In order to fetch the code:
$ git clone [email protected]:HISKP-LQCD/Z2-phi4.git
$ cd Z2-phi4
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
To build the program you may create a build directory and copy inside one of the the build script of the folder example_script. One example
to build on marconi100 (Nvidia volta 100).
mkdir build
cd build
cp ../example_script/ .
if you want to build the program somewhere else you need to change the path inside the script (src_dir=where_I_create_the_build_directory). If the compilation goes well a folder main will be created with the executable. you can add option
in the building scritp to have more extra info on the timer
copy the example for the infile ( and create the output directory. The output directory is specified in the file ad outpath
cp ../../ .
mkdir data
./main -i
for the GPU pascal of Qbig you need at least 25 local metropolis step to saturate the bandwith
metropolis_local_hits = 25
The configuration are written in binary files with an header, the function to write the configurations are in
with the functions
void write_header(FILE *f_conf, cluster::IO_params params ,int iconf)
void write_viewer(FILE *f_conf,int layout_value, cluster::IO_params params, int iconf , const Viewphi &phi )
The configuration will be written in the outpath folder specified in the infile with a tipical name
The contraction are written in binary files with an header which differs from the header of the configuration. The header is written with
@ modules/measurements.cpp
void write_header_measuraments(FILE *f_conf, cluster::IO_params params )
After the header there is an int (configuration number) and a block of data (sizeof(double) * T * number_of_correlators) corresponding to the contraction done with that configuration. The clock of data is written with the instructions
write (int) configuration_number
for(int t=0; t<T; t++) {
write (double) correlator 1 at time t
write (double) correlator 2 at time t
write (double) correlator 3 at time t
- Random number generator:
- randlux serial Not used anymore
- Mersenne twister parallel Not working on GPU
- Kokkos random generator: Vigna, Sebastiano (2014). "An experimental exploration of Marsaglia's xorshift generators, scrambled" See:
- Cluster update
- add routines for
, not really helpful
- add routines for
- Appending
- Header to the confs
- Measurements
- parallelization
- OMP : Kokkos