- Below Vars can be taken from developers.twitter.com
- TRACK_USERS - Username of Twitter Users to Track (User to Take Tweets from)
These Two Vars can be Taken from my.telegram.org
- BOT_TOKEN - Telegram Bot token, get it from @botfather.
- TO_CHAT - Chat id where to send Tweets...
- TRACK_WORDS - Track word overall on Twitter, overlapping 'TRACK_USERS' Var. (eg - 'hello | bye | another word')
- TAKE_REPLIES - to Take Tweets Which are reply to User. Fill (True/False).
- TAKE_RETWEETS - To Take Tweets, which are Retweets, done by User. Fill (True/False)
- TAKE_OTHERS_REPLY - To Take reply on posts of user filled in 'TRACK_USERS'. Fill (True/False)
- CUSTOM_TEXT - Custom Tweet Format
- Click Here to Detailed Info -
- BUTTON_TITLE - text to show on Button
- DISABLE_BUTTON - Disable the button attached to the posts. Fill True/False
- CUSTOM_BUTTON - Custom Url button to attach to Post.
- FILTER_LEVEL - Level on which number of tweets to get and set depends. Fill 'low' or 'medium'.
- LANGUAGES - list of languages, in which tweet should be return. (eg - 'en ru')
- DISABLE_START - Disable '/start' message.
- MUST_INCLUDE - word which should be included in Tweet Text.
- MUST_EXCLUDE - word which should be excluded in Tweet Text.
Button text and url are seperated by "-"
Two or more Buttons are seperated by "|"
Use "||" to seperate Button rows.
Button-https://google.com || Button2-https://telegram.org
- It will create a 2 buttons one below another.
Button-https://google.com | Button2-https://telegram.org || Button-https://google.com | Button2-https://telegram.org
It will create 2 rows, and 2 same button in each.