Like many code projects, we use linters to ensure that all of the code is written consistently and error-free. Specifically, we use ESLint and Prettier. We ask that all pull requests pass our linting rules.
The following instructions will set up the server as well as the linters. We assume that you will be using Microsoft's Visual Studio Code, which is a very nice code editor. Some adjustments will be needed if you are using a different editor.
- Hardware Prerequisites
- Installation for Development (Windows)
- Installation for Development (MacOS)
- Installation for Development/Production (Linux)
- Running the Server in Development
Building the client code can be memory intensive. Make sure that your system has at least 2 GB of RAM.
- Open a Command Prompt as an administrator.
- Install Git (if you do not already have it installed):
winget install --accept-source-agreements --silent --exact --id Git.Git
- Install Golang (if you do not already have it installed):
winget install --accept-source-agreements --silent --exact --id GoLang.Go
- Install Node.js (if you do not already have it installed):
winget install --accept-source-agreements --silent --exact --id OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS
- Install Visual Studio Code (if you do not already have it installed):
winget install --accept-source-agreements --silent --exact --id Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
- Install PostgreSQL v14 (if you do not already have it installed):
winget install --accept-source-agreements --silent --exact --id PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL.14
- Note that versions other than 14 will probably work fine, if you already have a separate version installed.
- Configure Git (if you do not already have it configured):
git config --global "Your_GitHub_Username"
git config --global "[email protected]"
- Make it so that PostgreSQL only listens on localhost instead of on all interfaces:
notepad "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\data\postgresql.conf"
- Add a "#" in front of the "listen_addresses" line.
- Save the file.
net stop postgresql-x64-14
net start postgresql-x64-14
- Create a new database and set up a database user:
set PGPASSWORD=postgres
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin\psql.exe" -U postgres
\c hanabi
CREATE USER hanabiuser WITH PASSWORD '1234567890';
(replace "1234567890" with a more secure password if you want)GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE hanabi TO hanabiuser;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO hanabiuser;
- Clone the repository:
cd [the path where you want the code to live]
(optional)- If you already have an SSH key pair and have the public key attached to your GitHub profile, then use the following command to clone the repository via SSH:
git clone [email protected]:Hanabi-Live/hanabi-live.git
- If you do not already have an SSH key pair, then use the following command to clone the repository via HTTPS:
git clone
- Or, if you are doing development work, then clone your forked version of the repository. For example:
git clone [email protected]:[Your_GitHub_Username]/hanabi-live.git
- Enter the cloned repository:
cd hanabi-live
- Change from the Windows Command Prompt to Git Bash:
- Install some dependencies:
- Set up environment variables:
notepad .env
- Enter a random 128 character alphanumeric string for "SESSION_SECRET".
- Verify that "DOMAIN" and "DB_PASSWORD" are correct.
- Save and exit.
- Install the database schema:
- Open VSCode using the cloned repository as the project folder:
code .
- Test the TypeScript linter:
- On the left pane, navigate to and open "packages/client/src/main.ts".
- Open the "Problems Pane", if it is not already open. (You can use the "Ctrl + Shift + M" hotkey to do this, or "View" --> "Problems" from the menu.)
- Add a new line of "test" somewhere and watch as an ESLint warning appears in the bottom pane. (There is no need to save the file.)
- See Running the Server in Development.
- Install the Homebrew package manager (if you do not already have it installed):
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install Git (if you do not already have it installed):
brew install git
- Install Golang (if you do not already have it installed):
brew install golang
- Install Node.js (if you do not already have it installed):
brew install node
- Install Visual Studio Code (if you do not already have it installed):
brew cask install visual-studio-code
- Install PostgreSQL (if you do not already have it installed):
brew install postgresql
- Configure Git:
git config --global "Your_GitHub_Username"
git config --global "[email protected]"
- Enable launching Visual Studio Code from the command line.
- Create a new database, and set up a database user:
brew services start postgresql
psql postgres
(on MacOS, there is no password by default)\password postgres
- Enter a secure password for the postgres user. (This is the "master" account that has access to all databases.)
\c hanabi
CREATE USER hanabiuser WITH PASSWORD '1234567890';
(replace "1234567890" with a more secure password if you want)GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE hanabi TO hanabiuser;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO hanabiuser;
- Clone the repository:
cd [the path where you want the code to live]
(optional)- If you already have an SSH key pair and have the public key attached to your GitHub profile, then use the following command to clone the repository via SSH:
git clone [email protected]:Hanabi-Live/hanabi-live.git
- If you do not already have an SSH key pair, then use the following command to clone the repository via HTTPS:
git clone
- Or, if you are doing development work, then clone your forked version of the repository. For example:
git clone [email protected]:[Your_GitHub_Username]/hanabi-live.git
- Enter the cloned repository:
cd hanabi-live
- Install some dependencies:
- Set up environment variables (optional):
open -t .env
- Enter a random 128 character alphanumeric string for "SESSION_SECRET".
- Verify that "DOMAIN" and "DB_PASSWORD" are correct.
- Save and exit.
- Install the database schema:
- Open VSCode using the cloned repository as the project folder:
code .
- In the bottom-right-hand corner, click on "Analysis Tools Missing" and then on "Install". You will know that it has finished once it displays: "All tools successfully installed."
- Test the Golang linter:
- On the left pane, navigate to and open "src\main.go".
- If you get a pop-up asking to use any experimental features (e.g. gopls), ignore it and/or do not allow it to proceed.
- Add a new line of "testing" somewhere, save the file, and watch as some "Problems" appear in the bottom pane.
- Add a blank line somewhere, save the file, and watch as the blank line is automatically removed (because VSCode will automatically run the "goimports" tool every time you save a file).
- Test the TypeScript linter:
- On the left pane, navigate to and open "packages/client/src/main.ts".
- Add a new line of "testing" somewhere and watch as some "Problems" appear in the bottom pane. (There is no need to save the file.)
- See Running the Server in Development.
These instructions assume you are on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Some adjustments may be needed if you are on a different flavor of Linux.
- Make sure the package manager is up to date:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
- Install Git:
sudo apt install git -y
- Install Golang:
sudo apt install golang -y
- Install PostgreSQL, create a new database, and set up a database user:
sudo apt install postgresql -y
sudo -u postgres psql
(on Linux, there is no default password; you must connect through the "postgres" operating system account)CREATE DATABASE hanabi;
\c hanabi
CREATE USER hanabiuser WITH PASSWORD '1234567890';
(replace "1234567890" with a secure password)GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE hanabi TO hanabiuser;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO hanabiuser;
- Install nvm and Node.js:
sudo apt install curl -y
curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"
nvm install node
(this installs the latest version)
- Configure Git:
git config --global "Your_GitHub_Username"
git config --global "[email protected]"
- Clone the server:
cd /root
(or change to the path where you want the code to live; "/root" is recommended)- If you already have an SSH key pair and have the public key attached to your GitHub profile, then use the following command to clone the repository via SSH:
git clone [email protected]:Hanabi-Live/hanabi-live.git
- If you do not already have an SSH key pair, then use the following command to clone the repository via HTTPS:
git clone
- Or, if you are doing development work, then clone your forked version of the repository. For example:
git clone [email protected]:[Your_GitHub_Username]/hanabi-live.git
- Enter the cloned repository:
cd hanabi-live
- Install the project dependencies:
- Install the project development dependencies (but only in non-production environments):
- Set up environment variables:
vim .env
- Enter a random 128 character alphanumeric string for "SESSION_SECRET".
- Verify that "DOMAIN" and "DB_PASSWORD" are correct.
- Save and exit.
- Install the database schema:
- If you are in development, see Running the Server in Development.
- If you are in production, see Install as a Service.
- Open a shell/terminal, if you do not already have one open.
- On Windows, you should use Git Bash.
- Run the server:
- This will run the server forever until you either close the terminal window or cancel it with Ctrl + C.
- If you are on Windows, you might have to accept a Windows Firewall dialog (because a new program is listening on new ports).
- If you are on MacOS or Linux, then
might be necessary to run this script because the server listens on port 80 and/or 443. If you do not want to usesudo
, then change the port to e.g. 8000 by editing the ".env" file and restarting the server.
- Open a second shell/terminal. (We need to leave the first one open, since it is running the server.)
- Run the TypeScript listener:
- This will run
forever until you either close the terminal window or cancel it with Ctrl + C. esbuild
will scan for any changes to TypeScript files and automatically update themain.min.js
- Open a browser and go to: http://localhost/
- If it does not work or is stuck loading, press F12 to open the JavaScript console for hints as to what went wrong.
- If you update any Golang files, you will have to manually stop and start the server.
- If you update any TypeScript files, you will have to manually refresh the page to pick up the new changes.
- If you update any CSS files, you might also need to run crit
to re-generate the critical CSS, which is necessary for the content the users see first. The "crit" version takes a long time, but you only need to run it once before committing your changes. - You can also go to "http://localhost/login=test1" to automatically log in as "test1", "http://localhost/login=test2" to automatically log in as "test2", and so forth. This is useful for testing a bunch of different users in tabs without having to use an incognito window.
sudo apt install iptables-persistent -y
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m state --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport http -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport https -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6432 -s localhost -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5432 -s localhost -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8081 -s localhost -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4
This assumes that you installed the server to "/root/hanabi-live". If not, you will need to edit the paths in the below commands and edit the contents of the three Supervisor files.
- Install Supervisor and install the service:
To manage the service:
- Start it:
supervisorctl start hanabi-live
- Stop it:
supervisorctl stop hanabi-live
- Restart it:
supervisorctl restart hanabi-live
This assumes you installed the server to "/root/hanabi-live". Adjust if needed.
crontab -e
# Every day, backup the "hanabi" database
0 0 * * * /root/hanabi-live/
This assumes you installed the server to "/root/hanabi-live". Adjust if needed.
- Download and compile gdrive:
go get
- Add it to the path:
export PATH="$PATH:/root/go/bin" && echo >> "~/.bashrc" && echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/root/go/bin"' >> "~/.bashrc"
- Go to the Google Drive service account project page.
- If you are starting fresh, you will have to create a new Google Drive account, create a new service account, and create a new project. For more information, see this GitHub issue.
- Actions --> Create key --> JSON --> Create
mkdir -p "~/.gdrive"
vim ~/.gdrive/hanabi-live-c3373cecaf32.json
- Paste it in.
- Find the ID of the subdirectory inside of the Google Drive account that you want the file to be uploaded to:
gdrive list --service-account "hanabi-live-c3373cecaf32.json" --max 9999 | grep dir
vim /root/hanabi-live/.env
Adjust the "certbot" command below according to what domain names you want to register.
sudo apt install certbot -y
certbot certonly --standalone -d -d -d -d -d -d
(this creates "/etc/letsencrypt/live/")- In the
file:- Set
- Set
- Set
crontab -e
# Every day, keep the Let's Encrypt certificate up to date
0 0 * * * /root/hanab-live/