The Edmonds-Karp Algorithm is a specific implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. Like Ford-Fulkerson, Edmonds-Karp is also an algorithm that deals with the max-flow min-cut problem.
Ford-Fulkerson is sometimes called a method because some parts of its protocol are left unspecified. Edmonds-Karp, on the other hand, provides a full specification. Most importantly, it specifies that breadth-first search should be used to find the shortest paths during the intermediate stages of the program.
Edmonds-Karp differs from Ford-Fulkerson in that it chooses the next augmenting path using breadth-first search (bfs). So, if there are multiple augmenting paths to choose from, Edmonds-Karp will be sure to choose the shortest augmenting path from the source to the sink.
C[n x n] : Capacity Matrix
E[n x n] : Adjacency Matrix
s : source
t : sink
f : maximum flow
f = 0 // Flow is initially 0
F = [n x n] // residual capacity array
while true:
m, P = Breadth-First-Search(C, E, s, t, F)
if m = 0:
f = f + m
v = t
while v != s:
u = P[v]
F[u, v] = F[u, v] - m //This is reducing the residual capacity of the augmenting path
F[v, u] = F[v, u] + m //This is increasing the residual capacity of the reverse edges
v = u
return f