzi user. + +# Obtaining + +The Micro Uzi is a very common gun, and can be found from [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate), as ground loot, and readily found from [AEGIS](/obstacles/aegis_crate) and [Flint Crates](/obstacles/flint_crate). + +# Trivia + +- The Micro Uzi was the second SMG to be added to the game, after the [SAF-200](weapons/guns/saf200) +- The Micro Uzi has the highest DPS of any 9mm weapon in Suroi, yet the lowest damage per bullet (of any 9mm weapon) + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - World image updated + - Damage decreased to 7.75 (from 9) +- v0.9.0 + - Standing spread increased to 9° (from 8°) + - Moving spread increased to 19° (from 12°) + - Move speed penalty increased to 8% (from 2%) + - Range decreased to 85 (from 86) + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1 (from 1.3) +- v0.8.0 + - Damage increased to 9 (from 7) + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1.3 (from 2) + - Bullet speed decreased to 0.16 (from 0.35) + - Range increased to 86 (from 64) + - Reload time decreased to 1.75s (from 2s) + - Move speed penalty set to 2% + - Fire delay decreased to 40ms (from 50ms) + - Standing spread set to 8° + - Moving spread increased to 12° (from 9°) +- v0.7.0 + - Damage increased to 7 (from 4) +- v0.5.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mini14.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mini14.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..072573dc --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mini14.md @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +The **Ruger Mini-14**, known in-game as the **Mini-14**, is a DMR utilizing 5.56mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang" update on September 14th, 2023. It has decent damage, a high rate of fire, and high DPS. + +# Background + +The Mini-14, as the name suggests, is based on the bigger 7.62x51mm NATO firing M14. It uses a custom gas design but fires the smaller 5.56x45mm NATO or .223 Remington cartridge. Variants chambered for other calibers such as 7.62x39mm also exist. The Mini-14 was popular with police forces in the United States for many years before being largely replaced by M4-style rifles. It is still in use in a variety of police and security forces worldwide. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The Mini-14 is best used at long-range, but its high DPS makes it effective against many weapons at mid-range as well. +- Stay at long range, as the high accuracy and fast bullet speed make the Mini-14 very powerful against other long-range weapons like snipers and the [MCX Spear.](weapons/guns/mcx_spear) +- The SR-25 has more damage than the Mini-14 albeit at the cost of a slightly lower DPS. +- Pair the Mini-14 with a high-DPS shotgun or SMG for close-range combat. + +## Countering + +- Use high adrenaline and strafe the Mini-14 user, as the low spread makes it easier to dodge the bullets. +- Despite the Mini-14 having very good obstacle DPS, you can still use cover like [Rocks](/obstacles/rock) and [Trees](/obstacles/tree) as a last resort to waste the opponent's ammo and attack while they are reloading. +- High-DPS weapons such as SMGs and shotguns can beat the Mini-14 at close range. + - Hide around indestructible obstacles such as [Oil Tanks](/obstacles/oil_tank) or in [Buildings](/buildings) to force the Mini-14 user into close-range combat. + - Be careful, however, as they might have a shotgun or SMG of their own as a secondary weapon. +- At long-range, snipers can be effective against the Mini-14, provided that you quickswitch to move around quicker. +- The [MCX Spear](weapons/guns/mcx_spear) has a higher DPS and comparable accuracy to the Mini-14, and can be used as a counter. + +# Obtaining + +The Mini-14 can be found rarely as world loot but is more common in rare drops such as from [AEGIS](/obstacles/aegis_crate) and [Flint Crates](/obstacles/flint_crate), [Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrop_crate), or from the center of a [Warehouse](/buildings/warehouse). + +# Trivia + +- The reference image for the Mini-14 is one of the developer's own Mini-14 +- The in-game Mini-14 is most likely the "Ranch" variant, which is the most basic configuration + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Standing spread increased to 2° (from 1°) + - Moving spread increased to 5° (from 2.5°) +- v0.10.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/model_37.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/model_37.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9d1aa9d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/model_37.md @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +The **Ithaca Model 37**, also known as the **Ithaca 37** and known in-game as the **Model 37** is a pump-action shotgun utilizing 12-gauge ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.4.0 "Supplies received" update on June 17th, 2023. It has high damage, but short range and lots of recoil. + +# Background + +After the shotgun was proven an effective weapon in WW1, demand for them skyrocketed post-war. Ithaca Gun Company aimed to introduce a competitor to the venerable Winchester 1912 (which was in itself based on the Winchester Model 1893/97). The new gun was based on the Remington Model 17, with some tweaks done to make it more reliable and easier to cheaper to produce. They did this while waiting for the patents to expire on the Remington Model 17. Initially, the gun was going to be released in 1933 as the Ithaca Model 33, but the company discovered that they had missed some patents by the Model 17's designer, John Pederson. Upon these patents expiring in 1937, the shotgun was released. It was not very successful initially, as the war was imminent and consumers did not have much money to spend. Although production has been paused several times, the Model 37 is still in production and holds the record for the longest production run of a pump-action shotgun. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Use quickswitching to avoid the slowdown applied when firing the Model 37. This will greatly increase your mobility and make you less of an easy target. +- Dual Model 37s are one of the most powerful combinations in the game. You can also pair the Model 37 with another shotgun such as a [M3K](/weapons/guns/m3k) or [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues) to achieve a similar effect. +- The Model 37 is extremely effective in confined spaces such as [Buildings](/obstacles/buildings). + - If a player is in a Container, firing a shot at the player will result in nearly all of the pellets ricocheting inside and hitting the player. +- You can also quickswitch the Model 37 with a sniper, to cover both short-range and long-range combat. + +## Countering + +- As a shotgun, the Model 37 has a fairly short range compared to most guns. Knowing this, you can avoid being hit by using an SMG like the [MP40](/weapons/guns/mp40) or any assault rifle from a distance. +- Be wary of confined spaces such as Buildings and Containers, as they are where the Model 37 is strongest. +- The [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues) has higher DPS than the Model 37, provided you hit both shots. + +# Obtaining + +The Model 37 is fairly common as both ground loot as well as in places such as [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate). + +# Trivia + +- The reference image for the in-game Model 37 is based on a "Trench" variant of the Model 37, complete with a bayonet mount +- The Model 37 ejects spent shells directly downwards + - This is intended to make the shotgun more reliable by keeping out things that could foul it like dirt, dust, and water + +# History + +- v0.14.0 + - Fire delay decreased to 900ms (from 925ms) + - Switch delay decreased to 900ms (from 925ms) +- v0.12.1 + - Increased move speed penalty to 8% (from 7%) +- v0.11.0 + - Updated world image + - Set jitter radius to 1.25 +- v0.9.0 + - Standing spread decreased to 11° (from 12°) + - Moving spread decreased to 14° (from 15°) +- v0.8.0 + - Set standing spread to 12° + - Moving spread increased to 15° (from 14°) + - Reload time decreased to 0.75 seconds (from 1 second) + - Move speed penalty set to 7% + - Switch delay set to 925ms + - Fire delay decreased to 925ms (from 1000ms) + - Ammo spawn amount increased to 15 (from 10) + - Bullet speed decreased to 0.16 (from 0.35) + - Range decreased to 48 (from 64) + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1 (from 2) +- v0.5.0 + - Magazine capacity set to 5 + - Reload time set to 1 second + - Ammo spawn amount set to 10 +- v0.4.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/model_89.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/model_89.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b5b331a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/model_89.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +The **Big Horn Armory Model 89 Carbine**, known in-game as the **Model 89**, is a lever-action DMR utilizing the 12.7mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.16.0 "A Sailor's Dream" update on February 25th, 2024. Found only in [Gold Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrops) and [Flint Stones](/obstacles/flint_stone), it has a slow fire rate but packs incredible damage. + +# Background +The Model 89 was developed by Big Horn Armory to supersede the older Model 86 and Model 92 lever actions in a modern platform. It features a wide variety of options and fires the powerful .500 S&W cartridge. As a CNC-machined rifle, all the parts are exceptionally precise which gives into its prowess at the range. + +# Strategies +## Using +- The Model 89 has a very distinctive barrel color, so keep it unequipped until you are ready to attack your opponent so that you suprise them. +- Make sure to conserve ammo when you can, as chances are you won't be able to find more. +- The Model 89 can play either like a sniper or a DMR. You can quickswitch it or spam it. Choose whichever style suits you better, but spamming isn't a good option when ammo reserves are low. +- Break [Ammo Crates](/obstacles/ammo_crate) if possible to try and get more 12.7mm ammunition. +- Always reload when not fighting, as the Model 89 has a high total reload time. + +## Countering +- Strafe back and forth to make the Model 89 user miss. The slow rate of fire makes it harder to aim. +- Hide behind indestructible cover such as [Oil Tanks](/obstacles/oil_tank) or [Sandbags](/obstacles/sandbags). The 12.7mm ammo that the Model 89 uses is very rare, so you may be able to make your opponent run out of it by wasting it. + +# Obtaining +The Model 89 is only found in Gold Airdrops and [Flint Stones](/obstacles/flint_stone). + +# Trivia +- The Model 89 in-game is a 18" carbine with a standard walnut stock and a matte stainless steel finish +- The Model 89 is one of the two weapons which use 12.7mm ammunition. The other weapon which uses 12.7mm rounds is the [M82 Barrett](/weapons/guns/barrett) + +## History +- v0.16.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mosin.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mosin.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c15e4189 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mosin.md @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +The **Mosin-Nagant** is a bolt-action sniper rifle utilizing 7.62mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.4.0 "Supplies received" update on June 17th, 2023. + +# Background + +The Mosin-Nagant was designed in 1891 by Captain Sergei Mosin and Émile Nagant for the Russian Empire. It saw the introduction of the popular 7.62x54mmR cartridge. Despite its old age, the rifle has seen use in a multitude of conflicts and is still in active service in some areas. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Don't judge the Mosin-Nagant by its low DPS. The high damage and excellent range make it among the best weapons in the game. +- As a sniper, the Mosin-Nagant works very well at long-range against weapons with less range and accuracy. +- The Mosin-Nagant is best used when quickswitched with another sniper or a shotgun. This allows you to have high damage output at both close and long range. + - The [M3K](/weapons/guns/m3k) and [Model 37](/weapons/guns/model_37) are both good choices to pair with the Mosin-Nagant. The Model 37 packs more damage, but the M3K may be better if you have an 8x or 15x scope and expect a lot of long-range engagements. +- Always reload bullets when not actively engaging, as the Mosin-Nagant takes 850ms to load each bullet (4.25 seconds for a full reload) and this saved time could win you a fight. +- If you're using the Mosin-Nagant at long range, make sure to lead your shots to ensure you hit your target. +- A great strategy to use is to find cover such as a [Rock](/obstacles/rock) or an [Oil Tank](/obstacles/oil_tank) and "peek" your shots. This lessens the damage that you will take from your opponent while also wasting their ammo destroying your cover. + - Be careful against weapons with high obstacle DPS such as LMGs or some assault rifles, as they can readily destroy cover. + +## Countering + +- The Mosin-Nagant's biggest weakness is against shotguns in close-range combat. The shotgun's higher damage output makes it a better choice for close-up fighting. + - Dual [Model 37s](/weapons/guns/model_37) are among the best for this. + - The Mosin-Nagant's long barrel can also get in the way of fights that occur in tight spaces. +- Make sure to have high adrenaline and strafe the Mosin-Nagant user to try and get them to miss their shots. +- If at medium or close range, high DPS weapons other than shotguns such as the [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) or even [ARX-160](/weapons/guns/arx-160) might be able to beat the Mosin-Nagant due to its low overall DPS. + - This works best against less-skilled players who can't aim as well. +- The [Tango 51](/weapons/guns/tango_51) is better than the Mosin-Nagant in almost every way, so it can be used as an effective counter. +- SMGs can also work against an opponent with a Mosin-Nagant if you surprise them in an ambush. + +# Obtaining + +The Mosin-Nagant is an uncommon drop from higher-tier crates such as the [AEGIS Crate](/obstacles/aegis_crate) and [Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrop_crate). It can also be found rarely as world loot. It has a guaranteed drop chance from the [Gold Rock](/obstacles/gold_rock), which always spawns once per map. + +# Trivia + +- Émile Nagant's brother, Léon Nagant, designed the [M1895](/weapons/guns/m1895) revolver +- The Mosin-Nagant is one of 6 guns that were in surviv.io, the others being the [Vector](/weapons/guns/vector), [AK-47](/weapons/guns/ak47), [USAS-12](/weapons/guns/usas12), [M1 Garand](/weapons/guns/m1_garand), and [VSS](/weapons/guns/vss) + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Added shoot-on-release for mobile + - Damage increased to 70 (from 64) +- v0.10.1 + - Firing delay decreased to 750ms (from 1750ms) + - Switch delay increased to 900ms (from 750ms) +- v0.9.0 + - Damage decreased to 64 (from 68) + - Obstacle damage multiplier decreased to 1 (from 1.5) + - Range increased to 250 (from 180) +- v0.8.0 + - Reload time decreased to 850ms (from 1000ms) + - Movement speed penalty set to 10% + - Set moving spread set to 1.3º + - Standing spread decreased to 0.8º (from 1º) + - Damage increased to 68 (from 60) + - Obstacle damage multiplier decreased to 1.5 (from 2) + - Range increased to 180 (from 128) + - Bullet velocity decreased to 0.33 (from 0.35) +- v0.5.0 + - Damage decreased to 60 (from 80) + - Standing spread increased to 1º (from 0º) + - Added ammo and reloading (capacity set to 5) +- v0.4.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mp40.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mp40.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8c6daf5b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/mp40.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +The **MP 40 (Maschinenpistole 40)**, known in-game as the **MP40**, is a SMG utilizing 9mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.8.0 "Untrodden Lands" update on July 17th, 2023. It has decent DPS and very good accuracy for an SMG. + +# Background + +The MP 40 was designed by Heinrich Vollmer, taking inspiration from the MP 38. It was essentially a simplified version using stamped steel instead of machined parts. Thus, it was cheap to produce and was used by the Axis powers as a paratrooper weapon as well as a sidearm for armored vehicles. The MP 40 itself was fairly reliable, but the 32-round magazines it came with often had feeding issues. After WW2, most MP 40s were captured and distributed by the Allies to developing countries. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The MP40 is a useful early game against unarmored players or players with lower tier [Armor](/equipment/armor). However, later in a round, it becomes less effective due to the lower DPS and better armors of other players. It is a good idea to replace the MP40 with an assault rifle such as the [AK-47](weapons/guns/ak47) or [AUG](weapons/guns/aug). +- Try and get a 4x or 8x scope, as you can then take advantage of the MP40's good accuracy. +- The common 9mm ammunition is plentiful early-game, which makes the MP40 a decent pick. +- You can pair the MP40 with a shotgun for an effective early-game combo. Use the shotgun for close-range, and the MP40 for long-range or to finish off your opponent. + +## Countering + +- Assault rifles, DMRs, and LMGs are all effective counters to the MP40, as they have higher damage and more DPS than the more common MP40. + - SMGs such as the [SAF-200](weapons/guns/saf200) or [Micro Uzi](weapons/guns/micro_uzi) can also work when used properly. + - Pistols can also work, but be careful as they may be even worse than the MP40. + - Snipers can outrange the MP40 and do much more damage. Make sure to quickswitch to maintain mobility. +- Shotguns work very well against an MP40 user at close range. +- Stay behind cover such as [Rocks](/obstacles/rock) and [Trees](/obstacles/tree), as the MP40 has very low obstacle DPS and will burn up lots of ammo trying to destroy it. +- Despite many weapons being better than the MP40, don't underestimate it, as it is still deadly even late-game in the right hands. + +# Obtaining + +The MP40 is an extremely common drop from [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate) as well as [Flint](/obstacles/flint_crate)/[AEGIS Crates](/obstacles/aegis_crate) and is overall one of the most easily obtainable guns in the game. + +# Trivia + +- Prior to v0.9.0, the MP40 had a 30-round magazine + - This is incorrect because the real-life MP40 uses 32-round magazines + +# History + +- v0.11.0 + - Updated world image +- v0.10.0 + - Firing speed penalty increased to 25% (from 10%) +- v0.9.0 + - Magazine size increased to 32 (from 30) + - Ammo spawn amount increased to 96 (from 90) + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1 (from 1.25) + - Range increased to 130 (from 120) + - Damage decreased to 11 (from 12) +- v0.8.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/negev.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/negev.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..466c6aef --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/negev.md @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +The **IWI Negev NG-5**, known in-game as the **Negev** is a LMG utilizing the 5.56mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.17.0 "Just the Two of Us" update on March 31st, 2024. The Negev features a high fire rate and DPS combined with a large magazine capacity. + +# Background +The Negev was designed in the late 1980s to replace the aging Galil ARM. Many variants have been developed, in both 7.62x51mm and 5.56x45mm NATO. It has gained popularity among many agencies around the world for being reliable and packing many features. + +# Strategies +## Using +- Don't simply spam the Negev whenever you can; it burns through ammo extremely quickly. +- Reload whenever you're not in combat. + - Not only will this give you a full magazine to work with, it also frees up more space in your pack for ammunition. + - The Negev has the longest reload of any weapon, so reload out of combat and avoid reloading in combat if possible. + - If you find a Negev but have no backpack or a Level 1 backpack, reload multiple times to carry as much ammo as possible, you'll need it. +- Because it is less accurate and a slightly higher DPS, the Negev is more suited to close to mid-range combat than its competitor the [MG5](/weapons/guns/mg5). +- If your enemy is far away, such as 8x range, move closer so you can kill them easier and not waste ammo. +- The Negev has a 2x obstacle multiplier, meaning it shreds through obstacles. If an opponent hides behind a destructible obstacle, don't hesitate to plow right through it. +- Because the Negev is so rare, it can be used to bait players by leaving it on the ground. + - Be wary of a Negev as a ground, as it might be bait +- Don't openly hold the Negev when not in combat. It has a large slowdown and makes you a prime target to others due to the distinctive world image. + +## Countering +- At longer ranges the [MG5](/weapons/guns/mg5) is a direct counter to the Negev due to its higher accuracy. + - It can also be used at other ranges as the DPS isn't much less than the Negev. +- If you see an enemy reloading, take advantage of their vulnerability by rushing them with a shotgun or other high-DPS weapon. +- Make sure to find indestructible cover such as a [Buildings](/buildings), Container, or [Oil Tank](/obstacles/oil_tank). + - If you see or hear shots, try not to stay out in the open and find cover. +- Use lots of adrenaline and strafe the opponent to dodge bullets. + - This is effective at wasting entire magazines and taking little damage if the opponent is fairly unskilled. +- Another high-DPS weapon such as [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) or a [Mini-14](/weapons/guns/mini14) can catch a Negev user off-guard if they are reloading or out in the open. +- Waste your opponents ammunition by dodging and hiding behind cover. Since the Negev burns through ammo, you may be able to force them to run low or even out altogether. + +# Obtaining +The most common way to find a Negev is through a [Gold Airdrop](/obstacles/gold_airdrop_crate) or by breaking a [Flint Stone](/obstacles/flint_stone). It can also spawn rarely as world loot. + +# Trivia +- The Negev is one of two guns (the other being the [MG5](/weapons/guns/mg5)) in Suroi that utilizes a belt feed system +- The variant in Suroi was formerly known as the "Negev NG-5", though now it is just "Negev" + - This variant has been produced since 2012 and features many improvements such as a Picatinny rail + +# History +- v0.17.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/pp19.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/pp19.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12bd4fa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/pp19.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +The **ПП-19-01 «Витязь-СН» (PP-19-01 "Vityaz-SN")**, known in-game as the **PP-19**, is a suppressed SMG utilizing the 9mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.16.0 "A Sailor's Dream" update on February 25, 2024. Found only in [Gold Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrops), it has a fast fire rate similar to the [Vector](/weapons/guns/vector) but with higher damage. + +# Background +The PP-19-01 Vityaz is a 9x19mm submachine gun developed in 2004 by a Russian small arms manufacturer Izhmash. It is based on the AK-74 and offers a high degree of parts commonality with the AK-74. The gun is directly developed from the PP-19 Bizon. "Vityaz" (витязь) is Russian for "brave warrior" or "knight". + +# Strategies + +## Using +- The PP-19 consumes lots of ammo, so make sure to stock up on as much 9mm ammunition as you can. +- Using this weapon is very similar to using the [Vector](/weapons/guns/vector), so use it as you would use a vector. +- The big difference is that the PP-19 has much more range for the bullets so it can be used as a medium-ranged weapons. +- One of the most effective ways to use this, is to get close to your opponent to make sure they get hit with as much bullets as possible. + +## Countering +- Hide behind indestructible [Obstacles](/obstacles), unless you have good armor and high damage weapons. +- When the opponent is reloading, take opportunity and get a few shots at them, this will lower their health and make them unable to defend themselves. +- An effective measure is to have your opponent waste their ammo so that they have to use other weapons. +- Getting into the open when your opponent has a PP-19 might get you killed, but if it happens try and strafe as many bullets as you can. + +# Obtaining +The PP-19 is only found in [Gold Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrops) and [Flint Stones](/obstacles/flint_stone). + +# Trivia +- The PP-19 is the third suppressed weapon to be added to the game, after the [VSS](/weapons/guns/vss) and [ACR](/weapons/guns/acr) +- The PP-19 in-game is the «Витязь-СН» ("Vityaz-SN") variant that features a Picatinny rail for optics, compared to the Warsaw Pact rail on the original model + +## History +- v0.16.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/radio.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/radio.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..771eae2b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/radio.md @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + +# Background + +Radios are a type of communication device that utilizes electromagnetic radio waves between three hertz to 300 gigahertz. These waves are generated by a transmitter with an antenna, which radiates the radio waves. The first radio communication systems were developed in 1895 by Guglielmo Marconi and used Morse code. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The radio's only function is to summon an [Airdrop](/obstacles/airdrop_crate) at the location where it is fired. +- It deals no damage and cannot be used as a [Weapon](/weapons). + +# Obtaining +- Radios can be found rarely from common loot sources and regular [Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrop_crate). The easiest way to find an Radio is to head to the [Sea Traffic Control](/buildings/sea_traffic_control), where there is a guaranteed drop. + +## Trivia + +- The radio used the same sound effects as the [Deathray](/weapons/guns/deathray) except for the firing sound until v0.16.0 + +# History + +- 0.17.0 + - New texture +- 0.16.0 + - Added unique reloading and switching sound effects +- v0.14.0 + - Range increased to 50 (from 0) + - Bullet speed decreased to 0.01 (from 1) +- v0.13.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/revitalizer.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/revitalizer.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7150c348 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/revitalizer.md @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ + + +The **Revitalizer** is a dev-only shotgun firing 12-gauge ammunition. It was secretly added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 30th, 2023. While initially decreasing both the player's maximum health and adrenaline, it will increase those two greatly beyond their normal amounts if the user kills players with it. Its effects—both positive and negative—stack in two ways; by getting multiple kills and by equipping multiple Revitalizers. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Early on, pick your fights very carefully, as you only have half your normal health. +- Remember that each pellet that connects with an enemy will give back 2 health and 1.5 adrenaline. This greatly improves your longevity in fights, and should not be underestimated. + - It also means that "chipping" your opponent (firing and only hitting a few pellets) is a viable strategy. +- Whatever you do, do not drop your Revitalizer if it has kills on it because they will be lost if you do. +- Your increased speed allows you to outmaneuver enemies, either defensively or offensively. +- Even if you shouldn't be overconfident, you should also know how to abuse your boosted stats. Having almost 4 times the health of everyone else means that many counters that would traditionally work (like LMGs and even some assault rifles) simply cease to work. + +## Countering + +- Pick on low-boost players. Typically, they will play more defensively and will be moving at regular speed. Here, you'll have 4 times their health, so almost any weapon can take them down, even weapons traditionally countered by shotguns. +- A boosted Revitalizer player is very, very hard to take down. The only thing capable of cleanly taking down a fully boosted (whether single or double) player is the [Large Refinery Barrel](/obstacles/large_refinery_barrel). Thus, your best option is usually to try and disengage; a 1v1 fight with a boosted Revitalizer is extremely in favor of the Revitalizer player, and depending on how boosted they are, even 2 or 3 players might not be enough. + - That being said, the [Death Ray](/weapons/guns/deathray) wins against Revitalizer. +- Stats-wise, it's the same as the Model 37, except for the health/adrenaline-altering things; this means that staying out of its range is a viable strategy. Just be careful, as a boosted player may be able to close the distance + +# Obtaining + +As a dev-only weapon, the Revitalizer is only obtainable by Developers. However, it is available on the arena and debug maps. + +# Trivia + +- It is a [Model 37](/weapons/guns/model_37) with a pistol grip, telescoping stock, and a custom pump. + - One can spot a device mounted similarly to sight above the gun, with a red wire connecting it to an object + fixed to the muzzle. Presumably, this device is the cause of the gun's unique properties. +- The pellets fired from this weapon are always spread out in a uniformly distributed pattern. +- The effects of the Revitalizer stack if one equips multiple; here's a table showing the various combinations. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ 1 Revitalizer +
KillsMax. healthMax. adren.Min. adren.Speed boost
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ 2 Revitalizers +
KillsMax. healthMax. adren.Min. adren.Speed boost
+ +# History + +- v0.12.1 + - Move speed penalty increased to 8% (from 7%) + - Adjusted length +- v0.10.0 + - Kills now always restore 230 health and 30 adrenaline + - Every pellet now restores 2 health (previously 1) and 1.5 adrenaline (previously 1) +- v0.9.0 + - Secretly added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/s_g17.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/s_g17.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e7ca18c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/s_g17.md @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ + + +The **G17 (scoped)**, also known as the **Scoped Glock** or simply **G17**, is an automatic pistol that was added in the v0.12.0 "Trick-or-Tweak" update on October 29th, 2023. It has very low bullet damage and DPS, but infinite ammo and a speed boost when holding. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- On the Halloween 2023 map, the G17 is a very common drop from [Pumpkins](/obstacles/pumpkin). + - It is worth getting one early to speed up looting. +- The G17 can also be used to escape from players if you are about to die. + - Conversely, you can keep a G17 as your secondary gun to chase down other players. +- Use the G17's speed boost to strafe and dodge your opponent's bullets. + - This can often waste entire magazines with little damage. + - You can also use the speed boost to get up close with a high-DPS melee weapon such as a [K-bar](/weapons/melee/kbar). + - In addition to melee weapons, SMGs and shotguns also work well paired with a G17. +- Don't use the G17 during the final circle, as the small area restricts movement and negates the speed boost advantage. + +## Countering + +- As aforementioned, you can keep a G17 as your secondary gun to chase down other G17 users. + - Later in the game, as the circle is getting small, the G17's speed boost is not as valuable. Consider dropping it for a better secondary weapon. +- The G17 has very low damage per bullet and DPS, so unless the opponent runs away, they can be beaten with nearly any weapon, even a [G19](/weapons/guns/g19). +- Use a high-DPS CQC weapon such as a [ARX-160](/weapons/guns/arx160) or a [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi). The accuracy will make it easier to hit your opponent. Shotguns can also work well. +- G17 users are often not as aware of their surroundings, especially if they have an 8x or 15x scope. Try and blow up smoking [Barrels](/obstacles/barrel) or [Super Barrels](/obstacles/super_barrel) to kill or weaken them. +- Hide behind covers, as the G17 has a terrible obstacle DPS. + +# Obtaining + +The G17 has currently been obtainable in only two events. + +- On the Halloween 2023 map, it had a 95% chance to drop from a Pumpkin. +- The G17 was also rarely acquired during the Suroi Weapon Swap Event upon killing another player with any gun. + +# Trivia + +- Despite having infinite ammo, the G17 uses the "6mm BB" ammo type. This confirms that the G17 is an airsoft gun shooting orange airsoft BBs + - This means that the G17 is an airsoft version of the real-life Glock 17 +- The brightly-colored tracers are caused by a tracer unit that has been mounted to the gun's muzzle +- At only 2, the G17 has the least damage per bullet of any gun in Suroi, ignoring the [radio](/weapons/guns/radio). + +# History + +- v0.14.0 + - Added dual-wielding, although the G17 cannot be dual-wielded +- v0.12.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/saf_200.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/saf_200.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c82ad335 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/saf_200.md @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +The **FAMAE SAF-200**, known in-game as the **SAF-200**, is a burst-fire SMG utilizing 9mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.4.0 "Supplies received" update on June 17th, 2023. It has decent DPS, good damage per bullet, and a common ammo. + +# Background + +The original SAF was a modified version of the SIG SG 540 assault rifle, which was produced under license in Chile in the 1980s. FAMAE shortened the gun and replaced the rotating bolt with a simpler blowback bolt to improve reliability, as well as added a bolt hold-open catch that locks the slide back after the final round is fired. The SAF-200 is a modernized variant of the original SAF that has a foldable and retractable stock, Picatinny rails for attachments, and a new handguard. The original SAF is in service with Brazil, Chile, and El Salvador police and military units, while the SAF-200 is being tested (although not officially adopted by the Chilean Army). + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The SAF-200 has the same range and comparable accuracy to the [MP40](/weapons/guns/mp40), which means it can be used at a longer range than other SMGs and shotguns. + - Use a 4x or higher scope to take advantage of this. +- Because of the common 9mm ammunition, you can be more liberal with your ammo consumption. + - The SAF-200 has the highest damage per magazine of any SMG, so it can be used to destroy some cover, although not as well as an assault rifle will. + - This is not much of an advantage late-game, as most opponents will have better weapons. +- As with other burst-fire weapons, you can hide behind cover and "peek" out to fire a burst or two at your opponent. +- This weapon is often considered a weaker version of the [M16A4](/weapons/guns/m16a4). + +## Countering + +- The [M16A4](/weapons/guns/m16a4), also a burst-fire gun, is much more powerful than the SAF-200 and can easily counter it in all the same situations. +- Use adrenaline to strafe your opponent and make them miss their bursts. +- The SAF-200 has lower DPS than weapons such as other SMGs, assault rifles, and LMGs. +- A higher-DPS weapon such a [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi) or a shotgun can easily dispatch a SAF-200 user at close range. +- At medium range, the low DPS of the SAF-200 makes it ineffective against [MP40](/weapons/guns/mp40) and assault rifles. +- At long-range, weapons such as DMRs and accurate assault rifles like the [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) will be very effective against an opponent with a SAF-200. + +# Obtaining + +The SAF-200 is a very common gun, and can be found from [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate), as ground loot, and readily found from [AEGIS](/obstacles/aegis_crate) and [Flint Crates](/obstacles/flint_crate). + +# Trivia + +- The SAF-200 was the first SMG to be added to Suroi +- As a select fire gun, the SAF-200 can also fire semi-automatic or fully automatic +- The SAF-200 has the second highest bullet damage per bullet of any 9mm weapon in Suroi, after the VSS + - Despite having lower damage per bullet than the [VSS](/weapons/guns/vss), it has slightly more damage per magazine than the VSS due to the larger magazine size + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Fire delay increased to 75ms (from 50ms) + - Burst delay decreased to 250ms (from 300ms) +- v0.11.0 + - Updated world image +- v0.9.0 + - Damage decreased to 15.5 (from 16) + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1 (from 1.2) + - Range decreased to 130 (from 150) +- v0.8.0 + - Reload time decreased to 1.8s (from 2s) + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1.2 (from 2) + - Moving spread decreased to 4° (from 8) + - Standing spread set to 3° + - Fire delay decreased to 50ms (from 65ms) + - Move speed penalty set to 8% + - Bullet speed decreased to 0.25 (from 0.35) + - Burst cooldown decreased to 300ms (from 500ms) + - Damage increased to 16 (from 14) + - Range increased to 150 (from 80) +- v0.7.0 + - Damage increased to 14 (from 12) +- v0.5.0 + - Capacity set to 30 + - Ammo spawn amount set to 90 + - Decreased damage to 12 (from 15) + - Fire delay decreased to 65ms (from 80ms) +- v0.4.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/sr25.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/sr25.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa95b46d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/sr25.md @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +The **Stoner Rifle-25**, known in-game as the SR-25, is a DMR utilizing 7.62mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang update on September 14th, 2023. It features higher damage than many other DMRs, albeit at a lower DPS. + +# Background + +The SR-25 was designed by Eugene Stoner in the early 1990s for the Knight's Armament Company. Stoner combined the AR-10 with the direct-gas system of the AR-15, and various improvements from the M16A2 to create the SR-25. It has been used in small quantities by a small selection of special forces, police, and military around the world. Variants of the SR-25 are also sold to civilians. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The SR-25 can do 570 damage per mag (855 to obstacles), the highest of any DMR, and even higher than the [Mini-14](/weapons/guns/mini14) You can use this to destroy cover such as [Tree](/obstacles/tree) and [Rocks](/obstacles/rock). +- Like most DMRs, the SR-25 is most effective at maximum DPS. Click as fast as you can to get the most out of it. +- Despite having the lowest DPS of any DMR, the SR-25 has higher DPS than many assault rifles and SMGs, and it is more accurate as well. + +## Countering + +- Use high adrenaline to try and strafe the SR-25 user. This will often avoid much of the damage. + - Attack while they are reloading. +- Take cover behind indestructible obstacles like [Oil Tanks](/obstacles/oil_tank) + - Be careful around Rocks and Trees because the SR-25 can easily destroy them, and have plenty of bullets left to finish you off. +- If at close range, rush your opponent with a high-DPS weapon such as a shotgun or an SMG like the [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi) +- The Mini-14 has a higher DPS than the SR-25, making it an effective counter. + +# Obtaining + +The SR-25 is found in many of the same drops as the [Mini-14](/weapons/guns/mini14). These include [AEGIS](/obstacles/aegis_crate) and [Flint Crates](/obstacles/flint_crate), [Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrop_crate), as well as other rare locations. It can also be rarely found as ground loot and commonly in regular [Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrop_crate). + +# Trivia + +- The loot image for the SR-25 is based specifically on a SR-25 E2 PR M-LOK + - "PR" stands for "Precision Rifle", and "M-LOK" is a rail interface system + - It has a 20" barrel and weighs 10.5 pounds +- The "25" in "SR-25" comes from adding the numbers for the AR-10 and AR-15 together +- 60% of the parts of the SR-25 are interchangeable with AR-15 and M16 style rifles +- Eugene Stoner also designed the [Stoner 63](/weapons/guns/stoner_63) and the [M16A4](/weapons/guns/m16a4) + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Standing spread decreased to 1° (from 2°) + - Moving spread decreased to 3.5° (from 5°) +- v0.11.0 + - Updated world image +- v0.10.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/stoner_63.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/stoner_63.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..72d6cbb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/stoner_63.md @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +The **Stoner 63A Commando**, known in-game as the **Stoner 63**, is a 5.56mm LMG. It was added in the v0.10.0 "Back with a Bang" update on September 14th, 2023. It is an LMG with a large magazine capacity, decent DPS, and high accuracy. + +# Background + +The Stoner 63 was developed by Eugene Stoner after he left ArmaLite in 1961. Stoner also designed the AR-15/M-16 assault rifles and the AR-10 battle rifles. It was designed around the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge and was a fully modular system. It could be configured as an assault rifle, carbine, top-fed light machine gun, belt-fed squad automatic weapon, or mounted to vehicles. The Stoner 63A was an improvement from the original design. The Stoner 63 saw limited use among U.S. special forces before being replaced by the M249 SAW. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The Stoner 63 is the most accurate LMG, so make sure to have a 4x or 8x scope to take advantage of this. + - The high moving accuracy can overpower other automatic weapons at long range. +- The Stoner 63 chews through ammo if you're not careful. Make sure to pick up ammo and avoid wasting shots. +- Due to its high obstacle multiplier and good DPS, the Stoner 63 is a great weapon for destroying obstacles. Use it to clear out enemy cover. +- Make sure to take cover while reloading as this gun has a long reload time. + - It is useful to pair this weapon with a short-range weapon (e.g., a [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues) or [Model 37](/weapons/guns/model_37)) to cover its weakness at close range. + +## Countering + +- If you see an enemy reloading, take advantage of their vulnerability by rushing them with a shotgun or other high-DPS weapon. +- Make sure to find indestructible cover such as a [Buildings](/buildings), Container, or [Oil Tank](/obstacles/oil_tank). + - If you see or hear shots, try not to stay out in the open and find cover. +- The Stoner 63 has a long barrel. You can take advantage of this by rushing the opponent with a CQC weapon such as an SMG or a Shotgun. +- Use lots of adrenaline and strafe the opponent to dodge bullets. + - This is effective at wasting entire magazines and taking little damage if the opponent is fairly unskilled. +- Another high-DPS weapon such as [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) or a [Mini-14](/weapons/guns/mini14) can catch a Stoner 63 user off-guard if they are reloading or out in the open. + +# Obtaining + +The Stoner 63 is rarely found in [Flint](/obstacles/flint_crate) and [AEGIS Crates](/obstacles/aegis_crate) and uncommonly in [Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrop_crate). It can also be found extremely rarely as world loot. The Stoner 63 also has a 1% chance to spawn in the [Refinery](/buildings/refinery) in place of the [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear). + +# Trivia + +- The Stoner 63 is the second LMG added to the game, after the [Lewis Gun](/weapons/guns/lewis_gun) +- It is also the second gun to show a visible magazine, after the Lewis Gun +- Eugene Stoner also designed the [M16A4](/weapons/guns/m16a4) and the [SR-25](/weapons/guns/sr25) + +# History + +- v0.12.2 + - Moving spread buffed to 4.5 (from 7.5) +- v0.11.0 + - World image updated +- v0.10.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/tango_51.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/tango_51.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6d8ba592 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/tango_51.md @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +The **Tactical Operations Tango 51**, known in-game as the **Tango 51**, is a sniper rifle utilizing 7.62mm ammunition. It was added in the v0.5.0 "Locked & Loaded" on June 24, 2023. It features very high damage and accuracy. + +# Background + +The Tango 51 is a tactical sniper rifle designed and manufactured by Tactical Operations in the 1990s. It was designed to be a lightweight, compact weapon and for use by law enforcement snipers. In testing, it had incredible accuracy and comes guaranteed with a .25" MOA. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Take advantage of the high accuracy, speed, and damage and snipe enemies from a distance. + - If you are skilled enough, it can be used at close range, though this can be dangerous if your opponent possesses a high-DPS weapon such as a shotgun. +- Keep your distance by running away while shooting + quickswitching if your opponent decides to rush. + - Make sure to quickswitch as the speed reduction after a shot can be just enough time for your opponent to gun you down and kill you. +- Don't be overconfident. While it may seem that you are unstoppable with such a powerful weapon, enemies can still catch you by surprise. + +## Countering + +- Don't rush your opponent directly if you plan on attacking close-range as it makes you an easy shot. Instead, strategically move around obstacles and strafe in open spaces to minimize the number of shots your opponent hits. +- If you have another sniper rifle such as the [Mosin-Nagant](/weapons/guns/mosin), it can be used for a long-range fight between you and your opponent. Be aware that the Tango deals a lot of damage, so hide behind [Obstacles](/obstacles) and strafe whenever possible. + +# Obtaining + +The most reliable way to get a Tango 51 is to head for the [Ship](/buildings/ship) at the [Port](/buildings/port) at the beginning of the game, and solve the puzzle. The Tango 51 can also be found extremely rarely from common sources of loot such as [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate). It also spawns in regular [Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrop_crate). + +# Trivia + +- The real-life Tango 51 is actually based on the action of a Remington 700. + - However, it is custom-made and far more precise than a standard Remington one. + +# History + +- v0.13.0 + - Move speed penalty decreased to 8% (from 10%) +- v0.11.0 + - World image updated +- v0.10.1 + - Fire delay decreased to 900ms (from 1800) + - Switch delay increased to 900ms (from 750) +- v0.10.0 + - Length increased to 13.9 + - Added casings +- v0.9.0 + - Reload time set to 2.6 seconds (from 3) + - Switched right and left fists + - Damage decreased to 75 (from 80) + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1 (from 1.5) + - Bullet speed increased to 0.4 (from 0.35) + - Range increased to 280 (from 250) +- v0.8.0 + - Set standing spread to 0.3° + - Moving spread increased to 0.6° (from 0.5°) + - Move speed penalty set to 10% + - Obstacle damage multiplier decreased to 1.5 (from 2) + - Range increased to 250 (from 150) +- v0.5.0 + - Added + +## Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/usas12.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/usas12.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..088fde5f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/usas12.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ + + +The **Daewoo Precision Industries USAS-12**, known in-game as the **USAS-12**, is a powerful automatic shotgun firing explosive 12 Gauge ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.12.0 "Trick-or-Tweak" update on October 29th, 2023. + +# Background + +The USAS-12 was designed in 1989 by John Trevor Jr. and was based on previous automatic shotguns such as the AA-12. It was mass-produced by Daewoo Precision Industries starting in the early 1990s. The shotgun saw very limited success in the civilian market due to heavy restrictions. However, it sold well for use in private security forces and special forces in South American and Asian countries. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The USAS-12 is very powerful in close to mid-range combat due to its high DPS and explosive rounds. + - Try and force your opponent to get close by taking cover against longer-range weapons in a [Building](/buildings) or behind indestructible objects. +- The explosion and shrapnel have a high obstacle multiplier. Use this to shred cover such as [Tree](/obstacles/tree) and [Rocks](/obstacles/rock). + - Being splash damage, it can "go around" obstacles; in other words, you don't need to have a line of sight with your opponent to damage them. This is very powerful. +- Be careful not to accidentally damage yourself when using the USAS-12 at close range. +- The USAS-12 has a slow bullet speed so you will need to lead your shots when firing at moving targets. + +## Countering + +- Close-range weapons such as the [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi) and shotguns are ineffective against a USAS-12's high DPS. +- Use longer-range weapons such as accurate assault rifles, DMRs, and sniper rifles. +- Try and maintain high adrenaline, as it can help you dodge some of the USAS-12 shots. +- Be wary of Buildings, as they can be a death trap against a USAS-12 user. + +# Obtaining + +The USAS-12 has currently been obtainable in only two events. + +- On the Halloween 2023 map, it had a 5% chance to drop from a [Pumpkins](/obstacles/pumpkin). +- The USAS-12 was also rarely acquired during the Suroi Weapon Swap Event upon killing another player with any gun. + +# Trivia + +- USAS-12 stands for "Universal Sporting Automatic Shotgun 12 gauge" +- In Suroi, the USAS-12 fires FRAG-12 ammunition + - FRAG-12 is a specialized 12-gauge shell that contains a small amount of high-explosive +- The USAS-12 is one of 6 guns that were in surviv.io, the others being the [Vector](/weapons/guns/vector), [AK-47](/weapons/guns/ak47), [VSS](/weapons/guns/vss), [M1 Garand](/weapons/guns/m1_garand) and [Mosin-Nagant](/weapons/guns/mosin) + +# History + +- v0.12.1 + - Recoil duration increased to 525ms (from 450ms) + - Explosion damage reduced to 35 (from 50) +- v0.12.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/vector.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/vector.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7970a015 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/vector.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +The **KRISS Vector**, known in-game as the **Vector** is a SMG utilizing the 9mm ammunition. It features a high rate of fire and high DPS, as well as using very common ammo. + +# Background +Then known as Transformational Defense Industries, the Vector was designed by KRISS USA in 2006. It has been officially produced since 2009. The standout feature of the Vector is a novel delayed blowback system that redirects the recoil to improve muzzle climb and reduce felt recoil. This leads to the Vector being very accurate compared to other weapons when fired automatically. The Vector has seen limited use worldwide, namely by the armies and national police of Bangladesh and Thailand and the national police of Panama. + +# Strategies +## Using +- The Vector consumes a **lot** of ammo, so make sure to stockpile as much 9mm ammunition as you can. Try and find a [Backpack](/equipment/backpacks) if you don't have one already. +- You can use the Vector to ambush players by hiding in [Buildings](/buildings) or in [Bushes](/obstacles/bush) and attacking at close range. +- Because of the very fast reload time, you can simply reload your Vector and keep pressing your opponent. + - Keep an eye on your ammo reserves if you do this. + - To use this method, you must be very aggressive. +- The Vector pairs well with other CQC weapons such as shotguns, and can even serve as a replacement. + - The Vector also pairs well with most weapons in general, as it provides accurate and high-DPS fire while using a common ammo type. + - With LMGs, you can use the LMG to whittle down an opponent's health and then use a Vector to finish them off. +- Don't pair the Vector with another 9mm weapon if possible, because you will run out of ammunition extremely quickly. + +## Countering +- Because the Vector uses so much ammo, you can get an opponent to waste ammunition by shooting at you while you hide behind cover. If you're lucky, they might even run out of ammo. +- Be careful about getting out in the open if your opponent has a Vector. + - If you do end up in the open, try strafing to get some of the bullets to miss you. +- The Vector has a very short reload time, so don't try and rush a Vector user while they are reloading as it will backfire on you. +- Try and keep your distance if you have a weapon that you know has a longer range than the Vector such as an assault rifle. +- While very powerful, the Vector does have a few counters: + - At long range, weapons like snipers and DMRs can deal with an opponent because the Vector has a short range. + - The [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) and the [ACR](/weapons/guns/acr) have both high DPS and greater range than the Vector. + - Up close, shotguns like the [Vepr-12](/weapons/guns/vepr12), [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues), and [Model 37](/weapons/guns/model_37) can overpower a Vector user. + +# Obtaining +The Vector can be found very rarely as world loot. However, the easiest way to acquire a Vector is to find one from a [Briefcase](/obstacles/briefcase) at either the Oil Tanker or the Armory. It can also be found the in the [Viking Chest](/obstacles/viking_chest). It also spawns in regular [Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrop_crate). + +# Trivia +- The Vector is one of 6 guns that were in surviv.io, the others being the [M1 Garand](/weapons/guns/m1_garand), [VSS](/weapons/guns/vss), [USAS-12](/weapons/guns/usas12), [AK-47](/weapons/guns/ak47), and [Mosin-Nagant](/weapons/guns/mosin) +- The in-game Vector is the first and so far only gun that is colored white + +# History +- v0.15.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/vepr12.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/vepr12.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3943c724 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/vepr12.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +The **Вятско-Полянский машиностроительный завод Вепрь-12 (JSC Vyatskiye Polyany Molot Machine-Building Plant Vepr-12)** is an automatic shotgun utilizing the 12-gauge ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. It has a very high damage output and is one of the best shotguns. + +# Background +The Vepr-12 was originally designed by the Kalashnikov Group (then Izhmash) in the early 2000s. It was then redesigned by Molot Weapons and brought into production. To compete with the Saiga-12, new features were brought to the Vepr-12 such as an ambidextrous safety selector, a bolt hold-open mechanism, and an improved magazine feeding system. + +# Strategies +## Using +- As a shotgun, the Vepr-12 is most useful in mid-range and close-range fights. + - It is especially good around [Buildings](/buildings) and Containers. +- The high DPS lets the Vepr-12 shred through opponents, making it very useful late game even against higher tier armor. +- Keep an eye on your reserves of 12-gauge ammunition, as the Vepr-12 burns through ammo. +- The Vepr-12 pairs well with most other guns, but it pairs especially well with snipers. +- Try not to shoot all 5 rounds from your Vepr-12 when fighting an opponent. Instead, fire 2-3 bursts and switch to your secondary (such as an assault rifle or SMG), and if your opponent still isn't dead, you can fire the remaining 2-3 rounds from your Vepr-12. +- Like the [Model 37](/weapons/guns/model_37) and other shotguns, the Vepr-12 can be quickswitched. Doing so sacrifices DPS, but greatly increases mobility. Strategies are similar to the Model 37. +- If an opponent is hiding behind a Rock, you can shoot at the Rock and let the Vepr-12 destroy it and expose the other player. There should still be enough rounds left to kill them. + +## Countering +- Since the Vepr-12 is a shotgun, you can use weapons with longer range like assault rifles to attack an opponent with a Vepr-12 and avoid taking damage. + - Snipers and DMRs are also good options for this. +- Be careful around cover, as the Vepr-12 can tear through [Rocks](/obstacles/rock) and [Trees](/obstacles/tree) with ease. + - You can still use cover to waste an opponent's shots, however. +- Get lots of adrenaline and strafe your opponent to make them miss their shots. +- Attack your opponent as they are reloading, as the Vepr-12 lacks the single reload of other shotguns like the Model 37 and [M3K](/weapons/guns/m3k). +- The [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues) has higher DPS than the Vepr-12, but at the cost of a smaller mag size. You could use it against a Vepr-12 user, however. + +# Obtaining +The Vepr-12 can be found rarely as world loot. It is more common in higher-tier loot sources such as [Viking Chests](/obstacles/viking_chest), [Briefcases](/obstacles/briefcase), and regular [Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrop_crate). + +# Trivia +- In real life, the Vepr-12 is a direct competitor to the Saiga-12, which was in surviv.io +- This is the second automatic shotgun to be added to Suroi, after the [USAS-12](/weapons/guns/usas12). + +# History +- v0.15.0 + - Added + +# Gallery + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/vss.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/vss.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7318a9e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/guns/articles/vss.md @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +The **Винто́вка Сна́йперская Специа́льная ("Special Sniper Rifle")**, known in-game as the **VSS**, is a suppressed DMR utilizing 9mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.8.0 "Untrodden Lands" update on July 17th, 2023. It features a high rate of fire but less accuracy and damage than other DMRs. + +# Background + +The VSS was developed beginning in 1983 by TsNIITochMash, a then-Soviet industrial design bureau. Internally suppressed and firing the subsonic 9x39mm cartridge, it was intended for use in secret clandestine operations by Russian special forces. The VSS was mainly issued to Spetsnaz units, where the rifle's ability to be easily broken down for transport was very useful. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The VSS is extremely useful early-game against unarmored and lightly armored players. + - It can still be used late-game against more armored players, but be careful as they might have more powerful weapons than you. +- Click as fast as you can to get the most DPS out of the gun. +- Although it doesn't have good accuracy for a DMR, it has better accuracy than most other weapons. + - Use this to fight at long-range against opponents. The suppressed bullets are harder to see than normal bullets. +- Use a 4x or 8x scope to see enemies from further away. + +## Countering + +- If you are at long-range, use a weapon like a sniper or a different DMR to beat the VSS user. The suppressed bullets are harder to aim at long range. + - The [Mini-14](/weapons/guns/mini14) is a good counter to the VSS as it has higher DPS and more range. +- If you are at close range use a high-DPS weapon such as an SMG or shotgun to overpower the VSS user. Be careful against the also-high DPS of the VSS, however. +- Use adrenaline to help you strafe your opponent and make them miss their shots. +- Assault rifles can also counter the VSS at medium range. High-DPS assault rifles like the [MCX Spear](/weapons/guns/mcx_spear) and [AUG](/weapons/guns/aug) work best for this. +- One of the best defenses against a VSS user is indestructible cover such as [Oil Tanks](/obstacles/oil_tank), Containers, and [Buildings](/buildings). + - Don't try and hide behind cover such as [Rocks](/obstacles/rock) and [Trees](/obstacles/tree). However, if there is no other cover, you can waste much of your opponent's magazine destroying said cover. + +# Obtaining + +The VSS is most easily found in special loot such as [AEGIS](/obstacles/aegis_crate) and [Flint Crates](/obstacles/flint_crate). It also spawns in regular [Airdrops](/obstacles/airdrop_crate). The VSS can also be rarely found from [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate) or as ground loot. + +# Trivia + +- The VSS is one of 6 guns that were in surviv.io, the others being the [AK-47](/weapons/guns/ak47), [M1 Garand](/weapons/guns/m1_garand), [USAS-12](/weapons/guns/usas12), and [Mosin-Nagant](/weapons/guns/mosin) +- The romanized version of "Винто́вка Сна́йперская Специа́льная" is "Vintóvka Snáyperskaya Spetsiálnaya" +- The VSS can fire fully automatically in real-life + - This is only used for emergencies as full-auto can damage the gun +- In Russian, TsNIITochMash is written as ЦНИИТОЧМАШ + - The name is an initialism for "Центральный научно-исследовательский институт точного машиностроения", or "Central Scientific - Research Institute for Precision Machine Engineering" +- This is the first and only 9mm weapon that doesn't utilize the 9x19mm Parabellum round +- The VSS in-game most likely fires the armor-piercing SP6 variant of the 9x39mm cartridge + - It is also using the 20-round magazines from the AS VAL, as the real-life VSS comes with 10-round magazines +- The VSS is the first DMR and the first suppressed weapon in Suroi +- Out of all 9mm weapons, the VSS has the highest damage per bullet + +# History + +- v0.12.1 + - Obstacle multiplier increased to 1.5 (from 1) + - Damage decreased to 22 (from 24) + - Recoil duration decreased to 140ms (from 500ms) +- v0.11.0 + - World image updated + - Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1 (from 1.5) +- v0.9.0 + - Fire delay decreased to 140ms (from 175ms) + - Move speed penalty increased to 8% (from 5%) + - Standing spread increased to 2° (from 1°) + - Moving spread increased to 2.5° (from 2°) + - Damage increased to 24 (from 23) + - Obstacle multiplier increased to 1.5 (from 1.3) + - Bullet speed decreased to 0.22 (from 0.3) + - Range decreased to 160 (from 180) +- v0.8.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/melee/[item]/layout.tsx b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/[item]/layout.tsx similarity index 100% rename from app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/melee/[item]/layout.tsx rename to app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/[item]/layout.tsx diff --git a/app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/melee/[item]/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/[item]/page.tsx similarity index 100% rename from app/(wiki)/(articles)/weapons/melee/[item]/page.tsx rename to app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/[item]/page.tsx diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/baseball_bat.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/baseball_bat.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..efbdf285 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/baseball_bat.md @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +The **Baseball Bat** is a melee weapon added in the v0.5.0 "Locked & Loaded" update on June 24, 2023. + +# Background + +The Baseball Bat is a smooth wooden or metal club used in the sport of baseball to hit a baseball after it has been thrown. By regulation, a baseball bat may not be larger than 2.75 inches in diameter and no more than 42 inches in length. A baseball bat can also be used in other ways such as bludgeoning people. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Compared to fists and other melee weapons, the Baseball Bat has a slower swing speed, so missing a hit is more punishing. +- The large swing range can help in melee fights if your opponent keeps switching directions. + +## Countering + +- As with other melee weapons, the best way to avoid them is to keep the distance between you and your opponent. +- The [K-Bar](/weapons/melee/kbar) can out-DPS the Baseball Bat so it is an effective counter to it. + - [Fists](/weapons/melee/fists) also beat the baseball in terms of DPS and can be used as another counter. However, this requires much skill as fists have a much smaller swing range. + +# Obtaining + +Baseball Bats have a high chance of spawning from the [Melee Crate](/obstacles/melee_crate). They can also be found rarely from [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate). + +# Trivia + +- The Baseball Bat was designed by Radians +- Baseball bats have been used for murder +- During the early days, players would use scrap wood to create their baseball bats + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - New texture +- v0.11.0 + - Swing Radius increased to 3.8 (from 3) +- v0.9.0 + - Swing Radius decreased to 3 (from 4) +- v0.8.0 + - Animation speed increased to 150 (from 125) +- v0.5.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/fists.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/fists.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a95ef671 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/fists.md @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +**Fists** are a melee weapon added in the original beta release of suroi on May 21st, 2023. + +# Background + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Fists are usually used to break obstacles such as crates to get loot. +- Fists are also the only weapon you spawn with. + - Fists are great for early-game fights when both players do not own guns. + - This requires skill as it can be tricky to land hits on your opponent without them hitting you. +- Fists or any other melee weapon can be used to damage your opponent in extremely close-range situations during any phase of the game. + - Doing this usually surprises your opponent, allowing you to deal a decent amount of damage with good aim before they can react. + - This is often effective if your opponent is already at low health. + - Be careful if your opponent has a better melee weapon that they can switch to after you attack. + +## Countering + +- If you are being chased by a player trying to use fists and you don't want to engage in melee combat, try and keep your distance to gun them down. +- Often most guns are short enough so that they can still deal damage in short range. + - Use this to your advantage and deal some extra damage to increase your chances of winning the fight. + - This may be tricky if your opponent is strafing to avoid shots. + - Shotguns can combat this with their large spread and number of pellets. + - Weapons such as the [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi) can also work. + +# Obtaining + +All players spawn with fists so they are available for use at the start. + +# Trivia + +# History + +- v0.5.0 + - Obstacle damage multiplier halved (from 2) +- v0.1.0 (original beta release) + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/gas_can.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/gas_can.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..088c1250 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/gas_can.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +The **Gas Can** is a melee weapon added in the v0.11.0 "Making Waves" update on October 23, 2023. + +# Background + +The Gas Can is a type of storage container for fuels and is usually made out of plastic or metal. They come in many sizes and shapes. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- The Gas Can has almost identical stats to the fists, only having 2 extra damage and a larger swing range. + - Thus it should be used as fists. +- The generator is used for a puzzle on the ship. +- Due to its similarity with fists, the same countering strategies for it also apply to the Gas Can. + +# Obtaining + +The only way to obtain the Gas Can in normal mode is to head to the ship in the Port structure and go inside the bridge, which has the Gas Can at the center of the room. + +- In the Suroi Weapon Swap Event, it could be acquired from swapping after getting a melee kill. This was the only time more than one Gas Can at a time was in a game. + +# Trivia + +- The Gas was designed by 1092384 +- The Gas Can is red, which indicates it contains gasoline. The generator, however, has a Diesel engine. + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - New texture +- v0.11.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/heap_sword.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/heap_sword.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91f9ff10 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/heap_sword.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/kbar.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/kbar.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7868c6b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/kbar.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +The **USMC Mark 2 combat knife or Knife, Fighting Utility**, known in-game as the **K-Bar** is a melee weapon added in the v0.5.0 "Locked & Loaded" update on June 24, 2023. + +# Background + +The K-Bar is a combat knife designed by Union Cutlery, John M. Davis, and Howard E. America in 1942. It was adopted by the United States Marine Corps in 1942 and the US Navy in 1943. The knife has a 7-inch 1095 carbon steel clip-point blade paired with a leather washer handle. The K-bar was used mainly by the U.S. Marines during World War II but it still sees use today as a general purpose knife. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Try to get up close to your opponent without losing too much health, then spam left click when you are close enough to your opponent. + - Beware if they have a gun designed for close-range combat, such as the [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues). +- Using any melee weapon requires good reaction time, as your opponent can escape your attack if they suddenly change directions. + +## Countering + +- If you see a player who has a K-Bar and is interested in attacking you with it, stay at a distance and gun them down. + - You can also attempt to rush in with a high-DPS close-range weapon or another melee weapon, although this is risky if the K-Bar user is skilled. + +# Obtaining + +The K-Bar can be obtained rarely from crates or other common loot sources. Additionally, it has a 75% chance of spawning in the melee crate that spawns once per map. + +# Trivia + +- The K-Bar was designed by Radians +- The K-Bar is also known as the Ka-bar +- The name comes from a letter in 1923 received from a fur trapper who had used a knife he bought from Union Cutlery Co. to kill a wounded bear that was attacking him and his rifle was jammed. The partially legible letter had the the phrase "ka bar" on it, as part of "kill a bear". The KA-BAR name was stamped onto many different knives, and Union Cutlery changed its name to Ka-Bar Cutlery Inc. in 1952 +- The steel used in the K-bar has a hardness of 56-58 HRC + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - New texture +- v0.8.0 + - Animation speed decreased to 100 (from 125) +- v0.5.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/maul.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/maul.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2debfab0 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/maul.md @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + +The **Maul** is a weapon that was added in the v0.9.0 "Behind Closed Doors" update on July 31, 2023. It was first made obtainable in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 15, 2024. + +# Background + +The maul is a long-handled hammer with a heavy head of wood, lead, iron, or steel. It functions and appears just like a sledgehammer. Sometimes a spear-like spike is on the fore-end of the head. The creator of the maul is not known. It was mainly known to appear in the late 14th century. In modern times, the maul is mostly used to split wood. + +# Strategies + +## Using + +- Try getting close to your opponent without losing too much health, then use the one-tap clicking method when you're close enough. The Maul is also one of the melees with higher damage. + - It's not advised to rush someone with the Maul if they have a weapon as the Maul has a long cooldown. +- Using the Maul to kill your opponent requires skill at dodging and good reaction time if your opponent changes the direction they move in often. + +## Countering + +- As with all melee weapons, the best way to avoid them entirely is to keep your distance and use a gun designed for mid or long-range combat to kill them. + - If you see a player who has a Maul and is rushing you, you can retaliate by keeping your distance while gunning them down. + - If you don't feel confident in combating a Maul, just run away. They should eventually stop chasing you or just switch weapons. + +# Obtaining + +The Maul can only be obtained from the [Maul Mount](/obstacles/gun_mounts) in the [Armory Center](/buildings/armory_meta). + +# Trivia + +- The Maul was designed by Radians + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - New texture +- v0.15.0 + - Made obtainable +- v0.9.0 + - Added diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/seax.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/seax.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9edb74c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/melee/articles/seax.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + +The **Seax** is a melee weapon added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14, 2024. + +# Background + +The Seax is a large single-edged blade with a tang in the centerline of the blade, inserted into an organic hilt either made of wood or horn. Its typical use is for hunting and fighting. + +# Strategies + +- The Seax has a longer cooldown but has higher damage. + - Make sure to time your shots well as missing one can be fatal. + - Think of the Seax as a buffed [Baseball Bat](/weapons/melee/baseball_bat). + +## Countering + +- As with all melee weapons, the best way to avoid them entirely is to keep your distance and use a gun designed for mid or long-range combat to kill them. + - Use a high-DPS weapon like the [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues) to shoot down the Seax user approaching you if you can't escape. + +# Obtaining + +The Seax can only be obtained from the [Viking Chest](/obstacles/viking_chest), which always spawns once per game and is located along the shore in the map. + +# Trivia + +- The Seax was designed by cobby and 1092384 + +# History + +- v0.17.0 + - New texture +- v0.15.0 + - Added \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/weapons/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b2438927 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +import PageCard from "@/components/cards/PageCard"; +import Collapsible from "@/components/interactive/Collapsible"; +import GridTable from "@/components/tables/GridTable"; +import { getSuroiImageLink } from "@/lib/util/suroi"; +import { Guns } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/guns"; +import { Melees } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/melees"; +import { Throwables } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/throwables"; +import Link from "next/link"; + +export default function WeaponsPage() { + return ( +



+ There are currently {Guns.definitions.length} guns,{" "} + {Melees.definitions.length} melee weapons,{" "} + and {Throwables.definitions.length} throwables{" "}in the game. +

+ +


+ } + className="my-4" + > + + {Guns.definitions.filter((gun) => { + return !gun.isDual; + }).map((gun) => ( + + ))} + + + +


+ + } + className="my-4" + > + + {Melees.definitions.map((melee) => ( + + ))} + +
+ +


+ + } + className="my-4" + > + + {Throwables.definitions.map((throwable) => ( + + ))} + +
+ + ); +} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/[item]/layout.tsx b/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/[item]/layout.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..58b516b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/[item]/layout.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +import ThrowableSidebar from "@/components/sidebars/ThrowableSidebar"; +import { Throwables } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/throwables"; +import { notFound } from "next/navigation"; + +export default function ThrowableLayout({ + children, + params, +}: { + params: { + item: string; + }; +} & React.PropsWithChildren) { + const throwable = Throwables.definitions.find((item) => { + return item.idString === params.item; + }); + if (!throwable) notFound(); + return ( + <> +


+ {children} +
+ {/* here because reverse flex-col */} + +


+ + ); +} diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/[item]/page.tsx b/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/[item]/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a05cf31 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/[item]/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import GenericMDXPageFactory, { + GenericGenerateMetadataFactory, + GenericGenerateStaticParamsFactory, +} from "@/components/layouts/GenericMDXPageFactory"; +import { Throwables } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/throwables"; + +export const generateMetadata = GenericGenerateMetadataFactory(Throwables); +export const generateStaticParams = + GenericGenerateStaticParamsFactory(Throwables); + +export default GenericMDXPageFactory({ path: "weapons/throwables" }); diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/articles/frag_grenade.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/articles/frag_grenade.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5283efa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/articles/frag_grenade.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +The **Frag Grenade** is an explosive [Throwable](/throwables) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14th, 2024. It can deal high damage, but has an extremely limited inventory capacity and can be risky to use as explosions can deal high damage to the user if the user isn't skilled. + +# Strategies +## Using +- Frag Grenades deal lots of damage and can be used to damage or kill an enemy that is in an area where they can't be shot at, such as behind cover. +- Hold down the fire button to start cooking the grenade. To throw it, put your mouse cursor over to the target and release the fire button. All throwables go to where the mouse cursor is to a limited range. + - Don't cook the grenade for too long (see fuse time), as the grenade can explode in your hands. +- A strategy known as "grenade spamming" is effective during the late game where the safe zone is very small and limiting. + - To do this, cover most of the safe zones with Grenades by rapidly spamming them. + - This will force your opponents out of cover into the zone where you can finish them off using a long-ranged weapon. + - Grenade spamming can also be used to make a quick escape from a fight since it stops opponents from following you. +- You can use the explosive power of the Grenade to launch other grenades, which can be used to damage opponents. + - This also works on loot. Launching loot out of reach of your opponents can be effective in the end game. + - However, make sure to stand back as the grenades can be launched by each other, possibly in your direction depending on the order of the explosions. + +### Grenade Boosting (WIP) +This is a special technique that abuses the behavior of frag grenades pushing other frag grenades. It involves throwing two or more grenades next to each other to get more range than the normal maximum throw distance. (Discovered by Lava and Kenos) + +- The easy way: more consistent, but requires planning + - While not moving both the player and mouse, throw two or more grenades near you, and then move out to avoid the explosion. + - Each grenade will boost each other consistently. + - Point in the opposite direction you want to aim. + +- The fast way: less consistent, but is more dangerous as your opponent has less time to react + - Cook a grenade for (0-2 seconds, longer cook time = more range), and throw it at 2.4 game grids range (about less than max throwing range). + - Immediately after the first grenade, throw another in the same direction with a slightly longer throw distance. + - The first grenade will explode and boost the second. + - Point in the direction you want to aim at. + +- Disadvantages + - There is a large risk factor to grenade boosting, as interference from obstacles (ie. trees) and other explosions (ie. enemy frag grenades) can make grenade boosting inconsistent and may boost a grenade back to you, exploding you. + - Grenade boosts are well telegraphed and can be easily predicted, you can only really use this with scope advantage + - It can waste a lot of frags. + +## Countering +- Move away from the grenade to avoid as much damage as possible. + - This is usually not a challenge but can be if you are in an enclosed space or your opponent times their grenade well. +- If your opponent utilizes "grenade spamming", you can try to rush forward and out-DPS them at close range using a weapon such as the [Flues](/weapons/guns/flues). + + +# Obtaining +Frag Grenades can sometimes be obtained from [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate), but are much more often dropped from [Grenade Crates](/obstacles/grenade_crate). + +# Trivia +- The Frag Grenade is based on the real-life M67 grenade used by the U.S. military + +# History +- v0.15.0 + - Added + + diff --git a/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/articles/smoke_grenade.md b/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/articles/smoke_grenade.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c63cbf84 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/(wiki)/weapons/throwables/articles/smoke_grenade.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +The **Smoke Grenade** is a [Throwable](/throwables) added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on Jan 14th, 2024. Upon detonation, it releases clouds of smoke that lasts for around twenty seconds. + +# Strategies +## Using +- The Smoke Grenade can be used as a way to quickly get a temporary place to hide. + - This means that you can use it as a way to easily dodge bullets or to heal, as the enemy does not know where you are. + - You can also use it in offense as a way to hide yourself while attacking, making it harder for your enemy to find your exact location. + - However, while inside smoke, your scope is reduced to 1x, which can be make it hard to see enemies. +- Unlike the [Frag Grenade](/weapons/throwables/frag_grenade), Smoke Grenades can't be cooked. + +## Countering +- If the enemy is using the Smoke Grenade offensively, you can also hide in the smoke when it is safe to do so. + - Avoid this if the enemy has powerful close-range weapons like shotguns and the [Micro Uzi](/weapons/guns/micro_uzi). + +# Obtaining +Smoke Grenades can sometimes be obtained from [Regular Crates](/obstacles/regular_crate), but are much more often dropped from [Grenade Crates](/obstacles/grenade_crate). + +# History +- v0.16.0 + - Smoke now forces a 1x scope for players in it +- v0.15.0 + - Added + + diff --git a/app/api/loot/chance/route.ts b/app/api/loot/chance/route.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9151afb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/api/loot/chance/route.ts @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +import APIErrorCodes from "@/lib/api/ErrorCodes"; +import { Loots } from "@/vendor/suroi/common/src/definitions/loots"; +import { + LootTables, + LootTiers, +} from "@/vendor/suroi/server/src/data/lootTables"; +import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server"; + +// Handle chance calculations on the server so we dont send all the weapon definitions to the client +export async function GET(req: NextRequest) { + const tableSearch = req.nextUrl.searchParams.get("table"); + const itemSearch = req.nextUrl.searchParams.get("item"); + + if (!tableSearch || !itemSearch) + return new NextResponse(null, { status: 400 }); + + const item = Loots.definitions.find((loot) => loot.idString === itemSearch); + if (!item) + return new NextResponse( + JSON.stringify({ + error: APIErrorCodes.ItemNotFound, + }), + { status: 404 }, + ); + + const lootTable = LootTables[tableSearch]; + if (!lootTable) + return new NextResponse( + JSON.stringify({ + error: APIErrorCodes.LootTableNotFound, + }), + { status: 404 }, + ); + + // Check for item in loot table itself + const lootTableItem = lootTable.loot + .flat() + .find((loot) => "item" in loot && loot.item === itemSearch); + + const tableTotal = lootTable.loot + .flat() + .reduce((acc, loot) => acc + loot.weight, 0); + + if (lootTableItem) { + // Calculate chance early + + return new NextResponse( + JSON.stringify({ + itemName: item.name, + weight: lootTableItem.weight, + total: tableTotal, + chance: lootTableItem.weight / tableTotal, + oneIn: Math.round(1 / (lootTableItem.weight / tableTotal)), + }), + ); + } + + // Search through all the tiers one by one till we find the item + for (const entry of lootTable.loot.flat()) { + if ("item" in entry) continue; // We should have already checked for this + + const tier = LootTiers[entry.tier]; + if (!tier) continue; // This should never happen + + const tierItem = tier.find( + // As of now there should always be `"item" in loot` + // TODO: Make recursive function to expand loot tiers that reference other tiers in the future + (loot) => "item" in loot && loot.item === itemSearch, + ); + + if (!tierItem) continue; + + // Calculate chance + const tierTotal = tier.reduce((acc, loot) => acc + loot.weight, 0); + + const chance = (tierItem.weight / tierTotal) * (entry.weight / tableTotal); + + return new NextResponse( + JSON.stringify({ + itemName: item.name, + itemWeight: tierItem.weight, + tierTotal: tierTotal, + tierWeight: entry.weight, + tableTotal: tableTotal, + chance, + oneIn: Math.round(1 / chance), + }), + ); + } + + return new NextResponse( + JSON.stringify({ + error: APIErrorCodes.ItemNotInLootTable, + }), + { status: 404 }, + ); +} diff --git a/app/api/og/[id]/route.tsx b/app/api/og/[id]/route.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6b3a697 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/api/og/[id]/route.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +// OpenGraph only route +/* eslint-disable @next/next/no-img-element */ +/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/alt-text */ + +import { getSuroiImageLink, getSuroiItem } from "@/lib/util/suroi"; +import { ImageResponse } from "next/og"; +import { NextRequest } from "next/server"; + +export const runtime = "edge"; + +export async function GET(req: NextRequest) { + const id = req.nextUrl.searchParams.get("id"); + if (!id) return new Response("Missing ID", { status: 400 }); + + const item = getSuroiItem(id); + if (!item) return new Response("Item Not Found", { status: 404 }); + const image = getSuroiImageLink(item); + + const inter = await fetch( + new URL("../../../../public/font/Inter-Regular.ttf", import.meta.url), + ).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer()); + const interBold = await fetch( + new URL("../../../../public/font/Inter-Bold.ttf", import.meta.url), + ).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer()); + const spaceMono = await fetch( + new URL("../../../../public/font/SpaceMono-Regular.ttf", import.meta.url), + ).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer()); + + const logoData = await fetch( + new URL("../../../../public/img/logo.png", import.meta.url), + ).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer()); + + return new ImageResponse( + ( +
+ {/* @ts-expect-error */} + +

+ {item.name} +


+ {item.idString} +

+ +
+ +
+ ), + { + width: 1280, + height: 720, + + fonts: [ + { + name: "Inter", + data: inter, + style: "normal", + weight: 400, + }, + { + name: "InterBold", + data: interBold, + style: "normal", + weight: 700, + }, + + { + name: "SpaceMono", + data: spaceMono, + style: "normal", + weight: 400, + }, + ], + }, + ); +} diff --git a/app/api/search/route.tsx b/app/api/search/route.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index dd00678e..00000000 --- a/app/api/search/route.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -// Handle search server side so we don't ship too much of vendor/suroi to the client diff --git a/app/layout.tsx b/app/layout.tsx index 84bcbd6c..fc912992 100644 --- a/app/layout.tsx +++ b/app/layout.tsx @@ -1,20 +1,43 @@ +import NavigationBar from "@/components/interactive/NavigationBar"; +import Footer from "@/components/layouts/Footer"; +import TanstackQuery from "@/components/providers/TanstackQuery"; import type { Metadata, Viewport } from "next"; import { Inter } from "next/font/google"; +import { StrictMode } from "react"; import "./globals.css"; -import { Analytics } from "@vercel/analytics/react"; -const font = Inter({ subsets: ["latin"] }); +const font = Inter({ subsets: ["latin"], variable: "--font-inter" }); export const metadata: Metadata = { + metadataBase: new URL("https://wiki.suroi.io"), + title: { - default: "Suroi Auto Wiki", - template: "%s | Suroi Auto Wiki", + default: "Suroi Wiki", + template: "%s | Suroi Wiki", + }, + description: + "The official wiki for Suroi, an open-source 2D battle royale game inspired by surviv.io.", + openGraph: { + type: "website", + }, + keywords: [ + "suroi", + "surviv", + "suroi.io", + "suroiio", + "wiki", + "open-source", + "battle-royale", + "community", + "shooter", + ], + twitter: { + card: "summary_large_image", }, - description: "Unofficial wiki for Suroi.io. Autogenerated stats and more.", }; export const viewport: Viewport = { - themeColor: "#202020", + themeColor: "#ff7300", colorScheme: "dark", }; @@ -26,10 +49,17 @@ export default function RootLayout({ return ( - {children} - + + + +