After each crawl, the script is run with the date of the crawl. For example:
sql/ -t -h 2017_09_01
This will generate timeseries and histogram reports for all metrics using predefined SQL queries. The histogram queries will fill table placeholders with the crawl date provided. For example:
SELECT ... FROM `httparchive.runs.${YYYY_MM_DD}_pages* ...`
will become
SELECT ... FROM `httparchive.runs.2017_09_01_pages* ...`
After executing the histogram/timeseries queries for each metric on BigQuery, the results will be saved as JSON on Google Storage. For example, the bytesJS
histogram would be saved to gs://httparchive/reports/2017_09_01/bytesJS.json
. The timeseries for the same metric would be saved to gs://httparchive/reports/bytesJS.json
Sometimes it's necessary to manually run this process, for example if a new metric is added or specific dates need to be backfilled. The script can be run with a different configuration of flags depending on your needs. From the script's documentation:
# Flags:
# -t: Whether to generate timeseries.
# Note to run in incremental mode also need to use -h to pass date
# -h: Whether to generate histograms. Must be accompanied by the date to query.
# -f: Whether to force histogram querying and updating even if the data exists.
# Timeseries are usually appended to from last date, but this flag forces a complete rerun
# -l: Which lens to run.
# Can also be set to ALL to run both the base (lens-less) report and all lenses.
# -r: Optional pattern match for reports to be run. Use quotes to avoid the shell expanding names
# (e.g. "*crux*")
You can omit one of the -t
or -h
flags to focus only on histogram or timeseries generation. The -f
flag ensures that histogram data gets overwritten. Omit this flag to skip queries for dates that already exist (much faster for batch jobs, see below).
If you're adding a new metric, it would be a pain to run the generation script manually for each date. HTTP Archive has over 300 crawls worth of dated tables in BigQuery! The script can be used to get all of the dates in YYYY_MM_DD
format for a particular table type. For example, if your new metric depends on the pages
tables of the runs
dataset (eg httparchive.runs.2017_09_01_pages
), you could get the dates representing all of the matiching tables by running this command:
sql/ runs pages
Or if you want to limit the results to a particular range, you can pass in upper and lower bounds:
sql/ runs pages 2015_01_01 2015_12_15
The output of this script is a newline-delimited list of dates. This format enables convenient piping of the output as input to the script. For example:
sql/ runs pages | \
xargs -I date sql/ -h date
handles the processing of each date and calls the other script.
TODO: document sql/
. This updates one histogram/timeseries at a time.
without the -f
flag will result in metrics whose JSON results are already on Google Storage to skip being requeried. To regenerate results for specific metrics, the easiest thing to do may be to remove its results from Google Storage first, rather than running with the -f
flag enabled and waiting for all other metrics to be queried and uploaded.
For example, if a change is made to the reqTotal.sql
histogram query, then you can "invalidate" all histogram results for this query by deleting all respective JSON files from Google Storage:
gsutil rm gs://httparchive/reports/*/reqTotal.json
The wildcard in the YYYY_MM_DD position will instruct gsutil
to delete all histogram results for this specific metric.
Now you can delete more metric-specific results or rerun
without the -f
flag and only the desired metrics will be requeried.
Note that may still contain the old version of the JSON file for the duration of the TTL. See below for more on invalidating the cache.
The Google Storage bucket is behind an App Engine load balancer and CDN, which is aliased as Accessing the JSON data follows the same pattern as the gs://
URL. For example, the public URL for gs://httparchive/reports/2017_09_01/bytesJS.json
is Each file is configured to be served with Content-Type: application/json
and Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600
The cache lifetime is set to 1 hour. If the cache needs to be invalidated for a particular file, this can be done by an administrator in the App Engine dashboard.
A whitelist of origins are allowed to access the CDN. This list is maintained in config/storage-cors.json and is configured to allow development, staging, and production servers. To save changes to this file, run:
gsutil cors set config/storage-cors.json gs://httparchive`
This will update the CORS settings for the Google Storage bucket.