The script gives the weather of the city which you enter
Go to the location where the script is on your local computer, then type
python "cityname" "units format" "additional arguments"
- For the cityname, enter the name of the city to get it's weather
- For the units format,
- Enter 1 if you want the data in standard format (e.g Kelvin scale)
- Enter 2 if you want the data in imperial format (e.g Fahrenheit scale)
- Enter 3 if you want the data in metric format (e.g Celsius scale)
Note: If you enter anything other than 1, 2 or 3, then all the units will be in metric format
- For additional arguments,
- Add sun if you want the time of sunrise and sunset
- Add main if you want the temperature data
- Add weather if you want the pressure, humidity and weather description
- Add wind if you want the wind speed and direction
- Add clouds if you want the cloudiness percentage
Note: If you do not add any additional arguments, all the data will be displayed