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Hackathon Hackers Europe (or HHEU for short) is an organisation targeted at helping student lead hackathons around europe. We are here to bring the hackathon organiser and attendee community together to make hackathons easier to run and partipate in.
HHEU put on events throughout the year to help meet our objectives like the HHEU conference.
{% for questions in %}
{% endfor %}{% for person in %}
{% endfor %}
We are proudly supported by:
{% assign sponsors = | where:"type","sponsor" %}
{% for sponsor in sponsors %}
{% include sponsor_block.html entity=sponsor %}
{% endfor %}
And powered by:
{% assign partners = | where:"type","partner" %}
{% for partner in partners %}
{% include sponsor_block.html entity=partner %}
{% endfor %}
Got another question? Reach out to us on [email protected]!