Are you tired of adding, committing and pushing your code everytime you change it? If so, you can use this Python script to automate this boring stuff. This code is the simplest one to automate the task.
import subprocess
import sys
The subprocess module allows us to spawn processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes. sys module provides access to some variables used or maintained by the interpreter and to functions that interact strongly with the interpreter.
result =[GIT_PATH, "add", ":/"], check=True)
This line of code stages all changes made to files in the root directory of the repository, no matter what subdirectory the user is in, using the git add command.
message = input("Enter commit message (or press Enter to use default 'Auto commit'): ")
This line of code prompts the user to enter a commit message. If the user enters nothing and presses Enter, the commit message will default to "Auto commit".
remote = input("Enter remote name (or press Enter to use default 'origin'): ")
This line of code prompts the user to enter a remote name for the repository. If the user enters nothing and presses Enter, the remote name will default to "origin".
branchname = input("Enter branch name (or press Enter to use default 'HEAD'): ")
This line of code prompts the user to enter a branch name to which the changes should be pushed. If the user enters nothing and presses Enter, the changes will be pushed to the current branch (HEAD) by default.
result =[GIT_PATH, "commit", "-m", message],check=True)
This line of code commits the staged changes using the commit message provided by the user (or the default message, if none was provided).
result =[GIT_PATH, "push", remote, branchname],check=True)
Finally, this line of code pushes the committed changes to the specified branch and remote.
To use this script, simply run it in the directory where your git repository is located. Follow the prompts to enter a commit message, remote name, and branch name, or press Enter to accept the defaults.
This script assumes that you have already initialized a git repository in the directory where it is being run. If you have not done so, you will need to initialize a git repository using git init before using this script.